Will Didak ever grow a pair?

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I said in my post that I don't mind him avoiding contact if it allows him to play the way he does.

While he did play injured that shouldn't be used as an excuse. If you going to play injured, you still have to do the team stuff. ie Put your body on the line.

He already put his body on the line by playing injured. Putting himself in harms way at that point would have denied us our most creative finisher just coming into the finals. I know if I was Mick in that situation I'd have been furious at dids if he put that shoulder in danger.

There are more ways of putting yourself on the line for you club and team mates than putting your neck below the guillotine and pulling the lever.
He already put his body on the line by playing injured. Putting himself in harms way at that point would have denied us our most creative finisher just coming into the finals. I know if I was Mick in that situation I'd have been furious at dids if he put that shoulder in danger.

There are more ways of putting yourself on the line for you club and team mates than putting your neck below the guillotine and pulling the lever.

If we were 5 points up in the preliminary final against Geelong and Didak failed 'to go' when the ball was in dispute, Josh Hunt ran in a straight line and dobbed it from 50 to put them into a Grand Final, do you still think Mick would be happy with Didak declaring himself fit to play?

I know that is the most extreme situation imaginable but it could happen.

You don't have to agree with us... It is an internet forum afterall. :)
I never expect him (and don't want him) to be the same sort of player Luke Ball is. What you would like to expect from each and every player on the team though is that if it's their time to go, they go!

There has been numerous times that Didak has been required to hit the ball hard and he will either stand off, let the opposition get it and then lay the tackle or he will side step and stick the foot out to try and soccer it forward.

In the first Western Bulldogs game, there were two times in that game where he baulked the contact allowing the dogs player to run in a straight line, pick up the ball and deliver forward for a goal.
(Mind you, he followed his work up with 2 or 3 goals himself so I guess that is the trade off.)

I love Dids as a player but I just wish sometimes that he would instil some mongrel in himself. :thumbsu:

Once again you talk about things you would like him to do, maybe he is playing to what Malthouse wants him to do or he may even be playing to his (Didak's) full potential.

If Blair was 204cm- gee he would make a great ruckman
Same thing, he aint 204 cm he is a 172 cm drag arse
Didak is Didak

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If we were 5 points up in the preliminary final against Geelong and Didak failed 'to go' when the ball was in dispute, Josh Hunt ran in a straight line and dobbed it from 50 to put them into a Grand Final, do you still think Mick would be happy with Didak declaring himself fit to play?

I know that is the most extreme situation imaginable but it could happen.

You don't have to agree with us... It is an internet forum afterall. :)
I don't completely disagree, in that extreme situation there is no tomorrow and everyone connected with collingwood would have the right to expect dids to hurl himself at the ball/Hunt with everything he had. Are you totally convinced that did's wouldn't tackle with the season hinging on that particular contest? I'm not totally sure either way but think that he is smart enough to realize he has no choice, its Sydney or the bush and go for it.
Re: Is Didak's softness a cancer?

Hmm... despite that deflection, I'd suggest that Alan Didak is so good that he's become the most important diver in the League. Given his status amongst the Pies faithful, I am concerned that the Dids way might be rubbing off on the younger brigade. I mean, has Daisy Thomas gotten a hard ball this year?

Anyway, I am just trying to look out for you guys. You have to remove cancer's early, and I am afraid that the Dids cancer is becoming too widespread at your club.

Silly Duritz
If we were 5 points up in the preliminary final against Geelong and Didak failed 'to go' when the ball was in dispute, Josh Hunt ran in a straight line and dobbed it from 50 to put them into a Grand Final, do you still think Mick would be happy with Didak declaring himself fit to play?

I know that is the most extreme situation imaginable but it could happen.

You don't have to agree with us... It is an internet forum afterall. :)
We were 8 or 9 goals in front, not 5 points

In the 07 prelim he didnt squib anything and kept us in it right until the end, game sense is required, when you are going to win why risk injury?
Once again you talk about things you would like him to do, maybe he is playing to what Malthouse wants him to do or he may even be playing to his (Didak's) full potential.

Of course that's what I'm talking about. I expect every single player in our team to run in a straight line when attacking the pill 1 v 1 with the opposition. Just because Alan has sublime finishing skills doesn't mean we should expect any less from him does it? Alan Toovey is no Luke Ball but when it's his turn to go, he goes!

