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Get the badge = You're a loser
Don't get the badge = You're a loser


At least I am loser with a badge, better than those badge-less losers.

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Get the badge = You're a loser
Don't get the badge = You're a loser

At least I am loser with a badge, better than those badge-less losers.
I'm both. Asked for a badge but didn't get one.

Of all the losers I finished first.
I had no choice. I was 13 when A New Hope came out and there was never anything remotely like Star Wars beforehand. I was in a whopping cinema that held close to 400 chattering kids on a Saturday afternoon, it was like a chimpanzee convention on speed. Every single kid cheered wildly when the death star blew up.



The screening I mentioned in the post above was a fairdinkum nut house, kids just losing their shit all over the place. Good times.


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Hook me up Chief...

I made mum take my brothers and I to the trilogy back-to-back-to-back when Jedi came out, therefore I is legit.
Ffft. Old enough to see original in the cinema. Nothing, nothing beats the rumble of surround sound as the opening scene starts


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