Play Nice 2016 US Presidential Election Part 3 - Trump d Clinton

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Cheers, I've spent the last year quietly tossing up between the two candidates in my head.
They both have issues, many of them in fact, but the things that have been revealed about Clinton lately have slightly swayed me the other way. I'm repulsed.

Trump is a smart guy, he has his gaffes, but he's not an idiot.
If elected, he will make a few mistakes along the way when President, everyone does. But if he provides stability to a country that is in a state of unrest and has been so for a long while, I'd consider that a successful presidency.
he's a moron full of empty promises

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Governments are not Businesses, and should not be treated as such. Governments aren't designed to be profitable, they are designed to serve the people and the greater good of society. Being a great Businessman means nothing
That alone makes Trump horrifically unqualified to run the free world.
Governments are not Businesses, and should not be treated as such. Governments aren't designed to be profitable, they are designed to serve the people and the greater good of society. Being a great Businessman means nothing
That alone makes Trump horrifically unqualified to run the free world.
Does it matter? Citibank will probably select the cabinet again.
Regardless of where you live, the outcome of this election will shape the entire free world for the next 4 years.

The American people want a revolution, and Trump is the man to put his hand up and say that he has the balls to do it.

****, he's copped a shit ton of hate and just silly comments over the last year, people saying he would never get close at all. And Hilary is a shoe-in.

Well, I'm afraid they were wrong, to be this close on election day is amazing and a huge cry from the American people. They want change, real change, not just meaningless slogans and twitter campaigns. Not feel good stories, not funny political events, not memes, not dabs, not A-list celebrities, not concerts, not bullshit campaigns.

Americans, like most of the world, are absolutely SICK AND TIRED of how politically correct the world has become, and Trump's ridden the wave of their tiredness.

Can he do a good job IF he does get in? I don't know. But he's the best chance they have of something changing.
Will he totally **** America up if he gets in, like most people are saying? Probably not. There are systems in place to prevent that from happening.

Trump is 'different' and I don't agree with some of the things he says or does, but Hilary Clinton makes me sick every time I think of her.
The amount of corruption she has gotten away with, the constant attacks, the million dollar political campagains, she's like a little weasel trying to get everyone famous behind her and the only reason why people have any support for her at all is because of the public perception of Donald Trump.

This election isn't Trump vs Clinton. It's Trump vs "Not Trump"

I am not an American, but if I was one I'd be voting for the guy that can make real change, because the world has become a joke.
Clinton will keep smooching and leeching others, and the West will continue it's downward spiral.
Trump, is an unknown quantity but he's one the American people look prepared to risk.

How the hell did it come to this?

Whatever the outcome, I want what's best for the western way of life. Russia and China look very very very powerful at the moment, and regardless of the result today, I just hope for the integrity and stability of our livelihoods and the world for the next 4-8 years.

If Trump wins, I'll be following his every move, hoping that the Americans' faith in him is justified.
If Clinton wins, business as usual. But I don't think I'd ever stomach anything to do with American Politics, I get a horrible vibe from her.

Hope the loser can concede, and America benefits from whoever this new president may be. The last 8 years have been slowly downhill instead of "CHANGE", in the wake of Russia and China's superiority, America needs to get it's shit together.

Long live the west, our way of life, and stability.

Please define 'the West', 'it's downward spiral', and 'our way of life'.
Roger Stone comes out to say Trump ran one of the worst campaigns in history in the state of Nevada

GOP insiders talking about Trump not having set up an adequate ground game to mobilise voters compare to Clinton

Yep, they know what's coming, internal polling must be shitty
Please define 'the West', 'it's downward spiral', and 'our way of life'.

The West = In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.
Personally I'd like to think of it as the EU, Americas, UK, AUS, NZ.

Downward spiral = The constant unrest with the way things are currently run, people feel like they don't have a voice because when they do speak they are instantly criticized and shamed by this "Politically correct" agenda. This unrest has run a lot of people into the ground, and it can negatively affect people's mental health.
It also relates to the current power of Russia and China, two allied nations that make up "The East". Their governments are only getting more powerful, militaries more powerful, and alliances stronger. America needs stability to balance both forces. It's how it's been since the Cold War. No side has been able to dominate the other, but right now, China and Russia scare me. Their military might is as good as ever and financially they are doing well for themselves, not to mention the leaders of both countries mentioned are also unstable. Im scared of what would happen if Russia ends up with nobody to oppose them.

Our way of life = Democracy, "Freedom", Captialism (Which has gotten out of hand lately, with technology at all), Free speech (Does it exist anymore), Having a fair-go.
A lot of the eastern world are very authoritarian and have strict rules, our definition of 'freedom' may be ****ed up, but we still feel less restricted than they do. Why do you think a lot of Chinese absolutely LOVE Australians' way of life?
Our way of life, is very similar to America's way of life, and we're trying to emulate it more and more and maybe too much.

