Israel Warns of World Cup Terror

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Team Captain
Apr 5, 2005
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Israel Warns of World Cup Terror = ALERT MOSSAD Staged “False Flag” Atrocity

Note: This has to be taken seriously as similar warnings from Israel appeared on the Internet prior to both the Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocities’ at New York 9/11 and London 7/7

All of the details on this page & links confirm that there is an extremely high likelihood of a Staged “False Flag” Atrocity on or around the 5th June 2006 – not necessarily on 6/6/6. Although it could happen anytime in that period, more evidence points to 5 June 2006 than 6 June 2006 and particularly if you include the required element of surprise. Everyone will be watching on the 6th, no-one will be watching on the 5th.

I previously gave 650 major UK Journalists and all UK Media Editors, and many Fire Dept’s in Chicago, an advance alert of a probable Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocity on 22nd July 2005 with the main target being Chicago. There is substantial evidence on the Internet that the Chicago Grand Jury bombing was stopped, but Egypt did happen at 22.07 GMT on 22nd July 2005. I had previously received 5 threatening phone calls and on 29 July 2005 I was offered (recorded) £50,000 a year to "stop writing to people to tell them what we’re up to” & “you’re one of the few who know” Link:

I also previously gave 650 major UK Journalists, all media Editors and 112 London Fire Stations an advance alert of a probable Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocity on either 5th or 11th November 2005, with the main target being the Parliament Building in London. London did not happen or was stopped because of the advance publicity, but Jordan did happen on 9th November 2005.

I have given no other previous alerts. I now give a formal advance alert of a probable Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocity on or around 5th June, 2006 with the main probable targets being the World Cup or secondly the Sears Tower, Chicago, Zip Code 60606, which has far too many references to 666 detailed on the Internet to list here..

Israel Warns of World Cup Terror - Saudi newspaper says Israel warned US, European intelligence service of possible attempts by Hizbullah cells to carry out attacks during upcoming soccer tournament in Germany in bid to prove to international community that Tehran is capable of retaliation if attacked.

International Stock Exchanges & US Dollar Falling Apart
With the International Stock Exchanges and the US dollar falling apart over recent weeks, due to Iran and Russia oil exchanges coming on. This means that the ‘hidden hand’ - bent private international bankers, who own most of the Western Governments ‘by illegal money creation & control their people by ‘massive & fraudulent tax overcharging’’ & ‘fear of a terrorist bogeyman organisation that does not even exist’, have to do something dramatic soon to continue with their New World Order agenda of stealing all the World’s energy resources.
Link: for various recent news links on this subject.
To give the 'hidden hand', the huge sway in public opinion required to immediately invade Iran, the Staged ‘False Flag Atrocity’ target would surely have to be the England or USA team. That is why: FIFA has (previously) cancelled the opening gala for the 2006 World Cup finals in Germany. The gala, was going to replace the usual opening ceremony, on 7 June in Berlin's Olympic Stadium - two days before the tournament begins. It was cancelled in January, 2006. They realised that they cannot have a World Cup Gala 2 days after a major World atrocity - it’s too soon, but with the opening match not being until 9 June, that gives them more time to say “The World Cup Goes On” and whilst the people of the World are distracted with the football they will invade Iran, steal their oil & gas and massacre their innocent civilians - men, women & children - with illegal chemical weapons.

Note: This has to be taken seriously as similar warnings from Israel appeared on the Internet prior to both the Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocities’ at New York 9/11 and London 7/7 - there are now many films available with overwhelming factual evidence which totally destroys the official version of these atrocities.
Film: 911 Loose Change -
Film: 77 Release 6 -

As a serious precaution please ensure that no footballer is anywhere near Germany between the 4th and 8th June 2006, and certainly not flying. Please ensure that Chicago is evacuated during that same period.

James Stewart - 30th May, 2006 -
PS- Ignore the mainstream media - they own 70% of them too! Funded by massive illegal tax overcharging. Income tax, NI, Council tax, petrol tax, cigarette tax, road tax, alcohol tax, stamp duty, capital gains tax, speed camera fines(tax), parking fines(tax), death duty, water tax, pension fraud(tax), etc = around 80p in every £1 - they steal your money and invest it in the Stock Exchange & appoint their corrupt Chairmen.

