Nat Wars; The Beetrooter Strikes Back (An $80m production)

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Maybe not Gina but she owns her company.
Do the senior leaders of the listed major mining companies, I can assure you that even the CEO would if he was acting like Barnaby in board meetings.

Politicians don't own this country and we should probably stop acting like they do.

I can't imagine a genuine counter argument if someone took it to an election. Surely holding them a little accountable would be popular policy
All valid points.

I wasn't trying to be literal with my post though.

My point is that, within the confines of our Constitution, our Parliament is self governing by the members who are elected to work within it and their advisers and support staff. They alone get to determine the rules of behaviour that apply to themselves - and how and when those rules are applied.

There is one thing that can be said with certainty about the obnoxious behaviour of MPs and Senators. And that is that it's not bound by party alignment. The Greens, The ALP, The Nationals and The Liberal Party, Hanson, Palmer etc. have all had MPs/Senators who have been caught out by behaving badly in public.

And with that in mind none of the political parties would dare introduce punitive rules that might come back to bite them. Like drug and alcohol testing.

So it's up to the parties themselves to take action against their serving MPs/Senators who continue to show disrespect for their role, the Parliament and the place they serve. And up to us, the voters, to take action on polling day, to boot them out. But where is the pressure for them to do this?

As always with our democracy - the blame lies with the media that lets this stuff continue without proper scrutiny. And we, the people, who continue to vote them back in.

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If Joyce was on the phone to his wife while lying there, that's quite different to being passed out. Alcohol can be great in moderation (I certainly enjoy it), but excessive drinking is a scourge in this country and worldwide.
I know I regularly get blind and talk to my wife/girlfriend while lying on a footpath…
Who didn't see this coming...

'Joyce has told several colleagues he was feeling the effects of medication mixing with alcohol when he fell off a planter box and continued his phone call with wife Vikki Campion. Witnesses say Joyce was seen at two functions at Parliament House on Wednesday night in the lead-up to the 11.30pm video.'

BS excuses with this guy, every single time he goes off the rails.

How about you just lay off the piss when you're working, mate.

Or quit Parliament and get professional support if you can't do you friggin' job.

Ah yes the old medication mixed with alcohol. If you are taking prescribed meds for an health issue and it says do not mix with alcohol, then you would think the good men and women that run our country would be capable of managing that without poor planter boxes becoming collateral damage.

I'm sure tomorrow will bring on the witch hunt to bring that evil person to justice that filmed it.

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I always knew Barnaby Joyce was a campaigner. lol

Just imagine if he was Prime minister lol
He was.

As former leader of the Nats under the Turnbull and Morrison Governments, he was Deputy PM and therefore annointed PM if they were out of the country
Couldn't find another Nats-specific thread, but hearing Littleproud yelling on my radio this morning, while NFF cautioned his hyperbole and Farmers for Renewables(?) are proposing the opposite of his screeching "no more renewables outside urban areas", and living regionally myself, I'm not sure he has read the room very well nationally. Can Barnaby rise again...?! 😄
Clearly Barnaby failed to rise from the drinking binge. Maybe next week after he sleeps it off. ;)
Nah mate - we know a fraud when we see one .

How about you and your coalition mates deal with the real issue here instead of blaming others.

Suddenly the party of 'personal responsibility' discovered compassion?
The same media that questioned whether or not Andrews actually fell down his steps will swallow this 'medication' excuse whole.
I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt

How about you and your coalition mates deal with the real issue here instead of blaming others.
Or how about Potato and Co help Barney deal with his drinking problem?

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