Food/Supplements Diet Diet, Supplements and Enhancers - Part III

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Have had anxiety for years, sometimes mild, sometimes very bad to the point of having breakdowns.

Blood tests always good, or at least according to docs they were.

Started taking vitamin B complex that girlfriend bought for me.

Anxiety decreased significantly at a fairly quick rate. Thought it was coincidence, so stopped taking, anxiety crept back. Start taking them again, anxiety decreases.

I already eat a signicant amount of food each day that contains vitamin B.

Been experimenting for roughly a month.

Started taking a b complex yesterday to see if it makes any difference for me. Anxiety has been ****ing me pretty badly the last few months (more than normal) so going to see if this assists
Started taking a b complex yesterday to see if it makes any difference for me. Anxiety has been ******* me pretty badly the last few months (more than normal) so going to see if this assists

Just a little side note, its interesting to see a couple of guys on here have anxiety. I get it time to time, mostly due to work but never to the point off not being able to function. We recently had a organisation called SALT through our footy club which helps players deal with anxiety, depression, mental illness - what they are, how they are/might be caused. How to discuss with other people who may be suffering from them, it was interesting to listen to. There was only 25 players but in the end a lot opened up about mental illness, depression, anxiety - funnily enough knowing others suffer from it makes you feel better like you aren't the odd one out.......for me i don't really get to anxious about things outside of work (save for a close game the dees may lose) but i just remember my grandpa always told me......."if its a problem money can solve, its not a problem" remembering that helps me deal with any issues that come up at work. Footy and gym also really help with trying to witch off from work.
Just grabbed some of that new whey from bulk nutrients
Went with lemonade flavor
I like it, just had a sample of the lemonade but thinking I'll get some with my next supps order and keep it at work for an afternoon drink - keeps any sweet cravings away.
I find it a little sweet, try adding 500ml instead of their recommended 400ml of water with it.

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Just a little side note, its interesting to see a couple of guys on here have anxiety. I get it time to time, mostly due to work but never to the point off not being able to function. We recently had a organisation called SALT through our footy club which helps players deal with anxiety, depression, mental illness - what they are, how they are/might be caused. How to discuss with other people who may be suffering from them, it was interesting to listen to. There was only 25 players but in the end a lot opened up about mental illness, depression, anxiety - funnily enough knowing others suffer from it makes you feel better like you aren't the odd one out.......for me i don't really get to anxious about things outside of work (save for a close game the dees may lose) but i just remember my grandpa always told me......."if its a problem money can solve, its not a problem" remembering that helps me deal with any issues that come up at work. Footy and gym also really help with trying to witch off from work.
My anxiety and depression is something I hid for a long time. Taken me a long time to open up to my missus and mates. Not many at footy know, which is an issue, since it's been impacting my footy this year. But slowly working through it (it's part of the reason I spend so much time training at gym, it's one thing that helps)
It's always good to hear how others have dealt and things that have helped.
My anxiety and depression is something I hid for a long time. Taken me a long time to open up to my missus and mates. Not many at footy know, which is an issue, since it's been impacting my footy this year. But slowly working through it (it's part of the reason I spend so much time training at gym, it's one thing that helps)
It's always good to hear how others have dealt and things that have helped.

Somewhat ironically mine is the reason I went back to footy.
Intentionally exposing myself to triggers (being tested/judged with potential for failure) in a known environment with lower risk outcomes (vs uni/financial things & relationships).
Somewhat ironically mine is the reason I went back to footy.
Intentionally exposing myself to triggers (being tested/judged with potential for failure) in a known environment with lower risk outcomes (vs uni/financial things & relationships).
Mines more from about 25-26 years of being overweight and losing self confidence. Losing weight, getting fit and starting footy has helped in parts, but having not done much activity as a kid and never doing group sports, leads me to lack confidence at footy. Last year wasn't so bad because the whole club struggled and no one really turned up to training. Success at the club and bigger numbers at training triggers my anxiety so I'd be skipping training a lot, and that's lead to me getting dropped which has made it all worse
Just gotta work through it and try different stuff.
It's interesting how different the triggers are for each person
I like it, just had a sample of the lemonade but thinking I'll get some with my next supps order and keep it at work for an afternoon drink - keeps any sweet cravings away.
I find it a little sweet, try adding 500ml instead of their recommended 400ml of water with it.
Interesting that it's sweet tasting I was under the impression is was 100% sugar free.
Maybe I was looking at another product on their site and got confused
Interesting that it's sweet tasting I was under the impression is was 100% sugar free.
Maybe I was looking at another product on their site and got confused
They often sweeten their products with stevia but that's not in the ingredients list - sucralose is noted as the last ingredient.
Interesting that it's sweet tasting I was under the impression is was 100% sugar free.
Maybe I was looking at another product on their site and got confused
It contains sucralose (dextrose and maltodextrin in minuscule amounts) zero calories and will not raise BG levels because of the small concentrated amounts used.
I love the cola, it's awesome, and like Tim I add extra water plus a squeeze of lemon juice to take the sweet edge off
My anxiety and depression is something I hid for a long time. Taken me a long time to open up to my missus and mates. Not many at footy know, which is an issue, since it's been impacting my footy this year. But slowly working through it (it's part of the reason I spend so much time training at gym, it's one thing that helps)
It's always good to hear how others have dealt and things that have helped.