Protecting all these things is crucial to maintaining our way of living.

That's my opinion anyway, It doesn't matter who agrees with me.
The West = In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.

Downward spiral = The constant unrest with the way things are currently run, people feel like they don't have a voice because when they do speak they are instantly criticized and shamed by this "Politically correct" agenda. This unrest has run a lot of people into the ground, and it can negatively affect people's mental health.
It also relates to the current power of Russia and China, two allied nations that make up "The East". Their governments are only getting more powerful, militaries more powerful, and alliances stronger. America needs stability to balance both forces. It's how it's been since the Cold War. No side has been able to dominate the other, but right now, China and Russia scare me. Their military might is as good as ever and financially they are doing well for themselves, not to mention the leaders of both countries mentioned are also unstable. Im scared of what would happen if Russia ends up with nobody to oppose them.

Our way of life = Democracy, "Freedom", Captialism (Which has gotten out of hand lately, with technology at all), Free speech (Does it exist anymore), Having a fair-go.
A lot of the eastern world are very authoritarian and have strict rules, our definition of 'freedom' may be stuffed up, but we still feel less restricted than they do. Why do you think a lot of Chinese absolutely LOVE Australians' way of life?
Our way of life, is very similar to America's way of life, and we're trying to emulate it more and more and maybe too much.

Protecting all these things is crucial to maintaining our way of living.

That's my opinion anyway, It doesn't matter who agrees with me.

Your opinion is a very poorly thought out one, almost as if you've put no actual thought into it at all. And yes it is obvious you are scared, at least you can admit it.

That's my opinion and it doesn't matter who agrees with me.
Please define 'the West', 'it's downward spiral', and 'our way of life'.
Not sure if you are being obtuse but the benefit of doubt is yours.
The west is countries like Australia and USA.
The downward spiral is like that shit a bunch of bankers pulled with the GFC.
Our way of life is freedom, decent living standards, etc...

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Your opinion is a very poorly thought out one, almost as if you've put no actual thought into it at all. And yes it is obvious you are scared, at least you can admit it.

That's my opinion and it doesn't matter who agrees with me.
I made mine simpler. Easier? :)
Your opinion is a very poorly thought out one, almost as if you've put no actual thought into it at all. And yes it is obvious you are scared, at least you can admit it.

That's my opinion and it doesn't matter who agrees with me.

Nice post. Very well thought out, just like mine. :thumbsu:
Not sure if you are being obtuse but the benefit of doubt is yours.
The west is countries like Australia and USA.
The downward spiral is like that shit a bunch of bankers pulled with the GFC.
Our way of life is freedom, decent living standards, etc...

Not being obtuse at all.

I asked for clarification because said poster was broaching some pretty serious topics with the perhaps the most simplistic, ill-informed, generalised world view I have ever seen written down.
The West = In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.
Personally I'd like to think of it as the EU, Americas, UK, AUS, NZ.

Downward spiral = The constant unrest with the way things are currently run, people feel like they don't have a voice because when they do speak they are instantly criticized and shamed by this "Politically correct" agenda. This unrest has run a lot of people into the ground, and it can negatively affect people's mental health.
It also relates to the current power of Russia and China, two allied nations that make up "The East". Their governments are only getting more powerful, militaries more powerful, and alliances stronger. America needs stability to balance both forces. It's how it's been since the Cold War. No side has been able to dominate the other, but right now, China and Russia scare me. Their military might is as good as ever and financially they are doing well for themselves, not to mention the leaders of both countries mentioned are also unstable. Im scared of what would happen if Russia ends up with nobody to oppose them.

Our way of life = Democracy, "Freedom", Captialism (Which has gotten out of hand lately, with technology at all), Free speech (Does it exist anymore), Having a fair-go.
A lot of the eastern world are very authoritarian and have strict rules, our definition of 'freedom' may be stuffed up, but we still feel less restricted than they do. Why do you think a lot of Chinese absolutely LOVE Australians' way of life?
Our way of life, is very similar to America's way of life, and we're trying to emulate it more and more and maybe too much.

Protecting all these things is crucial to maintaining our way of living.

That's my opinion anyway, It doesn't matter who agrees with me.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

My thoughts were very succinctly summed up by VineyIsLORD

Your post is all over the place, completely generalised nonsense, and backed up by no evidence whatsoever.
Not being obtuse at all.

