Conspiracy Theory Pizzagate *DEBUNKED

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Pizzagate is about pedo rings. Originally it was about Hilary Clinton, although she's not Jewish, nor is the guy who owned the pizza shop.
Its about the Q version of pedo rings. Satanic democrat cabals, drinking blood, eating babies, adrenochrome farms etc.

ie. pure nonsense. Stuff that actually gets in the way of efforts to police the real stuff like Epstein, and which actual anti-pedo operatives wouldn't be caught dead associating with. Its a LARP.
Its about the Q version of pedo rings. Satanic democrat cabals, drinking blood, eating babies, adrenochrome farms etc.

ie. pure nonsense. Stuff that actually gets in the way of efforts to police the real stuff like Epstein, and which actual anti-pedo operatives wouldn't be caught dead associating with. Its a LARP.
Don't forget Jews, it's also about that as well, apparently.
Pizzagate is about pedo rings.

So is Qanon, and so is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов), or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion (Протоколы собраний ученых сионских мудрецов), is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination. Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy.

Beginning in 1933, distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if they were factual, to be read by German schoolchildren throughout Nazi Germany,[1] although the text had been exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and by the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia

The above book discusses this:

Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation)[1][2] is an antisemitic canard[3][4][5] which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals.[1][2][6] Blood libels often claim that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos, an unleavened flatbread which is eaten during Passover. The accusations often assert that the blood of Christian children is especially coveted, and historically, blood libel claims have been made in order to account for the otherwise unexplained deaths of children.


All three conspiracy theories are about a 'secret cabal of Elites' who ritually murder and rape children, cannibalizing (blood libel) the children after the fact. These 'elites' are usually framed as being in cahoots with Socialists, Communists and Liberals (leftist/ anti Nationalist types) and are usually also linked into other conspiracies where the same 'elites' are responsible for a policy of 'Cultural Marxism' (Judeo Bolshevism) and taking over the world via 'international banking' and 'financing' while also 'undermining/ replacing the white race'.

These conspiracies are nothing new. They've been around for literally centuries.

The Nazis literally used Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a factual textbook for children, and it was the reason they enacted the Holocaust on the Jewish people of Europe.

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There’s always been a certain amount of salaciousness in these conspiracy theories, and there are theories going back about the awful sexual depravity of the Catholics or later on of the Jews. So you’re always going to find a certain amount of attention paid to any kind of conspiracy theory involving sexual proclivity of trafficking. And if it involves children, people immediately just lose their mind — even if these children don’t exist. There are no children who have been trafficked because of Pizzagate because Pizzgate isn’t real.

But if you just put out the suggestion there, it grabs ahold in a way that is difficult to dislodge. I think a lot of it has to do with antisemitism. I think a lot of it has to do with fear of the occult and Satanic panic. So you get all of these things that are mixed together: the anti-Jewish sentiment, the fear of Satanism. And, of course, now it extends to social media. So you have these powerful figures, in media, in politics, in culture, academia. It’s very easy to kind of put these people together as part of this vast conspiracy. And if there’s a conspiracy of them, well, they’re probably doing horrible things to children, too, because that’s what evil people do.

Pizzagate, QAnon and the ‘Epstein List’: Why the Far Right Is Obsessed with Sex Trafficking

Really good article that explains the 6,000-year history of conspiracies like Pizzagate and Qanon.

They are not new conspiracies, and they're not actually true. They're also mostly antisemitic in nature.

the Far Right Is Obsessed with Sex Trafficking

Really good article that explains the 6,000-year history of conspiracies like Pizzagate and Qanon.

They are not new conspiracies, and they're not actually true. They're also mostly antisemitic in nature.
Er 1 - such people are not usually far right, for example I’ve always voted labour, without great conviction but libs are full of creeps too, and health care and education finding are my priorities.
2 - if trump is proved guilty I’m sure he’ll be ripped to shred by the same ones baying for Clinton’s blood , I sure will.
3 - this is an apologist type article, acting as public relations for the elite pedo ring
4 - being abused myself as a child by dirty bastard men and their helper women happened to me personally. Get f-Ed
3 - this is an apologist type article, acting as public relations for the elite pedo ring

It's nothing of the sort.

Saying 'Pizzagate and Qanon are ****ing made up' is not apologizing for paedos. If anything, people claiming those things are real are the ones covering up for paedos, because the real paedos are usually uncles, teachers, family members and men in positions of power over kids and not 'satanic pizza cults using tunnels to farm children out to Democratic senators for blood libel and cannibalism'.

4 - being abused myself as a child by dirty bastard men and their helper women happened to me personally. Get f-Ed

Sorry that happened to you, but the perpetrator wasn't a 'Satanic pizza shop/ cult run by the Jews' was it?
Why are right-wing conspiracies so obsessed with pedophilia?

The children were being sodomized in secret underground tunnels. Their captors drank blood in front of them and staged satanic ritual sacrifices. Sometimes the kids were filmed for pornographic purposes. In total, some several hundred children were subjected to this treatment. And it all happened in the middle of a safe neighborhood where crimes were not supposed to happen, let alone such unspeakable and horrific ones.

