Mandatory Vaccinations And Medical Exemptions

Are you for or against Mandatory Vaccinations

  • For

    Votes: 292 57.4%
  • Against

    Votes: 221 43.4%

  • Total voters

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Many of us believed there was a large amount of misleading points also coming from supposedly trusted sources (eg. Media reporting Pfizer and Fauci).
May '21 Fauci said during an interview;
So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic and the level of virus is so low it makes it extremely unlikely — not impossible but very, very low likelihood — that they’re going to transmit it,
And during the early days (Jan '21) we had news headlines telling us that the Pfizer CEO was seeing encouraging data that the jab stops Covid transmission. Dr Albert Bourla was out there saying that they knew in animals they had significant protection from transferring the virus and how they were wanting to see similar with humans and hoping to get more data soon.

While we were not being presented with studies and clinical trials stating the Covid-19 vaccines were proven 100% to stop transmission, many of us believed we were being led by supposedly trusted authorities that the vaccines were being promoted partly on their ability to prevent transmission.
But that became a harder selling point with time and breakthrough cases increasing in the vaccinated groups.
I recall a popular health website that early in '21 had an article about a CDC study that found the vaccines prevented transmission, but closer to the end of '21 they were putting corrections on earlier published articles and taking back claims that the vaccines prevented transmission.

So nice of you to just completely ignore something that gives context to that which you're trying to argue.

They initially tested it only for reduction of serious illness. It was extremely effective. Then when it was rolled out, it also was shown to be extremely effective at stopping transmission. Then COVID evolved and it stopped being effective at stopping transmission.
You've had a shocker if you read that story and some of their messages and alarm bells arent going off in your head...

It proves what politicians think of people yet you still bow to their feet. Sad tbh


You'd started clawing your way back to a level of credibility on other topics, but anything COVID related really just breaks your brain doesn't it.

Politicians can simultaneously be dicks, but also be implementing best-practice health advice.
Best practice health advice is receiving the advice from appropriate professionals and communicating that to the public as soon as possible so they are informed. Not working out when and how to drop a new variant onto the public in order to scare people.

Staggering. Utterly staggering.
Its not even conspirary ffs. These blokes just cant admit they were conned. Staggering doesnt do it justice

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Best practice health advice is receiving the advice from appropriate professionals and communicating that to the public as soon as possible so they are informed, know what’s required and the risks etc. Not working out when and how to drop a new variant onto the public in order to scare people.

Staggering. Utterly staggering.

Again, they tried that originally. But you had - and to this day, still have - people exactly like burge who think they know better;

It was never as dangerous as they led the public to believe

So instead they had to use a whole slew of measures to convince people it really was serious, because people who were in no way qualified to decide if it was serious or not, have convinced themselves they know better.

How many millions have to die in order for burge to recognise this really was a big deal? Apparently A minimum 6.8 million isn't yet enough.
Many of us believed there was a large amount of misleading points also coming from supposedly trusted sources (eg. Media reporting Pfizer and Fauci).
May '21 Fauci said during an interview;
So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic and the level of virus is so low it makes it extremely unlikely — not impossible but very, very low likelihood — that they’re going to transmit it,

He's literally expressly saying that it doesn't stop transmission right there. He expressly states, 'Breakthrough infections happen even if you're vaccinated' and not 'You're immune to infection if you're vaccinated'.

And what he did actually say (that you are very unlikely to transmit or catch COVID if you're vaccinated) was correct pre-Delta (his comments above are from May '21; Delta didn't become dominant strain till June - November of that same year):

The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) was[3][4] a variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It was first detected in India on 5 October 2020. The Delta variant was named on 31 May 2021 and had spread to over 179 countries by 22 November 2021. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated in June 2021 that the Delta variant was becoming the dominant strain globally.

SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant - Wikipedia.

When COVID mutated to Delta and became the dominant strain (months after the above comments were made) it evolved the ability to more readily infect vaccinated people due to mutations of the spike protein:

It has mutations in the gene encoding the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein[6] causing the substitutions T478K, P681R and L452R,[7][8] which are known to affect transmissibility of the virus as well as whether it can be neutralised by antibodies for previously circulating variants of the COVID-19 virus.

Rendering his comments re the previous Alpha variant and the baseline COIVD disease kind of moot.
The fact they needed to drive hysteria says to me its very much a con.

It was a pandemic that literally killed nearly 7 million people (officially) and probably closer to the vicinity of 25 million+ (peer reviewed study estimates).

