Event This Sunday 8th DEC 7pm HERE Rookies Rising Star Award season 38

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Rising Star Rookie Award Season 38


Greetings to Rookiesville Sweet FA Season 38

Welome all Rookies of the Sweet FA you are all eligible for the Rising Star Award that will be announced in mid Dec 2024.

Judged by the previous season’s rookie class it's aim is to identify and reward that one Rookie that is considered the bees knees and the cats pyjamas of their season with a view to many years ahead of productive participation in the Qootysphere.

Judging criteria for the award is via the secret recipe handed down through the decades and will differ from the EKA, that other Rookie award. We will be judging the Rookie contributions across all aspects of the Sweet FA.

No pressure it's the quality of your contributions that really counts.

The entire Sweet FA family wants you and values you as a contributor for a long time not just this season.

With this in mind we will not be nominating a weekly rising star. All rookies will be deemed eligible when the Rising Star committee meets to adjudge the winner. The purpose of this thread prior to the award ceremony is to highlight contributions made by a rookie. Sweet FA community- feel free to highlight something you think a rookie has done well if you wish.

We sincerely wish you a pleasant Sweet FA journey and look forward to all your contributions.

Thanks from the Chairperson of the Rising Star Award Season 38 and Season 37 Rising Star winner Pamcake1

Eligible Rookies Season 38
FreoGirl (Oobs) manicpie (Royals) jamesclean (Royals) Mr Cheese (Royals) p4p1 (Demons) Orange crush (Furies) brian_muz (Warriors) raffrox (Warriors) Raz (Swamprats) Giant YoYo (Wonders) The_Wookie (Gumbies) HinkleysHeroes (Roys) SSSSSS (Bears) PaPaPete (Bombers) @jannisary (Bombers)
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Ooo Baby Baby Baby Rookies

is back
for Season 38.


The winner of the SFA S38 Rising Star Award will recieve the most illustrious, most superlative, most glorious
Sausage Roll Medal.

Tonga Bob tells us it was first struck in S30. Named after the talented and perennially EKA-eligible sausageroll this fabulous award has been won by the annointed few amongst us.
Those fearless Qooty players who dared where others quaked.
The golden breed of the SFA and a few others that struck it lucky or stole it, have this amazing fantabulous award for their starter kit trophy cabinet.


The Star Badge Sausage Roll Medal


Following on in Season 31 tony did a redesign of the Sausage Roll Medal for the Rising Star Award. Influenced by the urban cowboy styling that many a SFA player fancies, this design was a more pointed statement of the authority vested in the award winner and their duties in upholding meritous conduct and rough riding the boundaries of match threads.

For this season the S38 RS award winner will be able to choose which of the two designs they would personally prefer to match their lifestyle, hairstyle, posting style and trophy cabinetry.
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History of the Rising Star rookie Award by Ant Bear.
The Rookies Rising Star Award History
By Ant Bear the Father of the RSA.


The Idea.
It all started in Season 22. I formed a media conglomerate with a group of posters from various clubs, called the Amalgamated Qooty Media. It was an esteemed panel which included the likes of Kennedy Parker, Van_Dyke, tgrs, Rodney Dangerfield, Blacky and Footypie32. Operated by Sterge as an alternative award to the Mobbs Medal, initially as it evolved it became obvious that there was a gap in the medal program where rookies were unsure of the meaning of the EKA Medal, and had largely lost interest by the time that awards season rolled around. It seemed to me a good idea to begin to award a weekly rookie award, based on the minor league's Rising Star, and when the AQM rolled over into S23, this award was included for the first time.

