Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 15: "Like a miracle, it will disappear."

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Aug 12, 2012
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In his final weeks in office, Trump has launched a full-bore attack on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the 1996 law that shields tech companies from being held liable for what users post on their platforms.
Trump wants fb etc liable to be sued , by taking down the shield , they wont let posts on that could be defamatory, if joe citizen posts on Twitter trump is .... , trump wont sue joe citizen who has no money but twitter, when 230 was enacted social media was non existent and the congress had no idea what soc media was etc .
Facebook Sealand office is ramping up...
What is it with Americans using the word commie for anybody they don't like? I bet most of them wouldn't even be able to tell you what communism actually is. Same can be said for socialism.
The poorer parts of the country have such bad education systems they only ever heard the word “communist” on Fox News.
I remember someone on here once talking about the left wing bias of HR managers. People have no concept of ideology anymore (which shows just how victorious the right have been).
Is this an outcome from a move toward populism masquerading as ideologies?
I can understand dying on the hill for a religion or a coherent ism but Trumpism? He stands for nothing but himself and all these idiots are doing is fanning his ego.
I can understand dying on the hill for a religion or a coherent ism but Trumpism? He stands for nothing but himself and all these idiots are doing is fanning his ego.

Yeah, it's stunning that there are still Trump sycophants trying to show him how loyal they are.

Stunning in the sense of the abject stupidity required to believe there is a payoff to their sycophantism. What do they think he will give them? Money? Yeah right, the only ones who he will be paying going forward are lawyers and people with blackmail material. His sycophants won't see a cent. Credibility? LOL, they're more likely to get money.

Trump is more than a lame duck, he is a dead man walking. He will almost certainly be in significant legal trouble after he is officially stripped of the presidency.
Anyone still hitching to the Trump wagon is simply stupid.

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They are hanging out for the inheritance.
I wonder whether it be like Abbott who constantly pointed to the legacy of Howard in opposition but more recent Liberal leaders refer to him less and less as the reputation of his government diminishes by the day. History will not be kind to Trump it's really a matter of how long it takes people to cotton on to this.
I wonder whether it be like Abbott who constantly pointed to the legacy of Howard in opposition but more recent Liberal leaders refer to him less and less as the reputation of his government diminishes by the day. History will not be kind to Trump it's really a matter of how long it takes people to cotton on to this.
The continuing reverence for Ronnie Ratbag Reagan is a bad sign.

Cultism dies hard.
Thank you, I think?

I mean, the post that began this literally had me speaking ill of Biden (D), Reagan (R) and hyper-partisan apologists (for Trump)?
Nah, nice try again. The post was about Trump didn't even mention Biden.

Maybe you believe that you are unbiased but not true.
Is this an outcome from a move toward populism masquerading as ideologies?

I think that’s probably more right wingers capitalising on the vacuum (few serious people would think Sanders to the right of Biden, as much as his opponents tried to paint him as sexist or racist or homophobic). When ostensibly socialist or workers’ parties shifted into bourgeois liberalism, it made it hard to call the Australian Labor Party left wing when they’re overseeing large scale privatisation, or the British Labour Party when they’re leading the charge for the Iraq War, or the Democrats (to the extent they were ever a workers’ party) ushering in a regime of mass incarceration.
I wonder whether it be like Abbott who constantly pointed to the legacy of Howard in opposition but more recent Liberal leaders refer to him less and less as the reputation of his government diminishes by the day. History will not be kind to Trump it's really a matter of how long it takes people to cotton on to this.

Don't worry. Hillbillies & Trumpites don't write history nor anything else for that matter. Indeed they don't even read.

So the Historians writing on the Trump time as POTUS, will begin very shortly, very very shortly ;)
I can understand dying on the hill for a religion or a coherent ism but Trumpism? He stands for nothing but himself and all these idiots are doing is fanning his ego.
They know how much the GOP has soiled their own nest in their pursuit of power at any cost. They know they can't get elected on their merits, but they also know they can't go back. Sold their souls.
Nah, nice try again. The post was about Trump didn't even mention Biden.

Maybe you believe that you are unbiased but not true.

Fair, I meant my first post but phrased that poorly. But even then, I brought up Reagan and Biden. I don’t claim to be unbiased, of course we all are. But that bias is deeply against the Republicans, as well as all politicians in the pocket of corporations and powerful interests (which includes most Democrats).
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