Opinion Paris

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That should stop Islamic terrorism.
Are you suggestion we shouldn't offer our support?

The world needs to collectively stand up to these cowards who don't give a shit about anyone else.

It's important we show support.

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Are you suggestion we shouldn't offer our support?

The world needs to collectively stand up to these cowards who don't give a shit about anyone else.

It's important we show support.
And how do we intend to do that - another "ill ride with you campaign"? Mind you throwing Bush, Blair and Howard in jail for life for war crimes would make for a good start. Our greedy govts/corps and Islam itself is to blame. There is no place for Islam in any modern, progressive society.
It seems like the open border experiment has been found a failure.
Sort of can't compare France to Oz! But it's troubling when you have 2nd and 3rd generations committing such heinous atrocities!
It's a sad world!
Not sure what the answer is, we maybe to far gone. Closing the borders to followers of Iskam and other radical religions would be a good start though.

Agreed. Add Christianity,Bhuddism,Judaism and Athiesm to that lot and we should all be sweet.
Not sure what the answer is, we maybe to far gone. Closing the borders to followers of Iskam and other radical religions would be a good start though.

Oh you're racist, not surprised. Yeah lets discriminate against innocent human beings, what a brilliant idea, that will surely breed peace and solidarity. You're a muppet.

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Oh you're racist, not surprised. Yeah lets discriminate against innocent human beings, what a brilliant idea, that will surely breed peace and solidarity. You're a muppet.
And here they come with the racist garbage. How predictable. Surprised it came from someone with your limited intelligence though.

You know Islam isn't a race dont you dopey?
Agreed. Add Christianity,Bhuddism,Judaism and Athiesm to that lot and we should all be sweet.
Yep, sounds great. Get rid of all religions, monarchies and vote in governments that govern for the people not corporations. Where do I sign?
It doesn't need to be a 'race', for it to be racist, racism has evolved in society away from pseudo biological justifications of inferiority and superiority to encompass social, poltical and religious identities.

Yeah,nah I'm pretty sure it has to be about race. Them other forms of prejudice have their own labels don't they.

Doesn't matter, I don't want to be labeled a labelist.
Not sure what the answer is, we maybe to far gone. Closing the borders to followers of Iskam and other radical religions would be a good start though.

If the end result is one religion vs the other, then it is probably time to get on the front foot and extinguish potential enemies. As a purely non-religious person, I find it interesting that Muslims are now extinguishing Christians. But the fact remains that I might be next, despite my lack of concern for the religious foundation that drive these acts. I'm starting to wonder whether drastic type policies might need to be put in place. Innocent people cannot continue to be slaughtered in the name of a god in the modern world.
Yet another show of respect and solidarity while we ignore the elephant in the room.
An atrocity occurs that's what we do, we respect those that have perish!
So the elephant in the room mate, what's your solution?
I have studied a lot on the matter, and I do agree Islam is not compatible with our way of life..... But my question to you is what viable solution do you propose? When our biggest issue is 2nd and 3rd generations who are born and raised here.
Yeah, those Budhists, Jews and Athiests are really out there killing far too many people. Historically, I'll give you Christians, but FFS, don't suggest that all groups have equivalent historical killing volumes.

Do they have equal membership numbers?

I didn't say anything about Budhists or Buddhists. I spoke of bhuddist. Different group of illiterate monks.

The point being that each group has extreme elements. It's a human thing and doesn't discriminate between religion.
An atrocity occurs that's what we do, we respect those that have perish!
So the elephant in the room mate, what's your solution?
I have studied a lot on the matter, and I do agree Islam is not compatible with our way of life..... But my question to you is what viable solution do you propose? When our biggest issue is 2nd and 3rd generations who are born and raised here.
I don't think there is an answer to be honest. However, it would be great to see moderate Muslims (I don't believe they exist) come out en masse in a show of solidarity agaibst these barbarians.

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