I asked for clarification because said poster was broaching some pretty serious topics with the perhaps the most simplistic, ill-informed, generalised world view I have ever seen written down.
It's an online footy forum, there's a lot of that here.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

My thoughts were very succinctly summed up by VineyIsLORD

Your post is all over the place, completely generalised nonsense, and backed up by no evidence whatsoever.

Yes it is.
I gave the best reply I could muster.

I failed, let's move on aye?
Not sure if you are being obtuse but the benefit of doubt is yours.
The west is countries like Australia and USA.
The downward spiral is like that shit a bunch of bankers pulled with the GFC.
Our way of life is freedom, decent living standards, etc...

Countries like Australia and USA? You're talking about the Anglo Club, AUS, USA, UK, NZ and Canada.

Our countries are similar-ish. But we have little in common with say "Europe" more broadly as Temploar suggested.

Our 'downward spiral' is capitalism getting out of control, but an entirely predictable (guaranteed in fact!) part of the capitalist system, particularly in a globalised world. Things really started going badly under the neo-cons i.e. Howard, Bush etc. and their economic vandalism and neoliberal economics. Electing a shyster like Trump to be a champion of the working class (and yes I heard him use those specific words) is a solution is like curing a flu by shooting yourself in the head.

Freedom and decent living standards isn't a way of life. Nor do we have freedom.

Australia in particular is surveilled by the government to a degree that would make the Stasi blush.

Our high living standards were born out of the trade union movement, who our successive governments have systematically attacked and limited. We literally can not call a general strike in Australia anymore without breaking the law. We are not free, and the mechanism we used to obtain our high living standards has been neutered. Meanwhile tax dodgers and Chinese donation receivers dominate parliament in the interests of "economic freedom".

Point is, electing a slightly different dodgy capitalist is not going to fix the problem of capitalism. It needs revolutionary change, and there is no way a capitalist can provide that when capitalism is the disease, not the cure.
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Electing a shyster like Trump to be a champion of the working class (and yes I heard him use those specific words) is a solution is like curing a flu by shooting yourself in the head.

Great post, but A-****ing-men to this.

Have used the exact same argument on the Washington Post site. Received some...errrm...interesting responses...
Another two terms for the dems. It will make 24 out of the last 32 years. GOP are fuuucked for a long time. LOL

Well the one time they tried the Red team they killed their economy and got involved in an epic quagmire whilst simultaneously making Iran, Russia and China stronger. Made Cheney and the Kochs rich though. Well, slightly richer.

I mean ****, they're shithouse.
Countries like Australia and USA? You're talking about the Anglo Club, AUS, USA, UK, NZ and Canada.

Our countries are similar-ish. But we have little in common with say "Europe" more broadly as Temploar suggested.

Our 'downward spiral' is capitalism getting out of control, but an entirely predictable (guaranteed in fact!) part of the capitalist system, particularly in a globalised world. Things really started going badly under the neo-cons i.e. Howard, Bush etc. and their economic vandalism and neoliberal economics. Electing a shyster like Trump to be a champion of the working class (and yes I heard him use those specific words) is a solution is like curing a flu by shooting yourself in the head.

Freedom and decent living standards isn't a way of life. Nor do we have it freedom.

Australia in particular is surveilled by the government to a degree that would make the Stasi blush.

Our high living standards were born out of the trade union movement, who our successive governments have systematically attacked and limited. We literally can not call a general strike in Australia anymore without breaking the law. We are not free, and the mechanism we used to obtain our high living standards has been neutered. Meanwhile tax dodgers and Chinese donation receivers dominate parliament in the interests of "economic freedom".

Point is, electing a slightly different dodgy capitalist is not going to fix the problem of capitalism. It needs revolutionary change, and there is no way a capitalist can provide that when capitalism is the disease, not the cure.
I'm on a phone so I'll do my best to reply.


Our similar(ish) assignment with Europe would largely be related to our historical population makeup, which is continuing to change.

Agree unfortunately, I don't understand your continuing referencing (you are a notable poster and I read a lot) to a Bush or Howard. The capitalist system drives the figurehead, I didn't notice much difference with Obama or Rudd.

I don't have enough knowledge on the trade movement stuff, I wasn't around for that but happy to do some reading, your concept is reasonable to me. I'm an employer now in private industry, SME, we value employees very highly in a highly competitive (skilled) labour sector. Story for another thread.

Not sure on the last point, starting reading (today) some of Trumps economic policy (not sure how accurate) and thought some of his policies aligned more with your style of anti-capitalist thinking. Either way my opinion is that not much will change with either of them. I do agree change would be good though, I think everyone has had enough, and that's contributing to the Trump support. A lot of Americans see a hope for change with Trump, pretty slim and sad.

Anyways it's late, guess I'll wake up in the morning and see what happened, have a good one.
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