Why does LBJ get no respect on these boards??

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yes against orlando when mo williams was so cold it wasnt even funny
when ilgauskas couldnt hit a jump shot to save his life
when the whole team had lost complete confidence

the leader of the team had to step up and save his team from BOMBING OUT OF THE ECF and you know what he did, he absolutely dominated a whole quarter to give us a win.

and he didnt do it through sheer athleticism. beautiful ball handling, fade away jump shots, great spins to the baskets and IIRC 2 great dishes aswell. without lebron doing this we lose by 10+

you want him to keep passing in the playoffs where youve got once chance to shine and his whole team is stinking it up, and lose the game but at least "he didnt take people 1 on 1" - every superstar has to step up and go ball-hog, especially in the finals when the pressure gets to many players. its not lebrons fault that his team was so mediocre, he really couldnt trust in that situation anyone and had to dominate for nearly a whole quarter rather than half a quarter like most superstars.

the guy is one of the most unselfish superstars in the game - it boggles the mind when you start hatin on him for - you must of been hibernating when he copped ridiculous shit, i mean ridiculous levels of shit FOR TRUSTING HIS TEAM-MATES in late game situations??

cue everyone "what type of superstar does that, michael never did that etc..."
nearly every player of his calibre and stature on a team has to dominate in late stages and he has one of highest assists ratios in that time - classic example of letting your hatred for him get in the way of facts.

moreover as mdc said, hes one of best ball handlers and passers at his position/size for a long time. so hes not succesful purely based on athleticism, though that does help.

but thats like saying you dont respect carmelo anthony because he has more athleticism than anthony johnson?? not his damn fault

not challenging your opinion AbOut lebron the person, but lebron the player. chris bosh can be so ridiculously selfish on your team and NOT stand up in clutch situations when his team need the superstar to, but you havent said a word about him - but put lebron in that level, thats a bit of a joke

very good post:thumbsu:
I recently watched an interview with 50 cent (laugh all you want) and he explained "the cycle of success". The whole idea of it is that you get so rich and famous that people start to want to see you fail. Classic examples are Britney, Michael jackson , Roger federer etc. It happens in all sports look how everyone loved judd and buddy now people dislike them. In lebrons case I think Nike have oversaturated their marketing with him. Anyway MELO all dayyyyy!!
If only LBJ had a decent GM able to put together a team around him. Has LBJ played with any all stars yet? I think Mo Williams was voted in by the coaches last year, but that's possibly it. Mo Williams is the best player LBJ has played with. That's all that needs to be said in terms of an answer to the questions of why LBJ hasn't won anything. He's done a remarkable job with the teams he's had to play with. Give him one other bonafide star, just one. Kobe gets Gasol, Bynum, Odom etc etc and LBJ gets Mo Williams, please.

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If only LBJ had a decent GM able to put together a team around him. Has LBJ played with any all stars yet? I think Mo Williams was voted in by the coaches last year, but that's possibly it. Mo Williams is the best player LBJ has played with. That's all that needs to be said in terms of an answer to the questions of why LBJ hasn't won anything. He's done a remarkable job with the teams he's had to play with. Give him one other bonafide star, just one. Kobe gets Gasol, Bynum, Odom etc etc and LBJ gets Mo Williams, please.
Big Z was an All-Star a few years back, alongside Lebron. So yes, Lebron has played with 2.

You can pull the "crappy supporting cast" card with Lebron, but the fact is you don't win 65-odd games with a crappy supporting cast (which is what Cleveland did last year). They had a championship-capable team and they blew it, simple as that.
It's because he is not white. I hate all black players in the NBA because I am Australian, hence me supporting only the bench for the Magic. White Chocolate, JJ, Anderson and Gortat. Barnes is almost white so he is OK.
It's because he is not white. I hate all black players in the NBA because I am Australian, hence me supporting only the bench for the Magic. White Chocolate, JJ, Anderson and Gortat. Barnes is almost white so he is OK.

barnes is a step above the jason kidd white.

question. why would players wanna sign up to the cavs when there's the will he wont he saga of cleaving? yes i know shaq signed...
LeBron is hated on here because he is the best player in the league, the same reason every great AFL player is hated by other teams supporters on the AFL forums. You allways hate a great player on the other side, plus LeBron is black, which never helps in Australia.

Collingwood mentality sunk in already LB?
Yeah but at least Barnes tries to look black.

He claps his hands like a white guy as well when he makes a mistake. I like that.
LeBron is hated on here because he is the best player in the league, the same reason every great AFL player is hated by other teams supporters on the AFL forums. You allways hate a great player on the other side, plus LeBron is black, which never helps in Australia.

quoted for lulz
It's because he is not white. I hate all black players in the NBA because I am Australian, hence me supporting only the bench for the Magic. White Chocolate, JJ, Anderson and Gortat. Barnes is almost white so he is OK.

i challenge you!!

farmar (practically white)
sasha (= 10 whiteys)
morrison (= 100 whiteys)

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You can pull the "crappy supporting cast" card with Lebron, but the fact is you don't win 65-odd games with a crappy supporting cast (which is what Cleveland did last year). They had a championship-capable team and they blew it, simple as that.

