Conspiracy Theory Pizzagate *DEBUNKED

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Your analogy compared belief in the Holocaust (a real historical event that happened, in which 6 million mainly Jewish people were systematically murdered by the German Nazi State, backed up by overwhelming evidence) to Pizzagate (a debunked theory invented and spread by Russian actors to undermine the US presidential elections of 2017, with literally zero basis in fact).

'Lamb' in this case being [belief in something that happened, with overwhelming evidence to support it].

'Beef' in this case being [belief in something that did not happen, and was a deliberate lie spread to cook people].

Yes, its entirely possible to believe in something that is not actually real. This subforum is full of people like that. People believe all sorts of weird s**t.

" Debunked "

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The scary part is there is an elites-only sec-trafficking ring, it's just operating in plain sight.

Epstein-Prince Andrew-Trump-Clinton-Gate et al
The scary part is there is an elites-only sec-trafficking ring, it's just operating in plain sight.

Epstein-Prince Andrew-Trump-Clinton-Gate et al

The hilarity of these numbskulls thinking Epstein's best mate and the guy who literally said things like 'I want to bang my own daughter' or 'I don't need consent; I just grab them by the pussy' and 'I prefer younger girls' Trump who has been accused of sexual assault by scores of different (much younger) women, is trying to take down a secret Paedo ring.

How ****ing willfully blind do you have to be to think that?
The hilarity of these numbskulls thinking Epstein's best mate and the guy who literally said things like 'I want to bang my own daughter' or 'I don't need consent; I just grab them by the pussy' and 'I prefer younger girls' Trump who has been accused of sexual assault by scores of different (much younger) women, is trying to take down a secret Paedo ring.

How ******* willfully blind do you have to be to think that?
About as blind as you'd have to be to believe he's "draining the swamp" or just wanted Biden investigated before the 2020 election coz he's truly all about fighting corruption.
Imagine the names involved that we don't know about.
Elon Musk photographed with Ghislaine IIRC?

You're correct, there would be a huge list of names not yet leaked.
1200 photos at a Vanity fair party and they were vaguely together in one photo
Interestingly, some of the names from Musk's subpoena seem to have been involved with Epstein:

"So far, those executives have included Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Hyatt Hotels chair Thomas Pritzker; entertainment executive Michael Ovitz; and U.S. News and World Report owner Mortimer Zuckerman."

Other documents refer to 1200 names linked to Epstein activities.

" Debunked "

The title is just clickbait, he doesn't appear to have written anything about pizzagate. The same claim was used against another high profile journalist, who makes a passing mention of pizzagate but seemed to be more into debunking Russian propaganda. Both are evil scum though, and I think the term "pizzagate" has evolved past it's initial use and is now just used whenever there is a pedo ring involved.


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Slowly but surely you are figuring out that the MSM isn't about news but about narrative.

No, its about News. Unlike social media (which is driven by algorithms and spread by unqualified people with agendas) 'MSM' actually has editorial fact checking and is held to a higher standard.

You can sue them for example.

Even Sky or Fox news (when they're reporting the news) report the news. Despite being full of conservative flogs, they're still going to report on mass shootings, or Jan 6th insurrection by RWNJs just like anyone else.

If the 'opinion' pieces where they stray off script and discuss 'why guns actually make you safe' or 'why Jan 6th was really ANTIFA operatives' or whatever.

Never get your 'facts' from Twitter, Instagram, Telegram or any source driven by the algorithms.
No, its about News. Unlike social media (which is driven by algorithms and spread by unqualified people with agendas) 'MSM' actually has editorial fact checking and is held to a higher standard.

You can sue them for example.

Even Sky or Fox news (when they're reporting the news) report the news. Despite being full of conservative flogs, they're still going to report on mass shootings, or Jan 6th insurrection by RWNJs just like anyone else.

If the 'opinion' pieces where they stray off script and discuss 'why guns actually make you safe' or 'why Jan 6th was really ANTIFA operatives' or whatever.

