Conspiracy Theory World Economic Forum

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1. Why would socialists desire mass global starvation?

2. You're telling me that Rupert Murdoch has a 'secret Socialist agenda?

Rupert ******* Murdoch. The closet socialist.


He was somewhat more left very early on in his media career, but pretty quickly dumped that in favour of pursuing what made him money and power. He apparently hates Trump but was quite willing to promote him with Fox because it made Murdoch money.

Doesn't seem the kind of guy who half a century later is going to try to enact a secret socialist agenda to me, seemed his principles were always 'flexible'.
1. Why would socialists desire mass global starvation?

2. You're telling me that Rupert Murdoch has a 'secret Socialist agenda?

Rupert ******* Murdoch. The closet socialist.

I have absolutely zero idea if Murdoch is a socialist but its so funny seeing leftists confused about why rich people in power want socialism. It's cute, because they think socialism actually works and think that those in power do to. When in fact it's the exact opposite. Putting the middle class into socialism and living as an oligarchical ruling class above the rules of the masses and developing a private utopia feeding constantly on an increased cattle class subject to socialist laws is the easiest way for billionaires to convert their current wealth and power that is subject to attack and competition in a free market system to a form of permanent legally-backed protection. Socialism for the many is Eden for the few.

That's the only reason any one with money or power supports socialism, because they think it won't apply to them. People without money also support socialism, but that is out of selfishness and stupidity in thinking it will actually help them.
I don't know, it always ends up like that though.

So you're saying that the WEF (a conglomeration of Capitalist billionaires, including Rupert Murdoch)... are all secretly Socialist?

Can you not stop for a second and maybe (just maybe) acknowledge that they're capitalists (the literal opposite thing to socialists) and the real enemy here is... capitalism?

And maybe (just maybe) you're actually batting for the wrong team here?

If you don't want billionaires making decisions about your future, become a ****ing socialist.
I have absolutely zero idea if Murdoch is a socialist

The campaigner literally devotes his entire media empire to opposing left leaning political parties, and decrying socialism.

You think Fox News advocates for socialism?

I mean come on dude. I know you believe in some self-evidently false shit, but that's a howler, even from you.

Surely (surely) if Murdoch wanted some form of global socialist State to form, he'd be using his vast media empire to support it.

but its so funny seeing leftists confused about why rich people in power want socialism. It's cute, because they think socialism actually works and think that those in power do to. When in fact it's the exact opposite. Putting the middle class into socialism and living as an oligarchical ruling class above the rules of the masses and developing a private utopia feeding constantly on an increased cattle class subject to socialist laws is the easiest way for billionaires to convert their current wealth and power that is subject to attack and competition in a free market system to a form of permanent legally-backed protection. Socialism for the many is Eden for the few.

Dude, after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, all of the wealthy (Bourgeoise) people in Russia lost literally everything as their goods, property and wealth were seized by the new Communist State.

Literally all private property (all of it) was nationalized, with ownership transferred to the State. Literally all bank accounts were nationalized (and all money in those accounts) as were all banks. Wealthy landowners and capitalists either fled the country or were sent to the Gulags. All land was seized by the State and redistributed to the workers. All Noble titles were removed (as were all ranks in the army).

Why the **** would any billionaire support such a system?

That's the only reason any one with money or power supports socialism

The WEF dont want socialism. They dont want the elimination of private property and money (and profit). They want unregulated capitalism.

Why on earth do you think billionaires (like Rineheart, Murdoch, Palmer, Trump etc) tend to actively support Right wing + Capitalist political parties (the Republicans, Liberal party, Tories etc) donating significant amounts of money to those parties, using their vast media empires to support them (and oppose socialist parties on the left) and even running for office for them?

If you think those billionaires (and others like them) 'desire socialism' you're completely and utterly deluded.

They want capitalism. Deregulated, free market, capitalism.

You just don't seem to get it here. Your enemies here are billionaire capitalists (which is also the system that let them become billionaires in the first place). Not socialists.

The sooner you acknowledge the above and realize the brainwashing they've done on you to support the very capitalist system that got them into power in the first place (while also convincing you to oppose the very system that could actually bring them down in socialism) the better.

And I say this as a capitalist.
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You are dead wrong in saying unregulated capitalism is desired. Regulations serve as a barrier to entry, thus maintaining the status quo. The regulations they don't like are ignored, breaking laws and paying a fine is just a business decision.

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You are dead wrong in saying unregulated capitalism is desired. Regulations serve as a barrier to entry, thus maintaining the status quo.

Name a single regulation that stops you from becoming a billionaire.

It's not regulations stopping you. It's talent.

Most individuals on the Forbes 400 list did not inherit the family business but rather made their own fortune. Kaplan and Rauh found that 69 percent of those on the list in 2011 started their own business, compared with only 40 percent in 1982. In other words, there are fewer people on the Forbes 400 list who came from an affluent background and eventually took over the family business, such as brothers David and Charles Koch (Koch Industries) and the Walton siblings (Wal-Mart), and more self-made people such as Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), Philip Knight (Nike), and Stephen Schwarzman (Blackstone Group), who had an upper middle-class upbringing and eventually built their own successful companies.

