Current The Murder of Elizabeth Struhs - Toowoomba Qld *14 members of a religious cult are charged with murder

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14 People from a fringe religious group have been charged with Elizabeth's murder. All 14 have refused legal representation.

Brendan Luke Stevens has been identified as the leader of the religious group known as the "the Church". Evidence submitted during court hearings showed he worked in the Queensland Police Service during the 1980s. During his committal, the court heard Kerrie Struhs believed Mr Stevens was "appointed by God to lead them".

This 8 year old girl as the victim of a crime so despicable, a paramedic was seen running from the home in tears. Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs and Jason Richard Struhs are charged with the torture murder of their daughter.

The couple cannot apply for bail and were remanded in custody until March 24 during a brief appearance in Toowoomba Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

The child was found dead on Saturday afternoon at a home at Rangeville, Toowoomba.

Detectives on Tuesday arrested the 50-year-old man and a 46-year-old woman who were both were known to the child.

State MP for Toowoomba South David Janetzki claimed the girl was known to Queensland's Department of Child Safety.

"What happened here and could it have been prevented? To think of the little girl's suffering is heartbreaking," he said.

"The child was obviously known to the department and there are serious questions about how this tragedy occurred.

"This precious child, like so many vulnerable children, deserved protection but the system has failed her."

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How bizarre. Might explain why they've both refused lawyers. Probably believe God will save them.

This poor child.

Nutters. They're going to learn God won't save them from what they've got coming.
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This back in July, 2021. A Toowoomba mother was sentenced to jail, the father was given a suspended sentence. They have eight children. How awful, it might seem she got out of jail and either killed her (the age seems about right) or another child in the house.

They could give the little girl the respect of naming.

Key points:
  • A mother, 46, was found guilty of endangering her daughter's life by failing to seek medical care
  • The six-year-old child weighed only 13.4 kg and had to be resuscitated when taken to hospital in 2019
  • The woman has been jailed for 18 months and will be eligible for parole in five months' time
This back in July, 2021. A Toowoomba mother was sentenced to jail, the father was given a suspended sentence. They have eight children. How awful, it might seem she got out of jail and either killed her (the age seems about right) or another child in the house.

They could give the little girl the respect of naming.

Key points:
  • A mother, 46, was found guilty of endangering her daughter's life by failing to seek medical care
  • The six-year-old child weighed only 13.4 kg and had to be resuscitated when taken to hospital in 2019
  • The woman has been jailed for 18 months and will be eligible for parole in five months' time

Would surely be the same family. Ages, place, the God aspect.

But I cannot believe they let her out after 5 months???!!!
This back in July, 2021. A Toowoomba mother was sentenced to jail, the father was given a suspended sentence. They have eight children. How awful, it might seem she got out of jail and either killed her (the age seems about right) or another child in the house.

They could give the little girl the respect of naming.

Key points:
  • A mother, 46, was found guilty of endangering her daughter's life by failing to seek medical care
  • The six-year-old child weighed only 13.4 kg and had to be resuscitated when taken to hospital in 2019
  • The woman has been jailed for 18 months and will be eligible for parole in five months' time

This new report has names to poor angel, unfortunately she seems to be named after her "mother's" middle name (I struggle to call this woman a mother).

And it appears as though you are on the money with your attached article...everything fits...ages of those involved, location, illness suffered by the child and number of siblings :cry:

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Looks like biological parents. Maybe they suppressed the name if there were family members that hadn't been notified of her death?

Just wondering if the family were practicing some weird religion they might have cut ties with other family members.

Or with a number of kids in the family maybe there was some confusion over exactly which child, especially if the family had cut themselves off from society. I'm going to guess they didn't send the kids to school.
A dozen members of a religious cult have been arrested after an eight-year-old Queensland girl was allegedly left to die by her parents. Elizabeth Rose Struhs died six months ago after her parents allegedly withheld her diabetes medication, denying her medical treatment for six days. Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs, 46, and Jason Richard Struhs, 50, have been charged with murder, torture and failure to provide necessities of life. The girl died on January 7 and her body was found in the family home in Rangeville, Toowoomba, on January 8.

Queensland Police will allege in court that instead of calling paramedics, the parents gathered members of their church to pray over the girl’s body.