I'm not pulling any card. He simply has a crappy supporting cast. Simple as that. They had a championship-capable team BECAUSE OF LEBRON. When you say "they blew it", i sure hope you aren't including LBJ in that? He litterly carried that team on his shoulders in the ECC, i suppose you're blaming him for the fact that that his players kept missing open looks? Replace LBJ on that team with another very good player and that team barely makes the playoffs. The Cavs botched it last year by not using Wally's expiring contract (i think it was his) to get another star. What did Kobe do before the Lakers stole Pau Gasol for nothing? He whinged about not having enough of a supporting cast and wanted to be traded. The Lakers then acquire one of the elite big men of the NBA (at least offensively) for nothing and all of a sudden they start winning things. What did Kevin Garnett do before he was surrounded by PP and Ray Allen? MJ before Pippen? The list goes on and on. So yeh, if you think Mo Williams, Delonte West, the corpse of Big Z, Wally, Booby Gibson, Anderson etc etc is a good supporting cast then I don't know what to tell you. It's a crime that LBJ has had to play for a team that has simply been unable to BUILD a side around him. I hope he leaves the Cavs.
I'm not pulling any card. He simply has a crappy supporting cast. Simple as that. They had a championship-capable team BECAUSE OF LEBRON. When you say "they blew it", i sure hope you aren't including LBJ in that? He litterly carried that team on his shoulders in the ECC, i suppose you're blaming him for the fact that that his players kept missing open looks?
You mean when he went 8-20 in Game 6 against Orlando, shot 2-8 from downtown, and made one basket in the entire last quarter? The game when Dwight stood up and lead his team to victory? Because that is how I'll remember that series. Dwight being a monster in the game that had to be won, and Lebron going quiet.

Lebron and the Cavs were awesome all through the regular season and through the first two rounds of the playoffs. EVERYONE tipped Cleveland to win the series against Orlando. Literally everyone. They didn't, and Dwight and the Magic proved they were the better team. Thats my definition of "blowing it". A team expected to get to the Finals and not getting there.

Replace LBJ on that team with another very good player and that team barely makes the playoffs. The Cavs botched it last year by not using Wally's expiring contract (i think it was his) to get another star. What did Kobe do before the Lakers stole Pau Gasol for nothing? He whinged about not having enough of a supporting cast and wanted to be traded. The Lakers then acquire one of the elite big men of the NBA (at least offensively) for nothing and all of a sudden they start winning things. What did Kevin Garnett do before he was surrounded by PP and Ray Allen? MJ before Pippen? The list goes on and on. So yeh, if you think Mo Williams, Delonte West, the corpse of Big Z, Wally, Booby Gibson, Anderson etc etc is a good supporting cast then I don't know what to tell you. It's a crime that LBJ has had to play for a team that has simply been unable to BUILD a side around him. I hope he leaves the Cavs.
Agree with everything you said. But lets remember Kobe was never even close to making the Finals by himself. He whinged because he had to carry that team just so they could barely get 42 wins. Lebron was on a 65 win team expected to make the Finals, and possibly win the whole thing. You cannot whinge when you're team has the #1 record in the league and home-court for the entire playoffs/Finals!!! So either Lebron and the Cavs blew it, or Lebron's supporting cast totally over-achieved and pulled the wool over our eyes for 90+ straight games.
I love the way the moron who posted above me only mentions game six when talking about LeBron's brilliant series against the Magic. LeBron was dominant for 5 games and got nothing from his supporting cast in the whole series, if you don't agree with that, you are either stupid or didn't watch the series.

The teamates that had been playing competent basketball against mediocre opposition failed in the big moment, thats not Bron's fault. He averaged 40 points in that series. You talk about Howard's game 6 all you want, the fact is Howard was carried by Hedo and Lewis making clutch shots earlier in the series. LeBron never recieved that kind of help anywhere in the 09 playoffs, Mo was cold as ice, while Howard was carried by contributions from Pietrus, Alston, Hedo and Lewis. Yes LeBron's team won 66 games but that has more to do with the poor play of the bottom teams in the league than anything else, when LeBron's teamates were pitted against strong opposition in the regular season and in the ECF they failed, check their records against elite squads. That LeBron managed to carry the Cavs as close as he did against the Magic is testament to how good he really is, he should leave Cleveland this year and hook up with Wade and/or Bosh and have A level support like Kobe, Mj, Bird and Magic all needed to win rings.

This year Kobe has the deepest supporting cast in the league by a long way, LeBron has to leave Cleveland because the current Cavs team is not beating that Lakers squad in the next 3 years.
Big Z was an All-Star a few years back, alongside Lebron. So yes, Lebron has played with 2.

