Oppo Camp Banter with a Hawthorn supporter

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I haven't been watching it from a Fremantle perspective so I've missed that, apologies.

I have been watching it from a Hawthorn perspective however and I often sense some begrudgement (possibly not a word) from these guys.

I was only trying to offer an answer based on opinions I've formed over time. Wasn't intended to be arrogant, Kapow, though reading it back I can see how you might've thought that.
No worries, mate. Sensible and gracious Hawks supporters welcome here - they've been somewhat few and far between on the main board even.

For me, I still think this is a solid 50/50 game. We are confident in our teams chances if they bring their best footy just as you are confident in your side if you bring yours. Hawks still have the edge on top end talent but our game plan backs us in with a chance.
No worries, mate. Sensible and gracious Hawks supporters welcome here - they've been somewhat few and far between on the main board even.

For me, I still think this is a solid 50/50 game. We are confident in our teams chances if they bring their best footy just as you are confident in your side if you bring yours. Hawks still have the edge on top end talent but our game plan backs us in with a chance.

Do they really? No doubt their list is absolutely full of talent but I'd say our best 22 is on par.

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I haven't been watching it from a Fremantle perspective so I've missed that, apologies.

I have been watching it from a Hawthorn perspective however and I often sense some begrudgement (possibly not a word) from these guys.

I was only trying to offer an answer based on opinions I've formed over time. Wasn't intended to be arrogant, Kapow, though reading it back I can see how you might've thought that.

Fair enough. I'm probably guilty of summarising the situation in purple tinted glasses myself. It's pretty easy to do, especially when your team is playing in a grand final. Sorry for biting your head off
So far I've found the Hawks supporters fine. The media is being pretty harsh on them. A few good stories for their fans would be nice.

They have a few nasty fans as do we.

3 sleeeeeps!
Gotta agree with this, nothing but gracious on our board this week, although admittedly I haven't visited the main board - nor am I interested in doing so.
Do they really? No doubt their list is absolutely full of talent but I'd say our best 22 is on par.

That's optimistic. they didnt finsh 19-3 for no reason. They have the tall timber, elite midfield and, in my opinion, one of the top 3 defenders in gibson and another gun in lake. I think it's a fair statement
That's optimistic. they didnt finsh 19-3 for no reason. They have the tall timber, elite midfield and, in my opinion, one of the top 3 defenders in gibson and another gun in lake. I think it's a fair statement

I'm definitely not trying to discount the talent they have at their disposal, I just think its selling our list short by saying they have higher top end talent than we do
I'm definitely not trying to discount the talent they have at their disposal, I just think its selling our list short by saying they have higher top end talent than we do

Besides the ruck there is no one area where we are clearly better than the hawks though. Whereas they clearly have a better forward line and runners/distributors off half back. Over the park I think they do have more talent unfortunately
Besides the ruck there is no one area where we are clearly better than the hawks though. Whereas they clearly have a better forward line and runners/distributors off half back. Over the park I think they do have more talent unfortunately

I know, I'm not saying we are clearly better. I'm saying we are on par. I think they have a better forward line (although I still think ours has been pretty good throughout the finals) but our backline is better IMO.
I know, I'm not saying we are clearly better. I'm saying we are on par. I think they have a better forward line (although I still think ours has been pretty good throughout the finals) but our backline is better IMO.

Probably semantics, but if we have as much top end talent as they do, unless that talent is going head to head and nullifying each other, we should be dominant across as many lines as they are. And I just don't think we are. But anyway, that doesn't mean we can't win.
Probably semantics, but if we have as much top end talent as they do, unless that talent is going head to head and nullifying each other, we should be dominant across as many lines as they are. And I just don't think we are. But anyway, that doesn't mean we can't win.

We agree on that point at least!
Gotta agree with this, nothing but gracious on our board this week, although admittedly I haven't visited the main board - nor am I interested in doing so.

Don't, a few BF hawks fans are really going off on why we are the media darlings for the first time in 19 years. They're even saying that this is an AFL directive to beat us up because they are afraid attendances will fall as the match up is so one sided. :rolleyes: they are also comparing us to Port 2007 and how the outcome is going to be the same. We are apparently arrogant flogs who have nothing to be proud about because we haven't won anything and had a soft draw... You know the usual stuff. I don't think they'll be happy with us unless we say that Freo are no chance and thank them fit the absolute honour of kissing their boots on Saturday.