Hysteria? A con?

Tell that to people working in frontline hospitals dealing with the shit. Tell it to hundreds of thousands of people in India carrying dying relatives to hospitals only to be turned away and watch them die.

Literally the only reason Australia was spared the above (and has a death toll 1/10th that of the US and Europe) is:

1) We locked our borders up tight until Omicron (a less lethal variant) emerged.
2) We used that time to implement policies that led to near total vaccination of the adult population vs COVID, so when Omicron did get in, we were ready.

Hilariously batshit crazy Antivaxxers bemoan those two policies (border closures and mandatory vaccinations), yet in the same breath are prepared to try and make claims that 'it was all just a storm in a teacup, with the MSM stoking fear, because it really wasnt that bad' because of those exact same two ****ing policies which spared us from the sorts of shit we were seeing overseas.

Stop. Think. Please.
It was a pandemic that literally killed nearly 7 million people (officially) and probably closer to the vicinity of 25 million+ (peer reviewed study estimates).

Hysteria? A con?

Tell that to people working in frontline hospitals dealing with the s**t. Tell it to hundreds of thousands of people in India carrying dying relatives to hospitals only to be turned away and watch them die.

Literally the only reason Australia was spared the above (and has a death toll 1/10th that of the US and Europe) is:

1) We locked our borders up tight until Omicron (a less lethal variant) emerged.
2) We used that time to implement policies that led to near total vaccination of the adult population vs COVID, so when Omicron did get in, we were ready.

Hilariously batshit crazy Antivaxxers bemoan those two policies (border closures and mandatory vaccinations), yet in the same breath are prepared to try and make claims that 'it was all just a storm in a teacup, with the MSM stoking fear, because it really wasnt that bad' because of those exact same two ******* policies which spared us from the sorts of s**t we were seeing overseas.

Stop. Think. Please.

India has a comparatively low vaccination rate and also a low Covid-19 deaths per million ratio.
Similar low Covid-19 vaccination and death numbers exist in African countries.
And then we have probably one of the very worse performing countries is the USA with all of it's Covid-19 medical attention at it's disposal.
I do not claim to have the answers, but those sort of statistics, whether accurate or not, lead many of us to raise questions about what we are told about this pandemic.

Most of Australia's reported Covid-19 deaths occurred after the majority of our population was vaccinated.
More than half of our deaths since Jun-22 at a time when we had reached 60m doses given (currently at about 65m doses).
There are many countries around the world with lower vaccination rates than Australia who have fared much better than us after Omicron became the dominant variant.
Again, I am not making any claims with those stats, apart from we should not be quick to give credit to such things as the vaccinations when (in my belief) the available data fails to show significant correlation supporting such theories.
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Sorry mate but there's not really any point in giving you a response. You will just respond with more false and misleading stuff you've picked up from the grifters and kooks.
India has a comparatively low vaccination rate and also a low Covid-19 deaths per million ratio.
India vastly under-reported its deaths by hundreds of thousands.

They were burning bodies in the streets by the tens of thousands FFS.
Similar low Covid-19 vaccination and death numbers exist in African countries.

Overwhelming evidence is that central Africa didnt count or report deathsat all.

If you want to hold up the Congo as having reliable stats over Germany, the UK or the USA then be my guest.
And then we have probably one of the very worse performing countries is the USA with all of it's Covid-19 medical attention at it's disposal.

The USA has literally the worst health outcomes in the developed world, the highest rates of Obesity (a key risk factor in COVID deaths) and its vaccination rates were abysmal compared to most other developed nations.

They do keep good statistics however (unlike the Congo).

Most of Australia's reported Covid-19 deaths occurred after the majority of our population was vaccinated.

Thats because COVID wasn't in the ****ing country in any large scale manner until after the vaccination program had started in earnest. Here in WA our total case count over the first 2 years was less than 100 and remained so till our vaccination rate was over 95 percent.

God you antivaxxers talk utter shit.
Sorry. A few hundred. I stand corrected.

How does that change my point though?

Deaths increased after vaccination because that's when we let the ******* disease in. Before that our borders were sealed up and we were in frigging lockdown.

1/1/22 >1,100 WA Cases.
10/3/22 > 34,000 WA Cases {2 years after pandemic declared}

Feb'22: Our borders were still closed, vaccination rates were high, mandates in place, WA numbers dramatically rising.

