Opinion The man that is Trump

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Only because the only two talking Hillary are Trump and Fox, purely to deflect from the real issues.
Go to any of the press over there, not just fox or Trump, those two are in the news constantly.
Not for either one, not to my liking.
Go to any of the press over there, not just fox or Trump, those two are in the news constantly.
Not for either one, not to my liking.
I do daily, even torture myself watching Fox.
Had to actually have a drink of alcohol after watching Fox and Friends!
That show forms the basis of his tweets. Dotard is an excellent name for him and his mate Murdoch.

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Only because the only two talking Hillary are Trump and Fox, purely to deflect from the real issues.

Technically three if you include Hillary herself because she's got a book to flog.

Maybe Trump and Fox are helping Hillary publicise her book? #collusion :)
Technically three if you include Hillary herself because she's got a book to flog.

Maybe Trump and Fox are helping Hillary publicise her book? #collusion :)
If you really want to watch bad reporting, I recommend you watching Fox and Friends and then compare the tweets from Trump that same day.
Very funny and really sad.
Lots of streaming services around which is how I watch live US TV.
So many things going on at once here.

Mueller's strategy here seems to be to indict on whatever he can and then use plea bargains as a means of obtaining evidence against the Trump administration. The indictments against Manafort and partner don't directly implicate Trump but he's facing a long time in prison and, by most accounts, the case is strong and potential defences weak. The way out is to start talking to Mueller about other stuff but so far the not guilty pleas indicate that he's standing firm. The fact Trump has the presidential pardon power further complicates things (and potentially whether such a pardon would constitute an obstruction of justice??).

The Papadopulous guilty plea suggests that he's cooperating but there are questions about how well he was connected to the campaign and to what extent he was acting on his own.

Anyone who has lied to the FBI about contacts with Russians should be very worried at this point - Jarred Kushner??

There are so many dodgy operators around Trump, and the investigatory powers of a special prosecutor so wide, that there's a very good chance that we'll end up getting to the bottom of this whether Trump is involved or not. It may take years though.
It's well known but has been largely ignored (to date) that Trump's son-in-law has close ties with Russian interests thru Chabad (an orthodox Jewish sect) connections, which (among other things), concerning his albeit de facto role in the White House, will probably see Trump move him out in 2018.

And Mueller's strategy is transparent - all part of the nomenklatura's plan to disenfranchise a sitting POTUS who presents an existential threat to them. Geoff Sessions has a lot to answer for on this.
And Mueller's strategy is transparent - all part of the nomenklatura's plan to disenfranchise a sitting POTUS who presents an existential threat to them.

Be that as it may, surely a POTUS who is suspected of being an existential threat to the constitution of the United States is fair game?
Be that as it may, surely a POTUS who is suspected of being an existential threat to the constitution of the United States is fair game?

Who is this "a POTUS" of whom you speak? And "suspected" by whom? Any evidence? Any proof?

And trotting out dismissive lines like "Be that as it may" is like saying "whatever" in a debate - i.e. you concede the point.

Fact is, if you know anything about the separation of powers and the US Constitution you will know that, apart from special circumstances, POTUS has very limited powers, re threatening, inter alia, the Constitution.

Why is this? Because the USA gained independence from a king.

And that was the mindset of the draftsmen/Cisgender (hah) of the USA Constitution: i.e. independence from tyrants.

It worked and made the USA the greatest and freest nation on Earth. However, that freedom has been eroded over the past 2 generations, due to the pernicious doctrines of deconstruction, post-modernism, cultural equality, identity politics (which has now intruded into the bedroom), race etc - all inculcated and promulgated by, among others, the 1960's French cultural Marxists Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault - which have captured and subverted the education system (as evidenced by many comments here).

But those who value black letter law and the importance of the Constitution will push back from those who have been led to believe that freedom from capricious tyranny is anathema.

Anyway, I saw the Houston Astros win last night, so I'll let it go...
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Fact is, if you know anything about the separation of powers and the US Constitution you will know that, apart from special circumstances, POTUS has very limited powers, re threatening, inter alia, the Constitution.
Anyway, I saw the Houston Astros win last night, so I'll let it go...
Hi DB, Happy for your team winning.
POTUS has some great powers even if it is not him implementing - one of which is appointing federal officials, can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds in each house vote to override the veto, acts as both the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces and of course the power to grant pardons.

It's well known but has been largely ignored (to date) that Trump's son-in-law has close ties with Russian interests thru Chabad (an orthodox Jewish sect) connections, which (among other things), concerning his albeit de facto role in the White House, will probably see Trump move him out in 2018.

And Mueller's strategy is transparent - all part of the nomenklatura's plan to disenfranchise a sitting POTUS who presents an existential threat to them. Geoff Sessions has a lot to answer for on this.

Didn't know that about Kushner also agree with you on Jeff Sessions.
Hi DB, Happy for your team winning.
POTUS has some great powers even if it is not him implementing - one of which is appointing federal officials, can veto any bill passed by Congress and, unless two-thirds in each house vote to override the veto, acts as both the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces and of course the power to grant pardons.

