Play Nice USA President Donald Trump -Game On

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Thank you every single responder that has ever challenged something AOC has ever said. She is in a position of power and relevant at the moment. She wouldn't be relevant had she not made several stuff ups in such a short period. Good thing about someone playing the victim card is there will be people like you white fighting her.

A 30-year-old woman is not a kid. She is equal to everyone else in congress. Equality is what people want but if she's challenged people jump in with "she's just young". Perhaps she should learn a thing or two before promoting dangerous ideas like socialism. Imagine making it to capitol hill knowing nothing...

Her whole thing was she's a voice of the people and from the bronx. Except she went to on of the most richest schools in one of the richest counties (Westchester County). So the entire foundation of her campaign is a lie.

" tippy top" in a 60-min interview on tax. She's a 30 year old adult woman not a 6 year old. Doesn't understand basic economics and lucky for her the journalists don't press her to expand as it would expose her (unlike the fox interview which showed her lack of understanding on issues in the middle-east...her masters focused on foreign affairs).

174k salary. She should tax herself 70% like she's proposing and she advocated for people not to accept salary during shut down...she is accepting hers. Hypocrisy.

The American history mishaps...

Those are just some examples. She's under attack by parts of the media because she puts her foot in it.

Candice Owens would make her look silly and she didn't even finish university. Best person for the job, not some Bernie sanders getting thrust into position because she tells the lay population what they want to here and because she has some charisma / relatable.

Lucky for her Trump has already proven that it doesn’t matter if you look silly and are a hypocrite. All you have to do is say things like “Nobody knows more about (insert topic) then me”.

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Lucky for her Trump has already proven that it doesn’t matter if you look silly and are a hypocrite. All you have to do is say things like “Nobody knows more about (insert topic) then me”.
So trump can be called out and AOC cant? Surely consistency is good.

It's just boring because the next tired rhetoric people use is "it's because she's a woman!" just like "it's because he's black and you don't want a black person as president!". Equality...but only when it suits it seems. I'll criticise anyone and expect the same in return as anyone should.

At least she’s trying to get the government to partly reopen to get people paid.


She has to justify why she's accepting her 174k pay cheque still. Maybe forego it and distribute it to the people. Must be hard for workers with high paying jobs to be without pay for a few weeks. It's not like they aren't getting back pay. Might not have happened if Pelosi and Schumer didn't make decisions based on what trump wants. Okay for schumer to ask for 20 billion to stop illegal immigration. Okay for Obama to say the same. Trump wants 5 billion and he's a racist monster. Again consistency. People forget they were filmed saying it or hope it doesn't get brought up.

But this circle is pointless. It's not productive discussing issues when one party has a bias against trump, and relies on heresay and tweets - probably the least reliable form of information.
I think you meant to say white knighting her, and you'd be wrong.

Hmmmmm. I didn't call her young, or a kid, I said the "juniour Congresswoman".

That's because seniority is very important concept in the US Congress. It has everything to do with when you're elected and how many terms you've served, not your age.

Well, maybe to you, but she was born in the Bronx, worked there etc. It isn't like say Trump pretending he's an avergae Joe Sixpack.

Old Trumpy doesn't exactly have a stunning grasp of economics or the Middle East - and he's friggin' president.

Just because you don't agree with her views on economics doesn't maen she's wrong.

No, it isn't hypocrisy at all on the tax stuff, I don't know enough on her comments on the shudown to have further opinion here.

Again, none of this helps me understand why an Australian running a parody account on a footy forum gives two shits about what some first term backbencher in the US thinks or does.

I reckon you fancy the pants off her and have developed a detailed and graphic fantasy whereby she "lectures" you but then you set her good and straight on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial while a crowd of schoolchildren chants your name.
There it is. The last part summing it up in a nut shell. I did a 6month exchange there 10 years ago and have to travel there regularly. I have friends there. Hence why I take an interest in US politics from time to time. Even if that wasn't the case would it be a crime? Bit hypocritical when you had a parody account on BF for years. Your hissy fit and white knighting highlights how left the "media" leans. What hope does Australian journalism have when people like you can't be impartial?!

Her economical points don't work. Socialism does not work. She's preaching the same principles that destroyed Venezuela.

Again what does trump have to do with AOC? Trump making stupid comments rightfully gets called out. Just likes AOC's should.

