Judd's 'secret' pokies stake

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So in the last 24 hours the Herald Sun has told me Judd likes money Milne is still allegedly a rapist and Ablett Snr is a crook. Are there still kids getting shot in Syria?
You want to know that shit (or any news really) then you should know the HUN isnt the right toilet paper for you ;)
The problem? It's Judd, therefore, it's evil.

Sorry, something is not evil until Vlad tell us its evil

pokies = good
watching footy on a non-telstra app = evil and end of society

I'm glad Vlad is here to tell me whats good in my life (although my wife was a little confused when I told her to cancel her Optus mobile account because "Vlad told me to")

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Ok if this was a joke, then it's a pretty pathetic way of deflecting the arguement which you have lost.

Tell me, are you serious?

Deadly serious.

My initial post was questioning the morality of his investment choice. For a man who's gone to great lengths to protect his reputation,he didn't want to be tarnished by his association with an industry which is rightly in my opinion, veiwed as parasitic. This from today's age illusttrates this

In evidence to the County Court earlier this year, Sovereign director Mario Scerri said he had asked many times for information about Judd's investment. ''Chris Judd didn't want his name to appear on a public register, being involvement in a gaming industry company,'' he told the court.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/g...judd-action-20120503-1y1sz.html#ixzz1tr3pfLza

The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation require require people connected to gaming venues to be disclosed on a public register. If he'd done that then legally, he's done nowt wrong. Morally, he's blemished that halo
If this was really a story, don't we think Damian Barrett would've been all over it on TFS last night? Or Robbo in todays HS? Trust me, if it's a chance to crucify Judd and/or Carlton, these 2 parasites would be all over it.

203 posts on this topic, 58 on Sam Rowe's fight against cancer = sad.
(If anyone checks, I sent a message to Sam Rowe via facebook & did not post one on BF).
If this was really a story, don't we think Damian Barrett would've been all over it on TFS last night? Or Robbo in todays HS? Trust me, if it's a chance to crucify Judd and/or Carlton, these 2 parasites would be all over it.

203 posts on this topic, 58 on Sam Rowe's fight against cancer = sad.
(If anyone checks, I sent a message to Sam Rowe via facebook & did not post one on BF).

Barrett is busy getting big scoops like Ross Lyon switching from Fruit Loops to Coco Pops - guy cannot do everything! :D
The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation require require people connected to gaming venues to be disclosed on a public register. If he'd done that then legally, he's done nowt wrong. Morally, he's blemished that halo

What has he not done legally? As soon as it became apparent he would have to appear on a public register, irrespective of how the investment was structured, he asked to not be involved and sought the return of his money.

The way people dive into Juddy over anything and everything these days - and your melodramatic post being a prime example IMO - it seems a completely reasonable course of action.

The question people really need to asking is why you are all so easily offended?
This thread really just serves to remind us what it's likE to be fans and members of such a great and successful club. Judd didn't do anything wrong at all, and yet the mere mention of his name or that of the club has offended fans of other clubs clamoring for any excuse to rip into us, such as the entirely unrelated claim of us "buying" the 1995 premiership, which was then shown to be completely false. As the saying goes though guys, don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.

Haters gonna hate, I guess.
This is about the 20th Carlton supporter to present this 'argument'.

Do you realise the logic behind this drivel is the equivalent of defending a criminal who didn't tell anyone of his crimes because he would get in trouble?

Chris Judd, a role model and public figure, was happy enough to make money through unethical practices yet clever/dumb enough to try and conceal his involvement, lest he get in trouble.

It's classic Carlton.

You were attempting to talk about logic, yeah? Wow. I'm speechless. Suggest you look up the word 'equivalent'.

PS Do you realise that your post/attitude is a perfect case in point as to the reason why Judd might want to keep some of his business dealings confidential?
What has he not done legally? As soon as it became apparent he would have to appear on a public register, irrespective of how the investment was structured, he asked to not be involved and sought the return of his money

if it is how you state, why was it returned "with intrest"
That indicates the money was invested at least 6 months ago to accumulate said intrest in the particular industry

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if it is how you state, why was it returned "with intrest"
That indicates the money was invested at least 6 months ago to accumulate said intrest in the particular industry

Interesting that you call it an investment when the court has clearly recognised this sum of money as a loan. So I suppose the question you should be asking is - why would a loan attract interest charges? But that really answers itself doesn't it?

So what it really boils down to for you, is the length of time the third party held on to the money and the agreed terms of having done so. Given it obviously became apparent after the money changed hands that Judd's name would appear on the registry, this period would be included, as would the period in which the third party refused to repay the money. Hence interest payments, hence the court hearing, hence this thread.