I'm not a socialist. I'm a capitalist.

Take a risk, get a good idea, start a business, and make some money. Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffet, Sugar etc. all did it.

Every year the % of self made billionaires increases, and the % of inherited billionaires drops.

You don't seem to understand. Why do you think Rineheart, Murdoch, Trump and Palmer (the latter two literally running for and obtaining office) have all collectively spent literally hundreds of millions of dollars opposing left wing/ socialist parties, and supporting right wing/ capitalist pro-business parties?

You think those four desire socialism? Seriously?
Name a single regulation that stops you from becoming a billionaire.

It's not regulations stopping you. It's talent.
There are regulations about how many pharmacies there can be in a given area, for example. There are all sorts of rules regarding how close they can be together, definitions of what a large shopping centre is, whether they can supply PBS medications and recieve the govt handout. It is absolutely a barrier to entry to anyone wanting to open a pharmacy. I'm sure similar regulations exist in other industries.
Take a risk, get a good idea, start a business, and make some money. Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffet, Sugar etc. all did it.

Every year the % of self made billionaires increases, and the % of inherited billionaires drops.
Attend private school, have rich influential parents...

The beginnings of those guys are well documented. None of them could be said to have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, they received significant advantages due to being born wealthy.
Attend private school, have rich influential parents...

The beginnings of those guys are well documented. None of them could be said to have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, they received significant advantages due to being born wealthy.

You're good at missing or denying the point that refutes your argument. Of Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffet, and Sugar, only one was born into a wealthy family (Gates).

A 3-minute google exercise could prevent your ignorance from being so obvious next time.
You're good at missing or denying the point that refutes your argument. Of Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Buffet, and Sugar, only one was born into a wealthy family (Gates).

A 3-minute google exercise could prevent your ignorance from being so obvious next time.
In what what way were they not wealthy? Besides Sugar who i don't know, they were all from wealthy families.
In what what way were they not wealthy? Besides Sugar who i don't know, they were all from wealthy families.

How hard is this to understand? Just because you assert it, doesn't make it true - their families were NOT wealthy. Each of them has earned their own significant wealth.
How hard is this to understand? Just because you assert it, doesn't make it true - their families were NOT wealthy. Each of them has earned their own significant wealth.
You need to take your own advice and know that just because you assert it, it doesn't make it true.

Zuckers attended a very expensive private school, Bezos got ~250k from his parents to start his business, Buffets dad was a congressman.

In addition to that, Zuckers stole the facebook idea, and was successfully sued to that effect. The paltry settlement he paid pales in comparison to his current wealth. Gates business practices are well known, with the end result being no competitor to the OS.
You need to take your own advice and know that just because you assert it, it doesn't make it true.

Zuckers attended a very expensive private school, Bezos got ~250k from his parents to start his business, Buffets dad was a congressman.

In addition to that, Zuckers stole the facebook idea, and was successfully sued to that effect. The paltry settlement he paid pales in comparison to his current wealth. Gates business practices are well known, with the end result being no competitor to the OS.

Zuckerberg's family was middle class. He went to a public school first, then went to the private school at the end. Nothing extraordinary there. The Facebook story is irrelevant to your assertion.

Bezos' father was a drunk, and his mother left him to re-marry when he was 4. His stepfather was a working-class migrant.

Buffett (from his bio): "The son of Howard Homan Buffett, financier and politician, and Leila Buffett, his early life was marked by poverty resulting from the Financial Crash of 1929. Although it sounds like something that many children pursue, living in poverty for the first six years of his life made Warren's decision to become wealthy."
LuvtheKangas take your own advice and google them. Buffets father was a stockbroker and congressman, bezos family was wealthy, they literally funded him for $250k to start amazon and owned a large ranch, zuckers family were wealthy. His very expensive private school is only year 9-12, he had to go somewhere before that. That school currently charges $50k a year tuition, hardly within the means of even middle class families.
LuvtheKangas take your own advice and google them. Buffets father was a stockbroker and congressman, bezos family was wealthy, they literally funded him for $250k to start amazon and owned a large ranch, zuckers family were wealthy. His very expensive private school is only year 9-12, he had to go somewhere before that. That school currently charges $50k a year tuition, hardly within the means of even middle class families.

You're splitting hairs and you know it. None of these were "wealthy" families.

And which bit of Buffett living in poverty as a child do you not get?
You're splitting hairs and you know it. None of these were "wealthy" families.

And which bit of Buffett living in poverty as a child do you not get?
Not wealthy? I already outlined the reasons they were wealthy. Buffet living in poverty up to the age of 6 during the great depression can be offset by his father becoming a congressman and earning 5-6 times the average salary by the time he would be finishing primary school.

You have simply made up the origin stories for these guys like they were characters in a comic book. They all came from wealthy families.
The Facebook story is irrelevant to your assertion.
My assertion that the wealthy love regulation? In this example zuck committed ip theft and profited handsomely from it. Reverse the roles and you can be sure zucko will deploy an army of lawyers to protect his ip. The phrase 'pulling up the ladder behind you' comes to mind.

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