Just a heads up guys, I am not going to support this warning but it is interesting to note that Israel released warnings both before 911 and 7/7
Former CIA Analyst Says Iran Strike Set For June Or July

McGovern: Staged terror attacks across Europe, US "probable" in order to justify invasion


Former CIA analyst and Presidential advisor Ray McGovern, fresh from his heated public confrontation with Donald Rumsfeld, fears that staged terror attacks across Europe and the US are probable in order to justify the Bush administration's plan to launch a military strike against Iran, which he thinks will take place in June or July.

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show, McGovern was asked about the timetable for war in Iran and said that behind the diplomatic smokescreen, the final chess pieces were being moved into position.

"There is already one carrier task force there in the Gulf, two are steaming toward it at the last report I have at least - they will all be there in another week or so."

"The propaganda has been laid, the aircraft carriers are in place, it doesn't take much to fly the bombers out of British and US bases - cruse missiles are at the ready, Israel is egging us on," said McGovern.

McGovern said Iran's likely response to a US air strike would be threefold - mobilizing worldwide terrorist cells that would make Al-Qaeda look like a girls netball team - utilizing its cruise missile arsenal to attack US ships and sending fighters into Iraq to attack US forces.

"The Iranians can easily send three divisions of revolutionary guard troops right over....the long border with Iraq," said McGovern, stating that the local Sunni population of Iraq would welcome such an invasion.

The turmoil caused by such an action would lead the US to tap its so-called 'mini-nuke' arsenal said McGovern, opening a new Pandora's box of chaos.

McGovern highlighted President Bush's all time record low approval ratings as a reason for launching an attack on Iran to again whip up false patriotic fervour.

"I can see Karl Rove saying, 'look what you need to do is become a war president again, get us involved with something pretty big here and then strut around and say you can't vote for a bunch of Democrats to pull the rug out from under me while there's a war going on'."

McGovern drew a comparison with the concillatory cold war stance of Russia and JFK's decision to respond in a similar manner, and the Iranian President's letter which was immediately dismissed by the Bush administration. JFK's approach saved the US from potential nuclear anihalation while Bush's actions put the US in severe danger as Russia and China give ominous mixed signals on what their response to a US strike on Iran will be.

McGovern lambasted Bush's inner circle as uniformly lacking any real military experience and characterized them as a cabal already hell-bent on war.

McGovern entertained the notion that western governments and intelligence hierarchies could potentially stage terror attacks in Europe and the US either before or after an invasion of Iran.

"That's altogether possible," said McGovern.

"I would say even probable because they need some proximate cause, some casus belli to justify really unleashing things on Iran....I would put very little past this crew - their record of dissembling and disingenuousness is unparalleled."

McGovern said that Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld, fearing impeachment and Enron-style criminal proceedings, are urging President Bush to launch a war in order to create a climate unconducive to lengthy investigations and impeachment proceedings.

Asked to cite specifically when we should expect to see an attack launched, McGovern said, "I think we all agree that an attack is likely before the election and we all agree that it has to do largely with the election - as for timing I see a likelihood that it could come as early as late June or early July, most of my colleagues predict August, September, maybe an October surprise even."

"My thinking is that for it to be October that would be so crass and so transparent that even this crowd would shy away from making it so obvious," said McGovern.

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moistie said:
Yep. It's basically a staged terror operation undertaken to frame an organisation. 9-11 was one and the London bombings were another.

The question that needs to be determined though, is the information released because Israels intelligence is better, is it released ( as in the Commonwealth Games Scare) to ensure co-operation at the turnstiles, or is it an arrogant snub to the world.

It does seem coincidental that in the 2 highlighted attacks Israeli intelligence had better information and warned potential risks away from the areas.
moistie said:
Yep. It's basically a staged terror operation undertaken to frame an organisation. 9-11 was one and the London bombings were another.

And it's not new.

