NWO/Illuminati The New World Order Super-Thread

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Why do you give the other types of Christians a free pass though? Seems a bit disingenuous.

Call them all out.
I only dont call out Gnostics. The only "christian" strain that made sense. Religion per se isnt the blame, how it was powered, lied about. Better than religion is spirituality. A sense of. It is noble to have that. Religion itself, with doctrines and rules etc is a control mechanism

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Absurd that you're posting about the Taliban (who support child marriage for fu**s sake) banning Poppy cultivation as a blow to 'Child exploitation'.
Let's not mention the cultural practice of 'dancing boys' either.
Wait... the dreaded 3 letter agency NSA are the good guys now?

So hard to keep up :tearsofjoy:
Not quite as good as the TMW agency

(Two More Weeks)
I can certainly see the Islamist Taliban working for 'International financiers, Banking Cabals, and Hollywo...'

Oh screw it, you get the picture.
It's almost like the troll behind Q is just trying to make things as outlandish as possible just to see how gullible people can be.
It could even be Trey Parker and Matt Stone struggling to contain their laughter as they invent more fantasies that deep-CTs will just unquestionably latch onto.l
It's almost like the troll behind Q is just trying to make things as outlandish as possible just to see how gullible people can be.

There are no limits.

He told the cookers that Biden and Trump had engaged in a face swap like Travolta in Face off and they gobbled it up.

If you're curious as to who Q is:

8kun's founder, Fredrick Brennan, was quoted in a June 2020 article in The Atlantic saying, "I definitely, definitely, 100 percent believe that Q either knows Jim or Ron Watkins, or was hired by Jim or Ron Watkins."[29] In an interview on a September 2020 episode of the podcast Reply All, Brennan explained that he believes the Q account was originally operated by someone else, but that Watkins and his father took control of the persona, most likely around December 2017.[33] PJ Vogt of Reply All has said he discussed Brennan's theory with other journalists who write about Q, and that "some of them think it's likely; everyone agrees it's more than plausible".[34] Both Watkinses have denied knowledge of Q's identity.[28][29] In September 2020, Brennan theorized that the original "Q" was a South African 4chan poster called Paul Furber, and that once Q moved to 8chan, Ron Watkins used his login privileges as the forum's administrator to take control of the account.[35]

A verified account on Parler claiming to be Watkins made several posts on November 15, 2020, appearing to confirm theories that his father was Q.[36] It was later determined that security researcher Aubrey Cottle had taken advantage of Parler security flaws to change the name of an already-verified Parler account, giving it the appearance of belonging to and having been verified as Watkins.[37] This incident led to a feud between Watkins and Parler investor Dan Bongino, with Watkins publicly criticizing Parler's security on Twitter and describing the service as "compromised". Bongino responded by tweeting insults at Watkins.[38][39]

Watkins and his father were interviewed over several years for Cullen Hoback's six-part HBO docuseries about QAnon and the identity of Q, titled Q: Into the Storm. In the final episode of the series, Watkins said in an interview, "It was basically three years of intelligence training, teaching normies how to do intelligence work. It was basically what I was doing anonymously before, but never as Q." Watkins then smiled and corrected himself, saying "Never as Q. I promise. Because I am not Q, and I never was".[40] Hoback viewed this as an inadvertent admission from Watkins, and concluded from this interview and his other research that Ron Watkins is Q.[41][42][43]

On 19 February 2022 The New York Times reported that linguistic analysis of the Q posts by two forensic linguistic teams indicated that Paul Furber was the main author of the initial Q posts, and Ron Watkins took over in 2018. Watkins again denied being Q,[31] and published on Telegram a sonnet rebutting the claims.

Ron Watkins - Wikipedia


Lebbo73 that dude is the dude you've been worshipping as a savant for 3 years.
There are no limits.

He told the cookers that Biden and Trump had engaged in a face swap like Travolta in Face off and they gobbled it up.

If you're curious as to who Q is:

Ron Watkins - Wikipedia


Lebbo73 that dude is the dude you've been worshipping as a savant for 3 years.
Ron Watkins isn’t Q. He might be an Anon but he definitely isn’t Q.

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There are no limits.