Because it doesn't take a brainiac to see that AOC is being thrust in the limelight as the face of young democracy. The young vote. Just like Beto was when Hollywood (Ellen) threw theyre weight behind him and 100+ million for his campaign. AOC is a threat because she is a chosen one which is scary. Someone pushing socialism and making horrible comments on several issues is a concern for people. Kids look up to that. Venezuela has 25000% inflation (in 1 year), they're eating dogs, and living like it's mad max. The thought of those principles being used as a key to where countries should go is horrifying. But it's cool because she dances!
So trump can be called out and AOC cant? Surely consistency is good.

It's just boring because the next tired rhetoric people use is "it's because she's a woman!" just like "it's because he's black and you don't want a black person as president!". Equality...but only when it suits it seems. I'll criticise anyone and expect the same in return as anyone should.

She has to justify why she's accepting her 174k pay cheque still. Maybe forego it and distribute it to the people. Must be hard for workers with high paying jobs to be without pay for a few weeks. It's not like they aren't getting back pay. Might not have happened if Pelosi and Schumer didn't make decisions based on what trump wants. Okay for schumer to ask for 20 billion to stop illegal immigration. Okay for Obama to say the same. Trump wants 5 billion and he's a racist monster. Again consistency. People forget they were filmed saying it or hope it doesn't get brought up.

But this circle is pointless. It's not productive discussing issues when one party has a bias against trump, and relies on heresay and tweets - probably the least reliable form of information.

I never stated that’s its not ok to call her out. Go for your life. Maybe even start an AOC thread.

I just find Trump so ridiculous and enjoy having a laugh about it. Remember the time he walked up the stairs to his jet with toilet paper stuck to his foot? C’mon that was gold. Or the time when he talked about how hot his daughter is and that if she wasn’t his daughter he’d be dating her? Or the stuff with Stormy Daniels, or when he kept calling that Native American chick Pocahontas? Or when he mocked that journalist by acting like he was disabled, or the time he exposed Seal team 5’s identities (on his only trip to visit his troops), or when he said there were good people on the white supremacy side?

I think we should be able to call out any politicians on their bullshit.
I never stated that’s its not ok to call her out. Go for your life. Maybe even start an AOC thread.

I just find Trump so ridiculous and enjoy having a laugh about it. Remember the time he walked up the stairs to his jet with toilet paper stuck to his foot? C’mon that was gold. Or the time when he talked about how hot his daughter is and that if she wasn’t his daughter he’d be dating her? Or the stuff with Stormy Daniels, or when he kept calling that Native American chick Pocahontas? Or when he mocked that journalist by acting like he was disabled, or the time he exposed Seal team 5’s identities (on his only trip to visit his troops), or when he said there were good people on the white supremacy side?

I think we should be able to call out any politicians on their bullshit.
Of course we should. He's an idiot. That highlights just how desperate the US was/is. It's a blight on politics that he was the best available when compared to Hilary.

The toilet paper thing was funny. As was the umbrella issue. But it's also funny when he tweets about a senator lying about her Native American ancestry. He's a big kid. But a showman and a leader. He radiates power and a person that was going to put the US people first, not other countries.

The physically impaired thing was proven a non-issue. A compilation was made of trump doing the same movements several times. It was just unfortunate and it bit him in the arse. The moral of the story is - don't make stupid movements like a primary school kid would.

Politicians are snakes. No doubt about it. They have to be. They'd sell out most people to reach the top. Every one of them would have a closet full of secrets. People just have to hope they have one voted in that will do right by the people.
Of course we should. He's an idiot. That highlights just how desperate the US was/is. It's a blight on politics that he was the best available when compared to Hilary.

The toilet paper thing was funny. As was the umbrella issue. But it's also funny when he tweets about a senator lying about her Native American ancestry. He's a big kid. But a showman and a leader. He radiates power and a person that was going to put the US people first, not other countries.

The physically impaired thing was proven a non-issue. A compilation was made of trump doing the same movements several times. It was just unfortunate and it bit him in the arse. The moral of the story is - don't make stupid movements like a primary school kid would.

Politicians are snakes. No doubt about it. They have to be. They'd sell out most people to reach the top. Every one of them would have a closet full of secrets. People just have to hope they have one voted in that will do right by the people.

I’m always pretty shocked at how persistent some people are about defending the indefensible when it comes to Trump. I really thought this would come to an end when he imprisoned thousands of children in chain-link holding facilities separated from their parents, with no true aim to see them reunited. In fact, with a plan so poorly thought out that many of those children are now likely lost to their parents forever. But alas, not even that could see him dethroned. Bizarre country, the US.