Never get your 'facts' from Twitter, Instagram, Telegram or any source driven by the algorithms.
What are you on about? When has the MSM ever said anything about Epstein wider network? The official narrative is that all the girls were trafficked for his sole use, and that he commited suicide in prison, where every safeguard failed simultaneously in a series of unfortunate coincidences.
Prince Andrew wishes that were true mate.

What are you on? The MSM narrative is that he and his partner provided under-age girls to powerful and rich older men, sometimes on a literal sex island.

Men like Prince Andrew and Trump.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Trump, Andrew and Gates are merely guilty by association with Epstein, a regrettable choice of friends. It is social media, driven by Russian propaganda bots, making a connection between their ill-advised friendship and them being nonces. I haven't followed this super closely but I don't recall a single other person being named, with the social media smear campaign forcing Andrew to settle out of court, despite him maintaining his innocence. I don't think Maxwell named anybody, claiming she and her vast child grooming network was simply to satiate Epsteins proclivities.

You've been sucked in by social media disinformation, often propagated by Russia, and are conflating it with being reliable news sources. You've been sucked into a literal conspiracy theory, you do see that, don't you?
That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Trump, Andrew and Gates are merely guilty by association with Epstein, a regrettable choice of friends. It is social media, driven by Russian propaganda bots, making a connection between their ill-advised friendship and them being nonces. I haven't followed this super closely but I don't recall a single other person being named, with the social media smear campaign forcing Andrew to settle out of court, despite him maintaining his innocence. I don't think Maxwell named anybody, claiming she and her vast child grooming network was simply to satiate Epsteins proclivities.

You've been sucked in by social media disinformation, often propagated by Russia, and are conflating it with being reliable news sources. You've been sucked into a literal conspiracy theory, you do see that, don't you?

Shame about the initials and lack of full names.
1200 photos at a Vanity fair party and they were vaguely together in one photo
Rich people being seen at the same parties and functions doesn't necessarily mean they partake in the same activities.

Can anyone guarantee they've never been photographed next to a sex offender?
Why are they protecting Trump so much? Surely with everything else he’s been accused of, this would be the icing on the coffin…or the nail in the cake.

Lack of proof, rich people have expensive lawyers to file defamation suits and such, the list of Epstein's contacts include some extremely powerful people with powerful connections.

The MSM has always reported that girls were trafficked for more than just Epstein's use, they just haven't named names other than Prince Andrew who was literally photographed with one of them.

It's no surprise that they've been reticent to name names because they'd be sued to oblivion if they did, and highly likely some of those names would include people well connected with the media outlets. Even the social media conspiracy theorists can't produce any real amount of names with evidence despite all the digging.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Trump, Andrew and Gates are merely guilty by association with Epstein, a regrettable choice of friends. It is social media, driven by Russian propaganda bots, making a connection between their ill-advised friendship and them being nonces. I haven't followed this super closely but I don't recall a single other person being named, with the social media smear campaign forcing Andrew to settle out of court, despite him maintaining his innocence. I don't think Maxwell named anybody, claiming she and her vast child grooming network was simply to satiate Epsteins proclivities.

You've been sucked in by social media disinformation, often propagated by Russia, and are conflating it with being reliable news sources. You've been sucked into a literal conspiracy theory, you do see that, don't you?

The irony of trying to troll about an actual conspiracy theory that's been confirmed on the basis that Malifice calls out people for being absolutely dead-set about made up conspiracy theories pushed by social media with no evidence whatsoever is not lost on me.
The irony of trying to troll about an actual conspiracy theory that's been confirmed on the basis that Malifice calls out people for being absolutely dead-set about made up conspiracy theories pushed by social media with no evidence whatsoever is not lost on me.

Not only are you completely lost, self-admittedly reliant on the social media propaganda you consume, propped up and performing for the echo chamber, you lack any glimmer of self-awareness and ability to read and discern the difference.

Just one part of one article "A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century", already linked.