He told the cookers that Biden and Trump had engaged in a face swap like Travolta in Face off and they gobbled it up.

If you're curious as to who Q is:

Ron Watkins - Wikipedia


Lebbo73 that dude is the dude you've been worshipping as a savant for 3 years.
Yep, seems likely it was started as a laugh by some random chan trolls, then handed to the Watkins' when it gained more traction than they ever imagined and morphed into something they weren't ready for. There's been analysis done suggesting a change in writing style in Q drops around the date cited in that article.

Ron Watkins isn’t Q. He might be an Anon but he definitely isn’t Q.
I'm sure this is just as accurate as everything else you post here.
Yep, seems likely it was started as a laugh by some random chan trolls, then handed to the Watkins' when it gained more traction than they ever imagined and morphed into something they weren't ready for. There's been analysis done suggesting a change in writing style in Q drops around the date cited in that article.

I'm sure this is just as accurate as everything else you post here.
You’re pushing the false propaganda that Russia’s slaughtering Ukrainian citizens so I’ll happily ignore any of your judgements. If you turn off Channel 7 and CNN you might wake up. I don’t know how you treat those cold sweats and shakes you’ll probably suffer though.
You’re pushing the false propaganda that Russia’s slaughtering Ukrainian citizens
This is incredibly sad, yet somehow funny at the same time.

I know this is forlorn hope at this stage, but please mate, educate yourself.
Point by point debunking of the Russian narrative, including some instances of Russian state-owned media torpedoing their own Bucha denials in other reporting.

Bucha: evidence and evidence

A day ago, we had only a few photos and videos from Bucha, which shocked everyone. Now there is much more evidence - other photos, videos, and most importantly - eyewitness accounts, including those recorded by independent journalists and human rights organizations. Here are some links:

Deputy from Bucha Katerina Ukraintseva talks about how the city lived during the occupation

Stories from Bucha residents | ‘They gave their rations to the people in the basement, then threw down a grenade’ Bucha City Council Deputy Kateryna Ukraintseva describes life under Russian occupation. — Meduza

The story of local resident Vladislav Kozlovsky about what happened in Bucha, including the executions

Short video from Mediazona, two minutes - frame-by-frame analysis of the video, which in telegram channels began to be called a fake, because supposedly “corpses are moving” there (here is a video in good quality and you can see that no one is moving there)

NY Times video from Bucha, also civilian corpses with their hands tied.

Regarding the argument “But Bucha was released already on March 30-April 1” and there are no corpses there was: video with corpses from April 1
post 1 post 2

Human Rights Watch report on war crimes, including those that took place in Bucha.
(if anyone suddenly thinks that HRW is a pro-Western organization and is acting against Russia, then here is their statement about the torture of Russian prisoners).

In fact, there is already a ton of stuff on the internet, including from credible media outlets. If you want to find information, just turn on the VPN and start googling the word Bucha. If you want to calm down and brush it off, you can turn on the TV or read the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "you are all lying."

In summary: the number of evidence confirming the involvement of Russian troops (including Kadyrov's men) in the killings of civilians is growing. From the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, we have so far only a statement that this is all fake, not a single civilian (!) In Bucha was injured (and they said so). This, just in case, I remind you, is said by approximately the same people in whom Navalny poisoned himself, a Boeing MH-17 shot down a Ukrainian fighter, and Russia did not attack Ukraine.
Story upon story from residents who lived through it, corroborating events.

Forget the 2020 US election - if this is a hoax, it is the most smoothly oiled stitch-up job in world history, perpetrated with an almost supernatural level of execution. In an active war zone :tearsofjoy:
Last edited:
This is incredibly sad, yet somehow funny at the same time.

I know this is forlorn hope at this stage, but please mate, educate yourself.
Point by point debunking of the Russian narrative, including some instances of Russian state-owned media torpedoing their own Bucha denials in other reporting.

Story upon story from residents who lived through it, corroborating events.

Forget the 2020 US election - if this is a hoax, it is the most smoothly oiled stitch-up job in world history, perpetrated with an almost supernatural level of execution. In an active war zone :tearsofjoy:
Ron Watkins isn’t Q. He might be an Anon but he definitely isn’t Q.