Most of this stuff has already been covered many times on here, but Groin, I really thought he would have had you at climate change. I think of you as one of the climate realists on here. We are on the precipice of an irreversible path, and Trump has added a considerable weight of danger by his reversal of climate change policies.

Couple this with all the other chaos this man has created and I have no clue how you can call him a "leader". Yes, he is a person who was (dubiously) elected into a leadership position, but he is in no sense of the word a leader. He is however an idiot. Which is the other word you used to describe him.

Put him in a corner with some Lego and let him build all the walls and moats and castles he likes. He’s a danger to the real world.

Oh, and Val, going back to the list of idiotic things he’s done – staring at the eclipse is my personal fave.
I’m always pretty shocked at how persistent some people are about defending the indefensible when it comes to Trump. I really thought this would come to an end when he imprisoned thousands of children in chain-link holding facilities separated from their parents, with no true aim to see them reunited. In fact, with a plan so poorly thought out that many of those children are now likely lost to their parents forever. But alas, not even that could see him dethroned. Bizarre country, the US.

Most of this stuff has already been covered many times on here, but Groin, I really thought he would have had you at climate change. I think of you as one of the climate realists on here. We are on the precipice of an irreversible path, and Trump has added a considerable weight of danger by his reversal of climate change policies.

Couple this with all the other chaos this man has created and I have no clue how you can call him a "leader". Yes, he is a person who was (dubiously) elected into a leadership position, but he is in no sense of the word a leader. He is however an idiot. Which is the other word you used to describe him.

Put him in a corner with some Lego and let him build all the walls and moats and castles he likes. He’s a danger to the real world.

Oh, and Val, going back to the list of idiotic things he’s done – staring at the eclipse is my personal fave.
I honestly don't get it. I see both sides bickering and it's ultimately the US people that are the one's let down. Stuff cannot change for the good if people oppose just for the sake of it.

The cages are terrible to see but lets not forget they are actually images from the Obama era in 2014 and not Trump.

The climate change is a complete cluster F*ck. It highlights the absolute greed of people that manipulate for financial gain. Trump pulling was on the back of a poor deal - that's what is frustrating. Make it fair for everyone because surely having the US in is better than making him chuck a tantrum and leave. Everyone has to do their part and if it doesn't it's a waste. While I certainly disagree with Trump pulling out I also blame those that never opted-in in the first place or those that do it to gain media attention and then pull out in a few years. There needs to be more transparency behind it all - expecting people to pay more tax with limited action just reeks of lining rich people's pockets further. I will always be more cynical when it comes to governments - who would be surprised if these governments decide to tax us more, pay people millions for doing the work, and then 5 years down the track when tensions are high and/or the buzz goes down they decide to abandon it all and point fingers at one another? Shit, we did it with the Carbon tax here in Australia.

Or those that want a 'green new deal' and to raise trillions when some of the technology isn't even at the level required it'd basically be burning it and then people saying "what happened with the deal?" = counterproductive and a greater loss of faith.

I'm sick of sick rich people promote climate change while still collecting 350k a week, flying in private jets, and driving cars that have high emissions. It's the new thing celebrities latch onto for self-promotion. If celebrities want to virtue signal than put up, set an example, or shut up. There needs to be independent organisations that work together under one umbrella global banner with an environment first approach. A fair agreement for all parties. Proper studies and reports not government released reports that have questionable omissions/results.
Oh the eclipse was great. There’s just so many of them. When he asked the little girl if she still believes in Santa wasn’t bad either.

Using two hands to drink from his water bottle was a pisser. The dude is a cartoon character
The memes and the tweets are the best. What a time to be alive! He needed to do it for the 2016 election but it is time for him to tone it down and focus a bit more. 2020 is coming and at the moment he only gets re-elected based on lack of competition and the inevitable feeding frenzy the democrats do when it comes time to back one of their own. Which is basically what happened in 2016 so the show goes on I guess :drunk:
The memes and the tweets are the best. What a time to be alive! He needed to do it for the 2016 election but it is time for him to tone it down and focus a bit more. 2020 is coming and at the moment he only gets re-elected based on lack of competition and the inevitable feeding frenzy the democrats do when it comes time to back one of their own. Which is basically what happened in 2016 so the show goes on I guess :drunk:

He can’t tone it down it’s who he is. Don’t worry after he gets impeached he’ll be even funnier to follow on Twitter.

