Alien/UFO Aliens

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While I agree there are life forms out there, the sheer size of the universe means they will have to be within 500 light years of us - to be able to reproduce on the journey and train up new travellers - to even have a decent crack at getting here. This is assuming they have the ability to travel at the speed of light: equal to approx 11ty billion kms's bloody fast.

Can you imagine the conversation:

Alien 1: we have found life on a planet in sector 7. Let us board the craft and attack.
Alien 2. That is 500 light years away mate. Ship needs a re-tune and more boost
Alien 3: Why don't we just put an LS engine in it.

Having said all that I just googled, and there may be earth like planets as close as 13 light years away. Think about that for a minute. 13 light years. To put that in perspective, it took the voyager space probe 27 years to cover 13 light hours.
There is so little we know about space-time itself and gravity, that I don't think it's a stretch to say that an advanced civilisation would regard those distances like you driving interstate. Already NASA are working on warping space-time in very small scales, I'd recommend watching Harold White's lectures on what they're doing with an interferometer. The idea is to warp space so that it moves, rather than the ship. Space can move however fast it wants.

Titanium ball of organic matter has been found in space.
They didn't say what they "gooey" stuff was from the inside.

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There is so little we know about space-time itself and gravity, that I don't think it's a stretch to say that an advanced civilisation would regard those distances like you driving interstate. Already NASA are working on warping space-time in very small scales, I'd recommend watching Harold White's lectures on what they're doing with an interferometer. The idea is to warp space so that it moves, rather than the ship. Space can move however fast it wants.
Cheers I will check out the lectures.
Aliens are not extra-terrestrial, they are very much indigenous to Earth and referred to as elemental beings in some disciplines

They occupy the same space but not the same dimension for want of a better word, vibrating at a different frequency to physical matter

Being out of phase with us they have no physical form and have to clothe themselves in imagery taken from our collective unconscious

In days gone by they were seen as nymphs fairies elves gnomes sprites etc but in more modern times are almost exclusively seen as aliens now that interstellar space (and not the forest) represents the great unknown

They are not more advanced than us and sit directly below us on the evolutionary scale, they can be thought of as nature's automatons and will behave exactly as you expect them to, so to a large extent your perception of them will dictate the experience

Hope that clears things up o_O
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Aliens are not extra-terrestrial, they are very much indigenous to Earth and referred to as elemental beings in some disciplines

They occupy the same space but not the same dimension for want of a better word, vibrating at a different frequency to physical matter

Being out of phase with us they have no physical form and have to clothe themselves in imagery taken from our collective unconscious

In days gone by they were seen as nymphs fairies elves gnomes sprites etc but in more modern times are almost exclusively seen as aliens now that interstellar space (and not the forest) represents the great unknown

They are not more advanced than us and sit directly below us on the evolutionary scale, they can be thought of as nature's automatons and will behave exactly as you expect them to, so to a large extent your perception of them will dictate the experience

Hope that clears things up o_O

Crystal Clear!
Aliens are not extra-terrestrial, they are very much indigenous to Earth and referred to as elemental beings in some disciplines

They occupy the same space but not the same dimension for want of a better word, vibrating at a different frequency to physical matter

Being out of phase with us they have no physical form and have to clothe themselves in imagery taken from our collective unconscious

In days gone by they were seen as nymphs fairies elves gnomes sprites etc but in more modern times are almost exclusively seen as aliens now that interstellar space (and not the forest) represents the great unknown

They are not more advanced than us and sit directly below us on the evolutionary scale, they can be thought of as nature's automatons and will behave exactly as you expect them to, so to a large extent your perception of them will dictate the experience

Hope that clears things up o_O
Fairies, gnomes, elves etc were invented in 14th century literature. They don't really exist :rolleyes:
Also, vampires, werewolves and zombies are made up too :p
Fairies, gnomes, elves etc were invented in 14th century literature. They don't really exist :rolleyes:
Also, vampires, werewolves and zombies are made up too :p
Correct, elemental beings take their form from our collective unconscious, they use the imagery already built up in the egregore

