Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

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Are you talking about Australia or the US? The majority of the really rich in Australia are rich due to inheritance and gaining rents in mining sectors or other duopoly sectors that require gaining rights from the government such as our media sector. In the US the majority of the really rich are self made from technology or service based industries. Ruchir Sharma wrote a book on this very topic. Rise and Fall of Nations is its name I think. The US was one of the best performed in proportion of rich who are self made and dont earn their wealth in rent seeking sectors. Australia was one of the worst of the developed economies. However developing economies, as you would expect, are the worst. As for inheritance accumulation, Australia doesnt even have a death tax. The US does even if its too small.

I travel to the US and am very aware of all the homeless and poverty that just doesnt exist in other developed economies. But relative to other developing economies it is small and the homeless in the US do have access to services, rights and food that does not exist in many developing economies. My comment wasnt solely about poverty. Its about freedom of movement, access to information and freedom or religion, which the US has in spades compared to many developing economies and even some developed. We have China which is currently on the path to embracing a 1984 scenario. We have developing economies with governments that kidnap people in the night and never return. We have governments that force kids to go work in the fields. We have countries where people are stoned for being gay and women are imprisoned for being raped. Many countries ban groups of citizens from travelling from outside their own little region. If we think the poor in the US is as bad as its gets we are greatly misinformed.

Oh go on - let me be dramatic
Spot on.

Apart from a couple of social issues, Obama essentially governed as a moderate Republican. He did very little of what he was elected to do. Hence the push for populist change in 2020.
Even the social issues he somehow receives credit for, such as gay marriage, he was opposed to at two consecutive elections, and was only achieved through the Supreme Court.

Can't agree with any of that...

Most wealth is transmitted by inheritance and generated by the continuation of rent seeking, it is the minority that are "self-made", and in many cases this is due to leveraging advantages that others do not have.

The standard of living for a fair proportion of the US is horrific, an insecure brutal existence within a callous public domain and with limited scope for improvement.

It's a third world country
Dunno about that, most of their top 20 richest are self-made. This wouldn't be the case in Australia - Rinehart, Packer, Pratt all inherited significant wealth.
Even the social issues he somehow receives credit for, such as gay marriage, he was opposed to at two consecutive elections, and was only achieved through the Supreme Court.

Dunno about that, most of their top 20 richest are self-made. This wouldn't be the case in Australia - Rinehart, Packer, Pratt all inherited significant wealth.

What do we mean by self-made?

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Is this true?

Well this is normal and nothing to be concerned about...

Reading the tweets in the thread it doesn’t get better either.

Amazing that this doesn't immediately make Pompeo a laughing stock all over America.

This is the whole reason for Trump's uber pro-Israel stance. The sky fairy worshippers like Pompeo, Pence, Devos etc have got in his ear because they think for their fairytale to come to life, the Jews have to control Jerusalem.

Foreign policy dictated by an imaginary sky wizard, and Trump is too stupid to understand.
Amazing that this doesn't immediately make Pompeo a laughing stock all over America.

This is the whole reason for Trump's uber pro-Israel stance. The sky fairy worshippers like Pompeo, Pence, Devos etc have got in his ear because they think for their fairytale to come to life, the Jews have to control Jerusalem.

Foreign policy dictated by an imaginary sky wizard, and Trump is too stupid to understand.

Which makes their destruction of Iraq when Saddam was keeping a lid on the local extremist tendencies & had nothing to do with 9/11. Also their blind attachment to the house of the Saudi's who promote terrorism & the Wahhabi nutters.

US Foreign policy is a total religious & Fox driven schemozzle.
I'll bite...

He did within the narrow confines afforded under the American system. Bit bored with this line of argument TBH.

That's because you are focusing on the effect, not the cause.

The cause of the electorate's disenchantment with his presidency was Obama and the Obot's creation of a celebrity quasi religious cult around O - the faux Greek columns and the "heal the planet, oceans receding" soaring BS rhetoric et etc ….

this Obot tactic was adopted to take attention away from Obama's lack of experience, qualifications for the job and his lazy performances in the Senate and before that in state legislature.

It raised expectations of O's sainthood to a ridiculous level.

