STARDOM discussion thread (On Stardom World and PIA, "We Are Stardom" on YouTube)

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this is the exclusive subscriber only report from Meltzer (not that his Stardom news has already been spot on):

Stardom founder and booker Rossy Ogawa was fired today by Bushiroad after being accused of attempting to poach talent to leave the promotion.

The story dates back about nine months when Bushiroad execs started overruling Ogawa to the dismay of both himself and talent and some of the more outlandish booking decisions. Ogawa constantly being overruled on booking and business decisions by Bushiroad Fight President Katsuhiko Harada led to his decision to leave the company. Harada was later replaced by Taro Okada in that position in November. However this continued under Okada and Ogawa had already made plans to leave.

He had been under the impression that he would have autonomy on booking and business when he sold Stardom to Bushiroad in 2009. That included a five year-non compete.

It was known that the affiliation between the two sides was going to end on 2/18 as Ogawa had given notice some time back. At first, today’s show was to be his final show, but then the sides agreed to sever ties on 2/18. However, Bushiroad decided to get ahead of the story two weeks early and made the announcement publicly that he was fired after the talent was told in a meeting following today's show in Osaka.

A lot of the talent is loyal to Ogawa, who founded the company and gave most of the women their career breaks. Expect several departures from the group in March, when most of the contracts expire. The only wrestler under a longer term commitment to Stardom is IWGP Champion Mayu Iwatani, because of the movie on her life coming out.

Bushiroad had known about talent leaving and some were given legal threats in recent weeks. Those who are leaving wouldn't be doing so until their contracts expire. This is part of the story of why Giulia will not be wrestling in Chicago and had said she was taking time off in March, when her contract expires.

Ogawa is not going to WWE.

Okada and Bushiroad Fight merchandise manager Oyama will take over as the bookers for Stardom effective immediately. The two don't have any background as bookers although Okada was part of a pro wrestling club while in college that staged matches.

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some talent contracts expire at the end of March, they're scheduled for the WM weekend show and a big PPV at the end of April.

it's all a bit doom and gloom atm.

Any other theories why he got the boot? Seems like a sad situation that caught everyone off guard.
Any other theories why he got the boot? Seems like a sad situation that caught everyone off guard.
not a credible theory, but NXT Japan? you would think the way KAIRI left and now with Giulia leaving, that there might be smoke to that fire.

It was a bit of booking ideology, and BushiRoad wanting more say over who gets pushed. Also the Halloween show (and trying to more it a bit of sports entertainment) was their concept, and fans were quite negative on that.
According to interview with the new president, Rossy was poaching in December. They told him to stop but he didn’t. Wrestlers were told he would be leaving at end of March, and obviously they have brought the decision forward,

It wouldn’t surprise if he started his own company again. Would be interesting to see who follows and who he can recruit.
so according to Fumi Saito (friend of Rossy) on Pacific Rim podcast (below summary from reddit):
  • 6 “main event level wrestlers” are leaving Stardom immediately, and are joining Rossy after March
  • 5 American (possibly? other nationalities for these gaijin, but kept saying “American”) wrestlers have agreed to come aboard for the new promotion
  • “Golden Rookies”
  • Mayu Iwatani wants to leave, and WILL when she’s able… to join the new promotion. Also, alludes to two popular “Jr. Heavyweight” (assuming Saito means high speed?) wrestlers want to leave, but can’t for awhile
  • The new promotion’s name has been registered, logo ready to go, dojo currently being worked on, titles are currently being made (World title, Secondary title, and Tag Team Titles). Later confirms trio’s as well
  • Freelancers will play a major part in new promotion
  • Ogawa plans to run “big arenas” this year

video link to podcast

appears that Syuri is most likely one of the main eventers (possibly other members of God's Eye too)

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so it's apparently 8 seeded wrestlers:
final four from last year's tournament (MIRAI, Ami Sourei, Waka Tsukiyama, and Mai Sakurai), last year's 5 Star GP winner (Suzu Suzuki), and three "company picks." (Hazuki, AZM, Mei Seira)

Unseeded participants will use a "knockout" style mini-tournament to pick the top 8 unseeded participants.

Seeded plus the top 8 unseeded will then enter into a standard single-elimination tournament to pick the winner.

EDIT: no one (aside from 2-time tournament winner MIRAI) has held either the Red or White belts.
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next champ?

March 16th (Sat) Hyogo/Acrier Himeji Cinderella Tournament 2024 2nd round​

◆Cinderella Tournament 2024 Second Round
Waka Tsukiyama vs Winner of Momo Kohgo vs. Xena

◆Cinderella Tournament 2024 Second Round
Hazuki vs Winner of Koguma vs. Ruaka

◆Cinderella Tournament 2024 Second Round
AZM vs Winner of Sayaka Kurara vs. Natsuko Tora

◆Cinderella Tournament 2024 Second Round
Mai Sakurai vs Winner of Miyu Amasaki vs. Ranna Yagami

Cinderella Tournament: Rules​

・The first round will be a 10 minute match, the 2nd round to the quarterfinals will be a 15 minute match, the semi-finals will be a 20 minute match, and the final will be a one time unlimited match.
・Up to the semi-finals, over-the-top rope will be used in addition to normal wrestling rules to determine the winner. In the event of any tie, both players will be disqualified.
・The final will be under normal wrestling rules.
・The winner will receive a Cinderella dress.

The opening match will be held on March 9th (Saturday) at Yokohama Budokan.
The second round will be held on March 10th (Sunday) at Korakuen Hall and March 16th (Saturday) at Hyogo/Himeji.
The quarterfinals will be held on March 17th (Sunday) at Shiga/Maibara.
Tournament Semi-finals and finals will be held in Nagoya on March 20th (Wednesday holiday)
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free matches from the PPV:
pre-show match: Ami Sourei vs. Suzu Suzuki vs. Mai Sakurai vs. Mei Seira vs. MIRAI vs. AZM vs. Hazuki vs. Waka Tsukiyama
opening match: Rina (c) vs. Miran (Future of Stardom championship)
Cinderella Round 1: Yuzuki vs. Starlight Kid
Miran (from the Diana promotion) was really good here and she's only 14! (vs 'old hag' 17 yr old Rina)
MIRAI's streak in Cinderella tournaments is over.
Stephanie Vaquer (from CMLL) defeated Giulia for the NJPW Strong Women's title. Might be Giulia's final Stardom appearance.

EDIT: looks like they might do Tam vs Giulia one final time before she leaves.
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MIRAI's streak in Cinderella tournaments is over.
Stephanie Vaquer (from CMLL) defeated Giulia for the NJPW Strong Women's title. Might be Giulia's final Stardom appearance.

EDIT: looks like they might do Tam vs Giulia one final time before she leaves.

What was going on after the match with the title? People seemed to think Giulia was trying to do the 'hand over the title with respect' thing and Vaquer wasn't having any of it.

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