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The memes and the tweets are the best. What a time to be alive! He needed to do it for the 2016 election but it is time for him to tone it down and focus a bit more. 2020 is coming and at the moment he only gets re-elected based on lack of competition and the inevitable feeding frenzy the democrats do when it comes time to back one of their own. Which is basically what happened in 2016 so the show goes on I guess :drunk:

Oh man, you haven't it worked it out yet have you?
Trumps meeting with Putin.

One on one meetings occur all the time but they’re never really one on one. People from national security would always sit in the meeting so they know what was discussed so they could back brief the rest of the government.

The fact Trump didn’t want an aid from national security or (whoever really) in the meeting with Putin is completely unheard of.

Then Trump is so concerned about what the translator had in their notes, and forbid them to talk about the meeting and even confiscated the notes speaks volumes.

What is he so worried about his own government finding out?

That development, first reported by The Washington Post, followed a report in The New York Times that the F.B.I. had earlier begun a counterintelligence investigation on Mr. Trump to see whether he had been influenced by Russia when he fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director in 2017.
Val Keating if you're going to post articles like that you'll be here all day. The back and form from the media is terrible and often one-sided depending on which you decide to read.

Even Russia thinks US journalism is poor:

Don't stop there though. Mainstream news is garbage and has been for years. It's why the podcast/live stream route is trending. If Jean's lucky he'll get picked up by Women's health and they will ask him to write about the 'top 20 first date tips' or 'how to stick to your new year's resolutions!'

This is the most important thing to discuss today :D:oops::drunk::D

Val Keating if you're going to post articles like that you'll be here all day. The back and form from the media is terrible and often one-sided depending on which you decide to read.

Even Russia thinks US journalism is poor:

Don't stop there though. Mainstream news is garbage and has been for years. It's why the podcast/live stream route is trending. If Jean's lucky he'll get picked up by Women's health and they will ask him to write about the 'top 20 first date tips' or 'how to stick to your new year's resolutions!'

This is the most important thing to discuss today :D:oops::drunk::D

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Still doesn’t answer the question of why he doesn’t want his own government to know why he had a meeting with Putin and what it was about.
I honestly don't get it. I see both sides bickering and it's ultimately the US people that are the one's let down. Stuff cannot change for the good if people oppose just for the sake of it.

The cages are terrible to see but lets not forget they are actually images from the Obama era in 2014 and not Trump.

The climate change is a complete cluster F*ck. It highlights the absolute greed of people that manipulate for financial gain. Trump pulling was on the back of a poor deal - that's what is frustrating. Make it fair for everyone because surely having the US in is better than making him chuck a tantrum and leave. Everyone has to do their part and if it doesn't it's a waste. While I certainly disagree with Trump pulling out I also blame those that never opted-in in the first place or those that do it to gain media attention and then pull out in a few years. There needs to be more transparency behind it all - expecting people to pay more tax with limited action just reeks of lining rich people's pockets further. I will always be more cynical when it comes to governments - who would be surprised if these governments decide to tax us more, pay people millions for doing the work, and then 5 years down the track when tensions are high and/or the buzz goes down they decide to abandon it all and point fingers at one another? Shit, we did it with the Carbon tax here in Australia.

Or those that want a 'green new deal' and to raise trillions when some of the technology isn't even at the level required it'd basically be burning it and then people saying "what happened with the deal?" = counterproductive and a greater loss of faith.

I'm sick of sick rich people promote climate change while still collecting 350k a week, flying in private jets, and driving cars that have high emissions. It's the new thing celebrities latch onto for self-promotion. If celebrities want to virtue signal than put up, set an example, or shut up. There needs to be independent organisations that work together under one umbrella global banner with an environment first approach. A fair agreement for all parties. Proper studies and reports not government released reports that have questionable omissions/results.

Trump's default excuse for anything he doesn't like is to call it "a bad deal". He didn't pull out because there was a problem with the deal, he pulled out because he doesn't believe in climate change. Remember when all those scientists and volunteers were scrambling like mad to save all the climate data before he took office and ordered it all deleted?

Anyways, while I agree that in most cases a poor plan is worse than no plan, we are simply running out of time. We must make every effort count, even if it's not perfect.

There are no figures available regarding how many children were detained under Obama, although the US Dept of Homeland Security has stated that under the Trump administration the numbers rose dramatically. And while the facilities in the photos appear very similar, the difference between the two lies in the separation of parents from children and the length of time those thousands of children have been warehoused due to Trump's zero tolerance policy. Under Obama families were processed through administrative procedures, and either accepted or deported. Together. Under the Trump Administration's zero tolerance policy children and parents are separated while parents are detained awaiting criminal trial, a process that can take years.
Still doesn’t answer the question of why he doesn’t want his own government to know why he had a meeting with Putin and what it was about.
Not my job to answer it. I'm not paid by Trump or his admin. That's up to them/him to justify.

