Universal Love TRTT Part 8: Random thoughts also sack Hinkley

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I've just had this cool idea for a psychological horror movie.

Take the movie The Game (that starred Michael Douglas), but instead of it being some real world adventure, the company psychoanalyses you and finds out your deepest fears and then puts you in a situation that makes them come true in an effort to 'cure' you, using special effects etc. And the kicker is, the people that the main character tells about it are all in on it and gaslight him/her to convince them that what is actually real is just hallucinations borne out of fear. And they get the main character to do crazy shit like robbing banks, killing police officers etc. to escape the 'psychosis' - things that they claim are all part of the cure.

Even the audience doesn't know if what they are seeing is actually real or not...until the very last scene where the camera pans to a television where a news report is talking about the bloody rampage that had just taken place.

Think American Psycho, but in reverse. Instead of you thinking it happened and then realising none of it did, you think none of it happened and then you realise that it all did.
Yea spot on. Although you would have thought the writers who didn't have the material should have come up with something that at least made sense. Even GRRM said it should have gone for 10 seasons for the plot to develop. Just ruined an epic show. Oh well, whatever pleases the masses.

Except its not pleasing the masses. Everyone hates it but they've got so much invested in the show you'll watch it no matter what.

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I shot the Sheriff
But I did not shoot no President
I've just had this cool idea for a psychological horror movie.

Take the movie The Game (that starred Michael Douglas), but instead of it being some real world adventure, the company psychoanalyses you and finds out your deepest fears and then puts you in a situation that makes them come true in an effort to 'cure' you, using special effects etc. And the kicker is, the people that the main character tells about it are all in on it and gaslight him/her to convince them that what is actually real is just hallucinations borne out of fear. And they get the main character to do crazy **** like robbing banks, killing police officers etc. to escape the 'psychosis' - things that they claim are all part of the cure.

Even the audience doesn't know if what they are seeing is actually real or not...until the very last scene where the camera pans to a television where a news report is talking about the bloody rampage that had just taken place.

Think American Psycho, but in reverse. Instead of you thinking it happened and then realising none of it did, you think none of it happened and then you realise that it all did.

Ok but I never had a genuine belief that the ending of either AP book or film were "lol it didn't happen btw"

At best (worst) it's left ambiguous in the film and not a credible theory in the book
Ive really liked this season of GoT. Come at me.

Not that ive read them, and have no plan to, but cant wait for all the melts when they dont end the way everyone wants them to
Anyone else here never having seen an episode of game of thrones and have no desire to begin watching it?

Post season one I guess you count me, even though chiwigi once told me that still isn't enough to make a definitive call on whether or not I'll like it.

People enjoy their trends, power to them. Having current things going on to talk about is helpful in social situations I guess.
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Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.
Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.

What if they prefer that to being at home?
Re GOT, I'm mostly annoyed that
Cersei didn't die some awful way like having her eyes plucked out or something equally gruesome
Nah. Plenty of faults with the episode, but I didn't mind (assuming she's dead), that in the end she wasn't a courageous death or worthy of torture, but just buried like the common folk of Kings Landing. High and mighty above them, but in the end suffering the same fate she helped to be inflicted on them.

Book Jamie has turned more away from Cersei, so I'm hoping the valonqar (little brother) prophecy "the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." has Jamie killing her literally, not figuratively choking under rubble. At GRRM's rate of writing, we'll see in 10 years if lucky.

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Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.

Sounds a lot like school.
Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.

The abductor should be someone who is undergoing psychoanalysis and thinks it’s all a game when in fact its real.

Some great creative ideas ITT today.

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Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.

Get Collective Minds on it
Inappropriate Business Idea:

A child abduction service where your child is taken and held captive for a day so they will listen to you when you tell them not run off when you're out in public. Would require some post-abduction therapy as a follow up service.
It's like people who do martial arts for self defence.

I'll take up a hobby that ensures I get beaten up regularly, just in case someone decides to beat me up one day.
There's no such thing as a 6kg dog.
You've got a cat mate. :).

Are you pet shaming? Seems at odds with your ideals of inclusivity!

It's like people who do martial arts for self defence.

I'll take up a hobby that ensures I get beaten up regularly, just in case someone decides to beat me up one day.

That's the idea. Once you get used to getting beat up you can focus on return serve.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you pet shaming? Seems at odds with your ideals of inclusivity!

How is your dog going?

Its amazing what they can survive, a mates dog years ago ate a whole tray of weed cookies, one cookie was enough to put a human on their arse and he ate about 20 of them. He had the best sleep of his life and went back to being his dopey old self like nothing ever happened.
I'd have Yes Minister well above all of them, pure genius.
And mother and son for best ever aussie comedy.
Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister I'd agree with. Never been a fan of Aussie 'comedies'.

This is Port right now, trying to find a way to frame questions and options to make going Blue and White hoops over PB's able to be spun.

Sir Humphrey: "You know what happens: nice young lady comes up to you. Obviously you want to create a good impression, you don't want to look a fool, do you? So she starts asking you some questions: Mr. Woolley, do you want to see the Port fans who didn't support the Magpies welcomed?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Are you worried about our image with other clubs?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Do you think supporting our CEO and board promotes unity and success?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Do you think the board wants the 150th to be a success?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Would you be in favour of wearing our original Blue and White guernsey?"
Bernard Woolley: "Oh...well, I suppose I might be."
Sir Humphrey: "Yes or no?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Of course you would, Bernard. After all you told you can't say no to that. So they don't mention the first four questions and they publish the last one."
Bernard Woolley: "Is that really what they do?"
Sir Humphrey: "Well, not the reputable ones no, but there aren't many of those. So alternatively the young lady can get the opposite result."
Bernard Woolley: "How?"
Sir Humphrey: "Mr. Woolley, are you worried about drifting away from history?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Are you worried about having co-captains?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Do you think there is a danger in always giving into the AFL?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Do you think it is wrong to force Port to wear something other than the Prison Bars against their will?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "Would you oppose us wearing our original Blue and White guernsey?"
Bernard Woolley: "Yes"
Sir Humphrey: "There you are, you see Bernard. The perfect balanced sample."
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