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1/1/22 >1,100 WA Cases.
10/3/22 > 34,000 WA Cases {2 years after pandemic declared}

Yeah, and by 21/12/21 most (82.2 percent) of all Western Australians (and 95 percent plus of adults) were fully ****ing vaccinated:

By 1 June 2022, 99 percent of WA Adults were fully vaccinated, and 82 percent were boosted with a third dose:

  • First and second dose rates above 99 per cent providing significant protection
  • Western Australia's third dose rate now at almost 82 per cent and leading the nation
Media Statements - More public health measures phased out following WA’s soft landing

When Omicron hit WA, and our borders went down, literally nearly the entire State (99 percent) was double vaccinated, with a significant number triple vaxxed.
Vaccination rates were high, mandates in place, WA numbers dramatically rising.

Thats because the vaccine doesnt do much to stop infection with the Omicron strain. It was designed around the spike protein of the Alpha variant. It still puts the brakes on overall spread (it provides some protection vs getting COVID in the first place, even Delta and eventually Omicron) but you're still going to eventually get COVID even if you get vaccinated. There was never any scientific claim otherwise.

Read the above paragraph again at this point because I'm ****ing sick of explaining the above to cookers.

What the vaccine does do (in addition to some protection from catching COVID), is it drastically improves your odds of not getting seriously ill (or dying) when you do get COVID.

For example, on 18 March 2022, 25 percent of all WA hospital admissions were from the 'not vaccinated category' with the remainder from the 1/2/3 dose category.

That means that those 1 percent of the population of WA (the unvaccinated) were making up 25 percent of all hospitalizations, while the 99 percent (vaccinated) made up 75 percent of hospitalizations.

Or in other words (in case you cant do math, which going by your repeated misuse of stats is likely) the unvaccinated were being admitted to hospital at nearly 30 times the rate of the vaccinated.
Yeah, and by 21/12/21 most (82.2 percent) of all Western Australians

Your responses to me continue to contain incorrect numbers ... again and again and again.
About 82% of the eligible WA population was reported as fully vaccinated.
I would suggest eligible would have been 12+ at that time.
There is a considerable difference between the WA population and the eligible population.

For example, you then state;
By 1 June 2022, 99 percent of WA Adults were fully vaccinated, and 82 percent were boosted with a third dose:
When WA's population (aged 0+) is currently only about 65% third dose vaccinated.

You are not using correct vaccination rates and are misrepresenting them ... which does not surprise me given your past posts.
You are wasting peoples time, including your own when paying such poor attention to your base data.
And I have history of wasting my time responding to you and your poor data and theories.

I will not be responding to you any more given I also have history of you, when being shown to be wrong, then having me banned from threads and discussions.
Your responses to me continue to contain incorrect numbers ... again and again and again.
About 82% of the eligible WA population was reported as fully vaccinated.

OK **** it. Lets go with '82 percent of the eligible WA population (12+) was fully vaccinated as at December 2021.

Thats still safely before Omicron hit Perth in February 2022.

When borders were opened on 5 February 2022 (the same time cases started to spike) vaccination was at 90 percent.

Western Australia will embark on its Safe Transition Plan as announced last month, to safely ease its hard border controls in line with a 90 per cent vaccination rate, from 12:01am on Saturday 5 February, 2022.

The locked-in transition date is based on the latest projections for when WA is at its target rate of 90 per cent double dose vaccination for eligible Western Australians aged 12 years and above.

WA to proceed with Safe Transition Plan from February 5, 2022

As at 9 September 2022, 8 months after COVID was let into WA in February, when double dose vaccinated adults (12+) was at 99 percent, and triple dosed was at 84 percent, unvaccinated individuals accounted for 24 percent of all hospital admissions:

Which matches the science found:

Taken at face value, these numbers may appear to indicate that vaccination does not make that much of a difference. But this perception is an example of a phenomenon known as the base rate fallacy. One also has to consider the denominator of the fraction—that is, the sizes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. With shots widely available to almost all age groups, the majority of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. So even if only a small fraction of vaccinated people who get COVID die from it, the more people who are vaccinated, the more likely they are to make up a portion of the dead.


How to Compare COVID Deaths for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People

Comparisons of the absolute numbers, as some headlines do, make a mistake known in statistics as a ‘base rate fallacy’: it ignores that one group is much larger than the other. It is important to avoid this mistake, especially now, as in more and more countries, the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 is much larger than the number of unvaccinated people
How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?


To work out the odds of occupying an ICU bed if you aren’t vaccinated, we must look at the wider population numbers. For example, in April 2022, adults who had received fewer than two vaccines made up 5 per cent of all people in NSW, but they made up 25 per cent of people in NSW intensive care units*. This shows the vaccines are working to reduce your chances of disease.