Trump's default excuse for anything he doesn't like is to call it "a bad deal". He didn't pull out because there was a problem with the deal, he pulled out because he doesn't believe in climate change. Remember when all those scientists and volunteers were scrambling like mad to save all the climate data before he took office and ordered it all deleted?

Anyways, while I agree that in most cases a poor plan is worse than no plan, we are simply running out of time. We must make every effort count, even if it's not perfect.

There are no figures available regarding how many children were detained under Obama, although the US Dept of Homeland Security has stated that under the Trump administration the numbers rose dramatically. And while the facilities in the photos appear very similar, the difference between the two lies in the separation of parents from children and the length of time those thousands of children have been warehoused due to Trump's zero tolerance policy. Under Obama families were processed through administrative procedures, and either accepted or deported. Together. Under the Trump Administration's zero tolerance policy children and parents are separated while parents are detained awaiting criminal trial, a process that can take years.
Running out of time is a bit of an exaggeration. Like most things fear-mongering causes people to overreact and part with their money. Just like talk of terrorists - "we are all in danger, we will funnel money to the army to fund the war!" It's an issue but I also think with more of a focus, the billions in rushing in, and the advances in tech will counter it with or without trump. Hopefully by way of transparency and not lining pockets with limited action.

It's not good and I don't like the separation. But I don't like the shift in blame away from the parents either, it was their decision after all. Just like the poor little girl that died at the border recently - I'm not sure why all the blame was placed on Trump and border security instead of the parents that got her in that position (well I do know), but as soon as the true report came out and what actually happened no one said a thing or retracted their initial statements. The system is shit and it needs work. But ultimately I agree with his US first policy and I agree with the wall. Fix the US first. Sort the homeless. Sort out the unemployment. fix other issues. THEN get a system in place that fixes legal immigration and then once the US is sorted focus on helping other countries. I believe in the individual over the group. Which is why I like US first. Brexit and other counties leaving the EU. Your country first over others and yourself over the collective. Nothing is stopping people from donating to charities or giving to foreign aid.
Wow. I just don't even know where to begin with on this one.

Running out of time on climate change is not an exaggeration. We are coming dangerously to the point where it may already be too late.

Blaming parents for risking everything in order to seek a safe life for their children is cruel and ignorant. Unless you have walked in someone's shoes, you have no idea what they face every day. People don't just uproot their families and walk them thousands of miles to a strange land because it's fun. They do it because they're desperate. At least give them credit for that.

But then I guess to a person who believes only in looking out for number one, the misfortune of others is meaningless.
Not my job to answer it. I'm not paid by Trump or his admin. That's up to them/him to justify.

Then why even bother to debate?

Running out of time is a bit of an exaggeration. Like most things fear-mongering causes people to overreact and part with their money. Just like talk of terrorists - "we are all in danger, we will funnel money to the army to fund the war!" It's an issue but I also think with more of a focus, the billions in rushing in, and the advances in tech will counter it with or without trump. Hopefully by way of transparency and not lining pockets with limited action.

It's not good and I don't like the separation. But I don't like the shift in blame away from the parents either, it was their decision after all. Just like the poor little girl that died at the border recently - I'm not sure why all the blame was placed on Trump and border security instead of the parents that got her in that position (well I do know), but as soon as the true report came out and what actually happened no one said a thing or retracted their initial statements. The system is shit and it needs work. But ultimately I agree with his US first policy and I agree with the wall. Fix the US first. Sort the homeless. Sort out the unemployment. fix other issues. THEN get a system in place that fixes legal immigration and then once the US is sorted focus on helping other countries. I believe in the individual over the group. Which is why I like US first. Brexit and other counties leaving the EU. Your country first over others and yourself over the collective. Nothing is stopping people from donating to charities or giving to foreign aid.

Running out of time is not an exaggeration. The findings on climate change that Trump tried to bury found that climate change is worse then first expected. They gave us 10 years. If the world doesn’t change its ways in 10 years then we’re all ****ed. “The world will become a place where people won’t want to bring children into”
Then why even bother to debate?