Suffered a bit of both over the last 4-5 years. I know its cliche, but a good diet and plenty of exercise helps no end. I think nowadays I'm much better at understanding my triggers, I know when to pull back at certain times and take it easy. I think the most difficult thing for me has been opening up to people and try to get them to understand. Sometimes when I might not want to do something whether it's socially or whatever, it's not because I'm lazy etc. Just I feel like I need my own space and time, I think it often gets misconstrued with a lack of effort or laziness.
Suffered a bit of both over the last 4-5 years. I know its cliche, but a good diet and plenty of exercise helps no end. I think nowadays I'm much better at understanding my triggers, I know when to pull back at certain times and take it easy. I think the most difficult thing for me has been opening up to people and try to get them to understand. Sometimes when I might not want to do something whether it's socially or whatever, it's not because I'm lazy etc. Just I feel like I need my own space and time, I think it often gets misconstrued with a lack of effort or laziness.
Yeah mines been about 8-9 years now. Never did anything about it until recently.
Impacted my gym and footy this year when it was at its worst. Starting to let people in now which helps.

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Future whey and proviotics arrived yesterday, the free sample was cola future whey
Good thinking on their behalf as i ordered lemonade.

Will prob give a try sat
I've still got to get rid of a good kilo of a dairy based whey yet so I'll drop one of those in a few times a week instead of the new stuff
Pomegranate Juice
Green Tea Extract
Tribulus Terrestris
Musashi Lean Muscle & Recovery (as part of 180 grams of protein per day ~6 meals of 30 grams protein)
Gingko Biloba

10 kilograms gone in 3 months*

*Please consult a healthcare professional before taking random advice from a total stranger
Pomegranate Juice
Green Tea Extract
Tribulus Terrestris
Musashi Lean Muscle & Recovery (as part of 180 grams of protein per day ~6 meals of 30 grams protein)
Gingko Biloba

10 kilograms gone in 3 months*

*Please consult a healthcare professional before taking random advice from a total stranger
How overweight were you?
What was your diet like pre and post the change? Training?
How old are ya?
How overweight were you?
What was your diet like pre and post the change? Training?
How old are ya?

Pre diet was equivalent to about a can of coke and vanilla slice for breakfast, two pies for lunch, and a pizza with all the trimmings for dinner. Pre training consisted of half a sit up getting up in the morning and the other half going to bed at night, but admittedly my day-to-day work has always been active. My weight at that stage was 90kg+ but I gave up breakfast sometime during that stage and dropped to 90kg.

After going on the diet I dropped to about 85kgs with only the active lifestyle, then I went to the gym and added in the protein and lost the other 5kgs. Now I'm working on a bit more fat loss / increased definition.
Pre diet was equivalent to about a can of coke and vanilla slice for breakfast, two pies for lunch, and a pizza with all the trimmings for dinner. Pre training consisted of half a sit up getting up in the morning and the other half going to bed at night, but admittedly my day-to-day work has always been active. My weight at that stage was 90kg+ but I gave up breakfast sometime during that stage and dropped to 90kg.

After going on the diet I dropped to about 85kgs with only the active lifestyle, then I went to the gym and added in the protein and lost the other 5kgs. Now I'm working on a bit more fat loss / increased definition.
The supps most likely had very little impact (except the additional protein)
Watch out mate. Most are a waste of $$$$
The supps most likely had very little impact (except the additional protein)
Watch out mate. Most are a waste of $$$$

I think out of all of them, the green tea extract is the one that has helped the most, but you're right about the cost, and the placebo effect. Definitely the green tea extract though, if that shit were fed to a wombat it would make it look like a wolverine*

*any resemblance a wombat has to a wolverine after consuming green tea extract is purely coincidental
Does the lemonade Future Whey have a proper lemon taste or is it more like the clear Sprite type stuff that we in Australia call lemonade?
I found it more lemony.
Keeping a bag of cola at work for some afternoons. Lemonade for an intra-workout drink.

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