Alien/UFO Silent black UFO Triangles

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i reckon the russia might have some gear in seriba

or the yanks vould have something under denver airport u and me dont know about
I agree with the denver airport bit.
The yanks have kept this secret very well.
Nobody vould ever think to look under the airport.
These things here are 100% legit and move exactly like that in real life.. was two at once and fly's in two's from the other reports I've seen too (so it's not coming down spinning for mechanical failure), from what I read they just come down over suburban estates, hover for some odd reason and take off lol. They were rotating anti clockwise just like in every other video of them I've seen. When it took off all these fancy pulsing lights starting flashing in sequence, looked like it was powering up lol, both of them that is (simultaneously).

Whatever the **** they are anyway. They looked like they were just taking photo's of our estate, perhaps they're owned by google lol. Imagine seeing something that big the size of 4 cars 20 meters above your head, dead silent LOL. It's like looking up and seeing something like the moon in front of your face just hovering there, you'd think something that big would at least resonate something.

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These things here are 100% legit and move exactly like that in real life.. was two at once and fly's in two's from the other reports I've seen too (so it's not coming down spinning for mechanical failure), from what I read they just come down over suburban estates, hover for some odd reason and take off lol. They were rotating anti clockwise just like in every other video of them I've seen. When it took off all these fancy pulsing lights starting flashing in sequence, looked like it was powering up lol, both of them that is (simultaneously).

Whatever the **** they are anyway. They looked like they were just taking photo's of our estate, perhaps they're owned by google lol. Imagine seeing something that big the size of 4 cars 20 meters above your head, dead silent LOL. It's like looking up and seeing something like the moon in front of your face just hovering there, you'd think something that big would at least resonate something.

That is some of the worst CGI I've seen. Belongs in a low budget UFO movie .... probably where it came from.
The black triangle UFOs are very real. They aren't aliens but they are secret military crafts of some description.
They have been filmed dozens of times and even have a name for them "TR-3B".
I read somewhere they're not capable of space flight, just high altitude flight at high speed, but it's all speculation really :eek:
Hayakawa says Fouche's info on the Astra is disinformation and it doesn't exist.
Others have researched him and say he did have the credentials he said he had.

120000 feet
Changes the gravity of the craft reduces it by 89%
First flight was around 1994
Test models were what were seen in the famous Belgian flying triangle videos.

Theres a bit of info on him, interview and a ufo meeting speech, and the other aircraft, the blackbird, the manta (tr3a) at the bibliotecapleyades site
Hayakawa says Fouche's info on the Astra is disinformation and it doesn't exist.
Others have researched him and say he did have the credentials he said he had.

120000 feet
Changes the gravity of the craft reduces it by 89%
First flight was around 1994
Test models were what were seen in the famous Belgian flying triangle videos.

Theres a bit of info on him, interview and a ufo meeting speech, and the other aircraft, the blackbird, the manta (tr3a) at the bibliotecapleyades site
Fouche is a scammer. I think he has admitted as much
there were a lot of sightings of moving lights around that time in Melbourne, 2000-2003 era. Anything is possible..

I remember seeing orange lights flying in sequence during the summer period of 2002..

Only on one direction, not zig zagging..

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In 1882 astronomers saw two black triangles rendezvous in front of the moon.

I think many ppl pass off the more curious Ufo sightings as military tests but it's a little bit harder to do that with sightings from the 19th century such as this one and others.

I reckon a lot of the sightings are test flights originating from Earth.

But the technology had to come from somewhere first
Because the cratfs use some sort of futuristic propulsion systems we don't see any evidence of liftoff IMO
Posting this to remind myself to watch it later. Nearly all of the footage is of other planes LOL...

I saw a black triangle in the mid to late 90's. 97/98 I reckon it was. I caught a glimpse of it through trees when I was in the back of my parents car, and of course they wouldn't stop to let me look at whatever it was.

Unbelievably, it was still in the same spot when we drove back on the same road about 5 minutes later. Just hovering in the air. My only issue with remembering what I saw is whether or not it had 3 lights or 4. I think when I saw it, I could see the outline of the craft, with 3 lights underneath the craft near each point of that triangle.
Where my memory falters is when I saw a drawing of the craft a year later. It either had an extra light that I didn't see, or it was missing an extra light that I did see. I don't know for sure if the craft I saw had a light in the middle of the triangle or not.

If I saw it with the extra light, the drawing I saw only had the 3 lights. If I saw the craft with only 3 lights, the drawing I saw had 4 lights. That's why I can't remember precisely what it looked like. But I definitely could see the triangle shape against the sky, and it either moved very little - or not at all - in the 5 minutes from when I first saw the lights through trees to when I saw it directly in the sky with no trees blocking my view.

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