Inaugural Season S23
The SFA Rising Stars award was created to recognise the onfield and off-field achievements of the best of these rookies.
"This will be a weekly nomination from the list of 60 rookies who have played less than 5 games before the start of SFA S23.
The weekly nominee will be decided on a combination of playing stats and posting stats, commonly called an "algorithm" by people with no idea of what an algorithm actually is.
Rules are that any player can only be nominated once, and at the end of the home and away round, the esteemed panel with decide which of the nominees will take home the (un-named) Media Rookie award.
SFA Season 23 commenced with the biggest influx of rookies that the league has ever seen. Over 70 new posters found their way onto the 12 club lists, and while the majority dropped out for some reason or other, at least no-one faked their own death.
The field of 17 has been whittled down to the final 3 by the esteemed panel of experts from SFA Media.
Inaugural Winner Elton Johns Wig

Taking Shape
By S24, this award had generated enough interest that it deserved a thread of its own, and in light of my takeover of the Swamprats, this was passed onto tgrs. Then Dingster took on the task in S25, and from there it was decided that this should become the responsibility of the previous season's rookie class to run as they see fit every season thereafter.*
This has proven to be popular, and a tradition that allows the sophomores of the league to maintain their involvement into a second season.
Many of the great stars of the league, from U2tigers, Barrybran and Riviat, to GremioPower, thewizardmelon and Falconista, have since hosted this thread, it is humbling that the award is held in such great esteem to this day.

This is an award that has endured and has captured the hearts of the freshmen and women of the SFA league, in a way that the more prestigious but elitist EKA Medal never has. Each winner is honoured by hosting the award in the following season ensuring the prestige and ongoing engagement as an entrusted caretaker going forward.

*Chairpersons Note; The specific criteria for the S38 RSA will be released shortly.
Thank you to Ant Bear for providing us with the history and also for his creating this wonderful award.
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Judging Criteria.

How many rabbits can you pull out of a hat? How many rabbits wanted to volunteer to live in a hat? Do rabbits go bald late in life?
Rookies are judged for the Rising Star Award on the magic formular cooked up by the Wererabbits of the Qootysphere. The recipe is tweeked every year to suit the flavour and tastes of the RSA Committee, with that little extra secret Wererabbit ingredient, the spice is what counts. The sim is mixed into the batter and folded in very carefully so as not to seperate the mixture, placing the mixture under a damp cloth in the corner to let it rise and finally it's cooked at 220c in a fan forced oven for 23 weeks of the season. Who knows whether the recipe will work exactly as intended, it could be too dry, it could be crumbly, it could be tasteless.
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The Birth of Qooty by Mobbs.

The Birth of the Qooty as told below by it's architect Mobbs.

"Well where do I start!

I wrote a commodore 64 game in the late 80s which does a similar thing. I just filled it with the VFL teams of the time. Was running in real time though (eg 100 minutes odd for a game)

I made a fake league that I spammed at work at around 1989/90 with 10 teams. The first season I played using a ruler I'd flip and move the ball around a 6x3 grid on paper based on ridges v flats. Workmates chose teams to support and I'd type up newsletters each round.

Then I made real simple precursor of Qooty which was the same as above but on a computer instead of using the ruler. The league continued and actually only died out after 1997 though by then I was just doing it for myself mostly. 1992 I think was the first time I'd rewritten everything as the Qooty which has since evolved a lot. Used to include results/ladders in a newsletter I'd take to footy matches at Fitzroy ( royboy2 and Eat Fresh might remember the weird Hoyton FL results I was including in the newsletters). The players were all manually invented names - spectators were only that.

After Fitzroy merged I was in the wilderness and wasn't playing these games either. But after joining Bigfooty I soon decided to suggest getting a bunch of members together to form two teams and play a match. It got heaps of traction ( Chief was all for it and before long made a forum for specifically the Sweet FA when it sprung up from the initial couple of practice matches). The first season was built with 7 teams - your Wonders being the first to join iirc. This was 2001.

The Sweet FA included the evolution of the game where a) the game was shown in a forum setting as opposed to on my computer screen or printouts of stats and b) the players were the people who were spectating. I edited the code to improve things, iron out stuff, make it more user-friendly and also to retain / store commentary.

It was still very user-hostile including the fact it was written in obsolete QBasic which every new iteration of Windows tended to break (Vista was a nightmare). I kept making improvements and around 2007 I released "Qooty Fwoar" (or version 10.0) which was all rewritten in a new QB64 code, which was QBasic ported to work on 64-bit Windows systems - a fan of QBasic rewrote it all for this purpose and has his own community of us tragics.

The league itself mutated into less of purely games and results and stats and more into this community you see now with banter-driven engagement.

