Training 2025 Training Updates | Standards are… TBC

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Josh Goater – Goater injured his Achilles in round 1 last year and appears virtually back to full fitness. He won a groundball in defence during a full-ground drill and set the ball the other way, earning cheers from teammates.

Zac Fisher – The ex-Blue was indifferent in his first year at Arden Street while dealing with injury. But his dash has remained and he bounced off half-back several times during the lengthy session.

Will Phillips – Midfield minutes are only going to be harder to win at North in 2025 but Phillips looks to be doing everything he can to break through. He looks to have bulked up slightly and found plenty of the ball.

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Over 20m he’s tested much quicker
Testing just doesn't replicate game scenarios though. What scenario in-game has you running 20m+ in an exact straight line at full pelt, unless you're Lewis Jetta in the 2012 prelim? I reckon, ball in hand, McKercher wins. I reckon, chasing some other rapid bloke with the ball, McKercher also wins. Interested to know if others disagree
Testing just doesn't replicate game scenarios though. What scenario in-game has you running 20m+ in an exact straight line at full pelt, unless you're Lewis Jetta in the 2012 prelim? I reckon, ball in hand, McKercher wins. I reckon, chasing some other rapid bloke with the ball, McKercher also wins. Interested to know if others disagree
Definitely quicker over 150
Big doesn't mean slow. Xerri's got some wheels, just ask Liam Ryan.
I know. I'd have said Buddy was probably in the top two or three quickest at the Hawks for a while there. I'd say X hit lung-bursting gear there. It's not that he's slow, but rather that that effort was well above his usual pace, and he'd probably struggle to replicate it
Testing just doesn't replicate game scenarios though. What scenario in-game has you running 20m+ in an exact straight line at full pelt, unless you're Lewis Jetta in the 2012 prelim? I reckon, ball in hand, McKercher wins. I reckon, chasing some other rapid bloke with the ball, McKercher also wins. Interested to know if others disagree

Don’t hold all,your hopes on a bloke who couldn’t get a regular game at his last club
A bloke with a St Kilda username, who apparently supports Essendon, commenting on the North board, inferring something from my comment, about an ex-Dogs player, which I did not imply in the slightest.

I think I need a lie down
A bloke with a St Kilda username, who apparently supports Essendon, commenting on the North board, inferring something from my comment, about an ex-Dogs player, which I did not imply in the slightest.

I think I need a lie down

Tbf they have used their 406th post in 10 years on you so you should be flattered
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Testing just doesn't replicate game scenarios though. What scenario in-game has you running 20m+ in an exact straight line at full pelt, unless you're Lewis Jetta in the 2012 prelim? I reckon, ball in hand, McKercher wins. I reckon, chasing some other rapid bloke with the ball, McKercher also wins. Interested to know if others disagree

McKercher takes about 10m to get going.

He’s probably the fastest player in the game 15-50m

Goad is quicker over 20, but Colby would be meters ahead of him after 30…
Thinking of coming down to watch the boys train tomorrow, never been to training, how does it work. Just open doors, walk in?

Good on you man, honestly love hearing about first timers getting involved.

Yep you can walk right on in. Just park in the parking lot next door, grab yourself a coffee from the cart and chill back in the stands and shade while watching the lads train.

Don’t forget to update us!
Goad looks involved
Courtesy of GL:


Finn is in a lot of those photos, so hopefully a good sign that we've finally found someone that can be in the right place at the right time to receive on the outside... & then hopefully use their foot skills to our advantage.


Josh Goater – Goater injured his Achilles in round 1 last year and appears virtually back to full fitness. He won a groundball in defence during a full-ground drill and set the ball the other way, earning cheers from teammates.

Zac Fisher – The ex-Blue was indifferent in his first year at Arden Street while dealing with injury. But his dash has remained and he bounced off half-back several times during the lengthy session.

Will Phillips – Midfield minutes are only going to be harder to win at North in 2025 but Phillips looks to be doing everything he can to break through. He looks to have bulked up slightly and found plenty of the ball.
I can reaffirm the above from training today.
I didn’t see the Goater moment in the half match sim/drill they were doing, but I heard all the boys cheering him afterwards. Can’t see how he plays anytime soon by the look of that left leg - it is so out of proportion with the rest of his body!
Fisher was definitely busy in match sim playing off half back. He ran hard for the overlap & hit some nice short-medium kicks.
Phillips played onball all the whole time, either on Parker or LDU & had some good moments - laid a good tackle on Parker at one point. He does look very fit.
WP was still trialing his opponent at every stoppage. Not sure if this is a directive & he is going to play the tagger role. If not, he needs to get more proactive & look to win it himself off the tap.
Some other things that stood out:
Curtis is really putting in the hard yards. He was sprinting in last drill when others were struggling in the heat.
Powell looks absolutely primed.
Wardlaw looked sharp.
Parker is such a competitor.
Darling was taking time to give instructions to our younger players.
Goad is a specimen. So fast & athletic for his size. Didn’t look out of place in the ruck.
I can reaffirm the above from training today.
I didn’t see the Goater moment in the half match sim/drill they were doing, but I heard all the boys cheering him afterwards. Can’t see how he plays anytime soon by the look of that left leg - it is so out of proportion with the rest of his body!
Fisher was definitely busy in match sim playing off half back. He ran hard for the overlap & hit some nice short-medium kicks.
Phillips played onball all the whole time, either on Parker or LDU & had some good moments - laid a good tackle on Parker at one point. He does look very fit.
WP was still trialing his opponent at every stoppage. Not sure if this is a directive & he is going to play the tagger role. If not, he needs to get more proactive & look to win it himself off the tap.
Some other things that stood out:
Curtis is really putting in the hard yards. He was sprinting in last drill when others were struggling in the heat.
Powell looks absolutely primed.
Wardlaw looked sharp.
Parker is such a competitor.
Darling was taking time to give instructions to our younger players.
Goad is a specimen. So fast & athletic for his size. Didn’t look out of place in the ruck.
Wouldn't worry too much about the leg mate. You can get all your strength, balance, rate of force development, plyometrics, etc. within 5% symmetry and your leg can still look flipping weird for years after a big injury.

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Training 2025 Training Updates | Standards are… TBC

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