If Blair was 204cm- gee he would make a great ruckman
Same thing, he aint 204 cm he is a 172 cm drag arse
Didak is Didak

Ok, now you're just talking smack! Didak is a fantastic player but he also often squibs contests. You are obviously happy enough for him to do that... I am not. We have differing opinions and that's fine. :thumbsu:
We were 8 or 9 goals in front, not 5 points

In the 07 prelim he didnt squib anything and kept us in it right until the end, game sense is required, when you are going to win why risk injury?

I totally agree Opti but this thread wasn't started after the 2010 preliminary final.

That was just a 'What if?' example that I chose to use.
I totally agree Opti but this thread wasn't started after the 2010 preliminary final.

That was just a 'What if?' example that I chose to use.
Wicksy we all know that dids is never going to be a straight line player, he is devious rather than courageous. Are you saying this lack of physical courage means that you would prefer he leaves?
Wicksy we all know that dids is never going to be a straight line player, he is devious rather than courageous. Are you saying this lack of physical courage means that you would prefer he leaves?

Ummmm No...??

I haven't read back through this thread so there may have been some things said that I would look back upon and cringe but he is one of my favourite players so of course I hope he remains in the Black & white.

Every player has their flaws, and Didak's flaw is that he occasionally pulls out when he needs to go. I'm not sure how anyone can deny this. Still a great player, but not quite as great as he could be.

Finally! Somewhere that understands where I'm coming from....:p
Ok, now you're just talking smack! Didak is a fantastic player but he also often squibs contests. You are obviously happy enough for him to do that... I am not. We have differing opinions and that's fine. :thumbsu:

Having the package Didak has currently as opposed to not having any Didak at all? I know which one I'd prefer, not so sure about you.
Having the package Didak has currently as opposed to not having any Didak at all? I know which one I'd prefer, not so sure about you.

Of course I would rather have him in our team. I don't believe I ever said otherwise.

It is cringe worthy though when he runs past the ball with his foot out... That's all I'm saying! :)
Ummmm No...??

I haven't read back through this thread so there may have been some things said that I would look back upon and cringe but he is one of my favourite players so of course I hope he remains in the Black & white.

Finally! Somewhere that understands where I'm coming from....:p
Wicksy perhaps I was a little too indirect - if he were to leave the pies that would certainly ease your frustration but otherwise what is the point of railing against the invertible? He isn't a mongoose or a badger that will stand up to anything, he's more like an hyena - don't fall for the typical distaste for hyenas, they are cunning and devious and one of the most deadly predators pound for pound on the planet when they decide to hunt.
I'm just glad we have his sublime skills with us and not against us, don't like his evading the issue at times either but I'm prepared to wear it for the benefits he brings.

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Wicksy perhaps I was a little too indirect - if he were to leave the pies that would certainly ease your frustration but otherwise what is the point of railing against the invertible? He isn't a mongoose or a badger that will stand up to anything, he's more like an hyena - don't fall for the typical distaste for hyenas, they are cunning and devious and one of the most deadly predators pound for pound on the planet when they decide to hunt.
I'm just glad we have his sublime skills with us and not against us, don't like his evading the issue at times either but I'm prepared to wear it for the benefits he brings.

I love the Hyena analogy.
You are absolutely, 100% correct.

This thread was created in frustration (Built up frustration mind you) and it is unfortunate that someone felt the need to bump it just to prove a point.
Wicksy perhaps I was a little too indirect - if he were to leave the pies that would certainly ease your frustration but otherwise what is the point of railing against the invertible? He isn't a mongoose or a badger that will stand up to anything, he's more like an hyena - don't fall for the typical distaste for hyenas, they are cunning and devious and one of the most deadly predators pound for pound on the planet when they decide to hunt.
I'm just glad we have his sublime skills with us and not against us, don't like his evading the issue at times either but I'm prepared to wear it for the benefits he brings.

The thing with players like Didak and to a lesser extent Pendlebury is that they often look like they have squibbed when they haven't. When faced with a ball in dispute, these guys tend to think past just winning the ball, they are thinking about how they are going to use the ball once they've won it. Therefore they often don't really put their head over the ball or bodyline the ball, because that would result in them being wrapped up immediately. Didak regularly tries to snatch a disputed ball whilst spinning away from trouble, so that he can effectively dispose of the ball. It looks cowardly when he stuffs up, but i'd argue that it is generally the result of him being extremely attacking and thinking beyond the initial contest.
Re: Is Didak's softness a cancer?

Hmm... despite that deflection, I'd suggest that Alan Didak is so good that he's become the most important diver in the League. Given his status amongst the Pies faithful, I am concerned that the Dids way might be rubbing off on the younger brigade. I mean, has Daisy Thomas gotten a hard ball this year?

