The Harsh Realities of Football

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Well the Year is over as usual its been an up and down yr, many have their ideas of who is good and who isnt but people have to realise it takes 8 , 10 or 12 years to build a Premiership Team. With our club rarely having a bad yr imo in the last 15 yrs missing the Finals maybe 3 or 4 times its a fantastic achievement to play consistant, competitive Football. Many want instant gratification :eek: and ultimate success, but i can see and name players who i feel will make us stronger next yr. We took the decision after we lost to the Saints to play guys who may not be ready and we were impressed to win the next 6 games. The younger guys added enthusiasm and skill but the yr took its toll. From last nights side when fit i can see Ross, Goldstein, Jones, Jess Smith, McIntosh, Hansen, Swallow? being regulars next yr a big chunk not to mention our 1st two picks from last yr playing Tarrant and Greenwood. Remember that to be a coach u need belief and faith in players even when everyone is against you, we are hopefully not far away, and in life in general u need hope and belief. As for last night the players tried their guts out and this picture paints a thousand words , you also learn more about people in the hard times too. Long Live North Melbourne. And to all my North Melbourne comrades never give up Supporting and Fighting for the Club We Love[/IMG]

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