I was also a massive map, and alternate universe nerd, and had as a teen created fake towns and places, and in the late 90s had merged them all into one planet (the foam inside of a disco ball ftw!) At one point I decided the Sweet FA could be so-named because it was played in a city called Sweet (retcon ftw!) and around 2016 after playing Minecraft on Bigfooty's server for 5 years, I suddenly got the thought I should repeat the city map I'd made, but expanded in larger scale in the Minecraft game. I've even considered expanding further to include the locales of the original Hoyton FL as its meant to be on another continent kind of south of where Sweet is supposed to be.

The league may have platformed a bit in recent years, but it's continually evolved a lot and become more of a faux league with the t's crossed and i's dotted than the early days when it was just the sim runner spitting out the fixture results.

Hopefully I've made it hella clear how positively overwhelmed I am by the way so many people have got invested in the Sweet FA and its underlying concept of randomly simulated seasons - the true spectator sport!

Around 2007 a bunch of spinoff comps appeared around other forums, though I don't believe any of those are continuing at this point.

I still haven't learnt any more current coding systems. I did dabble with vbasic once but that was yonks ago.

The West Coast Wonders (prev. the 7th Wonders and prior that the "Kit Kats FC") are along with Mt Buller Demons (prev. "Team Pump") are the two remaining founding clubs.

A lot of AFL-rep teams spawned from about Season 3 - Baghdad Bombers from the Bigfooty Bombers, Gumbies FFC from the Geelong Gumbies, Fighting Furies representing tiges fans, and of course the Roys. Carlton had the Blues Brothers for a season, West Coast produced the unrelated West Coast Magic, Port gave us the Alberton Swamprats (nor Sin City FFC) and Fremantle had a team for a season or two, also called the Dockers. Many clubs came and went in the early seasons, a rationalisation policy reduced clubs down to 8, and teams began to disconnect from their AFL counterparts to expand their recruiting ranges and more fully embrace the ARG principle that was strongly supported.

We've had 2 instances of 2 clubs adding in, which gave us the Royals, the Warriors, and returns of the Bears and the Swamprats. And more recently, the OOBs joined mostly driven by the portion of the community who were in favour of expansion.

The politics, the tropes, the lexiconography and the history are probably the power cells of the league today, though of course the one endemic and individualising feature is still the sim in the background.

The sim (Qooty) was originally made to be watched on screen - a grid of player pairs with the highlighted text switching around to signify ball location. It can still be watched that way today, but the only folks who get to do that with a Sweet FA match are the Simmers themselves. Now, we rely not on the game screen for our matchday entertainment, but on the commentary file spat out by the program.

Remember the commentary was literally an afterthought that I added around the start of Season 1, 9 years into Qooty's lifespan! In the praccy matches before S01, I was watching the games and alt-tabbing to say things like "a couple more goals to the Wonders, I think Player X has 3 goals now". But now it's all about these match threads and, on a Sunday, all about the contents of the afterthought, spewed out into these same threads!

And here we are, in another match thread ... 38 seasons and over 20 years down the track!

And you thought the AFL was cool????? " Mobbs

Thanks for that Mobbs.
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Rising Star Rookie Award Season 38

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Greetings to Rookiesville Sweet FA Season 38

Welome all Rookies of the Sweet FA you are all eligible for the Rising Star Award that will be announced in mid Dec 2024.

Judged by the previous season’s rookie class it's aim is to identify and reward that one Rookie that is considered the bees knees and the cats pyjamas of their season with a view to many years ahead of productive participation in the Qootysphere.

Judging criteria for the award is via the secret recipe handed down through the decades and will differ from the EKA, that other Rookie award. We will be judging the Rookie contributions across all aspects of the Sweet FA.

No pressure it's the quality of your contributions that really counts.

The entire Sweet FA family wants you and values you as a contributor for a long time not just this season.

With this in mind we will not be nominating a weekly rising star. All rookies will be deemed eligible when the Rising Star committee meets to adjudge the winner. The purpose of this thread prior to the award ceremony is to highlight contributions made by a rookie. Sweet FA community- feel free to highlight something you think a rookie has done well if you wish.