Not that anyone else witnessed the abuse. Nor was there any clear evidence that it was actually happening. But people were sure it was real. It made too much sense, they all agreed. “Everything fell into place,” one of them said. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of otherwise normal, relatively well-adjusted Americans truly believed that a massive ring of occultist pedophiles was operating right under everyone’s noses.

The McMartin preschool scandal of the 1980s was a sort of analog version of the more recent Pizzagate, part of a lurid and misbegotten moral panic about subterranean child abuse. Even though the supposed crimes unfolded thousands of miles and several decades apart, under very different circumstances, the two conspiracy theories share the same rough contours. The McMartin saga, which began in 1983 with accusations made by one boy’s mother, came to encompass fantastical claims about a massive pedophile ring lurking beneath a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California. Pizzagate was concocted during the 2016 presidential campaign and alleged that prominent figures in the Democratic Party were running a child sex ring in tunnels beneath the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in a residential Washington, DC, neighborhood. Both spun off into new theories: Amid a full-on national hysteria, McMartin spawned a series of day-care conspiracies, while Pizzagate has led to QAnon, an even wilder conspiracy theory that postulates that President Donald Trump is on the verge of arresting a throng of liberal elites for facilitating and participating in a sprawling child sex ring. Both drew on natural fears about child safety and supercharged them into national phenomena with real-world ramifications. Both of course were fictions.
It's nothing of the sort.

Saying 'Pizzagate and Qanon are ******* made up' is not apologizing for paedos. If anything, people claiming those things are real are the ones covering up for paedos, because the real paedos are usually uncles, teachers, family members and men in positions of power over kids and not 'satanic pizza cults using tunnels to farm children out to Democratic senators for blood libel and cannibalism'.

Sorry that happened to you, but the perpetrator wasn't a 'Satanic pizza shop/ cult run by the Jews' was it?
That pizza store owners tweets were what got him fingered, they were sus af. I was people in positions of power over me , actually an American principal and then other older children, so let’s just say it’s a filter down effect and it’s very common and you are basically gaslighting every victim who wants to see justice, cos that’s what a damn lot of us pursuing Epstein Clinton trump Dershowitz et Al are really about. This is very hurtful I read the article and it’s very offensive and tbh enrages me cos I love my Jewish friends, but pedos need to be stopped , it’s epidemic or it was in the recent past. I personally have dropped friends and and controlling myself hard cos they tryed to groom my daughter, her uncle from Bali tryed it too. You b&&$&@d.
“Satanism “ as described by the leaders of Satanism encourage people to express themselves as individuals regardless of moral or societal norms , while Satanism can be a very positive thing in some people it can in fact empower individuals to feel free to do such things. Beware of this.
“Satanism “ as described by the leaders of Satanism encourage people to express themselves as individuals regardless of moral or societal norms , while Satanism can be a very positive thing in some people it can in fact empower individuals to feel free to do such things. Beware of this.

Have never heard of Satanists being arrested for sexual abuse. Plenty of Christians have though, seems to be quite prolific among them.
That pizza store owners tweets were what got him fingered, they were sus af.

No they were not.
I was people in positions of power over me , actually an American principal

Which (as I said above) are who the pepetrators are in 99.99999 percent of cases. Men in positions of power over children (teachers, uncles, fathers, stepfathers, priests, boy scout leaders, sports coaches etc).

Talk of (fictional) 'Satanic pizza cannibal cults' does nothing to address the real paedos, and in fact takes the spotlight away from the real perpetrators (and the real problem) and onto a fictional group that does not exist.

you are basically gaslighting every victim who wants to see justice,

No, I am not. I am saying that dwelling on or promulgating bullshit fake conspiracies like Pizzagate or Qanon does literally nothing to help victims who want justice from real ****ing paedos.

I love my Jewish friends, but pedos need to be stopped

The Jews are not behind the paedo rings.

I personally have dropped friends and and controlling myself hard cos they tryed to groom my daughter, her uncle from Bali tryed it too.

That's MY point.

Its not the 'Pizza cabal satanic fake' bullshit that are paedos. Its the uncles, fathers, teachers etc. Usually lone operatives, preying on vulnerable kids.

Putting a fake 'Pizza shop cabal' front and center in your war against paedos, does nothing to stop Uncles and teachers from raping kids. If anything it takes the spotlight off the offender group, and onto a fictional group of 'Pizza cabal Satanic paedo' ring that doesnt even exist.

