Society/Culture Why do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology.

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So would I.

Here's a meta-analysis that's far more wide ranging.

There is a significant body of work on the subject. Assuming the entire concept is based off a single study is folly.
Where does that [bolded part] come from ? You posted an article with a controversial heading but without comment. Any reasonable person would assume that it’s the article that is up for discussion. Being a reasonable person, I critiqued the article and you agreed, it appears, with my critique, or at least with the conclusion I drew. Where have I made any comment on your “entire concept”, let alone assumed that it’s based solely upon your posted article ?

When I posted my critique, I was castigated by Gethelred, who, ironically, approved your post, for posting off topic. Episode IV has already posted a response to your post. Can you two sort out what can or can’t be posted in this thread and let us all know ?
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That we should all open our minds to these views. Perhaps we should all do our own research through viewing YouTube clips and forming our own ‘independent’ opinions rather than ignorantly acknowledging the overwhelming consensus of experts on any given topic.
Quote him

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How do you get YouTube videos and DYOR out of that?
Well if you like, you can substitute that for Fox News.
All fits under the same banner in my view.
What's your opinion? Do you think people should be informed by Fox News and/or YouTube videos rather than accepting researched evidence or the consensus of experts? Should they give equal rating to both? Should they take a critical approach to what appears to be baseless conspiracy theories and/or propaganda? Or is this alternative truth with no discernible basis in reality of fact just as valid as well researched and evidenced based opinion?
Well if you like, you can substitute that for Fox News.
All fits under the same banner in my view.
What's your opinion? Do you think people should be informed by Fox News and/or YouTube videos rather than accepting researched evidence or the consensus of experts? Should they give equal rating to both? Should they take a critical approach to what appears to be baseless conspiracy theories and/or propaganda? Or is this alternative truth with no discernible basis in reality of fact just as valid as well researched and evidenced based opinion?
You’re talking about things that go against researched evidence - I don’t think people should give equal weight to tv news or YouTube videos unless there is a very good reason to. I don’t reckon there’s any excuse for going down the “6 hour YouTube video about why sandy hook isn’t real” route, but I don’t think anyone here is defending that.

YouTube is kinda what you make it. I like friendlyjordies for instance, and he’s a hyper-opinionated political commentator like Carlson.
You’re talking about things that go against researched evidence - I don’t think people should give equal weight to tv news or YouTube videos unless there is a very good reason to. I don’t reckon there’s any excuse for going down the “6 hour YouTube video about why sandy hook isn’t real” route, but I don’t think anyone here is defending that.

YouTube is kinda what you make it. I like friendlyjordies for instance, and he’s a hyper-opinionated political commentator like Carlson.
The question is why the less intelligent gravitate to right wing/socialy conservative ideology?
Any insights?
The question is why the less intelligent gravitate to right wing/socialy conservative ideology?
Any insights?
My guess would be that there is a very very large cohort of unskilled workers, low income earners and battling families who feel abandoned by the left and the statistic is explained by this sort of back lash.
I know plenty of conservative immigrants who got lucky and successfully immigrated to Australia and who vote specifically to deny the same immigration rights to others.

They believe they "earned" the right and seem incapable of realizing they got lucky. That train of thought repeats anywhere conservatives find success. Most people work hard. You aren't special just because you think you're the only one who does.
I have a friend who is a rusted on liberal, she railed against shortens franking credits because 100k is nothing now blah blah.

My parents worked HARD.

Im like, plenty of furniture removalists who worked hard all their lives too on the pension…. And if you think $100000 is nothing…..
It really is very simple.

You think that anyone who doesnt agree with your narrow, woke world view is stupid.

That doesn't make them stupid. it just means they disagree with you.

Is really is you who can't see an alternative viewpoint so your only way of consuming alternate viewpoints is to call it stupid.

Most conservative, right leaning people don't care what government does. They live their life in spite of it.

Left leaning people however need to be directed and have the warm embrace of government to tell them how to live your lives.

Once the left realise that it is themselves and not authority that have the biggest say on their lives they will be infinitely happier

You wanting “small government” = I’m fine now and well off enough and don’t care about anyone else or want the possibility of me having anything less.

I mean I am fine financially, but think the more equal society is, we all win.
Stokey for example is providing an explanation: That conspiracies and right wing propaganda is an alternative view, and is not bullshit propaganda aimed at manipulating the gullible. That by listening to it, you might just learn something. For example, that liberal minded politicians are actually all pedophiles running sophisticated child sex slave syndicates via pizza shops.

Yes the old both sidesism.

Tucker isn’t exactly debating monetary policy theory is he?

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That we should all open our minds to these views. Perhaps we should all do our own research through viewing YouTube clips and forming our own ‘independent’ opinions rather than ignorantly acknowledging the overwhelming consensus of experts on any given topic.

As I’ve said before, would be like 1936 Germany people complaining you aren’t listening to both sides of the “Jewish issue”.
You’re talking about things that go against researched evidence - I don’t think people should give equal weight to tv news or YouTube videos unless there is a very good reason to. I don’t reckon there’s any excuse for going down the “6 hour YouTube video about why sandy hook isn’t real” route, but I don’t think anyone here is defending that.

YouTube is kinda what you make it. I like friendlyjordies for instance, and he’s a hyper-opinionated political commentator like Carlson.

False equivalence with tucker and Jordies.

Jordies is biased yet, but he doesn’t just make shit up.
Interesting perspective. How did you come to that conclusion?

I think a lot of people you think are left leaning have that perspective.

I am not saying all conservatives (boomer age group especially) think like this, but many do, even unconsciously. Many seem oblivious to some of the advantages they had (free University, cheaper housing, seeing their house asset go up exponentially etc).
I know plenty of conservative immigrants who got lucky and successfully immigrated to Australia and who vote specifically to deny the same immigration rights to others.

They believe they "earned" the right and seem incapable of realizing they got lucky. That train of thought repeats anywhere conservatives find success. Most people work hard. You aren't special just because you think you're the only one who does.

Yes I remember an interview with a guy just out of uni about 7-8 years ago, he was from Turkish ancestors and was blaming immigrants for not being able to find a job in his chosen field.

Total lack of self awareness.
Pretty much all the people in the Centrelink thread whining about not enough free money are lefties. I think there is a lot of “I’m smarter than everyone else, I’m just not financially motivated” going on on the left side of politics

Of course you do get some people on the left who want free things and blame the govt for not giving them enough for why they are lazy and fat.

Then you get people on the right blaming the govt for different stuff, like immigrants ruining their lives via taking their jobs and crime or something.

Not trying to be both sides about it, as I think the later is more prevalent than the former.

I do think if you keep people above the poverty line at least re Centrelink it’s better for all society, as less crime, homelessness etc.
Nevertheless perpetually aggrieved.

That’s human nature. Many people will whine and complain no matter what their life circumstance is. Many who have a chip on their shoulder self sabotage when things go their way as well.

I mean problems we generally have in Australia are minor compared to most places in the world, that however doesn’t mean we just rest on our laurels and say leave it as is. (Not that I’m suggesting you’re saying that)

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Society/Culture Why do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology.

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