Very, very standard stuff here. Not sure what you're trying to infer.
So carlton officials go to said investment loses thousands of dollas thru pokies machine , profit for venue and shareholders, nice way of getting around salary cap :)

So you think Carlton officials are all in on a plan for them to go to this venue, waste their money or club money on pokies so that some of the profit will flow down to Judd? Makes perfect sense. Of course they would have to count for the expenditure in their annual report so it must be their own money.

I hear that a couple of our directors are now alcoholics because they live at the bar to make profits for Judd.

I heard a rumour one of our players has invested in a feminine hygiene product manufacturer and a director is undergoing a sex change so he can purchase said items and again see some of the profits going to the player.

Of course other investors will also be getting a share of these profits so a healthy percentage of the money is being wasted, but it's a small price to pay for such a cunning scheme.
So carlton officials go to said investment loses thousands of dollas thru pokies machine , profit for venue and shareholders, nice way of getting around salary cap :)

Brilliant! Here's the business card of the 'Carlton official' who spearheaded this scheme.

Someone's drawing a very long bow.


Gambling establishments are used to launder money, thats a historical fact just look at who ownes most of Vegas. They also attract operators without too many issues concerning morals. They are in it for one reason, to make a buck. And Judd decides to invest half a million dollars in one that has very close ties to Carlton power brokers.

I wonder if these "comercial returns" are in any way disclosed to the AFL? They should be.

It's like a player buying a property off a developer under market value when that developer is linked to the players employer. I suppose you think this is 'drawing a long bow' as well?:cool:

Gambling establishments are used to launder money, thats a historical fact just look at who ownes most of Vegas. They also attract operators without too many issues concerning morals. They are in it for one reason, to make a buck. And Judd decides to invest half a million dollars in one that has very close ties to Carlton power brokers.

I wonder if these "comercial returns" are in any way disclosed to the AFL? They should be.

It's like a player buying a property off a developer under market value when that developer is linked to the players employer. I suppose you think this is 'drawing a long bow' as well?:cool:

Laundering money through poker machines, now there is an interesting concept. Not terribly successful, but interesting all the same.

BTW, Judd didn't invest half a million dollars in a gambling establishment. I think you might want to read again what this little storm in a teacup is all about.
[quote=mediumsizered;24094135]Laundering money through poker machines, now there is an interesting concept. Not terribly successful, but interesting all the same.

BTW, Judd didn't invest half a million dollars in a gambling establishment. I think you might want to read again what this little storm in a teacup is all about.[/quote]

Are you saying gambling establishments are not used to launder money?.

From your statement either you don't have a clue about the real world or you are simply another Carlton supporter with a 'head in the sand' mentality.

The point being made is that gambling establishments attract operators and investors with questionable character and low morals on how to make a buck. Hense the reference to who own's a lot of Casinos in America. So investing or 'loaning' money to a gambling establishment / an industry with low morals is why Judd wanted his involvement to be kept a secret.:cool:

So if criminal organisations use gambling establishments to launder money its not hard to see how one operated by Carlton power brokers could be used to top up Judds pay packet outside the salary cap.

Speculative yes, out of the question? Certainly not.
Are you saying gambling establishments are not used to launder money?.

Are you saying that ALL gambling establishments launder money? Whats your proof or is this just "common knowledge" you have?

The point being made is that gambling establishments attract operators and investors with questionable character and low morals on how to make a buck.
So all investor in any gambling establishment has questionable character and low morals? How many AFL teams have stakes in hotels that have gambling facilities?

So investing or 'loaning' money to a gambling establishment / an industry with low morals is why Judd wanted his involvement to be kept a secret.:cool:
As pointed out previously, maybe he didn't want ANY investments disclosed. I don't go around advertising my investments, why should a celebrity be any different? Secondly, how do you know what he wanted? You claiming to be psychic? Or are you guessing?

So if criminal organisations use gambling establishments to launder money its not hard to see how one operated by Carlton power brokers could be used to top up Judds pay packet outside the salary cap.
I don't even know where to start with this one here. You are saying something alone the lines of "Criminals use the roads. Therefore its not hard to see how Chris Judd is evil as he also drives on roads because Carlton power brokers drives on roads too". The logic of your arguement eludes me.

Speculative yes, out of the question? Certainly not.
The government is putting fluoride in our drinking water to control our minds. Chem trails from plane are the New World Order making us spend more money. Speculative yes, out of the question? Certainly not.

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