Current Trial Toyah Cordingley * Murder Trial of Rajwinder Singh

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Marriage was effectively over, wasn't it? Maybe just didn't care whether they knew or not.
What about his parents? They didn’t hear from him either during the period he was in hiding. Surely he’d want THEM to know he was innocent. Interestingly he was able to call his employer in the week after the murder to advise he wouldn’t be returning and to enquire about his severance.
Marriage was effectively over, wasn't it? Maybe just didn't care whether they knew or not.
If Singh did witness the murder, the movements of his car seem consistent with someone afraid of being followed - ie. Drove straight past his own street.

"His car was recorded on various types of camera footage travelling south through Smithfield towards Caravonica at 5.14pm, then on Lake Placid Road at 5.19pm - a road which leads to a river, and not the most direct route through Cairns.

One Innisfail traffic camera later showed Mr Singh driving past the intersection of his own street, but not turning for home.

The car was then recorded at 7.46pm south of Innisfail on a road which leads to a boat slip."


The road through Caravonica isn't far out of the way to Cairns (Wangetti to Cairns via the main route is 37km, via Caravonica is 40km) and depending on traffic you might conceivably go around the back way to avoid traffic coming in to town as it does bottleneck quite badly at times.

This is the intersection to Lake Placid Rd, pretty hard to accidentally take it I would have thought, but if you're looking to dispose of something 'Lake Placid' might have sounded appealing.

The prosecution and the police suggest Singh and Toyah's phone were moving together when he left the beach and his little detours to water spots was looking for somewhere to throw her phone, then Toyah's phone stopped transmitting and was separated from his own.

He could have driven past his house to check who was there.
Makes sense, but why even take her phone?

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According to the Cairns Post Trial Blog just now, Singh has elected not to give evidence at the trial.

'He was earlier called upon by the Judge’s associate to ask if he intended to give or call evidence.
Mr Singh replied: “No Your Honour, thank you.”'
The road through Caravonica isn't far out of the way to Cairns (Wangetti to Cairns via the main route is 37km, via Caravonica is 40km) and depending on traffic you might conceivably go around the back way to avoid traffic coming in to town as it does bottleneck quite badly at times.

This is the intersection to Lake Placid Rd, pretty hard to accidentally take it I would have thought, but if you're looking to dispose of something 'Lake Placid' might have sounded appealing.

View attachment 2246704
If headed to Innisfail it certainly makes sense to take the Western Arterial as it's quicker / easier than going through Cairns CBD. But as you say, turning right onto Lake Placid Road makes no sense to anyone who drives that road (as it's a road to nowhere effectively) unless you wanted to grab a pizza from Allesandro's (a possibility as they were good!) or to dispose of something in the lake / river. Which would have been easy to do from the carparks that run alongside the river.

Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 12.52.12 pm.png
According to the Cairns Post Trial Blog just now, Singh has elected not to give evidence at the trial.

'He was earlier called upon by the Judge’s associate to ask if he intended to give or call evidence.
Mr Singh replied: “No Your Honour, thank you.”'
I suppose he is following the advice of his lawyers
So from reading Cairns Post blog, light brown hairs found in TCs hand were not DNA tested because they were "visually determined" to belong to TC who had blonde hair? Not sure if I am understanding this correctly
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Makes sense, but why even take her phone?
Where have y
According to the Cairns Post Trial Blog just now, Singh has elected not to give evidence at the trial.

'He was earlier called upon by the Judge’s associate to ask if he intended to give or call evidence.
Mr Singh replied: “No Your Honour, thank you.”'

I suppose he is following the advice of his lawyers
Or he has zero evidence other than he seen two people with covered faces do it. He's had 6 years to come up with his story and probably even he believes he didn't do it. Or maybe he didn't do it and has no evidence other than what he's already said. I think guilty or innocent he's going away unless he has some solid proof.
Throwing other possibilities at it.

‘Robbery gone wrong’: Defence drop ‘young male offenders’ bombshell

Defence counsel Angus Edwards KC has suggested Toyah Cordingley could have been killed by youth criminals during “a robbery gone wrong”
Throwing other possibilities at it.

‘Robbery gone wrong’: Defence drop ‘young male offenders’ bombshell

Defence counsel Angus Edwards KC has suggested Toyah Cordingley could have been killed by youth criminals during “a robbery gone wrong”
I’d be going for attempted alien abduction 👽
Throwing other possibilities at it.

‘Robbery gone wrong’: Defence drop ‘young male offenders’ bombshell

Defence counsel Angus Edwards KC has suggested Toyah Cordingley could have been killed by youth criminals during “a robbery gone wrong”
Looking at this scenario, youth or other, the person/persons are murdering Toyah 1.7 kms up the stretch of the beach. Singh approaches without being seen by them, witnesses it and runs for his life.
The masked murderer/s then have to bury Toyah then catch up to him to be driving in the same direction as Singh at the same time.
Would have to wonder why anyone would rob Toyah at the beach. For her towel, and a phone they have to dispose of?
Edit, If they got in the car at the same time why didn’t they go after Singh.
“Mr Edwards said it was possible that Mr Singh left the beach at the same time as “the killers” and they travelled the same route at the same time.”
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Looking at this scenario, youth or other, the person/persons are murdering Toyah 1.7 kms up the stretch of the beach. Singh approaches without being seen by them, witnesses it and runs for his life.
The masked murderer/s then have to bury Toyah then catch up to him to be driving in the same direction as Singh at the same time.
Would have to wonder why anyone would rob Toyah at the beach. For her towel, and a phone they have to dispose of?

