Chit Chat Part 2

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We have a segment called Mystery Dicks on Thursday nights before the teams are named. They are named and shamed.

There are 2 categories. Jocks-on showerers and Non-showerers.

Pretty funny really.

Fines are handed out for all sorts of things and our tool of the week has to dress in this:


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Real Name: Mathias

Age: 22

Location: The Free World

Occupation: Car Salesman

Transport: EB Falcon

Team: Richmond

Other Sports: Hurling, Curling

Favourite Foods: Nachos, Party pies

Favourite Drinks: Gatorade, Imported Bull Semen

Best/Worst Radio Stations: JJJ>All else

TV Shows I'd Never Miss: Big Bang Theory.

Best Radio/TV Jingle: The Garfield Berry Farm & Produce Market

Favourite Website:

Best Holiday Spot: Airlie Beach

3 Things ALWAYS in my Shopping Trolley: Condoms, Beer, Corn Chips

Which Supermarket Chain Do You Prefer...Why? Coles. Because I stole a Staff Discount card.

Favourite Cartoon Character: Stewie.

Most amazing thing I've done or seen: Me kick 7 vs. Catani about 5 years ago.

Bad Habits: Smoking darts, Cocaine.

Biggest Fear/Phobia: Not being scared of anything.

Have You Any Piercings Or Tattoos? One armband.

Hobbies: Smoking heroin.

3 Famous People I've Met: (Outside Football...) Mal Michael, Gary Ablett Jr. Scott Bayo, dash Snow.

Dream Job: Dikembe Mutumbo body double

Favourite Board/Video Games: Leisure suit larry the orginal.

Favourite Game Show: Hole in the wall.

Reality Program: Cribs

Top 5 Songs (In No Particular Order...) White Lines - Grandmaster Flash. It's the only song I listen to.

I Admire...Why? Steven Baker, because it takes guts to be that bad at football and still put yourself in the public arena.

Finally...3 Things I'd Like To Do/Achieve Before I die...: Try adrenochrome, Play one on one against Manute bol & Sing White Lines at Rod Laver.

Card Coming.
This board is dead. I'm disappointed. I built this mother, and it's turned to garbage. I left you cats a legacy, and it's been shit all over. Goal sneak would be turning in his grave. Shame.

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You blokes could easily come back and add some intelligent conversation. The crap that is put on here now is disgraceful at times. Some of the current crop ar rank amateurs at best and really have no idea as to how to behave in a forum such as this!

No point sitting back and taking pot shots, boys!!!

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