Anyway, I am just trying to look out for you guys. You have to remove cancer's early, and I am afraid that the Dids cancer is becoming too widespread at your club.
You sir are a fool, have you even attended a footy match. Criticism of Dids on this point is fair enough (misguided but understandable), but that is the last thing that Dale (you don't have the right to call him by his nickname) Thomas is guilty of. Most of the time when people are criticising him for disappearing, it's because he is off doing the 1%ers, sheppearding, blocking etc.
Oh well what can you expect from a Brisbane supporter, we are after all talking about AFL not NFL. Just because Brisbane won 3 flags it doesn't necessarily follow that all their supporters (or even most of them) have any idea about AFL. Over here they would be theatre goers but up there they are just crocodile hunting, cane chewing, hillbillies. If you want to talk about cancers in a club, have a look a Fevola, the poor hillbilly's Aker.
Doubt it, Didak is what he is, a soft player that has elite skills and would be top 10 at every team. I don't understand the copping he gets for being soft, he is just not that type of player, I rather Luke Ball diving in head first and feeding the ball out to Didak than Didak diving in and feeding it to Ball who proceeds to turn it over.
Of course that's what I'm talking about. I expect every single player in our team to run in a straight line when attacking the pill 1 v 1 with the opposition. Just because Alan has sublime finishing skills doesn't mean we should expect any less from him does it? Alan Toovey is no Luke Ball but when it's his turn to go, he goes!

OK. 2010 PF. He has a torn pec. It's Q4. The game's won already, and the ball is kicked from the midfield by Bartel toward Geelong's CHF.

Didak runs back TOWARD the contest to effect a spoil with Tom Hawkins (much bigger than him and running at him). He does that, but Hawkins manages to catch Didak's bad arm and wrenches it as Didak hits the ground.

So not only has he selflessly attacked the ball when he quite rightly could have been thinking about self-preservation for the following week, he's risked his bad arm/pec. He then suffers an agonising tear on said pec - pulls himself back up and then keeps playing.

Sometimes 1 or 2 events can make a statement seem true (i.e. he's soft) but also try to bear in mind there's just as many instances that may seem innocuous that will prove your statement otherwise.
There's a bit of spinning going on in this post, I reckon. I'd argue any inventiveness Didak shows, he does so to mask his blatant unwillingness to throw his body into high impact situations. Not cowardice, mind, as it seems perfectly reasonable to me to avoid high impact situations and I do so on a daily basis. But it is a footballing flaw.

I beg to differ on this point. Yes, there are situations that Didak hesitates, I don't deny that, but many a time I have seen him attack the ball, and do something deft like tap it on to a running team mate, handball while in mid air over his head to a team mate, while the majority of other blockhead footballers would just grab the ball and then get tackled like a deer in the headlights. It's called football smarts, and only an elite few have it, Didak is one such footballer.
He plays like a soccer player sometimes with the way he tries to evade and dodge other players.

I'm not talking about softness or diving either, but more so the natural movements of soccer players when they attack.
I think the courage to play with an injury is different to the courage of running back into a pack, or putting your head down over the ball and trying to burst through a pack (a la Ball/Blair) at the risk of injury. It's the latter that Dids doesn't have and what he has been criticised for.

That said, his abilities in pretty well every other area of his game make up for it far more often than not.
Alan Toovey is no Luke Ball but when it's his turn to go, he goes!
Love the Toooooves, but this is his great attribute, he is phuken fearless and if he wasn't like this he wouldn't get a game. All players have strengths and weaknesses. Obviously the less weaknesses you have the higher your rated.
Every player has their flaws, and Didak's flaw is that he occasionally pulls out when he needs to go. I'm not sure how anyone can deny this. Still a great player, but not quite as great as he could be.

Not sure I agree with this. Sure he ocasionally pulls out of a contest, but I question the definition of 'needing to go'.

We all respect the blokes that put their head over the ball and ttack the footy with zero respect for their own well being, but sometimes this is to their detriment. Look at Troy Selwood at Brisbane, he is as brave as they come - but fat lot of good it does him and his club when he spent half his career with facial or head injuries.

Didak takes every situation on its merits, I've seen him go and I've seen him pull out. Each time, I'm sure he has decided when its worth it and when its not, and taken into account the risk of a potential long term injury etc.

It may sound like I'm tearing at the fabric of the game, but in my view you don't always 'need to go'. As an example, I've seen Pendles avoid contact hundreds of times, but he often ends up with the footy anyway, despite appearing to squib the initial contest.

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Will Didak ever grow a pair?

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