You can pull the "crappy supporting cast" card with Lebron, but the fact is you don't win 65-odd games with a crappy supporting cast (which is what Cleveland did last year). They had a championship-capable team and they blew it, simple as that.

Big Z made the All Star team in 05/6 he averaged an other worldly 15 points a game that year I can't believe LeBron didn't use him to take the title that year whats wron with him. Now lets compare the other stars rosters, Gasol Odom, Bynum and Artest for Kobe or Allen, Rondo, Pierce for Garnett or Carter, Lewis, Nelson that Howard has.

The deeper you look into the rosters LeBron has had you wonder what exactly his management having been doing in his career. He needs to leave that hell hole.
You mean when he went 8-20 in Game 6 against Orlando, shot 2-8 from downtown, and made one basket in the entire last quarter? The game when Dwight stood up and lead his team to victory? Because that is how I'll remember that series. Dwight being a monster in the game that had to be won, and Lebron going quiet.

Lebron and the Cavs were awesome all through the regular season and through the first two rounds of the playoffs. EVERYONE tipped Cleveland to win the series against Orlando. Literally everyone. They didn't, and Dwight and the Magic proved they were the better team. Thats my definition of "blowing it". A team expected to get to the Finals and not getting there.

Agree with everything you said. But lets remember Kobe was never even close to making the Finals by himself. He whinged because he had to carry that team just so they could barely get 42 wins. Lebron was on a 65 win team expected to make the Finals, and possibly win the whole thing. You cannot whinge when you're team has the #1 record in the league and home-court for the entire playoffs/Finals!!! So either Lebron and the Cavs blew it, or Lebron's supporting cast totally over-achieved and pulled the wool over our eyes for 90+ straight games.

You're still missing the point dude. What i'm saying is is that the Cavs were a 65 win team because of LBJ and team chemistry. Ok, they weren't a bad team, but in terms of talent they were nowhere near the best team in the league. Nowhere near. I also disagree with your point about Kobe's previous crappy team only getting 42 wins and thus were a worse team than what LBJ had last season. The reason why that team did so poorly, was because Kobe whinged and whined his way through the season, he thought that he had to carry the whole team on his own two shoulders and thus never really even tried to get his teammates involved, there was NO team chemistry whatsoever. Don't underestimate what sort of effect that has on the wins column.

Showing LBJ's game 6 stat line doesn't really show anything. He shot 8-20, ok, not great. Is it any wonder that he was most likely completely spent after receiving NO help for the preceding 5 games? The Cavs were lucky it even went to 6 games, and that has nothing to do with LBJ, it's because of lBJ that it went to 6 games. Just like how it was because of LBJ they won 60+ games in the reg season.

As i said, i wish the Cavs knew how to put a team together around LBJ. Instead they keep adding stop gap measures. This seasons' acquisition of Shaq is a great example. Terrible signing, and i suppose when the Cavs dont even get to the ECC you'll blame LBJ.
Big Z made the All Star team in 05/6 he averaged an other worldly 15 points a game that year I can't believe LeBron didn't use him to take the title that year whats wron with him. Now lets compare the other stars rosters, Gasol Odom, Bynum and Artest for Kobe or Allen, Rondo, Pierce for Garnett or Carter, Lewis, Nelson that Howard has.


Also remember that Big Z made the All star team because at that time there was a complete lack of quality centres in the East.
I'm not really arguing with you guys. I agree Lebron needs help, and that he has an average supporting cast. and I also think he's the best player in the league at carrying his team, better than Kobe.

But I'd like to know what you said about the Cavs-Magic series before it started. I'm betting you would have tipped the Cavs like everyone else. How could you not? There hadn't lost a playoff game up till that point. They were looking awesome. Lebron had me convinced, like many others, that he could lead his team to a championship.

I love the way the moron who posted above me only mentions game six when talking about LeBron's brilliant series against the Magic. LeBron was dominant for 5 games and got nothing from his supporting cast in the whole series, if you don't agree with that, you are either stupid or didn't watch the series.
Dude, obviously Lebron had a brilliant series. But in the game that counted, Dwight was dominant and Lebron went quiet. FACT. Thats all I'm saying. Don't put words in my mouth.

Footylover, agree Kobe whined and bitched, and that the Lakers chemistry was crap. Worlds apart from Lebron last year who did an outstanding job and got everyone involved. No argument from me there. But as for who had the crapper team, it has to be Kobe. Go look at his roster in 2005-2006. It is laughably bad. Although not too much worse than the team Lebron took to the Finals in 2007.
Did anyone see James steal the ball yesterday from the Suns and make a huge 3, then celebrate like it was the game winning shot only to have it disallowed??? :D

I guess I can see why people think he is a dick BUT i still love watching plays like that.

Unbelievable play.

Was trying to find a link this morning to show a mate, does anyone have one (didn't make the game highlights on nba.com due to being disallowed)?

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Why does LBJ get no respect on these boards??

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