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Speaking of Florida. No US President has been elected without winning Florida (Bush and Gore went to the courts over the count for Florida and it determined the result) - but Biden did.
No US President has been elected without winning at least 15 of the 19 Bellweather states - but Biden only won a single one!
No US President has won with winning a majority of Florida, Wisconsin and Arizona and - but Biden did
No time in US history has vote counting been suspended - except 2020. At the time Trump was so far ahead that bookies were paying out on his win. Miraculously, postal votes emerged and almost all were for Biden (statistically near impossible) turning the election.

Any person with any semblance of reason would pause for thought on the boina fides of this election. If for no other reason than to speculate on the shear significance of so many statitical anomolies. A bit like the Clintons being associated with so many people who have 'suicided'. They must live and operate in a very, very stressful environment...

You've bypassed every question and issue I raised in my post in order to revert to the mantra of a stolen election.

But in this way you've also underscored the central point I made, which is that Trumpism is a cult --of which you're part-- which actively seeks to undermine democracy.

I've long thought that American democracy has been on life support, for reasons which precede Don, but no one is more determined to pull the plug that him and his embittered band of human atrocities.

Hillary was wrong to call them deplorables, but she was right. Know what I mean?
Speaking of Florida. No US President has been elected without winning Florida (Bush and Gore went to the courts over the count for Florida and it determined the result) - but Biden did.
No US President has been elected without winning at least 15 of the 19 Bellweather states - but Biden only won a single one!
No US President has won with winning a majority of Florida, Wisconsin and Arizona and - but Biden did
No time in US history has vote counting been suspended - except 2020. At the time Trump was so far ahead that bookies were paying out on his win. Miraculously, postal votes emerged and almost all were for Biden (statistically near impossible) turning the election.

Any person with any semblance of reason would pause for thought on the boina fides of this election. If for no other reason than to speculate on the shear significance of so many statitical anomolies. A bit like the Clintons being associated with so many people who have 'suicided'. They must live and operate in a very, very stressful environment...
That conspiracy theory has been proven incorrect. The bell weather counties have no special power to determine the winner.

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That conspiracy theory has been proven incorrect. The bell weather counties have no special power to determine the winner.
That's BS. The rationale to explain that away was a change in demographic. It has been consistent for scores of years prior. But what about Florida? What about suspending counting? What about all mail-in ballot miraculously being for Biden? Too many anomolies to be just dismissed.
That's BS. The rationale to explain that away was a change in demographic. It has been consistent for scores of years prior. But what about Florida? What about suspending counting? What about all mail-in ballot miraculously being for Biden? Too many anomolies to be just dismissed.
Biden got 306 electoral votes and Trump got 232. A very similar margin to Trump’s win in 2016.

There is no conspiracy, only lunacy from Trump followers.
Speaking of Florida. No US President has been elected without winning Florida (Bush and Gore went to the courts over the count for Florida and it determined the result) - but Biden did.


No US President has won with winning a majority of Florida, Wisconsin and Arizona and - but Biden did
Wrong again. Still didn't happen.

Wisconsin is now considered a swing state. Current margin down to 4% so not much of a swing needed.
Arizona may have some merit except that they didn't like Trump denigrating a favourite son in John McCain. His words had consequences.
Biden got 306 electoral votes and Trump got 232. A very similar margin to Trump’s win in 2016.

There is no conspiracy, only lunacy from Trump followers.
That's the point. I'm not disputing the number of electoral votes Biden received, I'm saying that it is highly unusual that the distribution of those votes is so significantly different to the distribution in any other election, irrespective of party.
In 2016, Trump received the highest number of votes that any presidential candiadte and the left cried interference and Russion collusion. But when Biden recived more, after spending the campaign in a basement - with the distribuition of those votes following a pattern never seen before - that is all legitimate and cannot be called into question, lest you be a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
I can see that his superior number of votes could be explained away due to the non-compulsory nature of voting and the motivation to remove Trump, but I cannot accept that the distribution of votes was completely anomolous to usual patterns. Patterns so reliable that the 'pollsters' use them to determine outcomes.

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Wrong again. Still didn't happen.

Wisconsin is now considered a swing state. Current margin down to 4% so not much of a swing needed.
Arizona may have some merit except that they didn't like Trump denigrating a favourite son in John McCain. His words had consequences.
If you're citing the Biden example about FLorida you have proved my point! WHat president (prior to Biden) has won without winning Florida? Precisely NIL!

And NOW Wisconsin is considered a swing state? Well, prior to this, again, no president has fared well without winning it! You are arguing for my point precisely.

