Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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You can imagine how thrilled I am when you insist the British state and military - who slaughtered my people in their millions in deliberate genocides and still occupy a significant part of my ethnic homeland - are the good guys and the source of truth

This is your problem. You think in those terms yet accuse others (mainly me) of doing it.

I've never insisted the Brits are "the good guys" nor "the" source of truth, implying there is only one. There are no "good guys".

But the modern UK in comparison to Russia under Putin? There's clearly a "lesser evil" in those two nations and you don't need mental gymnastics to contort yourself into a massive knot to acknowledge it.
My family heritage is Jewish (and Irish) and I don't consider modern Germany to be inherently bad.

I married a German woman for pete's sake lol.

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I've never insisted the Brits are "the good guys" nor "the" source of truth, implying there is only one. There are no "good guys".

Yes you have and you do all the time.

But the modern UK in comparison to Russia under Putin? There's clearly a "lesser evil" in those two nations and you don't need mental gymnastics to contort yourself into a massive knot to acknowledge it.

Ohhhh the "modern UK" ... we're not allowed to recall the past now.

Classic right wing argument used to justify the invasion and genocide of Australia.

Yes you have and you do all the time.

It must be fun inside your head. You just invent arguments in your mind and then think of yourself as an intellectual winning debates that never actually happen.
It must be fun inside your head. You just invent arguments in your mind and then think of yourself as an intellectual winning debates that never actually happen.

Here comes the DARVO, you would have learned that off your wife bashing cop mates.

(You posted shit from UKFO a whiole back and I called you out on it, there is the very real possibility you just make up all this crap as you go along and have no underlying intellectual or ideological basis to your arguments though)
Much like Alanis, you don't understand the meaning of the term either.

Seems like only one of us here recognises the correct usage of irony, and it ain't you.

Let me help you out though and put it in a language you might better understand;

Я обвиняю вас в выдумывании аргументов в уме.

Вы отвечаете выдуманным аргументом.

Oh Dear Lord, this is dark, but the future of war right now.

Someone being escorted by an armed soldier is hit by an FPV, then demands to be finished off by their escort

There’s another video of the Ukrainians using an $80 drone to chase down and kill an unarmed man begging for his life. It’s so dark and cold. Zero humanity.

One of the top comments under the video is;

“Russian soldiers could just go back to their own country and stay there. Then the war would be over.

Everyone who is dying is dying because Putin is trying to steal the sovereign and internationally recognized territory of Ukraine.”

Honestly think people are loosing their humanity as well.

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“Russian soldiers could just go back to their own country and stay there. Then the war would be over.

Everyone who is dying is dying because Putin is trying to steal the sovereign and internationally recognized territory of Ukraine.”

Honestly think people are loosing their humanity as well.

Haven't seen the video being referenced so this isn't specific to that context, but...

This is why Russia will never win in Ukraine. Their soldiers aren't fighting for their homes.

Such a dumb and pointless war.
Much like Alanis, you don't understand the meaning of the term either.
Strictly speaking “irony” is where the intended meaning is opposite to the literal meaning (eg “the ironical cheer” when your team gets a free after the oppo have had 5 in a row). I have noticed though that some of Alanis’s nonsense is being accepted more and more even though she was singing more about coincidence, happenstance, bad luck etc.
Anyway carry on with your mud pie slinging…
Seems like only one of us here recognises the correct usage of irony, and it ain't you.

Let me help you out though and put it in a language you might better understand;

Я обвиняю вас в выдумывании аргументов в уме.

Вы отвечаете выдуманным аргументом.


God this stuff is just so embarrassing.

No, I'm not putting that into Google Translate lol
Haven't seen the video being referenced so this isn't specific to that context, but...

This is why Russia will never win in Ukraine. Their soldiers aren't fighting for their homes.

Such a dumb and pointless war.

Dear Lord you truly have the same kind of understanding of the world as one of those post 9/11 Americans who declared the US would win coz freedumb.

You understand that the Russian troops call the Ukrainians "the Germans" right?

And that the hardcore Ukrainian nationalists hate the people who live where the fighting is taking place, have changed laws to make them stop using their native language (Russian) going to Russian churches etc.

The war is more about your Ukranian Nazi loving friends trying to impose their language and customs on the locals.

We went through all this a while ago, maps of the last election before the 2014 coup were posted etc, you slunk off embarrassed when you were forced to admit you were completely wrong about the origin of the conflict.
The war is more about your Ukranian Nazi loving friends trying to impose their language and customs on the locals.

Well done Comrade. Putin is proud of you for towing the company line.

We went through all this a while ago, maps of the last election before the 2014 coup were posted etc, you slunk off embarrassed when you were forced to admit you were completely wrong about the origin of the conflict.

lol that never happened. More imagined debates in your head, hey?
In Chad's head, the Ukranian Army is a hardcore Red Dawn style super cool team of stylish heroes fighting the goddam Russkies so that THE PROM CAN GO AHEAD!!!!

In reality, it is scared poor old working class men who have been rounded up at gunpoint and sent to the front lines where barries troops like Kraken stop them from escaping.

There were lots of Ukrainian nationalists keen to fight the Russians, and they are all dead now.
Well done Comrade. Putin is proud of you for towing the company line.

The Ukranian Government is very keen on and formally honours scum like Bandera and the Waffen SS Galicia Division.

You should go to the Holocaust Museum here and ask about him and what happened at places like Babi Yar.

You might learn something.

lol that never happened. More imagined debates in your head, hey?

Yes, that happened. We got right down to you furiously searching the Wiki page to pull out nonsense about the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT.

Your later take was that Maidan is OK because it was the "will of the people" lololololololol
Haven't seen the video being referenced so this isn't specific to that context, but...

This is why Russia will never win in Ukraine. Their soldiers aren't fighting for their homes.

Such a dumb and pointless war.

It’s a horrible video. It has stayed with me. It was post on Twitter by someone with the handle @runews I didn’t post it because it’s too graphic.

Russia could easily win if they go full scorched earth like Israel, but even they don’t have the stomach for that.
In Chad's head, the Ukranian Army is a hardcore Red Dawn style super cool team of stylish heroes fighting the goddam Russkies so that THE PROM CAN GO AHEAD!!!!

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