Play Nice The NM Devil's Chessboard Thread - Part II

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They rocked up like this, were promptly told they couldn't wear it as s political prop and proceeded to have wild sooks about being silenced etc.

To be clear my my main issue is they chose to do it the day after a federal budget thst ripped Victoria off again on infrastructure spending especially on public transport.

I would have thought public transport provision a bigger issue for state parliamentarians than Gaza.

But not to these perma-stupol idiots. Sandell especially is a hypocritical buffoon.

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Where are they at with ICC ruling on war crimes? Is there a likely announcement?

They're advertising for Modern Hebrew interpreters and translators ...
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They rocked up like this, were promptly told they couldn't wear it as s political prop and proceeded to have wild sooks about being silenced etc.

To be clear my my main issue is they chose to do it the day after a federal budget thst ripped Victoria off again on infrastructure spending especially on public transport.

I would have thought public transport provision a bigger issue for state parliamentarians than Gaza.

But not to these perma-stupol idiots. Sandell especially is a hypocritical buffoon.

Im no Labour voter, but how exactly has Victoria been "ripped off again" regarding infrastructure and particularly public transport investment the last few years?
Im no Labour voter, but how exactly has Victoria been "ripped off again" regarding infrastructure and particularly public transport investment the last few years?

From the Herald Sun, no friend of the Labor govt in Victoria lol.

Victoria has been short-changed more than $11bn in the carve-up of federal funding based on its share of the national population.

The state is set to receive 24.1 per cent of total funding over the next four years despite making up 25.6 per cent of the population – and forecasts show Victoria’s share of the national population is due to rise slightly over that same period.

The $11.3bn shortfall means Victoria will receive an estimated $187.1bn by 2027-28 compared to $215.4bn for NSW and $161.8bn for Queensland.

State parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee in 2022 released a bipartisan report into Commonwealth funding that found a longstanding gap between Commonwealth infrastructure funding and Victoria’s population.

Personally, I don't think we are in any position to complain in this state regarding infrastructure investment, particularly the last 5 years and with what is forecasted for the next 5-20 years.

You know, maybe if we got our fair share of infra funding we wouldn't have to borrow as much!

I mean, its not a debate - the fact is we get far less per head than NSW and Queensland.
You know, maybe if we got our fair share of infra funding we wouldn't have to borrow as much!

I mean, its not a debate - the fact is we get far less per head than NSW and Queensland.
Therein lies the problem, we're classified as a labor state, Federal or State don't have to work hard for the votes. Hence the available money goes into regions were funds might sway voters.

Slovakian PM shot by some opposition party poet weirdo - that Slovakian PM anti war in Ukraine quite telling.

And he's overtly pro-Russian.

Gunman probably figured he didn't want to wait that many years for another crack at a US funded colour revolution...went solo...

Staggering. :$

Read recently that of the US$60Bill congress finally passed for Ukrainian 'aid', over half will go to US weapons makers to pay for what they've already sent (any wonder they were all screaming for the bill to pass and the GOP caved!). Of the remaining portion, around half of that will go to paying (and backpaying!) Ukrainian public servant wages.

IIRC, there was ~$14bill left at the end of that, from which Ukraine will be able to buy more US weapons, if and when they become available.

So between that and the fact they're losing ~1500 soldiers a day, then replacing them with 3-400 poorly trained, previously unfit for service ones, PLUS 'eating the seed corn' by sending police recruit kids and 'troops' like that to the front line to plug the ever growing holes, it really is getting horribly ugly and not a serious word about peace talks.

Speculation is that Blinken's ultimate cringe visit was to arrange for Z to be replaced, so the blame game can begin over how he failed Ukraine and if they'd only gone with whatever the US revises its 'plan' to have been, they would have smacked those Ruskies!

Maybe then we might hear a little whisper of concessions and peace?

No doubt substantial tension within NATO between the 'boots on the ground' Macron maniacs and the 'time to bail with whatever dignity we can manufacture' realists. ;)
Well worth it just for the media...personally, I hadn't seen that Z!

At a recent conference in London, Taras Kremin, the “Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language”, declared that Ukraine must move from the “defensive” to the “offensive Ukrainization” of the country. However, he did not specify exactly how this plan was to be implemented. He acknowledged that Russian is widely spoken on the streets of Ukrainian cities, especially in the east of the country, from Odessa to Kharkov, and called on local officials to “put an end to it”.

Taras Kremin called on the representatives of the Office of the Language Commissioner to be more proactive in investigating violations and not just rely on whistleblowers denouncing minority citizens who continue to use their mother tongue.

Remember what Volodimyr Zelensky, a native Russian speaker, declared in a television appearance in 2014:

“In the east and in Crimea, people want to speak Russian. Leave them alone, just leave them alone. Give them the right to speak Russian. Language should never divide our country…. We have the same skin color, the same blood, regardless of language.”

Canadian businessman Daniel Dumbrill, who is fluent in Mandarin, has explained in his YouTube videos that he sometimes needs a Uyghur interpreter in Xinjiang, as many people there do not speak Mandarin well or at all, as they are not forced to use the country’s main language, unlike Ukrainians. It is also worth noting that Han Chinese schoolchildren living in Tibet have to learn not only Mandarin but also the local Tibetan language. It is the opposite of what is happening to the minorities in Ukraine, but Western politicians and media call it cultural genocide.

However, the real cultural genocide in Ukraine is being covered up, concealed, justified or glossed over by the morally bankrupt Western politicians and media, as is the biggest physical genocide of recent times on occupied Palestinian land.

