Roast Who else won’t renew their membership next year?

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I quit my membership after 2016.

After these pissweak non-competitive efforts late that season, I'd seen enough of Ken. That was in addition to this, this and this earlier in the year that demonstrated Hinkley's teams now laid down when it got tough and that the 2013/14 sugar hit was well and truly history.

The trend, or culture if you will, of flat-tracking had set in for good in 2016, I will argue. The next few years just vindicated that, yet Cockroach Ken survived it all.

2020 conned me briefly (one kick from a grand final) and I signed up in 2021 - all for my premiership dreams to get crushed in that prelim debacle.

This club is a bad habit that last night I got ever closer to kicking for good: Ken or no Ken.
What happens if you ask to be taken off auto renew, do you automatically lose your seats? Do you have a few months to see how things pan out before re-committing?

On iPhone using mobile app
Did this last year. There's no problem. The club will contact you later on & you can delay until sometime in 2025 (can't remember which month). You won't lose your seats.
Will not renew the membership unless Hinkley leaves or is booted. I would love to see the figures for total membership revenue (as opposed to total membership numbers). Despite membership numbers increasing significantly, I don't expect that the total income would have grown massively from these meaningless memberships. By the end of the season they were offering free memberships for people to go to a game as a way of getting their contact information!
Would expect membership $ to be down from last year even without accounting for inflation.
As i've stated in the membership thread, they offered me a free 3-game membership a couple of months ago via email. When i didn't respond they sent me a follow up email congratulating me for joining "the Port Adelaide family" and added my name to the season's membership figure. Yesterday in the mail i got a renewal notice for the membership i didn't want and didn't sign up for.
I cancelled mine for this year, and said u til Hinkley goes I won't re sign. They randomly sent me a free showdown ticket and iw as like what the? But then I received the same renewal for 3 game membership for next year even though I never signed up for one this year.

This club stinks and it's going downhill fast.

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Roast Who else won’t renew their membership next year?

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