I'm not a die-hard Trump supporter and I would prefer that another candidate get the nod from the GOP becuase Trump is divisive and, in the long run that will be counter productive. However, I cannot stand Biden and am amazed that his mental competency hasn't been called into question before now. I will be further amazed if he actually gets the nod from the Democrats to recontest. He has gone from embarrassing to just plain sad.
That's the point. I'm not disputing the number of electoral votes Biden received, I'm saying that it is highly unusual that the distribution of those votes is so significantly different to the distribution in any other election, irrespective of party.
In 2016, Trump received the highest number of votes that any presidential candiadte and the left cried interference and Russion collusion. But when Biden recived more, after spending the campaign in a basement - with the distribuition of those votes following a pattern never seen before - that is all legitimate and cannot be called into question, lest you be a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
I can see that his superior number of votes could be explained away due to the non-compulsory nature of voting and the motivation to remove Trump, but I cannot accept that the distribution of votes was completely anomolous to usual patterns. Patterns so reliable that the 'pollsters' use them to determine outcomes.

There's no evidence for the claims of a stolen election. They've been investigated and refuted.

Peddling the narrative with many aspersions and no evidence doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist, it just makes you a fool and a tool of another man's vanity.

Please carry on.
That's the point. I'm not disputing the number of electoral votes Biden received, I'm saying that it is highly unusual that the distribution of those votes is so significantly different to the distribution in any other election, irrespective of party.
In 2016, Trump received the highest number of votes that any presidential candiadte and the left cried interference and Russion collusion. But when Biden recived more, after spending the campaign in a basement - with the distribuition of those votes following a pattern never seen before - that is all legitimate and cannot be called into question, lest you be a right-wing conspiracy theorist.
I can see that his superior number of votes could be explained away due to the non-compulsory nature of voting and the motivation to remove Trump, but I cannot accept that the distribution of votes was completely anomolous to usual patterns. Patterns so reliable that the 'pollsters' use them to determine outcomes.
The 2020 election was different in terms of more mail votes and higher voter turnout.

Trump did win more counties but Biden got more votes in higher population areas. Yes, he lost Florida but won in California.

The fact is that there is no actual evidence of systemic fraud. Trump lost, fair and square.

Biden also won the popular vote comfortably.
If you're citing the Biden example about FLorida you have proved my point! WHat president (prior to Biden) has won without winning Florida? Precisely NIL!

And NOW Wisconsin is considered a swing state? Well, prior to this, again, no president has fared well without winning it! You are arguing for my point precisely.

Sorry, I am busy moving your goal posts, why not just admit you got your 'facts' wrong?

I'm not a die-hard Trump supporter and I would prefer that another candidate get the nod from the GOP becuase Trump is divisive and, in the long run that will be counter productive. However, I cannot stand Biden and am amazed that his mental competency hasn't been called into question before now. I will be further amazed if he actually gets the nod from the Democrats to recontest. He has gone from embarrassing to just plain sad.
You're not? Strange you go to some lengths praising/defending him.

Mental competency? - that is Trump you should be appalled by.
Have you avoided seeing videos of him at his latest rallies?
He is getting worse every time he opens his mouth.

Anyway, this is the Trump thread, start one on Biden if you like.
Speaking of Florida. No US President has been elected without winning Florida (Bush and Gore went to the courts over the count for Florida and it determined the result) - but Biden did.
No US President has been elected without winning at least 15 of the 19 Bellweather states - but Biden only won a single one!
No US President has won with winning a majority of Florida, Wisconsin and Arizona and - but Biden did
No time in US history has vote counting been suspended - except 2020. At the time Trump was so far ahead that bookies were paying out on his win. Miraculously, postal votes emerged and almost all were for Biden (statistically near impossible) turning the election.

Any person with any semblance of reason would pause for thought on the boina fides of this election. If for no other reason than to speculate on the shear significance of so many statitical anomolies. A bit like the Clintons being associated with so many people who have 'suicided'. They must live and operate in a very, very stressful environment...
Do you not get that the political landscape has changed dramatically. Even in Aust, Dutton is appealing to the working class and bickering with massive corporations to try to win their votes. Safe liberal seats have gone teal or orange. Orange seats are turning blue.

In the USA, the change is far greater as he's next level in terms of divisiveness, so the history that suggests that you win this state or these seats then you win the election is now completely meaningless.

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Your obsession with the Greens is a bit misplaced. They have very little political clout in this country and their influence over an issue that you seem to fret over, immigration, is virtually zero.

Like what has happened for decades now is that people flee from countries were their lives are at risk for the safety and the opportunity in places like Australia. The fact that we as a society along with the Americans and now the British seek to demonise these people is a disgrace. That has occurred because what was once a truly conservative party in the Liberals has turned into the lunatic far right.