Trump also threatened the business interests of the most powerful sectors of society. It was the latter offense, rather than his putative racism or flagrant un-presidentialness, that sent the ruling class into a state of apoplexy.

Given his focus in office on lowering the corporate tax rate, it’s easy to forget that Republican officials and the party’s donor class saw Trump as a dangerous radical who threatened their business ties with China, their access to cheap imported labor, and the lucrative business of constant war. But, indeed, that is how they saw him, as reflected in the unprecedented response to Trump’s candidacy recorded by The Wall Street Journal in September 2016: “No chief executive at the nation’s 100 largest companies had donated to Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign through August, a sharp reversal from 2012, when nearly a third of the CEOs of Fortune 100 companies supported GOP nominee Mitt Romney.”

The phenomenon was not unique to Trump. Bernie Sanders, the left-wing populist candidate in 2016, was also seen as a dangerous threat by the ruling class. But whereas the Democrats successfully sabotaged Sanders, Trump made it past his party’s gatekeepers, which meant that he had to be dealt with by other means.

Two days after Trump took office, a smirking Senator Chuck Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that it was “really dumb” of the new president to get on the bad side of the security agencies that were supposed to work for him: “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”

Trump had used sites like Twitter to bypass his party’s elites and connect directly with his supporters. Therefore, to cripple the new president and ensure that no one like him could ever come to power again, the intel agencies had to break the independence of the social media platforms.

Conveniently, it was the same lesson that many intelligence and defense officials had drawn from the ISIS and Russian campaigns of 2014—namely, that social media was too powerful to be left outside of state control—only applied to domestic politics, which meant the agencies would now have help from politicians who stood to benefit from the effort.

Immediately after the election, Hillary Clinton started blaming Facebook for her loss. Until this point, Facebook and Twitter had tried to remain above the political fray, fearful of jeopardizing potential profits by alienating either party. But now a profound change occurred, as the operation behind the Clinton campaign reoriented itself not simply to reform the social media platforms, but to conquer them.

The lesson they took from Trump’s victory was that Facebook and Twitter—more than Michigan and Florida—were the critical battlegrounds where political contests were won or lost. “Many of us are beginning to talk about what a big problem this is,” Clinton’s chief digital strategist Teddy Goff told Politico the week after the election, referring to Facebook’s alleged role in boosting Russian disinformation that helped Trump. “Both from the campaign and from the administration, and just sort of broader Obama orbit…this is one of the things we would like to take on post-election,” Goff said.

The press repeated that message so often that it gave the political strategy the appearance of objective validity:
“Donald Trump Won Because of Facebook”; New York Magazine, Nov. 9, 2016.

“Facebook, in Cross Hairs After Election, Is Said to Question Its Influence”; The New York Times, Nov. 12, 2016.

“Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say”; The Washington Post, Nov. 24, 2016.

“Disinformation, Not Fake News, Got Trump Elected, and It Is Not Stopping”; The Intercept, Dec. 6, 2016.

And on it went in countless articles that dominated the news cycle for the next two years.

At first, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg dismissed the charge that fake news posted on his platform had influenced the outcome of the election as "pretty crazy." But Zuckerberg faced an intense pressure campaign in which every sector of the American ruling class, including his own employees, blamed him for putting a Putin agent in the White House, effectively accusing him of high treason. The final straw came a few weeks after the election when Obama himself “publicly denounced the spread of fake news on Facebook.”

Two days later, Zuckerberg folded: “Facebook announces new push against fake news after Obama comments.”

The false yet foundational claim that Russia hacked the 2016 election provided a justification—just like the claims about weapons of mass destruction that triggered the Iraq War—to plunge America into a wartime state of exception. With the normal rules of constitutional democracy suspended, a coterie of party operatives and security officials then installed a vast, largely invisible new architecture of social control on the backend of the internet’s biggest platforms.

Though there was never a public order given, the U.S. government began enforcing martial law online.

The false yet foundational claim that Russia hacked the 2016 election provided a justification—just like the claims about weapons of mass destruction that triggered the Iraq War—to plunge America into a wartime state of exception.