That's why the greys are seen so often, they are the popular concept of what we all expect aliens to look like so no wonder they are so humanlike, in reality extra-terrestrials are almost certainly not going to have humanoid form, they will have evolved in completely different environments to us and it will show, look at the diversity on our tiny little planet
Correct, elemental beings take their form from our collective unconscious, they use the imagery already built up in the egregore

That's why the greys are seen so often, they are the popular concept of what we all expect aliens to look like so no wonder they are so humanlike, in reality extra-terrestrials are almost certainly not going to have humanoid form, they will have evolved in completely different environments to us and it will show, look at the diversity on our tiny little planet

Evolved into forms of pure energy?

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Have to read/listen to his story more first tho, because he says he drove the alien body back to his house, put it in a freezer, called his friend to come over, but did not call police or other govt bodies yet....8+ hours elapsed with him sleeping in his house being sick from contacting the alien, and then his friend came over.....have to read tje exact chronology....because i know later in the story his friend disappears for good, and Reed says suddenly hes being followed everywhere, trying to run him off the road, and he ends up on the run himself
Aliens are not extra-terrestrial, they are very much indigenous to Earth and referred to as elemental beings in some disciplines

They occupy the same space but not the same dimension for want of a better word, vibrating at a different frequency to physical matter

Being out of phase with us they have no physical form and have to clothe themselves in imagery taken from our collective unconscious

In days gone by they were seen as nymphs fairies elves gnomes sprites etc but in more modern times are almost exclusively seen as aliens now that interstellar space (and not the forest) represents the great unknown

They are not more advanced than us and sit directly below us on the evolutionary scale, they can be thought of as nature's automatons and will behave exactly as you expect them to, so to a large extent your perception of them will dictate the experience

Hope that clears things up o_O

Absolutely agree!!

(This is my sketchy opinion only, based on my own research, don't take it as anything more, lol)

Gods as well, apparently there is a connections to star constellations and multi god theory relating to multi dimension theory. This goes way over my head though, lol. Also, remember, Hadron Higgs B found the "God Particle" which they really wanted to call god dammit! But this hints at a quantum field theory of curved space time. Cosmic anti matter and spacetime inflation. (i'm sorta skeptical of this, but it sounds cool, lol.)

Now onto, out of place artefacts, or OOPA.
Hence why ufo themed (out of place artefacts) showed up everywhere in ancient archaeological digs and ancient art galleries.

We do not fully understand dimension theory, quantum theory, gravity or dark matter. At all.

It's like having multi frequency channels of 3 Dimensions existing in the same place. Similar to how we cal listen to many radio station frequencies in the same physical space.

(this is a real stretch, lol)
I also believe the reason the greys/whatever they were, showed up at Roswell in 1947 was because the 509 Enola Gay that dropped on Hiroshima was stationed at Roswell Airfield in New Mexico before going on it's mission. That entire incident is when there was a dimensional crossover, sort of like opening a portal or a channel. The energy likely effected a multi dimensional reaction. Hence why in 2011 an investigation showed that UAP's have visited nuclear sights around the world since the 1940s time period. All documented very well on most modern day UAP documentaries.

To me this alludes to they are either in another dimension existing in the same space or they exist on a close planet/moon, only seen via infrared, that can visually see what goes on Earth.

It sort of all connects in a funny way.

Now you have Lou E and Chris M saying categorically that these things "are not from this world". That can be interpreted in different ways, but it either means, from another solar system/planet etc or another dimension frequency. According to some.

Now when it comes to consciousness, i have zero idea how that works. But it could be a part of how the phenomenon exists if you consider dimensions as 3D channel frequency and expanding consciousness or something like remote viewing as noise filtering into another channel.. According to some. There is a name for it, but it describes 4D tetrahedral meditation.
(i know, it seems ridiculous at first).
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Looking up now info of what happened since then. The Dr Reed incident from 1996.