I've always been a glass half-empty kind of girl, so I still think Hawthorn will be too good UNLESS we bring our A game for 4 quarters. If we rattle them and get them mentally, we may win.
I don't know why but I went over to their board, dead set we don't need to play this game on Saturday - Hawthorn have won the premiership already if you listen to that mob.

90% of them wouldn't have seen a freo game all year. Its like they think their playing freo of 2007-08

Arrogant doesn't begin to cover it...

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Frankly, I'm fine if they limit it to their own board.

I won't expect a hawks fan to watch even 1/2 of our games this season, and based their perception of our team on our 1 game in tas and what they read on the media (which also did not watch 1/2 our games), rightfully will feel superior.

We know that we had a outstanding season as we managed to scrap wins despite injuries to our core players. They don't, they only see us scrap wins(or just the score).

I believe the boys will go to MCG and give it a good shake as they did throughout the finals.

I may visit their board to see the meltdown if we did win the big one, just not now that the testosterone level is over the roof.
I remembered 2010 when their fans and even players were talking about Grand Finals before even playing us in an Elimination Final. We all know how that turned out.

If Mark Harvey can smack Alastair Clarkson in a final, Ross Lyon is going to rape him.

What about in the 2008 prelim when we beat the saints by 9 goals? I believe Lyon was coaching then.
Yeah, I have no problems with Hawks fans being arrogant on their own board, so they should, that's where they are supposed to be confident. No different to our excitement on this board!!

It does make me lol though that they are getting riled up over the media coverage like it is going to make a difference to the score line. Wait until they see the scenes at the Perth airport, even the sniffer dogs were wearing purple!
Having just taken a peak at the Hawks board (which is something I don't normally do before a game - visit the opposition board; although I did last week and it has to be said that Sydney fans are a pretty classy bunch), I am quite taken with the way their supporters are discussing the upcoming game on Saturday. It goes something like this:

Hawks Poster 1 (HP1): F*** yeah my dick is bigger than theirs, we got this one.

HP2: yeah mine too, in fact I got a much bigger dick, they won't know what hit them.

HP3: shit yeah, mine is also bigger. F*** we all got bigger dicks than theirs.

HP1: yeah, boys, we show our dicks here all the time, they will be too scared to show their little dicks at the MCG. Their dicks hardly even know where the MCG is. Our nine inch nails OWN the MCG.

HP2/HP3/HP4 et al: F*** yeah - our dicks are made for the MCG!

Freo Poster 1 (FP1): Umm fellas, it's not all about how big your appendages are, it's also about what you do with them. We're pretty good with ours too you know.

HP1: yeah but yours are gay dicks cos they're purple.

HP2/3/4 etc: Lol lol lol lol lol... Yeah, we can have as many dick measuring contests as we want here cos this is our board so excuse us while we keep telling each other we got this cos we KNOW we got bigger ones than yours. You can have sensible footy talk on your board if you want, but this is our board, so if we want to be cocky dicks we can. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.

FP2: We played a high pressure game against Sydney and we beat Geelong in Geelong - will your guys who are used to a more free flowing game be able to handle this?

Hawthorn Moderator: Stop trying to have a proper discussion on our board while we are all busy telling each other how awesome our dicks are. You won't be warned again.

HP3: We'll kill them. Ross Lyon has killed footy - he's probably cut his dick right off, that's how shit his game plan is. F*** Ross Lyon and f*** the shit footy he plays.

etc etc etc

Geez they're ridiculous. :rolleyes:

I don't think they'll be happy with us unless we say that Freo are no chance and thank them fit the absolute honour of kissing their boots on Saturday.

I don't think you understand barracking, mate. The point is not to agree with the opposition fans about who will win. Actually resolving this argument between yourselves before the game would defeat the purpose of having it in the first place.
Haven't looked at the Hawks board since Monday; but it's not nice... and I thought Collingwood were bad. By this time of the week they're more than likely gorilla-beating their chests about how they're going to have to put up with a dull, one-sided contest on Sat. These guys never learn...

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