AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part - 23 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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GG just really doesnt get the basics. As for his disrespectful comments well what can i say i think he is totally off the mark. This is by far the best AFL game ever made and i personally can not wait for next year when we have on going seasons and trading bring on AFL LIVE 2012 i say!

GG is ether a really dumb buisiness person or a 14 year old keyboard warrior
some of the so called bugs add to the game anyway, injuries in the last quarter at times happen to me, but the players can usually play through the less serious ones, seems realistic to me. I didnt even think that was a bug til i read people saying it was here.

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some of the so called bugs add to the game anyway, injuries in the last quarter at times happen to me, but the players can usually play through the less serious ones, seems realistic to me. I didnt even think that was a bug til i read people saying it was here.

The bug is not the first injury it's how it blows out to 5 injuries after the first one. It's being patched so will no longer be an issue.
I'm sorry but that GG bloke is a flog. The only justification I have for this is in his own posts. BigAnt have created a magnificent game and I don't mean a magnificent game for the allowed budget.

That is all.

Well said. He hasn't even played the game, having only watched a couple of videos on youtube.

Then comes up with ways to improve the game without even thinking about budgets etc. Typical Port Power turncoat I guess.
2 things that are really frustrating me is the gameplan reverting to default after every game in season mode. I have a specific setup that works for me, which involves changing nearly every setting, and i have to do it every time. I forgot the other day, and was getting thumped by Geelong until about half way through the 3rd quarter it finally twigged as to why it was all going wrong. Pegged some goals back after that but not enough.

The other issue is the stupidity of my team mate's AI. They just have no idea. It's very frustrating when you're in dire need of help and your blokes are all running away from the contest, while the opposition AI knows exactly what to do and gets numbers around the ball.

Don't get me wrong, i love the game, but those are just a couple of things that are starting to grind at me.
Won't be playing again until after the patch.

Every team I play has 2-4 players and use the smother glitch for set shots. Impossible to win.
2 things that are really frustrating me is the gameplan reverting to default after every game in season mode. I have a specific setup that works for me, which involves changing nearly every setting, and i have to do it every time. I forgot the other day, and was getting thumped by Geelong until about half way through the 3rd quarter it finally twigged as to why it was all going wrong. Pegged some goals back after that but not enough.

The other issue is the stupidity of my team mate's AI. They just have no idea. It's very frustrating when you're in dire need of help and your blokes are all running away from the contest, while the opposition AI knows exactly what to do and gets numbers around the ball.

Don't get me wrong, i love the game, but those are just a couple of things that are starting to grind at me.

I'm pretty sure mine stays the same in regards to tactics.

And with the AI not helping you, try switching to a player further from the ball just before your controlled player is about to pick it up. Then if you run to space, the AI will pass it to you, generally.

I think this happens anyway, I havn't played in 2 weeks. C'MON PATCH!!
I'm pretty sure mine stays the same in regards to tactics.

And with the AI not helping you, try switching to a player further from the ball just before your controlled player is about to pick it up. Then if you run to space, the AI will pass it to you, generally.

I think this happens anyway, I havn't played in 2 weeks. C'MON PATCH!!

Close but not quite. As you said, change to a player further away from the ball and run to space with him. Then when your AI teammate picks up the ball, it will switch you into control of him. Handball or quickly kick it to the guy you just ran into space with.

It's a great tactic. You can also shepherd with the right stick with the guy you change to. Or you can man up an opponent to stop him getting free - all while your closest AI teammate will pick up the ball or lay a tackle if his opponent picks it up. Just remember, you will auto-change to your AI player if he picks up the ball.
God-awful coding...
Refers to actual game-play. Not the graphics, menus, or the 2 songs, or lack of features. The coding of the game-play mechanics isn't very good. And many of you have said so yourselves. What, I or people can't be critical or honest? One must ass-kiss? Game reviews of AFL Live all back up the criticisms. So reviewers around the australia and the world are all "offensive" too? R.Symons accepts only praise?

A game review of AFL Live

Take note of how much criticism is written about broken, unbalanced, game-play, the coding itself. A rating of 4/10 speaks for itself.

NRL Live was also pretty bad. Consensus of opinion there too. But we can't be honest? Must censor and mock consumers who criticize...but we can respect the opinion of a game reviewer?

I made suggestions and asked R.Symons about improving the product, finding avenues for funding to increase the budget, seeking the AFL for instance, who wouldn't be adverse to it, and asking about actual costs/figures. He said, "that kind of funding is impossible", when I never said a figure, but asked what figure "never" is, he didnt respond but to say "you're naive, im in the industry". He also said, and other posters "yeah'd" him back that it's bad business and no one would fund or invest more into something without guarantee of profit. But only have to look at the AFL itself investing hundreds of millions into expansion thru Qld and NSW. There's no guarantee there. How about R.Symons tell the AFL they're naive and ignorant, like many did, and they'll say exactly what I said to Mr.Symons about the AFL Live game too. Pushing the envelope.

