Training 2021 Training Discussion

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I used to absolutely love doing the training reports and got a lot of joy out of the whole process. I live 5 minutes from Cockburn too so it was a doddle getting there and back.

But then I had the temerity to suggest doing it on a paid basis as a sideline (being a professional writer I like getting paid for it)

The mods shut me down immediately, removed my posts, and basically said under no circumstances would they allow me to promote that idea on this forum.

From memory they were arguing either:

- only bigfooty is allowed to profit from bigfooty,

- Or posters aren't allowed to profit from their writing - it has to be free content.

So now I don't bother. 🙄🙄
I used to absolutely love doing the training reports and got a lot of joy out of the whole process. I live 5 minutes from Cockburn too so it was a doddle getting there and back.

But then I had the temerity to suggest doing it on a paid basis as a sideline (being a professional writer I like getting paid for it)

The mods shut me down immediately, removed my posts, and basically said under no circumstances would they allow me to promote that idea on this forum.

From memory they were arguing either:

- only bigfooty is allowed to profit from bigfooty,

- Or posters aren't allowed to profit from their writing - it has to be free content.

So now I don't bother. 🙄🙄
A shame, but not sure just how BF runs.
I am on another site that a few fellas, my self included, used to do weekly training reports. But sadly Corona put a stop to that.
We all did it with just the idea of givig those who could not get to watch the boys train, our views on who was doing what and how they trained.I also put up photos.
Like a few others, I am only a few minutes away from VGKO.
Always great to see the critics there.
A shame, but not sure just how BF runs.
I am on another site that a few fellas, my self included, used to do weekly training reports. But sadly Corona put a stop to that.
We all did it with just the idea of givig those who could not get to watch the boys train, our views on who was doing what and how they trained.I also put up photos.
Like a few others, I am only a few minutes away from VGKO.
Always great to see the critics there.
Yeah it is a shame - I briefly contemplated starting it up again, but doing it entirely separately from BigFooty through a Patreon account or something, but that would only be feasible if enough people wanted it.

It's been an idea I've toyed with for a while now, but not done anything about. If enough folks wanted it I'd probably give it a crack again and see if I could make it fly, but going by the reactions from last time I'm not sure if there's enough interest to bother (though that was quite a few years back.)

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Yeah it is a shame - I briefly contemplated starting it up again, but doing it entirely separately from BigFooty through a Patreon account or something, but that would only be feasible if enough people wanted it.

It's been an idea I've toyed with for a while now, but not done anything about. If enough folks wanted it I'd probably give it a crack again and see if I could make it fly, but going by the reactions from last time I'm not sure if there's enough interest to bother (though that was quite a few years back.)
I’d pay for it. Being far away, I really relied on those training reports.
I’d pay for it. Being far away, I really relied on those training reports.

I'd pay for it too, depending how much of course.

Half a pack of Winnie Blues? Lol

...Well Sh*t!! 🤔 🤔

...I didn't even think about Freo fans out of town / overseas / over east ... Of course they might be interested 🤦🤦

...okay then, Bugger it - I'll give it another shot. 😊😊😊 I'll set up a Patreon account tonight and PM you the details (hope it's still free).

Cost shouldn't be too much - a couple of bucks each, per person per month or thereabouts? Sound fair? Definitely less than a half pack of Winnies anyway 😂😂😂 (Cigarettes are bloody expensive, besides which I don't smoke.)

I don't know how much commission Patreon take per transaction, but I know from last time I checked the commission all comes out of my cut, so there's no extra cost to you guys (...need to check this though, it may have changed)

Really Its only worth doing if I report on every single practice session... which frankly is not out of the question (a little work-schedule juggling aside). I expect I'd make a bit of a loss over the short term, but that's not a deal-breaker. I'm willing to wear a *small* loss and give it a go anyway, as it's the only way to see if it's sustainable.

Hopefully if enough people jump on board, I can break even on it before the end of the season (hint bloody hint to the rest of you 😂😂😉😉)

Rather than derail the thread any further (or risk the wrath of the Mods), if anyone else out there is potentially interested, send me a PM. Later tonight I'll have a look over Patreon's T&C for content suppliers and let you know what's there.

Not making any promises at this point, but definitely willing to have a crack if the interest is strong enough.
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Yeah it is a shame - I briefly contemplated starting it up again, but doing it entirely separately from BigFooty through a Patreon account or something, but that would only be feasible if enough people wanted it.

It's been an idea I've toyed with for a while now, but not done anything about. If enough folks wanted it I'd probably give it a crack again and see if I could make it fly, but going by the reactions from last time I'm not sure if there's enough interest to bother (though that was quite a few years back.)
I think you'll find if you start your own blog with the posts/observations, add your patreon/donate buttons, add some ads here and there. You'll see traffic and build up a following. But you have to start at some point...
I think you'll find if you start your own blog with the posts/observations, add your patreon/donate buttons, add some ads here and there. You'll see traffic and build up a following. But you have to start at some point...
Yeah that's what I figure. I don't mind if it taking a bit of time frankly, I just don't want my legs cut out from under me.

