Why is Laurie Oakes Treated Like a God?

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This is the same for every party. Talk to any ex-political staffer (Labor, Liberal, Greens, Democrats, independents, it doesn't matter) and they will all tell you that they cannot overemphasise how much every single decision is driven by what's most likely to get them reelected.

Well then we're all stuffed. I'm of the view that Abbott at least believe what he saids (other than he's dying to bring back WorkChoices) but Julia doesn't believe a word she says. He might be the Mad Monk but he's at least sincere about his madness! :p
She has denied that very forcefully this morning with a great big fat NO.

How do you judge Abbotts standards on telling un-truths ?

Story confirmed by Hatcher in the SMH. She tried to blame the leak on liberal rumour mongering but has now had to admit it came from within her own ranks ie she lied. But now were are expected to beleive that she did not oppose the pension increase or maternity leave.

Sorry, once you are caught out blatantly lying like she has whatever you say in your defence is discredited. She is on the rocks along with the whole ALP, bookies odds are coming in.
Well then we're all stuffed. I'm of the view that Abbott at least believe what he saids (other than he's dying to bring back WorkChoices) but Julia doesn't believe a word she says. He might be the Mad Monk but he's at least sincere about his madness! :p

Not by his own admission he isnt

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Is it just me, or do the FTA networks seem to be talking up how connected their journalists are a lot more than in previous elections? ABC, C9 and C7 are all running promos emphasising how Uhlmann, Oakes and Riley have sources all over Canberra and high in both parties.

Maybe it's just me but I don't really care who breaks a story first, since the other channels are only going to be a few minutes behind. I'm more interested in who provides the best analysis afterwards.
The truth is Laurie has ALWAYS been a ALP supporter.
When Rudd won the last election he was caught on camera saying

" we won " .
Is it just me, or do the FTA networks seem to be talking up how connected their journalists are a lot more than in previous elections? ABC, C9 and C7 are all running promos emphasising how Uhlmann, Oakes and Riley have sources all over Canberra and high in both parties.

Maybe it's just me but I don't really care who breaks a story first, since the other channels are only going to be a few minutes behind. I'm more interested in who provides the best analysis afterwards.

Completely agree. I HATE how the journalists have now become the 'personalities'. Their job is to report the news and provide analysis (which is clearly indicated as such so as not to be confused with actual FACTS).
The truth is Laurie has ALWAYS been a ALP supporter.
When Rudd won the last election he was caught on camera saying

" we won " .

More he picks the P.M.

Gillard's trouble with Oakes is she toppled Rudd without Oakes being in on it.

If she had of curried favour with Oakes like Rudd did, Oakes would be a little more circumspect in his language and tone when talking about Gillard.

Basically we don't need to vote. Just let Oakes decide who is fit and isn't fit to hold the office of P.M. and leave it at that. When you think of the cost of running an election, the idea is a winner. At least in the short term. When Laurie shuffles off his mortal coil we are going to be stuffed. Goodness knows who we will elect without supreme guidance from Laurie.
Pretty funny seeing Oakes get stuck into Latham.

Of course it would have nothing to do with the disdain Latham held for him when he was in politics nor the fact that he refered to Oakes in his book as 'Jabba'. I guess the other plus is he gets to defend his bum boy Rudd.

Anyone crosses Kevvy Oakes comes after them.

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Why is Laurie Oakes Treated Like a God?

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