He literally admitted to posting (repeatedly)as Q, and this has been independently verified by a number of sources, including language experts and IT people.

It was him and someone else (likely his dad) following on from a different person (a random troll or Russian) starting the whole thing.

None of what you believe to be true is real mate. It's literally just some dickheads on the internet grifting vulnerable people like you into subscribing and following their content, so they can monetize their accounts.

Only you would unironically try to support these claims via an RT video.

"Russia has been very assiduous in it use of force" :tearsofjoy:
"Clear they are under orders to minimise potential harm to Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure" :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
"Plenty of evidence" to support Russia's version of events, it just hasn't been collected :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Yes Scott, I'm sure Ukraine has plenty of resources to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation within days of the discovery at the moment :drunk:

This is the shit you uncritically buy, whilst labeling everyone else brainwashed sheep? Absolutely incredible dude :drunk:

Good to see the apologists have at least come to terms with the fact they are actual dead bodies though - no more talk about corpses sitting up after the car drives past as they tried on initially. Progress there at least.

Why doesn’t the Western World want a proper investigation into what happened in Bucha, alco bourbons ?
lol. They do, you utter plonker.

Like.. how could you not know this? Tell me you engage exclusively with utter garbage sources without telling me you engage exclusively with utter garbage sources :tearsofjoy:
Only you would unironically try to support these claims via an RT video.

"Russia has been very assiduous in it use of force" :tearsofjoy:
"Clear they are under orders to minimise potential harm to Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure" :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
"Plenty of evidence" to support Russia's version of events, it just hasn't been collected :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Yes Scott, I'm sure Ukraine has plenty of resources to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation within days of the discovery at the moment :drunk:

This is the shit you uncritically buy, whilst labeling everyone else brainwashed sheep? Absolutely incredible dude :drunk:

Good to see the apologists have at least come to terms with the fact they are actual dead bodies though - no more talk about corpses sitting up after the car drives past as they tried on initially. Progress there at least.

lol. They do, you utter plonker.

Like.. how could you not know this? Tell me you engage exclusively with utter garbage sources without telling me you engage exclusively with utter garbage sources :tearsofjoy:
The Pentagon said that they have no proof that Russia committed any atrocities in Bucha.
There was no evidence presented that went close to proving that Russia was responsible for shooting down MH17 either. If anything, the evidence for this points squarely at Ukraine. Old Buk missiles were used that Ukraine possessed at the time and Russia no longer used.
The Pentagon said that they have no proof that Russia committed any atrocities in Bucha.
rofl. At this point we can pretty much assume that with anything you post, the literal opposite is true. You're that much of a parody :drunk:

Meanwhile, the Pentagon said Russian forces are obviously responsible for the atrocities in Bucha, even as it acknowledged it was not yet sure precisely which units were operating in the area.

Some more gold from Russia;
Sergei Lavrov insisted Russia has 'empirical evidence' proving they are not responsible for Bucha massacre.
Earlier today, Lavrov vowed that Russia would hold a press conference in New York where they would present 'the most detailed material to show the true nature of incidents in Bucha'.

But at a press conference held this evening, Russia's envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, did not present any evidence that they were not responsible for the atrocities or that the images had been staged.

Instead, Nebenzya said Russia will present the alleged proof to the UN Security Council at the earliest opportunity.
I believe he then said everything will be revealed in 2 weeks :tearsofjoy:

When even the DailyFail acknowledges reality, might be time to do the same.
rofl. At this point we can pretty much assume that with anything you post, the literal opposite is true. You're that much of a parody :drunk:

Some more gold from Russia;

I believe he then said everything will be revealed in 2 weeks :tearsofjoy:

When even the DailyFail acknowledges reality, might be time to do the same.
Those same bodies you can see hop up in the side door mirror of a car as it drives past. 😂
Those same bodies you can see hop up in the side door mirror of a car as it drives past. 😂
Ohh lawd :tearsofjoy:

Good to see the apologists have at least come to terms with the fact they are actual dead bodies though - no more talk about corpses sitting up after the car drives past as they tried on initially. Progress there at least.
Spoke too soon it seems.

Not even the Russians are running with that anymore you realise? :drunk:

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