Win Prizes Werewolf comes to General Discussion - Day Eight - SK wins

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CM86 Gralin

Just so I don't forget. I still don't know who to vote for, CM didn't vote yesterday so would be eliminated if they don't get on today. Let me know if I should be voting for someone else. I'm at cricket in a couple of hours for most of the arvo (including deadline) so I'll try to check in.
Feeling the same ATM with who to vote or not, cause there’s a few quiet ones today that haven’t been giving evidence lately.

In the end, have decided to listen to MP and stick with my original vote from yesterday for consistently of voting out JhyeClark pls Gralin and Wosh.

Enjoy your time at the cricket though mate :thumbsupv1:
CM86 Gralin

Just so I don't forget. I still don't know who to vote for, CM didn't vote yesterday so would be eliminated if they don't get on today. Let me know if I should be voting for someone else. I'm at cricket in a couple of hours for most of the arvo (including deadline) so I'll try to check in.
I think your best bet is jhye but you could also look at quiv for the vote.
I'm just strongly suggesting a few extremely quiet players and if Jhye doesn't change away from MP I'll be encouraging all of us villagers to behead him as already suggested.
I’m not quiet, just still a noob trying to work out wtf is going on. 🥴

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i think I’m picking up what the seer was laying out quivorir.

Yes but was he the fake seer or the real seer? That the issue
Because I believe him to be head evil, and for village to win he needs to be gone. Why are you voting for Mesc?
Your question MP_ : Because they are the lowest profile. It's a waste to vote for CM+(whatever numbers) because he might miss a 2nd vote and be deaded anyway.
Yes but was he the fake seer or the real seer? That the issue

Your question MP_ : Because they are the lowest profile. It's a waste to vote for CM+(whatever numbers) because he might miss a 2nd vote and be deaded anyway.
Yeah definitely a waste of a vote. I’m pretty sure myblueroan was the actual seer, as theinjuryfactory listed his seers which ended up being incorrect so logically I feel myblueroan was the real deal. He had yourself and jhye as villagers and then today he was pushing for quivorir , so I’m guessing he has a role. He can only be the underboss or the cub. If he’s the cub it gives wolves two kills tonight, if he’s the underboss then he becomes the head evil if we kill the godfather. I’m suggesting we kill jhye who I believe is the godfather and then we just lynch quiv tomorrow. Or we could just lynch quiv now and be done with it.
I’m not quiet, just still a noob trying to work out wtf is going on. 🥴
Ask questions we’re here to help. Well some of us are others are knocking us off one bye one
Yeah definitely a waste of a vote. I’m pretty sure myblueroan was the actual seer, as theinjuryfactory listed his seers which ended up being incorrect so logically I feel myblueroan was the real deal. He had yourself and jhye as villagers and then today he was pushing for quivorir , so I’m guessing he has a role. He can only be the underboss or the cub. If he’s the cub it gives wolves two kills tonight, if he’s the underboss then he becomes the head evil if we kill the godfather. I’m suggesting we kill jhye who I believe is the godfather and then we just lynch quiv tomorrow. Or we could just lynch quiv now and be done with it.
So Jhye is a vibe thing or is there something I've missed.

Happy to change to Jhye or Quiv as required.
So Jhye is a vibe thing or is there something I've missed.

Happy to change to Jhye or Quiv as required.

jhye is an unknown factor as he supposedly seered as just a villager, however the godfather , sk and alpha wolf all seer as villager too.
There is no role called "night immune".
What are you on about?
The godfather, sk and alpha wolf are night immune meaning they can’t be killed by a night attack, they have to be lynched.
The Roles

Godfather – Night immune; seers as a Villager; gets to seer a player of their choice each Night Phase
Underboss – Second in command, takes over the syndicate as Godfather at their death of the original Boss
Roleblocker – blocks one player’s action each night; may not choose the same player on consecutive nights
Goon x 2– assists with kills,
Win condition: eliminate all Wolves players, the Serial Killer, and equal or outnumber the village

Alpha – Night immune; seers as a Villager; gets to seer a player of their choice each Night Phase
Beta – becomes the Alpha if the Alpha dies
Cub – if the Cub dies, the wolves receive two (2) kills the following night phase
Wolf x 2 – assists with kills
Win condition: eliminate all Mafia players, the Serial Killer, and equal or outnumber the village

Serial Killer – night-immune; seers as villager; kills one player each night
Serial Killer's apprentice - picked by the SK and shares PM; seers as apprentice and becomes the SK if the SK is lynched. Will then choose a player to kill at night, be night immune and seer as a villager.
Win condition: Make it to the final four players

Seer – chooses one player each night to discover their role and/or faction, will not be told whether they are the real seer or the fake seer
Fake seer – chooses one player each night to discover their role and/or faction but may be fed incorrect information, will not be told whether they are the real seer or the fake seer
Vigilante x 2 – chooses one player each night to kill, can be killed night or day
Doctor – chooses one player to protect each night from all night actions; may not choose the same player on consecutive nights.
Flogs – four players who know each other’s role and share a PM, get one seer and one kill that can be taken at night
Everyone else are villagers with no special abilities
Win condition: eliminate all Mafia players, Wolves players and the Serial Killer

Amulet - Neutral
Amulet protects from all night and day actions, will be randomly handed out at the start and must be passed on by the end of the next day phase or will randomly assigned. Amulet will explode randomly and vanish during the game, killing whoever holds it at the time.

Game Mods
Gralin Wosh
BFew , if you read their roles it actually says night immune 🙂

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The godfather, sk and alpha wolf are night immune meaning they can’t be killed by a night attack, they have to be lynched.
If you had bothered to add an (s) onto the word immune, I would have understood what you meant.

What you wrote implied there was only one night immune (singular) as opposed to more than one (immunes - plural).
Yeah definitely a waste of a vote. I’m pretty sure myblueroan was the actual seer, as theinjuryfactory listed his seers which ended up being incorrect so logically I feel myblueroan was the real deal. He had yourself and jhye as villagers and then today he was pushing for quivorir , so I’m guessing he has a role. He can only be the underboss or the cub. If he’s the cub it gives wolves two kills tonight, if he’s the underboss then he becomes the head evil if we kill the godfather. I’m suggesting we kill jhye who I believe is the godfather and then we just lynch quiv tomorrow. Or we could just lynch quiv now and be done with it.
I'm a villager you numbskull.

You're trying to push the village hard when that same person was on your case earlier, I find that interesting.

I'm convinced you have a role and I assume an evil one.
I think I could be persuaded to vote for quiv but I'm not so sure that voting for Jhye is that worth it. Could also change to another. As I said open to changing my mind but why not Dero for that matter?
I'm a villager you numbskull.

You're trying to push the village hard when that same person was on your case earlier, I find that interesting.

I'm convinced you have a role and I assume an evil one.
Yes, I agree he was pushing for you yesterday. What is MP_ 's game. Oracle of truth or cover for camoflage?
Yes, I agree he was pushing for you yesterday. What is MP_ 's game. Oracle of truth or cover for camoflage?
I was pushing him based on swans and myblueroan who btw are both good and felt he was evil
If you had bothered to add an (s) onto the word immune, I would have understood what you meant.

What you wrote implied there was only one night immune (singular) as opposed to more than one (immunes - plural).
I thought it was obvious there was multiple night immune, I’ve never writren night immunes as it just doesn’t read very well imo.

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Win Prizes Werewolf comes to General Discussion - Day Eight - SK wins

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