What right royally pissed me off (and put me off the idea) last time was having *all* my BF posts on the subject yanked by the mods without notice. (Surprised these posts are still up frankly)

Freo folk on BF were the one's most interested in that service - but it's a bit hard to commit to a new business venture when people erase all your promotion of it on a whim, then potentially alienate you from your user base.

Anyhoo, enough said. I'm off to check out Paetron / blogging software.
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One quick update folks - the last publically available one I promise. From here on in its all PMs and not me spamming the training thread.

I had a quick look, and so far the Patreon thing looks promising. It's a good system in that it's built specifically to connect small content producers with their audience, and they'll take care of all the hosting and financial transactions side of it, which is a relief.

Still reading the T&C, but so far it all looks surprisingly fair and very reasonable! 😃😃

Also had at least four expressions of interest in getting regular, exclusive and detailed training reports, so if I can rustle up a few more I'll call that a test audience and will take the plunge. 😊😊

More updates shall follow soon, along with the next chapter of The Waiting. My huge thanks to those who reached out to say they were interested - an update PM is coming your way shortly.

That's it for me - I'm out of this thread completely before I derail it any further. Any queries, please PM me - thanks for your patience everyone. Have fun.
Yeah that's what I figure. I don't mind if it taking a bit of time frankly, I just don't want my legs cut out from under me.

What right royally pissed me off (and put me off the idea) last time was having *all* my BF posts on the subject yanked by the mods without notice. (Surprised these posts are still up frankly)

Freo folk on BF were the one's most interested in that service - but it's a bit hard to commit to a new business venture when people erase all your promotion of it on a whim, then potentially alienate you from your user base.

Anyhoo, enough said. I'm off to check out Paetron / blogging software.
I’d be advertising it on Reddit too, there’s a lot of crossover on the FremantleFC subreddit too. Lots of international folk on there.

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One quick update folks - the last publically available one I promise. From here on in its all PMs and not me spamming the training thread.

I had a quick look, and so far the Patreon thing looks promising. It's a good system in that it's built specifically to connect small content producers with their audience, and they'll take care of all the hosting and financial transactions side of it, which is a relief.

Still reading the T&C, but so far it all looks surprisingly fair and very reasonable! 😃😃

Also had at least four expressions of interest in getting regular, exclusive and detailed training reports, so if I can rustle up a few more I'll call that a test audience and will take the plunge. 😊😊

More updates shall follow soon, along with the next chapter of The Waiting. My huge thanks to those who reached out to say they were interested - an update PM is coming your way shortly.

That's it for me - I'm out of this thread completely before I derail it any further. Any queries, please PM me - thanks for your patience everyone. Have fun.
Good luck with that mate, I hope it goes well. At least you know the people reading your reports will appreciate them, as opposed the posting them in the general forum here and having the keyboard warriors bag you out as "unemployed or a pensioner with too much time on your hands". ;)
Good luck with that mate, I hope it goes well. At least you know the people reading your reports will appreciate them, as opposed the posting them in the general forum here and having the keyboard warriors bag you out as "unemployed or a pensioner with too much time on your hands". ;)
I will take this time to point out that if anyone does that against a training report on here, I will punt them into the sun.
I will take this time to point out that if anyone does that against a training report on here, I will punt them into the sun.
This is the kind of stuff that stopped me wanting to post training reports - some people just post rubbish and attribute it to "training watchers" as if they are a homogeneous group. The reality is training watchers all see things differently, and generally post for the benefit of all those who can't make it to training. Sure, they will get some calls wrong but if you want to bag them out then don't be surprised when the reports stop coming in.

EDIT: That post was from this weekend.

I also remember training watchers calling a potato like Jacob Ballard a gun that was being robbed of a game.
This is the kind of stuff that stopped me wanting to post training reports - some people just post rubbish and attribute it to "training watchers" as if they are a homogeneous group. The reality is training watchers all see things differently, and generally post for the benefit of all those who can't make it to training. Sure, they will get some calls wrong but if you want to bag them out then don't be surprised when the reports stop coming in.

EDIT: That post was from this weekend.
The bloke above me is king of captain hindsight, absolutely noting against people that watch and report on training.
This is the kind of stuff that stopped me wanting to post training reports - some people just post rubbish and attribute it to "training watchers" as if they are a homogeneous group. The reality is training watchers all see things differently, and generally post for the benefit of all those who can't make it to training. Sure, they will get some calls wrong but if you want to bag them out then don't be surprised when the reports stop coming in.

EDIT: That post was from this weekend.
That post is different in its context though, it is specifically addressing a comment saying everyone could see "how good x player is" which is not a sound argument and steeped in hindsight. It is not having a go at training watchers.

We want as many training reports on here as possible, and we want them celebrated. Training reports will be above reproach if they are posted on here.