Not vaccinated? These are your odds of needing intensive care


Linked vaccination and mortality data show that despite changes in circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants over time, among older adults aged ≥65 years, unvaccinated individuals continue to have a much greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than individuals vaccinated with at least a primary series. This protective effect of COVID-19 vaccination was seen across all age groups (Figure 9).12, 13 In August 2022, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults compared with adults who received a primary series was 9 times higher for adults aged 65–79 years and 4 times higher for adults aged ≥80 years. A similar pattern was observed among younger adult age groups in August 2022. Compared with adults who received a primary series in the same age group, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults was 3 times higher for adults aged 18–29 years, 5 times higher for adults aged 30–49 years, and 6 times higher for adults aged 50–64 years. Additional booster doses provide added protection. In August 2022, adults aged ≥50 years with at least 2 booster doses had 3 times lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than adults of the same age with one booster dose (Figure 10).

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

And in literally a thousand peer reviewed scientific journals, according to the overwhelming consensus of the worlds doctors, immunologists, virologists, health professionals, and medical scientists.

Fault that ****ing data. I mean are you honestly saying that literally nearly every scientist and doctor on the planet is wrong, that data is incorrect, and you and a bunch of dickheads standing underneath an upside down Naval Ensign, crapping on about crystals and natural wellness and sunshine, wearing a Trump mask, or waiting around outside Government house on the Terrace under umbrellas are correct?

Face it. You're on the wrong side of history on this.

I will not be responding to you any more given I also have history of you, when being shown to be wrong, then having me banned from threads and discussions.

I don't mod the conspiracy board mate.

I love it when cookers get upset that they aren't talking to a captive audience who simply believe every bit of nonsense they spout.

The days of me getting upset or emotional in my responses is long past, which is clearly evident to anybody who makes an effort to search my posting history.

Such a search would also clearly show that I have in the past actively participated in multiple threads relating to this topic until such a time that I am cancelled/banned/censored. Very offten after the likes of Malifice entering the discussion and me clearly showing how incorrect and erroneous his data and posts are. I have even been thread banned for simply applying some reactions to other posts.

So, please continue on owen87 and when you find a lack of responses to your posts, maybe pause for a minute and wonder why that is ... maybe my "captive audience" is just that ... being held captive (banned/censored/silenced).
The days of me getting upset or emotional in my responses is long past, which is clearly evident to anybody who makes an effort to search my posting history.

Such a search would also clearly show that I have in the past actively participated in multiple threads relating to this topic until such a time that I am cancelled/banned/censored. Very offten after the likes of Malifice entering the discussion and me clearly showing how incorrect and erroneous his data and posts are. I have even been thread banned for simply applying some reactions to other posts.

So, please continue on owen87 and when you find a lack of responses to your posts, maybe pause for a minute and wonder why that is ... maybe my "captive audience" is just that ... being held captive (banned/censored/silenced).

The irony of posting in a public forum complaining about being banned and censored despite not being banned / censored / silenced is quite high.

Are you upset that your usual captive audience of people who simply nod and believe everything without question can't be found here? That you can't spout whatever spurious claims you like without challenge? It must be upsetting to have spent the entire pandemic backing your narrative against all odds, with a tiny cohort of believers, only to see time and again that the majority of the world's experts don't support your position.
Oops. More unravelling......

Part 1 of my investigative report published in Trial Site News, centered on the unusual-looking Pfizer-BioNTech ‘Western Blots’- the scandal known as Blotgate. Western Blots were conducted by BioNTech to prove the fidelity of their product (to the regulators) that only the expected spike protein was being expressed in vitro by the modified vaccinal mRNA and was consistent across different batches.

The problem with them not looking like authentic/conventional Western blots but rather computer-generated versions (automated Western blots, despite not being labeled as such in any of the reports), is a distraction from the real scandal at hand: the evidence, which shows prima facie, BioNTech/Pfizer ‘copied and pasted’ these bands, in other words, falsified their key data. These seemingly fabricated Westerns (shown below) were exhibited in Pfizer’s response to the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration’s queries around November 2020, in the run-up to Emergency Use Authorization.

I love it when cookers get upset that they aren't talking to a captive audience who simply believe every bit of nonsense they spout.
Lol, 'cookers' have literally been vilified, ridiculed, lambasted at every turn - 'civil society' ostracized them, shunned - yet yeah, they're crying about you 'outing' them here.............
No we weren't you kook.