It has nothing to do with the Greens, whose only influence is to request a return to decency and empathy. It was never a political issue into the far right found political advantage by turning it into a fear and misinformation campaign.

If we turn into what you term as a 'big AUSTRALIA' it will be because of the will of Liberal or Labour Governments, probably both
Remember it was the Liberals, under what was then considered a pretty conservative leader, that threw open the borders to Vietnamese refugees. No way that happens these days, even under labour, and if it did, right wing media would completely lose their shit.
That's BS. The rationale to explain that away was a change in demographic. It has been consistent for scores of years prior. But what about Florida? What about suspending counting? What about all mail-in ballot miraculously being for Biden? Too many anomolies to be just dismissed.
These are anomalies only if you suspend all rational thinking, so, well done you I guess?
I'm not a die-hard Trump supporter and I would prefer that another candidate get the nod from the GOP becuase Trump is divisive and, in the long run that will be counter productive. However, I cannot stand Biden and am amazed that his mental competency hasn't been called into question before now.
You may not be a die-hard Trump fan, but you’ve clearly been spending a lot of time listening to those in a pro-Trump echo chamber. Honestly, who could listen to Donald Trump on a regular basis and take issue with the mental competency of his political opponent?!
Remember it was the Liberals, under what was then considered a pretty conservative leader, that threw open the borders to Vietnamese refugees. No way that happens these days, even under labour, and if it did, right wing media would completely lose their s**t.
Different era. It was the cold war and left and right meant economic issues - unions versus business, rather than viewpoints on the social/environmental/humanitarian issues that we commonly use the terms to mean at the moment.
Your social/humanitarian views didn't have to align with a party. It was the economic views that aligned within a party.
Yeah but it’s Biden whose faculties are waning… better vote MAGA!

Biden is just demented and unfunny.

Don might have dementia, but he's also a 4th of July of misfiring neurons who'll give us some the best awkward-comedy you could hope to accompany the rat-f***ing of democracy.

More of this. Oh please.


The solemnity. The pants.
I don't 'want' anything with regards to US presidents, although I feel that despite the rhetoric of potential doom around Donny's, shall we say 'flamboyant' statements, I found it refreshing that he thumbed his nose to the mainstream media and reverted to Twitter for announcements. His performance with regards to foreign affairs, although unorthodox, was effetive - Middle East with the Abraham Accords, North Korea (stepping foot in and meeting their leader - not done previously) and China - showing that they will not dictate to the market globally. All the doom predicted by the usual talking heads amount to naugt in that regard.

He is the only President for a VERY long time that didn't engage in any military conflict - which I am sure has upset the Military Inductrial Complex. This was very quickly undone by the current 'leader' to the delight of the aforementioned, I'm sure.
I do like his take on the swamp. The number of career politicians (on both sides) that have become insanely wealthy from disproportonately small salaries is staggering (Pelosi, anyone!?) and an absolute marker for the corruption that exists at all levels. He donated his entire slaray whilst in office - some might say that this was a mere stunt but no others have done it. He is the only President who's persoanl fortune has diminished after being in office. And he returned job and manufacturing to middle-America - the ones that Obama said "simply don't exit".

So, despite the bravado, and at times unrefined demeanor and his typically gruff personality, he is the opposite of what has lead the US (and other nations) to fill their respective halls of office with swine and he is looking to clean the decks. AND, watching the lefties collective heads explode when he won the unwinnable election was delightful (I'm still waitning for all those that said if he won they would leave America, to do so)

As I said, it will be interesting come November...
This is just utter rubbish straight from lying Don's playbook- If you lie often enough morons will believe you. Could go through all your points and dispute them with facts but what is the point so I will go with just one, In Trump's last year, the US manufacturing sector went into recession. The figures are all there in official statements, but I guess that is wasted on someone who swallows bullshit to feed their prejudices.

As for the stolen election, how did the Democrats manage to get 40 million more votes than the Republicans for the Senate in 2020?

One of Trump's biographers stated in 2016, before he was elected as President ,that if Trump were to lose an election he would just say it was rigged and stolen from him. The biographer spent a year with Trump and states that Trump lies about everything, he can't help himself as it covers up his inadequacies.

The interview can be found on You Tube, not that you will watch it as it exposes your man as the bullshit artist and scumbag politician that he really is. Perhaps you would prefer to experiment by injecting yourself with bleach?

Don't know why but it reminds me of a graffiti I once viewed 'Thinking of suicide. Drink French Polish! Horrible death..... but beautiful finish!!!!

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