But Russians did hack the 2016 election. Thats accepted fact (accepted by the Republicans themselves) with literally terrabites of clear as **** data that shows as much.

Russian Spies set up Troll farms based mostly in St Petersburg, such as the Internet Reasearch Agency. From those farms, Russian operatives literally set up thousands of fake accounts and bots and pushed deliberate misinformation (and disinformation) onto the internet.

That disinformation overwhelming supported Trump, and disparaged Clinton.

Many of those stories then became viral on social media (spread by cookers like you) and were then liked and shared hundreds of millions of times, being viewed by literally hundreds of millions of people. Mainstream News sources then started reporting on them as if they were real (Hilary Clinton being secretly dead, and needing a body double for example).

The Russian government used espionage to interfere in the 2016 United States elections with the goals of sabotaging the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, boosting the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and increasing political and social discord in the United States. According to the U.S. intelligence community, the operation—code named Project Lakhta [3][4]—was ordered directly by Russian president Vladimir Putin.[5][6]

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia


RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN 2016 U.S. ELECTIONS | Federal Bureau of Investigation

According to the special counsel investigation's Mueller Report (officially named "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election"),[42] the first method of Russian interference used the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a Kremlin-linked troll farm, to wage "a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton".[43] The Internet Research Agency also sought to "provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States".[44]
By February 2016, internal IRA documents showed an order to support the candidacies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, while IRA members were to "use any opportunity to criticize" Hillary Clinton and the rest of the candidates.[45] From June 2016, the IRA organized election rallies in the U.S. "often promoting" Trump's campaign while "opposing" Clinton's campaign.[46] The IRA posed as Americans, hiding their Russian background, while asking Trump campaign members for campaign buttons, flyers, and posters for the rallies.[47]
Russian use of social media to disseminate propaganda content was very broad. Facebook and Twitter were used, but also Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Medium, YouTube, Vine, and Google+ (among other sites). Instagram was by far the most used platform, and one that largely remained out of the public eye until late 2018.[49][50] The Mueller report lists IRA-created groups on Facebook including "purported conservative groups" (e.g. 'Tea Party News'), "purported Black social justice groups" (e.g. 'Blacktivist'), "LGBTQ groups" ('LGBT United'), and "religious groups" ('United Muslims of America').[47] The IRA Twitter accounts included @TEN_GOP (claiming to be related to the Tennessee Republican Party), @jenn_abrams and @Pamela_Moore13; both claimed to be Trump supporters and both had 70,000 followers.[51]
Several Trump campaign members (Donald J. Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Brad Parscale and Michael T. Flynn) linked or reposted material from the IRA's @TEN_GOP Twitter account listed above. Other people who responded to IRA social media accounts include Michael McFaul, Sean Hannity, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn Jr.[52]
Advertisements bought by Russian operatives for the Facebook social media site are estimated to have reached 10 million users. But many more Facebook users were contacted by accounts created by Russian actors. 470 Facebook accounts are known to have been created by Russians during the 2016 campaign. Of those accounts six generated content that was shared at least 340 million times, according to research done by Jonathan Albright, research director for Columbia University's Tow Center for Digital Journalism.[53] The most strident Internet promoters of Trump were paid Russian propagandists/trolls, who were estimated by The Guardian to number several thousand.[54] (By 2017 the U.S. news media was focusing on the Russian operations on Facebook and Twitter and Russian operatives moved on to Instagram.)[50] The Mueller Report found the IRA spent $100,000 for more than 3,500 Facebook advertisements from June 2015 to May 2017,[55] which included anti-Clinton and pro-Trump advertisements.[47] In comparison, Clinton and Trump campaigns spent $81 million on Facebook ads.[56][57]
Fabricated articles and disinformation[58] were spread from Russian government-controlled outlets, RT and Sputnik to be popularized on pro-Russian accounts on Twitter and other social media.[58] Researchers have compared Russian tactics during the 2016 U.S. election to the "active measures" of the Soviet Union during the Cold War,[58] but made easier by the use of social media.[58][59]
Monitoring 7,000 pro-Trump social media accounts over a 2+1⁄2-year period, researchers J. M. Berger, Andrew Weisburd and Clint Watts[60] found the accounts denigrated critics of Russian activities in Syria and propagated falsehoods about Clinton's health.[61] Watts found Russian propaganda to be aimed at fomenting "dissent or conspiracies against the U.S. government and its institutions",[62] and by autumn of 2016 amplifying attacks on Clinton and support for Trump, via social media, Internet trolls, botnets, and websites.[58]