R.Symons said 85,000 was like a cap of sales. I disagree. How many PS3 and X360 consoles are owned by Australians? Anyone got the number? Take away people who own dual consoles. What's a rough figure? Or, another way, how many copies of COD Blops were sold in Australia? Or other popular titles? If a company wants to play it safe and just be content with 85,000 sales, that's their business. But don't tell me it's impossible to sell more than 85,000 until you give me figures back about top-selling games in Australia. Naturally, if a game is bare-boned and not very good game-play, people aren't going to buy it as much as a game that gets great reviews because it has more features and great game-play. Yes, that's mostly relative to budget (not including those few games with small budgets but huge sales).

Lucas Arts/$15M...
Mr.Symons claimed Lucas Arts funded BB or NM, but I doubt that. NM's euphoria engine was utilized in the Star Wars Unleased titles, red dead redemption, some other games, and they got paid for it. Building up income as well thru the iphone app. He also said NM lost $15M on BB, which i doubt too. That's a pretty big loss, that'd put a company out of business. I cant verify or deny these yet, am attempting to find out. So i cant say anything about that yet.

My main point to Mr.Symons ascertain the budget for AFL Live, a rough/exact number. Then inquire for instance, how much it would cost to utilize the Euphoria engine? x dollar figure. Supposedly 85,000 max sales, $85 game price = $7.3M return. If the AFL Live 2011 budget was only $4M then there's room there to increase the budget, to seek a new engine, funding, work out a budget for the next iteration of AFL Live, and if we have say 200,000 console owners in Australia, then there's nothing unrealistic about trying to get 200,000 sales.

Geez, im such a devil, a naive ignorant and despicable individual...for daring to criticize honestly the game's flaws, to make suggestions. Must only ass-kiss it seems.

Lol at the rest of you, jumping in with "yeah **** that GG guy". You heard about throwing stones in glass houses....go thru all your posts criticizing other games or even AFL Live behind Mr.Symons back. Hypocrites.
Gamearena review of 4/10 speaks for the reviewer more then anything. This is the same guy that gave ODST a 5/10. He makes little sense he states it has a steep learning curve, yet is too easy at the same time???

Have you seen the other reviews GG? They're getting 6 and 6.5 which I think is about right considering there is no player management. Suggest you play the game before criticising the gameplay which I believe after playing it a lot captures AFL pretty damn well.

I've seen other reviews of 6 yes. My point was to bring up that someone other than GG did savage the game, a game reviewer, and those kinds of reviews are just as valid as those who lavish extreme praise. Seriously read thru his review tho, there are many "awful coding" comments he makes about various aspects of the game-play itself. But that's ok for him but not anyone else who has a valid opinion?

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I've seen other reviews of 6 yes. My point was to bring up that someone other than GG did savage the game, a game reviewer, and those kinds of reviews are just as valid as those who lavish extreme praise. Seriously read thru his review tho, there are many "awful coding" comments he makes about various aspects of the game-play itself. But that's ok for him but not anyone else who has a valid opinion?

I read his review and thought it to be rambling and incoherent, I then read his back catalogue of reviews. Have to say I don't agree with any of his reviews (of games I've actually played). One of the highest games he has rated is ****ing singstar???

IMO he has no credibility, no wonder he is working for the Bigpond site. Find another credible review that back up his points and I would take it on board.
Won't be playing again until after the patch.

Every team I play has 2-4 players and use the smother glitch for set shots. Impossible to win.

If your the same Notorious that is on XBOX360.

I played you in a epic game the other day as port and won by a point. Loved playing you it was a sweet backwards and folwards game. Was a game where a draw would have been just

Ill happily play you any time you like without cheating like those other bastards
Seriously GG, what do you want us to say?

You want us to agree with you that the coding is crap even though we are having an absolute ball playing the game? Do we really all have to like and dislike all the same things in life?

Different strokes for different folks.

Ant is spot on about that reviewer too. Gives reviewers everywhere a bad name and when Singstar is your highest rated game, you lose all credibility.

Bout to play a few matches online with any luck :thumbsu::thumbsu:
What about the coding is crap, exactly?

Half of his review is simply wrong. He's whinging because his player wont soccer the ball when he's not pressing the button at the right time. He's claiming the clear/goal kick is overpowered when using it exclusively would see you get cut to ribbons by a good team.

Guess what, if I played my mates of FIFA and none of them had ever played before, i'd wallop them as well. As I would in any multiplayer game that I had vastly more experience in when playing against someone who had never played it before. Absolutely ridiculous comment.

By not buying AFL live, you can basically ensure that there wont be another AFL game for the forseeable future.

The review is awful not because of the score it gives, but because of the way it's written and inconsistencies with the opinions of a dozen people in this thread who have actually played the game extensively.

If you're not going to play the game before forming an opinion, why post that opinion as fact in an argument with people who know what they are talking about?
What about the coding is crap, exactly?

Half of his review is simply wrong. He's whinging because his player wont soccer the ball when he's not pressing the button at the right time. He's claiming the clear/goal kick is overpowered when using it exclusively would see you get cut to ribbons by a good team.

Yeah I thought that dumb as well. When you're about to be tackled you've only got time to quickly hit the clearing kick which at best puts it to a 50/50 situation.

I'm talking playing against another human opposed to the AI.
Yeah, in multiplayer I mean. It's so much harder to counter someone who can effectively use A to move the ball upfield, hitting lead after lead on the chest. Using X just makes it a 50/50 ball again.
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