Everyone knows that the Brits attacked German forces from across the Polish border in Sept 1939 and the Yanks sank their own ships at Pearl Harbour from planes from their own carriers which were mysteriously absent from Pearl at the time and....
Dry Rot said:
Everyone knows that the Brits attacked German forces from across the Polish border in Sept 1939 and the Yanks sank their own ships at Pearl Harbour from planes from their own carriers which were mysteriously absent from Pearl at the time and....

Um, not quite. The yanks withdrew their new ships including aircraft carriers from pearl harbour and ignored warnings the Japs were about to attack. But this event is a bit different from government sponsored terrorism where the CIA or Mossad actually do the dirty work. A better example of government sponsored terroism might be the stirring up of civil war in Iraq by the yanks.

As to why the warnings come out, well they get picked up by intelligence agencies monitoring chatter. This is where the French, German, Russian intelligence agencies warnings came from as well as the Israeli warnings.
For thousands of years people in all cultures have been walking around with placards saying the end is near, through diseases and wars man has survived and even if a nuclear bomb is detonated in Eurpoe or America the human race will still survive. Empires come and go by the influence of time.

One thing is certain, eventually all of us are going to die by disease, accidents or old age - no-one can stop the demise of the human body.
Who care about all the conspiracy theroists and dooms day freaks, try and save yourself and you family and friends from being effected by the death of your body. Thats the real purpose of human life.
The stupidest thing they did was try to get into the prognostication gig rather than sticking to making existing information fit their BS.

This one is just too easily disproven. The nutters are slipping.

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Predictions are always a load of crap. Problem is, when they're broad enough that they come off, loads of people will stick faith on them for another 666 failures (ooops! 666! OMG 6/6/06! OMG! where were y00 at 6:66am?)

Wonder what the Nostradamus lovers did when the big cities of the world didn't get razed by Lucifer walking on earth again in 1999 as predicted.
Zionist are not satanists, the risk of governmnet sponsored terrorism however still remains high, I am more concerned about an economic event however.
I also previously gave 650 major UK Journalists, all media Editors and 112 London Fire Stations an advance alert of a probable Staged ‘False Flag’ Atrocity on either 5th or 11th November 2005, with the main target being the Parliament Building in London. London did not happen or was stopped because of the advance publicity, but Jordan did happen on 9th November 2005.
I love that bit. Typical rubbish that these types come out with.

First, make it look like your message is heard by people in power or making it look like you have a broad range of contacts ("650 major UK Journalists, all media Editors and 112 London Fire Stations"). Hopefully your audience is stupid enough to forget about that little thing called the phone book. In Didgalia, they're all that stupid.

Second, be non-specific or if you are caught in a specific prediction link in some completely unrelated event. "See, I knew SOMETHING was up! Just got the location wrong. I'll still call that a win for my predictive analysis skills."
gibbyman said:
One thing is certain, eventually all of us are going to die by disease, accidents or old age - no-one can stop the demise of the human body.
Who care about all the conspiracy theroists and dooms day freaks, try and save yourself and you family and friends from being effected by the death of your body. Thats the real purpose of human life.

Actually, using a mixture of nanotechnology and gene therapy, scientists predict that wihtin the current generation's lifetime - we will have the capability to ensure human's live forever, and even reverse ageing. Whether it is actually allowed remains to be seen.
rick James said:
Actually, using a mixture of nanotechnology and gene therapy, scientists predict that wihtin the current generation's lifetime - we will have the capability to ensure human's live forever, and even reverse ageing. Whether it is actually allowed remains to be seen.
Montgomery Burns Board
Appleyard said:
I love that bit. Typical rubbish that these types come out with.

First, make it look like your message is heard by people in power or making it look like you have a broad range of contacts ("650 major UK Journalists, all media Editors and 112 London Fire Stations"). Hopefully your audience is stupid enough to forget about that little thing called the phone book. In Didgalia, they're all that stupid.

Second, be non-specific or if you are caught in a specific prediction link in some completely unrelated event. "See, I knew SOMETHING was up! Just got the location wrong. I'll still call that a win for my predictive analysis skills."

ahaa, i get it AY, its like we have irrefutable evidence, see?, and a paper is produced, with all this evidence printed on it, with someone's name printed on the bottom of it, who just happens to be the someone you want to discredit.
Is that something similar? ;)

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