However, people are free to disagree with you and point out times you were wrong if you want to only claim the times you were right (the original post was "all training watchers knew Menegola needed a chance", so it was in the same context). This is separate to potting training watchers.

I realise this is a tricky line to tread for mods and will be subjective but I promise that a watcher report will be treated as sacrosanct to the best of my ability. However, being a training watcher does not dictate your opinions outside the training report are above reproach.

TLDR: If you pot a training watcher for their report or the report directly I will smite thee, outside that, your opinion is subject to the same rules as everyone else
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That post is different in its context though, it is specifically addressing a comment saying everyone could see "how good x player is" which is not a sound argument and steeped in hindsight. It is not having a go at training watchers.

We want as many training reports on here as possible, and we want them celebrated. Training reports will be above reproach if they are posted on here.

However, people are free to disagree with you and point out times you were wrong if you want to only claim the times you were right (the original post was "all training watchers knew Menegola needed a chance", so it was in the same context). This is separate to potting training watchers.

I realise this is a tricky line to tread for mods but I promise that a watcher report will be treated as sacrosanct to the best of my ability. However, being a training watcher does not dictate your opinions outside the training report are approach reproach.

TLDR: If you pot a training watcher for their report or the report directly I will smite thee, outside that, your opinion is subject to the same rules as everyone else
I understand what you are saying and also what Kram is saying. I am not a fan of some of Salim's OTT statements either, but both Kram and Salim have contributed to the board for many years and both have some valuable insights to share.

To satisfy my curiosity I went back and looked at the posting of Salim around that time.
Two things:
  • Salim was one of the few who backed Sam Menegola at the time
  • Salim did not rate Ballard as "a gun"
Here's a couple of posts, but there are many more around the same themes. He did later say he thought Ballard deserved a promotion to the main list, but I didn't see him (or anyone else) calling Ballard a gun.

My point - if Kram disagrees with Salim that is fine, discuss with Salim and preferably have something to back up your argument. I would have thought that it would be pretty easy to disprove Salim's assertion that "all training watchers knew Menegola needed a chance" without the need to drag in "training watchers" as a blanket slur.

Anyway, that's just me - I also don't like people attributing characteristics to the "left" or the "right" as if they were just one single united opinion ;)

I'll leave it as that, I just wanted people to understand why I (and at least one other I know of) stopped doing reports - I don't want to be seen as a "training watcher".


I understand what you are saying and also what Kram is saying. I am not a fan of some of Salim's OTT statements either, but both Kram and Salim have contributed to the board for many years and both have some valuable insights to share.

To satisfy my curiosity I went back and looked at the posting of Salim around that time.
Two things:
  • Salim was one of the few who backed Sam Menegola at the time
  • Salim did not rate Ballard as "a gun"
Here's a couple of posts, but there are many more around the same themes. He did later say he thought Ballard deserved a promotion to the main list, but I didn't see him (or anyone else) calling Ballard a gun.

My point - if Kram disagrees with Salim that is fine, discuss with Salim and preferably have something to back up your argument. I would have thought that it would be pretty easy to disprove Salim's assertion that "all training watchers knew Menegola needed a chance" without the need to drag in "training watchers" as a blanket slur.

Anyway, that's just me - I also don't like people attributing characteristics to the "left" or the "right" as if they were just one single united opinion ;)

I'll leave it as that, I just wanted people to understand why I (and at least one other I know of) stopped doing reports - I don't want to be seen as a "training watcher".

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Valid points and I think everyone understands why training reports unfortunately dropped off, I like to think that would be different this time around. The love for the reports this past off-season was extraordinary.
There are posters that have an opinion and there are those that snipe and and very rarely put themselves out there with an opinion.
I like this post.What we see as observers of training is the same as what we see as game watchers.
with game summaries, I sometimes wonder if I was watching the same game as some.
But each to their own.
I know on another site I got bagged last year, for reporting that I thought Blakely and Dixon would struggle because both had a lacksidacial attitude to training.Dixon now gone, Blakely now struggling.
The only time I ever made it to training, Jesse Crichton was a standout on the track that day. Good skills, vocal, enthusiastic. You know, we call these blokes "spuds" "potatoes" or soft and we question their toughness or intelligence etc, but they really are the best of the best just to make it onto a list. It takes a keen well-trained eye to spot talent and I appreciate the efforts of all involved in the business.
I like this post.What we see as observers of training is the same as what we see as game watchers.
with game summaries, I sometimes wonder if I was watching the same game as some.
But each to their own.
I know on another site I got bagged last year, for reporting that I thought Blakely and Dixon would struggle because both had a lacksidacial attitude to training.Dixon now gone, Blakely now struggling.
Ya this makes sense really, across all sports the guys who make it to the top are incredibly driven and obsessive to get the best out of their talent, and willing to work harder than the average player.
I’d say a lot of casual fans just think that every player on an AFL list puts in an equal level of effort to maximise their ability, on and off the pitch, which is clearly not the case.

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