Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 12: This thread it’s going to disappear; One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear

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Last edited:
Aug 12, 2012
sv_cheats 1
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Obama's response in 2014 to the ebola crisis would indicate that, yes, he did anticipate a future pandemic.

As usual, Trump got it wrong.

By not replenishing N95 masks or increasing ventilators to the 100k predicted would be needed if a pandemic did breakout. Solid response.
By not replenishing N95 masks or increasing ventilators to the 100k predicted would be needed if a pandemic did breakout. Solid response.
Thank you. It was indeed a very solid response on my part.

Obama's actions in 2014 indicated he certainly expected further pandemics.

There was also the 2017 briefing:

As I said, Trump got it wrong. Or lied. Take your pick.

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Spot on ... but but but it’s all Trumps fault.

Dems are embarrassing
The USA's response to this crisis is definitely the responsibility of Trump and his administration. Regardless of where the virus originated.
Thank you. It was indeed a very solid response on my part.

Obama's actions in 2014 indicated he certainly expected further pandemics.

There was also the 2017 briefing:

As I said, Trump got it wrong. Or lied. Take your pick.

So Obama just handballed the problem even though he predicted another pandemic.

H1N1 was in 2009.
By not replenishing N95 masks or increasing ventilators to the 100k predicted would be needed if a pandemic did breakout. Solid response.

Did you miss my post that showed the stockpile was for ALL STATES, and then Kushner said it wasnt, and they CHANGED THE WEBSITE TO AGREE WITH HIM.
Did you miss my post that showed the stockpile was for ALL STATES, and then Kushner said it wasnt, and they CHANGED THE WEBSITE TO AGREE WITH HIM.

Probably ignored. I don't like being shouted at.
So Obama just handballed the problem even though he predicted another pandemic.

H1N1 was in 2009.
Obama set up resources within the NSC in 2014.

Trump's incoming administration was briefed in 2017.

And yet Trump claims nobody could have seen this coming (paraphrasing).

Stop defending the indefensible.
Obama set up resources within the NSC in 2014.

Trump's administration was briefed in 2017.

And yet Trump claims nobody could have seen this coming (paraphrasing).

Stop defending the indefensible.

I wasn't defending Trump just getting you to back up your claims that Obama knew and his response was solid.
Thank you. It was indeed a very solid response on my part.

Obama's actions in 2014 indicated he certainly expected further pandemics.

There was also the 2017 briefing:

As I said, Trump got it wrong. Or lied. Take your pick.
Another issue is that the administration’s high turnover means that about two-thirds of the people who attended the training had left the White House by the time of the coronavirus outbreak.
Well done to him. That it was only admitted 20 years later when the general public's view has significantly changed is pretty telling. But, kudos to him. I really can't think of another president, prime minister or equivalent in the US, UK or Australia to ever make a categorical statement admitting error for a decision.
Stupid thing is, if more of them did admit to their mistakes, our estimation of them would skyrocket. So dumb.

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Stupid thing is, if more of them did admit to their mistakes, our estimation of them would skyrocket. So dumb.

If they were humanized they'd be considered in a much more favored light. Most of their attempts come off as robotic, insincere and downright terrifying sometimes.

From robot Pence to "perfect housewife" Ivanka, the whole carnival cavalcade screams step-ford wives.
I question WHO. They said it doesn’t spread human to human. Also you have been sucked in by cnn.

Look at the Dems. They were at festivals saying all good to to be amongst each other etc. it’s funny to me how brainwashed people are by the television sets and leftist propaganda.
WHO has by no means been perfect during this pandemic, but I can't find anywhere they said that there was no human-to-human transmission, except the below tweet that PCSY posted. Which is from 14th January when the number of reported cases in China was below 500 and is simply sharing what had been reported by China.
I realise this is mid Jan but relying on Chinese studies

Uni of SouthamptonNPI Study referred to here: Link

Although I'm not quite sure if the implication was that all the cases at that point were animal-to-human transmission?

At the first meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee they on 23rd January they released a statement that included that there had been human-to-human transmission. Then the statement of the second meeting of the Emergency Committee (as linked by Chappy below) on 30th January revealed that human-to-human transmission had now been seen in countries other than China.

This was one day before Trump put the China travel ban on. A move WHO said was unneccessary. Also basically said any move like that would be racist.

One long dick sucking of China.

I think the criticism is a little unfair as they are basing their communications on information they had on hand at the time and are somewhat hogtied by having to balance an international bureaucracy of diplomacy. But I'm sure in hindsight they would've reported things differently and made better recommendations.

But this is a Trump thread and I don't thing it's arguable that his response has been far less competent than the WHO's performance.
decrease in hospital beds under Cuomo and Democrat control in NYC from 73,000 to 53,000

But Orange man bad ......
Sorry, I thought you meant the details of that were in the link you posted. I hadn't seen those figures before, but this NY Post article supports that statement (although it's for New York state, not NYC). Just looking at the raw figures, 53,000 seems really small for such a populous state, so I went down a bit of a wormhole. In 2016-2018 (2 year period because the stats I found for public vs private hospitals were different financial years), Australia had a total of 95,000 hospital beds, which could roughly be used to treat 0.39% of the population at any given time. New York state's population is 19.5 million, so they could roughly treat 0.27% of their population, which seems like a pretty big difference. That being said, if we got hit by the pandemic like NY has, I'd say even our higher percentage of beds to population wouldn't be nearly enough.

Either way, it's a definite failing that needs to be owned up to (when it's a relevant time to do so). The devil's advocate in me wants to suggest that if there had been a Republican governor in place, it might have been a bigger decrease in public hospital beds over the last 20 years, but that's not worth opening up right now either.

This cannot be, Trump said it was good!
Fingers crossed that it is a solution to treat the infection and the symptoms, but that study is based on subjective opinions of doctors and interestingly, one of the questions in the survey was about what phsyicians wanted to know more about and the top response was information around the efficacy of medications! When Trump first tweeted about it, it was based on a VERY limited trial (I read only 6 people were given the drug), which is pretty irresponsible even though in this particular case, he could end up being right.
I love how trumpites run around saying "but Obama" like there's some sort of BigFooty crew who love to suck him off at every opportunity, despite the mostly ambivalent feelings towards him and his administration.

It's not quite the same as raiding the Geelong board and claiming that GAJ is just a glorified stat padder.

That it's 3 years on and that is still such a common fallback says it all really.

"It's one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It's going to be just fine." Give it enough time and this will become a quote directly attributed to Obama himself.
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