The reality of 8 years of Obama was that voters in the key states couldn't wait to vote against the Democratic Party that had betrayed and abandoned them.

And they were more than happy to vote for a true celebrity after 8 years of fake one.
That's because you are focusing on the effect, not the cause.

The cause of the electorate's disenchantment with his presidency was Obama and the Obot's creation of a celebrity quasi religious cult around O - the faux Greek columns and the "heal the planet, oceans receding" soaring BS rhetoric et etc ….

this Obot tactic was adopted to take attention away from Obama's lack of experience, qualifications for the job and his lazy performances in the Senate and before that in state legislature.

It raised expectations of O's sainthood to a ridiculous level.

The reality of 8 years of Obama was that voters in the key states couldn't wait to vote against the Democratic Party that had betrayed and abandoned them.

And they were more than happy to vote for a true celebrity after 8 years of fake one.
This is all well and good if you ignore he left office with aa 59% approval rating and that rating subsequently increased as well.

GuruJane with no idea as usual

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Well this is normal and nothing to be concerned about...

Reading the tweets in the thread it doesn’t get better either.
Trump got another yes-man.

This fits in with the religious zealotry the US government seems soaked in.

Did somebody post an article that discussed the fanatical pro-Israel attitude that relates back to apocalyptic interpretations of the bible? Israel has to exist or Jesus won't return or some such bullshit?
Princeton University?

Built his empire off the back of publicly funded infrastructure and technology?

What is self-made?
We have the same infrastructure and technology and most of our richest are property and resources related - ie rent seekers. The same group are invariably heirs, this is less the case in the US.
Poll taken by OBOT poster after he's left office? O's averages were pathetic over his 8 years - below 50.

In any case, the punters who approved weren't the one who were voting for Trump in WI, PA and MI

Were those the ones who hated the health care, 'Obamacare', offered to those who had none before?. All that despite the job the Repubs did to discredit & destroy it. So what has the Trumpster put in its place?

Talk about cutting ones own throat. the very people who attacked Obamacare, let the Repubs bugger it up & destroy it, need it badly & hae nothing to replace it.

Dumbness in the extreme.
Were those the ones who hated the health care, 'Obamacare', offered to those who had none before?. All that despite the job the Repubs did to discredit & destroy it. So what has the Trumpster put in its place?

Talk about cutting ones own throat. the very people who attacked Obamacare, let the Repubs bugger it up & destroy it, need it badly & hae nothing to replace it.

Dumbness in the extreme.

Obamacare is a plan designed by Republicans and for-profit health companies, not what the people need. They need single payer Medicare For All. Normal Democratic voters are done with the Democrats' empty talk.
Poll taken by OBOT poster after he's left office? O's averages were pathetic over his 8 years - below 50.

In any case, the punters who approved weren't the one who were voting for Trump in WI, PA and MI
Will you accept Rasmussen polling (although I would add a couple of percentage points given their bias).
62% Total approve in Jan 2017.
Can't see any numbers below 43% over the 8 years in fact most were over 50%.
Obamacare is a plan designed by Republicans and for-profit health companies, not what the people need. They need single payer Medicare For All. Normal Democratic voters are done with the Democrats' empty talk.

By all accounts It was originally a Republican plan, yet they still attacked it because 'Obamacare'. That makes it even funnier & dumber than one could ever imagine.
This is all well and good if you ignore he left office with aa 59% approval rating and that rating subsequently increased as well.

GuruJane with no idea as usual

Yep a dumber political analysis you would struggle to find.

While Obama was a disappointment sure, you would have to be a moron (or a Trump sycophant) to believe Obama wouldn't have cake walked to a 3rd term against Trump.
The Republicans exist to oppose. They don't give a f*ck.

It's always the same. Scaremonger about change until the change is made then pretend they were always on the right side of history.

Conservatives exist to oppose, correct. And there is a place for sensible conservatism that ensures progressive reform is measured and considered.

Unfortunately, the modern conservative seems to oppose something simply because it is "the evil socialist left" trying to implement it.

The new way of getting progressive reform seems to be chipping away at the moderate conservatives to get them to implement the reforms themselves (therefore they get the "credit", despite being their party being the reason why the reform hasn't already been introduced).
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