Didn't know that about Kushner also agree with you on Jeff Sessions.
Hey, Maggie. Currently in California (Napa Valley area north of San Francisco) and the Astros winning was like the barbarians beating the Romans (how can you possibly be from [shudder] Texas etc). Heh.

Anyway, my point, without getting down into the weeds, is that if both sides of the aisle don't respect the opposition and the election results of turn and turn-about, then you become a one party state. Which is what the extremists on either side want.

A POTUS finessing/gaming the system, as you mention, is sad and a reprise of Caesar and the battle with the Senate in Roman Empire times. And the Senate [US] is, to get in touch with my inner Janis Joplin, just another word for corruption.

Plus, last time I looked, one party states (aka dictatorships) don't have much focus on equality of opportunity (not to be confused with equality of outcomes). I've lived in some one party states (e.g. Libya) to pick up on that.
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It worked and made the USA the greatest and freest nation on Earth. However, that freedom has been eroded over the past 2 generations, due to the pernicious doctrines of deconstruction, post-modernism, cultural equality, identity politics (which has now intruded into the bedroom), race etc - all inculcated and promulgated by, among others, the 1960's French cultural Marxists Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault - which have captured and subverted the education system (as evidenced by many comments here).
Try neoliberalism you pseudo-intellectual, transparent git

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Who is this "a POTUS" of whom you speak?


And "suspected" by whom?

Rosenstein I guess, he’s the person who appointed the special counsel?

Any evidence? Any proof?

Isn’t that what Mueller is attempting to establish?

If Trump is clean, then he’s got nothing to worry about?

And trotting out dismissive lines like "Be that as it may" is like saying "whatever" in a debate - i.e. you concede the point.

I wasn’t disputing or agreeing. I’m happy to keep an open mind about conspiracies I know nothing about.

Fact is, if you know anything about the separation of powers and the US Constitution you will know that, apart from special circumstances, POTUS has very limited powers, re threatening, inter alia, the Constitution.

Obstruction of justice (which much of the commentary is around) would in turn be a breach of the separation of powers, which would be a flagrant disregard of the constituion. The highest elected official in the land flagrantly disregarding the constitution would represent an existential threat to the constitution?

Of course I have no idea or evidence to his guilt or innocence ...

... but - and this is purely an example - when I see this ...

... it just seems a bit unwise that a POTUS who is being investigated by a Special Council for obstruction of justice would publically come out with something like that. I’d doubt his legal advisors would have said “Yeah, cool, that’d be a very smart thing to say publically!”?

Maybe I’ve just been conditioned by Obama (the lawyer) who was always very circumspect about that stuff?

Why is this? Because the USA gained independence from a king.


And that was the mindset of the draftsmen/Cisgender (hah) of the USA Constitution: i.e. independence from tyrants.

It worked and made the USA the greatest and freest nation on Earth. However, that freedom has been eroded over the past 2 generations, due to the pernicious doctrines of deconstruction, post-modernism, cultural equality, identity politics (which has now intruded into the bedroom), race etc - all inculcated and promulgated by, among others, the 1960's French cultural Marxists Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault - which have captured and subverted the education system (as evidenced by many comments here).

But those who value black letter law and the importance of the Constitution will push back from those who have been led to believe that freedom from capricious tyranny is anathema.

IMHO the thing killing American politics is that tribal nature of it. Folks seem to treat following Republicans or Democrats as like following Collingwood or the Houston Astros. You pick your team, you register your allegiance, and the opposition are the enemy. That’s all fine and dandy for pursuits of no serious consequence like sports (wash my mouth out, this is a footy forum :oops: ) but how can people be exercising any kind of critical judgement of their elected officials if they simply vote along tribal boundaries? Of course that happens in all democracies, just IMO it seems to be a bit more extreme in the US.

I dunno what the causal factors would be for that? Maybe it’s the deconstruction, etc you speak of? Maybe it’s the US’ particular brand of democracy (no preferential voting / electoral colleges / etc) that lends itself to that?
Awesome deflection. Is that your best shot , or are you just chasing the truck?

Better shot than "cultural equality" and "identity politics" being the ruination of the great American empire.

Stick to your undergrad PPE with a smattering of Alt-right ideology thrown in if it floats ya boat
I thought Kennedy did some good things, particularly in relation to Civil Rights.
I don't think he would have let Vietnam get as f**ked up as it eventually did
But they haven't had too many really good ones for a very long time.

And now they have their openly second criminal in charge, you think they would have learned after Nixon,...but no, they haven't
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To be clear I'm not a supporter of Trump.
Or any side for that matter.

But a divided America is not just on one side, both sides and the media have been rotten.
Get together and be more civil, better outcomes will then be had
Mike Flynn has rolled over, will now testify against Trump
ABC reporting he will testify that Candidate Trump order him to make contact with the Russians

If true Trump is finished

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