Heck, real actual Paedos are now even using Pizza slang in homage to Pizzagate. The conspiracy is not only not real, but its actually ****ing harmful.
Also, and this is a super important point which I think is massively overlooked, what percentage of peoples mental health issues and suicide deaths do you think are related to this issue? Then compare that to the absolute witch hunt over covid. They gave 3 billion people injections of experimental medicine over that shadow. And you are accusing us of being conspiracy loons over things which affect us and our kids every day since. Why do you think conspiracy theorists have such trouble accepting and trusting authority? Many of us were abused, or knew someone in fact no, everyone knows lots of victims they just only tell people they trust. Who is never you, by the way you posted that. You have no idea how people defending these pricks makes you feel as a victim do you.
Have never heard of Satanists being arrested for sexual abuse. Plenty of Christians have though, seems to be quite prolific among them.
Indeed , the guilt and shame complexes Christian parents build into you make for the perfect conditions for people in power to take advantage as well. A true satanist would put himself in position to take advantage of the naive and guilt ridden.

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No they were not.

Which (as I said above) are who the pepetrators are in 99.99999 percent of cases. Men in positions of power over children (teachers, uncles, fathers, stepfathers, priests, boy scout leaders, sports coaches etc).

Talk of (fictional) 'Satanic pizza cannibal cults' does nothing to address the real paedos, and in fact takes the spotlight away from the real perpetrators (and the real problem) and onto a fictional group that does not exist.

No, I am not. I am saying that dwelling on or promulgating bullshit fake conspiracies like Pizzagate or Qanon does literally nothing to help victims who want justice from real ******* paedos.

The Jews are not behind the paedo rings.

That's MY point.

Its not the 'Pizza cabal satanic fake' bullshit that are paedos. Its the uncles, fathers, teachers etc. Usually lone operatives, preying on vulnerable kids.

Putting a fake 'Pizza shop cabal' front and center in your war against paedos, does nothing to stop Uncles and teachers from raping kids. If anything it takes the spotlight off the offender group, and onto a fictional group of 'Pizza cabal Satanic paedo' ring that doesnt even exist.

Heck, real actual Paedos are now even using Pizza slang in homage to Pizzagate. The conspiracy is not only not real, but its actually ******* harmful.
It’s all people in positions of power who can get away with it though and be prolific or use it for more power that are the truly evil ones, surely you understand that if you are in a power dynamic where you are responsible or have authority over people your moral responsibility is far greater. Obviously the lone ones must be stopped but corruption at that elite level is the highest crime there is.
Also, and this is a super important point which I think is massively overlooked, what percentage of peoples mental health issues and suicide deaths do you think are related to this issue? Then compare that to the absolute witch hunt over covid. They gave 3 billion people injections of experimental medicine over that shadow.

A 'shadow' that killed well over 7 million people.

You have no idea how people defending these pricks makes you feel as a victim do you.

I'm not defending paedos you numbskull. There are no Paedos in Pizzagate or Qanon for me to defend, because those things are not real.
It’s all people in positions of power who can get away with it though and be prolific or use it for more power that are the truly evil ones, surely you understand that if you are in a power dynamic where you are responsible or have authority over people your moral responsibility is far greater.

Thats my point.

99.9999999 percent of paedos are single lone operatives (usually men) in positions of power or authority over children (teachers, mentors, priests, relatives).

Not 'Pizza/ tunnel/ cabal/ Jew/ cannibal' bullshit.

Im not defending Paedos. Im saying Pizzagate (and Qanon) are not real.
I agree that q anon is fake and obviously that guy didn’t do these things on premises, and maybe not at all, but the pics JA was posting almost made me sick.
So are most of the conspiracy theories out there. But honeypot traps and people in positions of power abusing that are 100% real and I doubt the numbers are 99.999% jimmy Savile alone abused hundreds if not thousands of kids and he got knighted… for er something .
Thats my point.

99.9999999 percent of paedos are single lone operatives (usually men) in positions of power or authority over children (teachers, mentors, priests, relatives).

Not 'Pizza/ tunnel/ cabal/ Jew/ cannibal' bullshit.

Im not defending Paedos. Im saying Pizzagate (and Qanon) are not real.
I feel so belittled and gaslighted by this as a victim. You made up a bunch of straw men and never addressed my best points. You may not realise it but you 100% seem like an apologist in this interaction. I hope you never experience how this makes you feel. I can’t believe you are a major moderator on this site. Shame.
I feel so belittled and gaslighted by this as a victim.

Me saying 'Pizza-gate and Qanon conspiracies are not real' (they're not real) and 'uncles, teachers and men in positions of power and authority over children are the real perpetrators'... makes you feel belittled and gaslighted as a victim?

I'm literally (and expressly) calling out the exact people who victimized you, and (according to you) also attempted to victimize your own kids as being the real threat.

Not some fictional Pizzaria and 'secret cabal of Jewish paedo's using tunnels and pizza and cannibalism' Qanon shit.

That latter group (Pizzagate and Qanon) is not a threat, because they're not ****ing real.
This whole thread is going down 'The Jews are trying to rape our children' even after I literally pointed out the antisemitic nature of the conspiracy.

You cookers are not even trying to hide who this 'cabal of elites' really are anymore.
This whole thread is going down 'The Jews are trying to rape our children' even after I literally pointed out the antisemitic nature of the conspiracy.

You cookers are not even trying to hide who this 'cabal of elites' really are anymore.
Hillary Clinton, Podesta's and the pizza shop owner all aren't Jewish.
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