UFO Watchdog site says ‘It has since been discovered that “Dr. Jonathan Reed” is actually a Seattle, Washington resident named John Bradley Rutter.

‘He has lived in Seattle, Washington the entire time he claimed to be on the run from evil government agents, isn’t a doctor or a Ph.D and has no college degrees.’

To me tho, those videos of everything, opening the eyelids etc, veins in the eyelid, etc. But looking for more info....


In a 2010 episode of the series Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, the Fact or Faked team was able to duplicate the entire Reed video nearly shot-to-shot. Since this did not entirely eliminate the authenticity of Reed's original footage, the team decided to do a voice stress test on Reed himself. The test ultimately prove that Reed was extremely deceptive about the incident. While this doesn't entirely prove it to be a hoax, all of the evidence points to fraud and the alien research community has accepted the Reed video as a fake
Screenshot_20211019-222246.png Screenshot_20211019-222324.png

ABOVE: John Bradley Rutter - aka "Dr. Jonathan Reed" (left), and Robert Aria - aka Robert "Raith".

RUTTER: Told bogus story of killing alien in the woods of Washington state on Art Bell show; bad actor. Took alien body home, alien came back to life, government stole all his evidence except some bad video and pictures. Claimed to be hiding from evil government agents. Has pictures of rubber alien and fake UFO as proof. Refused to have independent investigators evaluate evidence. Film type "Dr. Reed" claims to have used to take photos of UFO and alien in 1996 wasn't manufactured until 1997. It has since been discovered that "Dr. Jonathan Reed" is actually a Seattle, Washington resident named JOHN BRADLEY RUTTER. He has lived in Seattle, Washington the entire time he claimed to be on the run from evil government agents, isn't a doctor or a Ph.D and has no college degrees. Liar, con man, and UFO leech.

ARIA: Author of book for Reed, co-conspirator of hoax, works as a clerk at a mini-mart in Seattle. Aria claimed on national radio to have never met someone posing as "Dr." Harold Chacon until an analysis on phony alien blood and tissue was alleged to have been done by Chacon. Aria and Chacon worked together at the same mini-mart for at least 5 years and they both live in the same West Seattle neighborhood within two blocks of each other. These morons have been so exposed in the United States that they've had to move their con to Latin America in hopes of scamming off of the people there. Thanks to Jaime Maussan, it looks as though their venture into Latin America has been successful. It's amazing anyone would give this case any credibility considering the mountain of lies that come with it.

SEE: Jonathan Reed Exposed! and The Dead Alien, The Doctor and the Deception

Apparently exposing this fraud wasn't enough, as some are still endorsing it and "Dr. Reed" has set up a new website and found some morons willing to hawk his wares. Amazing how some people just can't and won't face the evidence. The need to believe is a powerful and dangerous thing.

Please note: Several other so-called investigators have tried to take credit for exposing this case. Gee, how do I say this? I know - they're full of shit. investigated the Reed UFO Fraud from the start and this website exclusively exposed the true identity of "Dr.Reed". Some chat it up, delivers.

Ed. Note: The above is an original UFO Watchdog article and has been preserved in its original form as much as possible. As is common with web pages over time, some links no longer work. This has been so noted in the text. An alternative access menu to all pages connected to this article is provided below. The 'Dead Alien' sequence was written first and is an account of the hoax itself. The 'Reed Files' are an account of events as they happened subsequently and focus on the exposure of Reed as a fraud.

The Dead Alien I
The Dead Alien II
The Dead Alien III
The Dead Alien IV
The Dead Alien V
-Open Letter to IUFOC
-Art Bell Interview Transcript

Reed Files Part I
Reed Files Part II
Reed Files Part III
Reed Files Part IV
Reed Files Part V
-Rudolpho Garrido
-Jeep Bill of Sale
Reed Files Part VI
Reed Files Part VII

Mufon State Florida Director Supports Reed Fraud
Reed Returns with a new web site
The Reed Deception
A Look at Reed's South American supporters


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