We sincerely wish you a pleasant Sweet FA journey and look forward to all your contributions.

Thanks from the Chairperson of the Rising Star Award Season 38 and Season 37 Rising Star winner Pamcake1

Eligible Rookies Season 38
FreoGirl (Oobs) manicpie (Royals) @xjamescleanx (Royals) Mr Cheese (Royals) p4p1 (Demons) Orange crush (Furies) brian_muz (Warriors) raffrox (Warriors) Raz (Swamprats) Giant YoYo (Wonders) The_Wookie (Gumbies) HinkleysHeroes (Roys) SSSSSS (Bears)

It’s the best award.

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Ha ha. I don't know how to do it any other way for future announcements, the thread is under construction, it's messy, its a building site!
Ha ha. I don't know how to do it any other way for future announcements, the thread is under construction, it's messy, its a building site!

Mate, I’ve been on your shoes before. Don’t worry. I know how it is.

Season 30:
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Rising Star Rookie Award Season 38

View attachment 2098724

Greetings to Rookiesville Sweet FA Season 38

Welome all Rookies of the Sweet FA you are all eligible for the Rising Star Award that will be announced in mid Dec 2024.

Judged by the previous season’s rookie class it's aim is to identify and reward that one Rookie that is considered the bees knees and the cats pyjamas of their season with a view to many years ahead of productive participation in the Qootysphere.

Judging criteria for the award is via the secret recipe handed down through the decades and will differ from the EKA, that other Rookie award. We will be judging the Rookie contributions across all aspects of the Sweet FA.

No pressure it's the quality of your contributions that really counts.

The entire Sweet FA family wants you and values you as a contributor for a long time not just this season.

With this in mind we will not be nominating a weekly rising star. All rookies will be deemed eligible when the Rising Star committee meets to adjudge the winner. The purpose of this thread prior to the award ceremony is to highlight contributions made by a rookie. Sweet FA community- feel free to highlight something you think a rookie has done well if you wish.

We sincerely wish you a pleasant Sweet FA journey and look forward to all your contributions.

Thanks from the Chairperson of the Rising Star Award Season 38 and Season 37 Rising Star winner Pamcake1

Eligible Rookies Season 38
FreoGirl (Oobs) manicpie (Royals) @xjamescleanx (Royals) Mr Cheese (Royals) p4p1 (Demons) Orange crush (Furies) brian_muz (Warriors) raffrox (Warriors) Raz (Swamprats) Giant YoYo (Wonders) The_Wookie (Gumbies) HinkleysHeroes (Roys) SSSSSS (Bears)
It seems the Baghdad Bombers rookie has already been deemed ineligible.

Story checks out …
It seems the Baghdad Bombers rookie has already been deemed ineligible.

Story checks out …
Soz Jabba73 I've fixed it now.
Must be something in the sweet water that makes the Bombers drop off the edge of the earth.
My appologies.
Awkward Cringe GIF by The Only Way is Essex

This is my first time around the merry go round
behind the scenes face GIF by Girls on HBO
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My favourite award (mainly because I inaugurated it!)
Thanks Ant Bear my favourite award too.
I'm stumbling around a bit in the dark though so any advice is welcome.
Was just reviewing season 30 thread that Gremio bought to my attention.
If you or GremioPower could let me know is this medal still given out?

medal 2.jpg
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Thanks Ant Bear my favourite award too.
I'm stumbling around a bit in the dark though so any advise is welcome.
Was just reviewing season 30 thread that Gremio bought to my attention.
If you or GremioPower could let me know is this medal still given out?

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Not officially. Tonga Bob created it.

I think we actually tried to make it official with the league and Chief, but our bid failed. Still, I could be wrong about it all.
Raz has already got this award locked up! In the bag
If you would like to highlight exactly why you think your Rookie would have the attributes to be a winner please do let us know. No one has it in the bag at this point in the season, there's a long way to go yet.
I don't recall this.
Ok so we can have the medal back then?
Chief while you're are here, what are the qualities you would look for in a great Rookie?

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Event This Sunday 8th DEC 7pm HERE Rookies Rising Star Award season 38

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