FTA-TV The Office (US) (2)

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Tried to like that episode, but really couldn't get into it. The Dwight/Angela plot was boring for mine, Jim/Pam was so-so and Andy/Erin/Pete etc. could have been funnier.
Glad it did..what a shit show the farm would have been.

Why are they stretching this out so much in the last season? Off for 3 weeks on for 1. Been the same with parks this season and its annoying.

It times like this when i skip a whole season and wait for it to end and then download the whole season so i can watch it in a few sit ins. I did it with all 5 seasons of BB and now am hanging out for the last bit of the whole series. I did the same with Boardwalk Empire.

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Jim and Pam have been a downer for the show for years (and I really dislike the fact that they are interacting with the crew, jumping the shark). While it is long past its best, it still has some laughs when they keep it random and light, like Dwight, Clarke and Stanley.
The extended buildup to the end of the series has been at the expense of a good number of laughs I think (the Jim-Pam and Oscar-Angela-Senator stories this week). Dwight and Clark manhandling Stanley was the only real highlight from that episode.

And what's happened to the Pete & Erin relationship? Hasn't cracked a mention since the episode Andy got back and decided to make their lives hell.
“Yes, money has been a little tight lately. But, at the end of my life, when I’m sitting on my yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much money I have? No. I’m going to be thinking about how many friends I have, and my children, and my comedy albums. I mean, I have a yacht, so I obviously did pretty well money-wise.”

Man this show used to be the ****
I only just started watching the show, midway through season 9 now, and I absolutely love it! I reckon when you watch a show over a shorter period than normal you get into it more, or that just might be me...

I've loved every episode, and things are definitely getting interesting between Pam and Jim atm...

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FTA-TV The Office (US) (2)

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