How you can consider yourself moral, righteous and human while letting an 8 year old child die by denying access to critical medication (insulin) is beyond belief.................
They are declining legal representation? Arrogant fools.
They are declining legal representation because they would getting told to “Trust God. Leave it all in the Lord’s capable hands and he will get them through.” To them, this is a test of their faith. I grew up with them in the first church they all went too, the Revival Centres. You can look them up online and see their beliefs and rules and regulations etc. The guy that ran this little sect is a fella called Brendan Stevens. His eldest daughter was my best friend when we were kids. They weren’t always like this… he was very devout, yes, and he ran his household like a tight ship. All the kids were born at home, they worshipped God, they went to school, they were told to steer clear of worldly things and your only real interaction with “worldly people” is to convert them and bring them along to the Revival Centres International (RCI) as they are the only true church because they follow the bible to the letter! As we got older, Brendan wanted to be a pastor. But his ideas were starting to get a little fanatical so they kept saying no. He was allowed to be a “House leader” or an “Area leader” or whatever… this meant he could give sermons and run the midweek meetings. Back in those days there was about 300people in the RCI so Wednesday night meetings were broken up into smaller groups and held at different peoples houses or in community halls. Anyway, I ended up leaving for completely different reasons, I also felt the RCI was too controlling and restrictive. A few years after I left, Brendan took his family out to Toowoomba and tried to set up a Revival Centres out there but he was far too fanatical by then. Apparently he was stopping people from getting higher education, pushing the whole “no medical intervention” which would ultimately become his downfall. When we were kids, we were at a church camp and his eldest daughter Therese (in the media, they have been calling her ‘Marie’, Therese must’ve been her middle name, but that’s what we all knew her as) got Scarlet Fever. She was soooo sick and the camp leaders wanted to call an ambulance but Brendan and his wife Loretta kept insisting we all pray and no one was to call an ambulance. Therese came good thankfully, but I remember the camp leaders being upset that they were told not to call the ambulance…. Apparently they thought they were gonna lose her… the fever must’ve been pretty bad. Anyway, a few weeks later, Loretta gave her testimony (that’s where someone gets up in front of the whole church and tells how bad their life was before god, how they found god and the miracles he’s performed in their lives since then… like getting them promotions or jobs or healing some sickness they had or a headache or whatever 🙄) and retold the story of the scarlet fever, except she got all snooty and condescending and kept going on and on about how they were the only ones who trusted in God and everyone else made them feel bad for not calling an ambulance but they believed and god came through and blah blah blah blah blah blah! Anyway, Brendan’s crazy teachings got found out by the RCI pastors, they told him he had to come back to Brisbane, Brendan refused and stayed out there but apparently only had his family of 7, the Struhs family of 8 and a third family I know nothing about… Brendan’s whole “religion” is based on the RCI teachings except far mor strict and fanatical…. And now his stupid delusions has killed an innocent little girl. I can only imagine how scared she must’ve been. I can only hope that she trusted her parents and Brendan’s bullshit enough that she really thought she would be raised from the dead…. Then hopefully she wouldn’t have been scared…. As for Brendan, his family and the Struhs parents and their eldest son…. They will be sitting in their jail cell thinking that God will deliver them and this is just one of the trails and tribulations that God says in the bible that he will put us through…. They will be comparing themselves to the story of Job…. How he lost everything but still held his faith in God… I’m telling you, none of them will be remorseful… any beating they receive in jail will also be seen as a test from God…. I gre up with the kids… they used to be such good people… even Brendan and Loretta were lovely people once… it’s sad to see what they’ve become. I didn’t know the Struhs… I think they came along to the church after I left… but as for the Stevens family… they will be seeing everyone out there, the judge, the lawyers, the cops, you, me EVERYONE as part of the world… we are all sinners and they are the ones with the true faith… I just can’t get over how much damage they have caused and how little remorse they will show
Guilty of manslaughter - all 14 of the nutters.
Now we await the sentences, expected to vary with culpability.
Over to you, Your Honour.
Please don't let humanity down again.
Rest in peace, precious girl.


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Current The Murder of Elizabeth Struhs - Toowoomba Qld *14 members of a religious cult are charged with murder

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