Monitoring news on Twitter directed at one state (Michigan) prior to the election, Philip N. Howard found about half of it fabricated or untrue; the other half came from real news sources.[63] In continued analysis after the election, Howard and other researchers found the most prominent methods of misinformation were ostensibly "organic posting, not advertisements", and influence operation activity increased after the 2016 and was not limited to the election.[64]
Facebook originally denied that fake news on their platform had influenced the election and had insisted it was unaware of any Russian-financed advertisements but later admitted that about 126 million Americans may have seen posts published by Russia-based operatives.[65][66][67] Criticized for failing to stop fake news from spreading on its platform during the 2016 election,[68] Facebook originally thought that the fake-news problem could be solved by engineering, but in May 2017 it announced plans to hire 3,000 content reviewers.[69][failed verification]
According to an analysis by BuzzFeed News, the "20 top-performing false election stories from hoax sites and hyperpartisan blogs generated 8,711,000 shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook."[70] In September 2017, Facebook told congressional investigators it had discovered that hundreds of fake accounts linked to a Russian troll farm had bought $100,000 in advertisements targeting the 2016 U.S. election audience.[66] The ads, which ran between June 2015 and May 2017, primarily focused on divisive social issues; roughly 25% were geographically targeted.[71][72] Facebook has also turned over information about the Russian-related ad buys to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.[73] Approximately 3,000 adverts were involved, and these were viewed by between four and five million Facebook users prior to the election.[74] On November 1, 2017, the House Intelligence Committee released a sample of Facebook ads and pages that had been financially linked to the Internet Research Agency.[75] A 2019 analysis by The Washington Post's "Outlook" reviewed a number of troll accounts active in 2016 and 2018, and found that many resembled organic users. Rather than wholly negative and obvious, many confirmed troll accounts deployed humor and were "astute in exploiting questions of culture and identity and are frequently among the first to push new divisive conversations", some of which moved quickly to mainstream print media.[76]
Just so we're super clear here. Are you saying that the CIA, FBI, ASIS, MI5, Meta, YouTube, Twitter, and thousands of PhD level researchers are all... lying, and that none of the above actually happened?

Your argument is that the US Federal Police force, and Central Intelligence agency, along with the Republican party, Intelligence agencies of the UK, Australia and dozens of other countries, along with independent Harvard research teams, data scientists armed with literal terrabites of data, and dozens of billion dollar private companies...

....fabricated all of the above evidence (all of which is literally still on the internet), simply to 'undermine Trump'?

Thats your actual argument here?
Just so we're all clear here people.

1) BlueE claims to not be on any social media (despite being on several different sites, daily, including this one, where he's reposted links to Rumblr, Twitter, and YouTube, among others)

2) BlueE further claims that even if he was on those social media sites, daily, Russia did not spread literally millions of conspiracy/ pro Trump and Putin/ anti Democrat/ anti Vaxx stories and posts, on those social media sites, despite there being overwhelming evidence they did so.

3) Ergo, it is a sheer co-incidence that he believes word for word the exact narrative being pushed by the Russians, because not only is he not on social media, the Russians also did not spread any lies to cook him via the algorithm.

It's a level of self-deception, that I find frankly breathtaking in scope.

Particularly from a conspiracist. I mean, the evidence for a bone fide real and actual psy-op/ conspiracy is not only overwhelming, but also literally slapping him in the face, and he still can't acknowledge it.

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