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St. Elmo's Fire - Brian Eno / Portastatic

Remember hearing this once on radio back in the day without having any reference to the original by Brian Eno. Had to rack my brains to remember the name of the band...actually had to go to Discogs, knew it was Mac from Superchunk - another 90's indie band I've barely listened to. Sounds like Ira Kaplan from Yo La Tengo who is listed in the credit notes might be playing the guitar solos.

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The Residents did many cover versions including whole albums of interpretations of artists' work
including amongst others, John Phillip Sousa, Hank Williams and Elvis Presley. Here's a live version
of The Residents performing Elvis' 'Burning Love'. Great dancing!

Goodness, a Residents cover, makes me feel at home.

There has been a lot of covers of Heroes

The Boss did a tribute cover of this Aussie anthem in Sydney

Devo deconstructing the famous Stones song on SNL

X nailing John Lennon's Mother and Roy Orbison's Dream Baby

I love X doing Dream Baby. I saw then a couple of times in the mid 80's and I fell in love with Cathy Green (drummer) Cathy, Cathy were art thou? Do you post on BF? Are you divorced?

I like Broken Peach, who do some great covers. They put out a lot of stuff over Covid lock down and provided me some entertainment. Good visuals and performance's, sort of Spanish death goth. Often a few versions of songs can be found on Youtube. Here's three crackers, Tainted Love, Personal Jesus and I Put a Spell on You


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I'm an unabashed fan of Ghost and I reckon this cover is fantastic. It's a cover of Simian Mobile Disco, an electronic band which I knew absolutely nothing about. Turning a techno-trance number into a gothic ballad is genius. BTW - I now love the original. I wouldn't even have been aware of them unless Ghost had covered them.


Simian Mobile Disco
I'm A Man by the Spencer Davis Group. Written by music prodigy Steve Winwood at age 18. Winwood began playing guitar, keyboards and singing with the Spencer Davis Group aged 14. His older brother Muff is playing bass. One of my early 45 purchases.

Chicago Transit Authority (Chicago) with their much longer version. I love listening to both versions.

Cover of Blue Oyster Cult's "Flaming Telepaths" by Espers - Philadelphia psych/ folk group from the 1st decade of this century.

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