Agree, the robbery gone wrong scenario seems a bit out there and they left her selfie stick behind.
Heidenrich was ruled out.

Police ruled out Mr Heidenreich from having any involvement in Ms Cordingley's murder after testing his clothing for DNA, downloading data from his phone, and based on a series of photographs of him on a hike with friend Joel Cuman, taken that afternoon.

via ABC
So from reading Cairns Post blog, light brown hairs found in TCs hand were not DNA tested because they were "visually determined" to belong to TC who had blonde hair? Not sure if I am understanding this correctly

Insane amount of stuff ups in this case they couldn't even use the shoe that had Singhs DNA on it or the mark on his cheek. few more items that had DNA on it was to low to use sadly due to bad testing all had links to Singh can't be used
Insane amount of stuff ups in this case they couldn't even use the shoe that had Singhs DNA on it or the mark on his cheek. few more items that had DNA on it was to low to use sadly due to bad testing all had links to Singh can't be used

This is outrageous. Is the jury deprived of this information?
Throwing other possibilities at it.

‘Robbery gone wrong’: Defence drop ‘young male offenders’ bombshell

Defence counsel Angus Edwards KC has suggested Toyah Cordingley could have been killed by youth criminals during “a robbery gone wrong”
Looks like the defence is tapping into current events/concerns. Sounds desperate.
From the Cairns Post Trial Blog, the Jury is this morning beginning its verdict deliberations.

The 5 major issues Justice James Henry summed up this morning were

1. Is there enough strong enough evidence to infer that Rajwinder Singh killed Toyah?

2/3/4/5. Is the evidence strong enough to exclude the competing inference consistent with innocence that exclude that Marco Heidenreich, Remy Fry, Evan McCrea, or someone else other than Rajwinder Singh killed Toyah?

'The jury tasked with delivering a verdict against Rajwinder Singh, charged with murdering Toyah Cordingley at a Far North Queensland beach, will begin deliberations Friday morning.

On Thursday, Justice James Henry told the jury to convict Mr Singh they must consider five major issues.'
Defence (cairns blog) said killers might have put their shirts over their faces. How did they see? Didn’t Singh say he saw them killing her?
How could they identify Singh (with shirts over their faces) that he had to leave not only the area but the country?
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Defence (cairns blog) said killers might have put their shirts over their faces. How did they see? Didn’t Singh say he saw them killing her?
How could they identify Singh (with shirts over their faces) that he had to leave not only the area but the country?
He could have just walked right on by. These masked men who could have had shirts over their faces wouldn’t have seen a thing, or did they use whatever they had to cut eye holes in their shirts before they committed a murder 1.7 kms up the beach and did see Singh coming along but proceeded to commit a crime right in front of him?
Or did they turn around when they heard Singh and pulled their shirts over their faces which would give Singh a full view of their faces.

I guess we’ll never know.

Baloney imo.
After less than three hours deliberating, the jury is so far split in their verdict, a note to the judge has revealed.
“After many hours of discussion we are split between guilty and not guilty. How should we proceed?” the note, read by Justice James Henry, said.
An artist illustration of the court during the trial against Rajwinder Singh. Illustration: Julie Haysom
Justice Henry said that two and a half hours of discussion was not long.
“It is less than the time it took for me to sum up the case,” he said.
“There are various issues to be discussed.
“This may take time and patience.”
In answer to their question, Justice Henry said they should continue to deliberate."

From Cairns Post.
He could have just walked right on by. These masked men who could have had shirts over their faces wouldn’t have seen a thing, or did they use whatever they had to cut eye holes in their shirts before they committed a murder 1.7 kms up the beach and did see Singh coming along but proceeded to commit a crime right in front of him?
Or did they turn around when they heard Singh and pulled their shirts over their faces which would give Singh a full view of their faces.

I guess we’ll never know.

Baloney imo.
I tend to agree with you, and the defence has done an excellent job really of 'muddying the waters'. It will be interesting to see if the jury can reach a verdict, although being so split after just three hours shows there is already a level of exasperation between the guilty and not guilty by the sounds of it.
I've always struggled to understand why Singh would have done it and how could he possibly kill her right in front of that massive dog and then somehow tie that dog up? But how he first says they threatened to kill me then next says the killers didn't see me! I could maybe understand fleeing the country if he was threatened at knife point but if they didn't see him why flee?

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Current Trial Toyah Cordingley * Murder Trial of Rajwinder Singh

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