May 2021:, there is emerging evidence,getting very sick from Covid.

See also:

newsGP - Mounting evidence suggests COVID vaccines do reduce transmission

newsGP - Vaccines that do not prevent or cure COVID still beneficial: Study

I could go on and on and on and on (and there are literally thousands of news reports, scientific articles and more from 2020-21 to prove it), but no-one (not Pfizer) ever made the ******* claim that their vaccine totally stops you getting the ******* disease. It reduces the chances of infection if you're exposed, and greatly reduces the severity of your infection, but it doesnt 100 percent stop you from getting COVID.

I know you cookers like to re-write reality, but I'm calling utter bullshit on your claim above.

I think the cooker side took the original pfizer study (published in NEJM) which was over a shortish time frame (definitely less than a year - seems to be 14 weeks) which showed 95% relative case reduction in vaccinated vs unvaccinated groups - which then the desperate media seized onto as vaccines prevent transmission (understandable error given lack of science and maths based backgrounds in media + drive to be first to air)

India has a comparatively low vaccination rate and also a low Covid-19 deaths per million ratio.
Similar low Covid-19 vaccination and death numbers exist in African countries.
And then we have probably one of the very worse performing countries is the USA with all of it's Covid-19 medical attention at it's disposal.
I do not claim to have the answers, but those sort of statistics, whether accurate or not, lead many of us to raise questions about what we are told about this pandemic.

Most of Australia's reported Covid-19 deaths occurred after the majority of our population was vaccinated.
More than half of our deaths since Jun-22 at a time when we had reached 60m doses given (currently at about 65m doses).
There are many countries around the world with lower vaccination rates than Australia who have fared much better than us after Omicron became the dominant variant.
Again, I am not making any claims with those stats, apart from we should not be quick to give credit to such things as the vaccinations when (in my belief) the available data fails to show significant correlation supporting such theories.
probably due to our hospitals testing for it a lot more than resource poor (and I include india in that number) countries
yes, you are right that we have done worse vs COVID 19 compared to other OECD countries, but the following paper demonstrates we did a lot better when compared to the USA

  • This is a study of the comparative effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination and mitigation strategies globally and in the United States.
  • The aim was to estimate the excess mortality due to COVID-19 in the U.S. compared with other developed nations during the surges of the Delta and Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variants, and to compare how the least and most vaccinated states in the U.S. fared in this comparison.
  • The results affirm the excellent effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in avoiding deaths.
  • The study itself is relatively straightforward. The authors examined COVID-19-specific mortality and excess all-cause deaths reported to the World Health Organization from 20 peer nations in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). These are mostly wealthy western European nations, but also include Israel, Australia, and New Zealand. The authors compared the statistics in these countries with similar statistics for the U.S. overall, and additionally compared the 10 U.S. states with the highest vs lowest vaccination rates.
  • COVID-19 death rates across the 20 OECD countries during these 2 spikes ranged from 3.7/100,000 in New Zealand to 65/100,000 in Australia. The average was 42/100,000. For the U.S. as a whole, the rate was 117/100,000. The 10 most vaccinated U.S. states had a rate of 75/100,000, and ranked highest among the list of 20 countries, whereas the lowest 10 states had a death rate of 146/100,000.
  • The results for all-cause mortality, rather than COVID-19-specific mortality, were even worse: excess mortality ranged from 5.1/100,000 to 82/100,000, with a mean of approximately 50/100,000. The U.S. overall excess mortality was 145/100,000. In the 10 least vaccinated states, the excess mortality was 193/100,000, as compared with only 65/100,000 in the most vaccinated states.
  • These findings translate to approximately 350,000 excess deaths that occurred in the U.S. during the Delta and Omicron waves that might have been avoided if the COVID-19-containment strategies and average vaccination rates had been similar to those in the OECD. However, the excess deaths could have been worse: if the U.S. had performed as poorly as the 10 least vaccinated countries, another 160,000 lives would have been lost.
  • Vaccinations work, and we should keep reminding each other, our nurses, and our patients of this very important fact.

(credit to Emergency medical abstracts, a subsiduary of Emergency medicine Reviews and Perspectives)
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Lol, 'cookers' have literally been vilified, ridiculed, lambasted at every turn - 'civil society' ostracized them, shunned - yet yeah, they're crying about you 'outing' them here.............
deserved it based on their tantrum like behaviour. Sick of trying to be understanding and all that crap.