Judd's 'secret' pokies stake

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Hahaha, so funny to see the people that have their moral panties in a knot over this. Some guy invested in something, but doesn't want his investments known. Newsflash, plenty of people have investments that are confidential. I woudn't want random people to know what I've got investments in, why should I need to disclose that info? I'm wondering whether a lot of these "moral" people are up in arms because they are jealous or genuinely upset over the morality.

People that think sports stars are "role models" should really snap out of their delusion and learn how to be proper parents. Parents are role models, not some random guy that can run around kicking a piece of leather. If you are a failure as a parent and can't teach your kids right from wrong, then I guess the next best thing is complain about celebrities.

There's two options as to what has happened:

1. He wanted to invest to make some coin, but didn't want to be associated with gambling - so withdrew when he found out that couldn't happen. This means he didn't actually care about the gambling, just the association. Pretty shady, and says he isn't exactly moral, just loves the bucks.


2. It had nothing to do with the gambling part, it was merely the fact that he doesn't want any of his investments made public. When he found out that couldn't happen DUE to the gambling, he withdrew.

Carlton/Judd haters will latch on to the first option and Carlton/Judd lovers will latch on to the second option.

The rest of us will go "cool man" and move on.

I think the Carlton/Judd haters will more likely go for the third option.

3. Oh look, a media beat up about someone on some team I don't like, I'll pretend that this is a moral crisis and act all holier than thou and cherry pick the best parts of the article that strengthen my arguement.

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The story also describes it as an investment but whatever you can have that if you want, it doesn't matter whatsoever.

Whether it was a loan or an investment, he knew what the money was for. He knew that he would be making money off desperate gambling addicts. It worried him enough to cover his tracks....but not enough to steer clear of it.

It became clear some time ago that Judd is a man of questionable character (and that's being generous). This just confirms it.
LOL make sure you don't buy your Essendon membership next year you son of Mother Theresa you... cause guess what, if you do, you are supporting an organisation that makes money off desperate gambling addicts.

I nominate you for the Noble Peace Prize you Jesus MKII
Whats the issue here?

he's entitled to invest in what he pleases and to attempt to keep his investments confidential.

The only minute bit of dodginess is the involvement of Carlton Board members in Judd's investment portfolio - but I imagine that sort of things goes on at every club
maybe his lawyer/financial advisor/someone involved in the footy clubs PR department advised him to keep it confidential rather than him thinking that gambling is immoral?

In that case these professionals should be sacked by Chris as its against the Gambling Regulation rules set by the Victorian Commission to keep it confidential.

I would hope an astute person like Chris would make sure his team of professionals knew the law before making recommendations on investments.
LOL make sure you don't buy your Essendon membership next year you son of Mother Theresa you... cause guess what, if you do, you are supporting an organisation that makes money off desperate gambling addicts.

I nominate you for the Noble Peace Prize you Jesus MKII

Better that you make money the Ron Evans way by profiteering off families and kids at the football with $5.00 hot dogs !! :rolleyes:

I laughed at Rainman06's comment of Chris Judd being 'of questionable character'.

Seriously, other than not choosing to play for Essendon (how dare he !), what has he done that deserves the insult of having 'questionable character' ???
So the story is that a high profile sportsman attempts to keep a private investment confidential ... gee, that really is news, isn't it?

Nope, the rules are you invest in gambling it's not confidential, he was informed that, still he tried to get around it and it failed.

The reason he was told to go through another company was to avoid publicity he knew it would hit the papers.

Maybe not newsworthy before but definitely is now.
The problem isn't the money, it is trying to operate outside the law so that he can protect his public image which is the issue here.
Which part of protecting your privacy with one's investments is outside of the law?

Judd invested in a company that then lent money to the company that owns the Transport Hotel. The media had to play the pokies part of Sovereign's investment in the Transport Hotel to create a story. Nice twist after the company Judd invested in had to sue to get his money back. Scerri sounds bitter.
Better that you make money the Ron Evans way by profiteering off families and kids at the football with $5.00 hot dogs !! :rolleyes:

I laughed at Rainman06's comment of Chris Judd being 'of questionable character'.

Seriously, other than not choosing to play for Essendon (how dare he !), what has he done that deserves the insult of having 'questionable character' ???

I think he has an immoral selfish character.

  • Walked out on a club as captain
  • Readily accepted a sham role as 'environmental warrior' so that he could receive money outside the salary cap
  • Repeated eye gouger, then tried (laughably) to lie his way out of a punishment
  • Knifed a team mate in the back
  • Wanted to profit from pokies, without the negative stigma attached to it
Any of those items in isolation is fine and understandable, but when you start to see the common thread you really do get the picture that this guy only really cares about C. Judd.

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Money hungry scumbag profiting off the misery of others. No wonder he tried to hide it.

Do you think Corey Mckernan is profiting off the misery of others by running his pub or would he turn away anyone who is a alcoholic or spending the families spending money over the bar???
Do you think Corey Mckernan is profiting off the misery of others by running his pub or would he turn away anyone who is a alcoholic or spending the families spending money over the bar???

not judging Judd, but in my experience, the effect pokies have on communities is deeply destructive in a way a pub is not. Personally, I would feel like a piece of shit making money off them. I know basically all footy clubs do, and I think it's ugly.
Anyone see the irony of in people using made up names attacking Judd for wanting to keep his investment anonymous .

Would the people doing so please attach their real names and DOB at the bottom of their posts in the interests of full identity of opinion disclosure. .
Anyone see the irony of in people using made up names attacking Judd for wanting to keep his investment anonymous .

Would the people doing so please attach their real names and DOB at the bottom of their posts in the interests of full identity of opinion disclosure. .

I didn't know the non-reveal of personal details on the bigfooty forum is against the law
Are those poker machines carbon neutral? I'm sure the environmental warrior has gone to all sorts of lengths to ensure that they are.
If he had nothing to hide, why would he attempt to conceal anything?

I went to a strip club once when I was 18. I didn’t think I had done anything wrong but when my mother asked where I went during the night I said I was playing computer games at a friends house. Because it would upset her even though what I did was not against the law or my own code of morals I didn't want her knowing because of her moral stance.

Just because Judd wanted anoynimity doesnt mean he was doing anything wrong.
I went to a strip club once when I was 18. I didn’t think I had done anything wrong but when my mother asked where I went during the night I said I was playing computer games at a friends house. Because it would upset her even though what I did was not against the law or my own code of morals I didn't want her knowing because of her moral stance.

Just because Judd wanted anoynimity doesnt mean he was doing anything wrong.

By law he was required to provide his identity, so he was.

But, I don't really give a fap about that. Just sick of this guy being portrayed as some moral saint, when it is clear he aint. More than happy to appreciate this guy for his skill ala Carey or Ablett snr, but please can the media accept that this guy is generally immoral and has a selfish personality and stop portraying him as the number one role model.

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