So it would seem the Ukrainian government's plan is to piss off as many native Russian speakers in Odessa and Kharkov as possible, to make certain there is a very substantial '5th column' waiting for the Russian forces to link up and liberate them.

Just when you're certain Z and the overtly Nazi goons who fill roles like this within their civil government surely have no feet left to blow off, they manage to surprise again!

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Therein lies the problem, we're classified as a labor state, Federal or State don't have to work hard for the votes. Hence the available money goes into regions were funds might sway voters.

Yep, Kardinia Park Effect
And he's overtly pro-Russian.

Gunman probably figured he didn't want to wait that many years for another crack at a US funded colour revolution...went solo...

Yeah, is all very odd.

Staggering. :$

Read recently that of the US$60Bill congress finally passed for Ukrainian 'aid', over half will go to US weapons makers to pay for what they've already sent (any wonder they were all screaming for the bill to pass and the GOP caved!). Of the remaining portion, around half of that will go to paying (and backpaying!) Ukrainian public servant wages.

IIRC, there was ~$14bill left at the end of that, from which Ukraine will be able to buy more US weapons, if and when they become available.

Assange is a deeply problematic figure on many levels, but he was bang on when he said forever wars about laundering US taxpayer money back into shareholder profits for weapons manufacturers.

Its only possible when you have useful idiots (plenty on this site lol) who genuinely believe the PR campaigns spun up to justify this bullshit.

Obama had the guts to upend some Washington consensus - on Saudi, Israel and places like Ukraine. He understood, as he said, that Ukraine is not a core US interest in the same way that it is for Russia.

But Biden is an absolute creature of the US national security state, hence this Ukraine disaster. He knows who controls Kramatorsk does not matters to the good burghers of Peoria, IL but its not about that, its about the MIC.

So between that and the fact they're losing ~1500 soldiers a day, then replacing them with 3-400 poorly trained, previously unfit for service ones, PLUS 'eating the seed corn' by sending police recruit kids and 'troops' like that to the front line to plug the ever growing holes, it really is getting horribly ugly and not a serious word about peace talks.

Yeah, they're surrendering en masse in Kharkiv, because that's the sector you paid to get sent to as it was "quiet".

Collapse happens very slowly, then all at once, and even then often doesn't need to be apolocalypti to be decisive.

I think the endgame in Ukraine looks more like 1918 Germany than 1945 Germany.

Much of the German Army could have kept fighting and was on good order, the Alliesn hadn't even really penetrated Germany proper etc.

But the people had lost the will to fight on, the economy was ruined, revolution was popping up everywhere.

Speculation is that Blinken's ultimate cringe visit was to arrange for Z to be replaced, so the blame game can begin over how he failed Ukraine and if they'd only gone with whatever the US revises its 'plan' to have been, they would have smacked those Ruskies!

Not sure how they manage Zel here. They got guys like Gaddafi, Hussein etc off the board by demonising them after they'd extracted every ounce of usefulness.

Turning Zelesnky into a secular saint has made that hard. I've long said his biggest threat is not the Russians, but his "NATO-trained" bodyguards lol.

One may GO ROGUE, a LONE WOLF etc.

Maybe then we might hear a little whisper of concessions and peace?

Can't happen until after US elex though.

No doubt substantial tension within NATO between the 'boots on the ground' Macron maniacs and the 'time to bail with whatever dignity we can manufacture' realists. ;)

Macron is only manufacturing this shit for domestic reasons right though - to try and wedge the Le Penists (lol he said le penis) as "pro-Putin". Which they variously have been.
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its 1951 all over again, what to do with Korea, Soviet Union and China.
The only difference is the policy planning people were adults with life experience

Let's not go overboard, many of those adults with life experience like Le May and Macarthur genuinely believed the answer was sustained nuclear attack on China and Russia.
Let's not go overboard, many of those adults with life experience like Le May and Macarthur genuinely believed the answer was sustained nuclear attack on China and Russia.
Difference between MacArthur and the current lot is he knew he would’ve had to rebuild the countries after.
That would we been in the planning stage, what the hell do we do afterwards.
Just offshore from us - violent French colonialism continues.

But yeah, who controls Kupyansk is what really matters lol

The sweet irony here is that it is actually Russian interference which has exacerbated the New Caledonian independence issue. (Together with old-mate Azerbaijan)

The sweet irony here is that it is actually Russian interference which has exacerbated the New Caledonian independence issue. (Together with old-mate Azerbaijan)

If you genuinely believe there's Russian interference in New Caledonia that's causing this tension, there's no hope for you.

The Kanaky have been resisting French rules for decades, long before the Democrats felt the need to invent the Russian interference boogeyman to cover their embarrassment at having lost to Trump because Hillary is a lazy entitled idiot.

The Azerbaijan link is interesting though, there were Azeri flags in the demos so certainly something is happening there.

(Noting that Azerbaijan has just spent the last three years gobbling up Armenia, a traditional Russian ally, and that the Azeris are heavily allied with Turkey and Israel ... not Russia.)


Separately, Politico quoted a French intelligence official, who said that “we’ve detected activities from Russia and Azerbaijan in New Caledonia for weeks, even a few months. They’re pushing the narrative of France being a colonialist state”.

France IS a colonialist state lololololololololol, the literally have the "overseas departments" like Reunion, Martinique etc.
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If you genuinely believe there's Russian interference in New Caledonia that's causing this tension, there's no hope for you.

Doesn't matter what I think.
Matters what New Caledonia + France thinks. And they think there's Russian and Azerbaijiani interference.

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