Running out of time is not an exaggeration. The findings on climate change that Trump tried to bury found that climate change is worse then first expected. They gave us 10 years. If the world doesn’t change its ways in 10 years then we’re all ******. “The world will become a place where people won’t want to bring children into”
Who said I wanted to debate the Russian thing? Again you're falling into the narrative that there can only be two people - anti and pro-trump. If the trump russia then is exposed then impeach away and lock him up. Again there is a double standard - why is it that Trump should be locked up and Hillary is fine to live freely despite all issues during her stint as Secretary of State. She should be in jail and if Trump is he can sit next to her.

Haha. Okay 10 years. 50 years was the projection. 10 years is the grand panic used to bring light to the issue.

People's attention span is very small as is people's ability to think critically. Imagine being gullible and believing everything written by the media? Sounds crazy but you're doing it. We think of recent hurricanes and think "oh my the world is falling apart". Of course, it'd feel that way with an increase in news and social media compared to a decade ago. Between 2006-16 Hurricane frequency and intensity dropped in the Atlantic. Here is a longer term graph.


The issue in Cape Towne that the UN refers to. Part of that was due to poor planning by the government. They also managed to lay off a lot of white engineers at the water corp and town planning due to equal rights. Jobs that were given to less qualified people. Academics at the Uni of Cape Towne knew that the government let them down and that was one of the variables that often gets overlooked. Easier to point the finger at something that can't point back instead of highlighting people's incompetence.

Of course, there are other areas highlighted that point towards climate change being a real concern but 10 years :drunk:

Think for a moment...who benefits from saying 10 years? Researchers get more funding and notoriety. UN gets more money as do organisations tackling the issue. Governments have an excuse to tax the general public because we are all panicked and happy to save the planet. Unrest = less money for us and more money for others. It's exactly why: Exploitation of the Food System by Violent Non-State Actors -> Driver: Weak Institutions, Endemic Corruption, Kleptocratic Regimes was added as a key issue in the latest Global Food System Stability and Risk report - that was highlighted more than Global climate change as an issue. People are exploited all the time by people in high power. It's happened for centuries and will continue to.

Please tag me in 10 years so we can chuckle over how gullible you were.
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Who said I wanted to debate the Russian thing? Again you're falling into the narrative that there can only be two people - anti and pro-trump. If the trump russia then is exposed then impeach away and lock him up. Again there is a double standard - why is it that Trump should be locked up and Hillary is fine to live freely despite all issues during her stint as Secretary of State. She should be in jail and if Trump is he can sit next to her.

Haha. Okay 10 years. 50 years was the projection. 10 years is the grand panic used to bring light to the issue.

People's attention span is very small as is people's ability to think critically. Imagine being gullible and believing everything written by the media? Sounds crazy but you're doing it. We think of recent hurricanes and think "oh my the world is falling apart". Of course, it'd feel that way with an increase in news and social media compared to a decade ago. Between 2006-16 Hurricane frequency and intensity dropped in the Atlantic. Here is a longer term graph.

View attachment 606933

The issue in Cape Towne that the UN refers to. Part of that was due to poor planning by the government. They also managed to lay off a lot of white engineers at the water corp and town planning due to equal rights. Jobs that were given to less qualified people. Academics at the Uni of Cape Towne knew that the government let them down and that was one of the variables that often gets overlooked. Easier to point the finger at something that can't point back instead of highlighting people's incompetence.

Of course, there are other areas highlighted that point towards climate change being a real concern but 10 years :drunk:

Think for a moment...who benefits from saying 10 years? Researchers get more funding and notoriety. UN gets more money as do organisations tackling the issue. Governments have an excuse to tax the general public because we are all panicked and happy to save the planet. Unrest = less money for us and more money for others. It's exactly why: Exploitation of the Food System by Violent Non-State Actors -> Driver: Weak Institutions, Endemic Corruption, Kleptocratic Regimes was added as a key issue in the latest Global Food System Stability and Risk report - that was highlighted more than Global climate change as an issue. People are exploited all the time by people in high power. It's happened for centuries and will continue to.

Please tag me in 10 years so we can chuckle over how gullible you were.

If you think the scientists give it 10 years because it gives them a better pay day, imagine how much they would be paid to conclude climate change is bogus.
If you think the scientists give it 10 years because it gives them a better pay day, imagine how much they would be paid to conclude climate change is bogus.
Ah zero...they'd lose all funding, jobs stripped, and all their colleagues would hate them. That makes zero sense. As anyone that writes research grants. Basically fiction and how whatever you're doing is curing cancer, decreasing diabetes risk, and incidence rate of dementia. $$$

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