Unsolved The Family Murders

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The Who's Who List
AB - Alan Barnes 16yo
NM - Neil Muir 25yo
PS - Peter Stogneff 14yo
ML - Mark Langley 18yo
RK- Richard Kelvin 15yo

  • DS - Derrance Stevenson high risk lifestyle pornographer and criminal lawyer shot to death
  • DS - David Szach convicted for the murder of criminal lawyer Derrence Stevenson

DSD - Denis St Denis hairdresser
RBD - Richard Dutton Brown the magistrate
PF - Pru Firman
SN - Sarah Novak
BG - Brian Gant
NB - Noel Brook also known as Di Di
TP - Trevor Peters of the diaries
PM - Dr. Peter Leslie Millhouse acquitted for the murder of Neil Muir
GG - Gino Gambardella chiropractor fled to Italy
JL - Jacquie the nurse mentioned in the ebook as a good friend of and who rented a unit close to BVEs unit we assume name suppressed? Reportedly deceased.

LIVING until further notice
BVE - Bevan von Einem also known as 'Bevbang' to inner circle and 'Vonnie' in the prison system
Mr R - The businessman name suppressed
SGW - Dr Stephen George Woodards
Mr. B - Teenage prostitute and informant name suppressed

LT - Lewis Turtur also known as 'Louie'
A - The older teenage boy Peter Stogneff's parents feel may have had something to do with their son's abduction
RR - Raymond Rozankowski who was a friend of BVE and lived in the same street as A

DK - Darko Kastellan assistant to Gambardella

Out of Sight - The Untold Story of Adelaide's Gay Hate Murders

The Cases of Forensic Pathologist Colin Manock

Use this thread below to lodge media, maps and photos for quick reference.

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Does anyone have the address of Woodards clinic he’d practice from in Adelaide back then?

Also has anyone seen the address below pop up anywhere?
187 Salisbury Highway, Salisbury Downs
It’s listed as a last known address for him. As far as I could find a couple with the last name Garreffa own it, I want to know the connection relevant or not.

On the title for 187 it says 87 Salisbury Highway.. and other records show Garreffa at 87 also..
Added source for anyone wondering.


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[QUOTE="Soldier Of Misfortune, post:] no chance in hell of him ever getting paroled - the public outrage would be crazy. Beyond that, as he's never admitted guilt, applying for parole would be particularly difficult. I wouldn't expect he's going to talk to the public - the only hope would be if he told someone else who decided to spill but it's unlikely to be an exhaustive autobiography.

Someone on here was certain they'd heard his voice maybe when he disputed the claims in court but I would think anyone recordings of him would be in every doco ever made on him.

Thank you for your response. That was sort of my thinking with it, he would have been able to apply for parole a few years ago though, correct? 36 year sentence in 1984?

I also imagine his voice to be dirty. Not dissimilar to Lewis Turtur.
You can tell Turtur is a filthy person just by looking at him
Sometimes when I read your posts I wonder if you actually had something to do with the murders themselves??
That’s pretty harsh and unnecessary. . AdelaideGT grew up in that era and was mixing in an Adelaide social scene where this all took place - NOT in the circle where this all took place. His insights are appreciated by me.

What’s your contribution to this thread been?
That’s pretty harsh and unnecessary. . AdelaideGT grew up in that era and was mixing in an Adelaide social scene where this all took place - NOT in the circle where this all took place. His insights are appreciated by me.

What’s your contribution to this thread been?
I'm not actually being nasty, that is my honest opinion. I've often thought that AdelaideGT knows more than they're saying. We've no idea who frequents this forum hidden behind their pseudonyms and computer screens. For all we know Mr's A.B.C - Z monitor this site daily to see if we're on to them or not.
I'm not actually being nasty, that is my honest opinion. I've often thought that AdelaideGT knows more than they're saying. We've no idea who frequents this forum hidden behind their pseudonyms and computer screens. For all we know Mr's A.B.C - Z monitor this site daily to see if we're on to them or not.
You are right about not knowing who is who. But that’s a hell of an accusation to make. It would be better if you did some genuine research and brought something to the table to discuss, rather than take an approach like this.
I wonder if you actually had something to do with the murders themselves??

Once again, more evidence of people on this thread making up deluded notions without a shred of evidence and posting them here... You should be ashamed.

As a decent looking teenager in this era, there was more likelihood of me being a victim, rather than being a perpetrator.
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Did anyone here ever work at, or know someone who worked at, the Hotel Australia?

It was on the corner of Brougham Place and O’Connell Street in North Adelaide.

I went there once or twice (functions or restaurant meals) and think one of my share-housemates might have worked there (probably on reception) for a little while but we never talked about it much.

It became the 'Oberoi Adelaide' at some stage (late 80s?). The rooms (on the front anyway) had great views of the city and parklands.

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Once again, more evidence of people on this thread making up deluded notions without a shred of evidence and posting them here... You should be ashamed.

As a decent looking teenager in this era, there was more likelihood of me being a victim, rather than being a perpetrator.
Well perhaps you could lighten up on your condescension to those on the forum who weren't there. Every time someone posits a theory or opinion, you're quick to attack them, accusing them of being 'amateur Miss Marple's', even correcting people on their jokes.
I went there once or twice (functions or restaurant meals) and think one of my share-housemates might have worked there (probably on reception) for a little while but we never talked about it much.

It became the 'Oberoi Adelaide' at some stage (late 80s?). The rooms (on the front anyway) had great views of the city and parklands.
Interesting - it seems like nothing untoward caught your housemate’s attention there?

I understand that the Hotel Australia was owned by Abe Saffron and overseen by a man named Max Poyser. Peter Vardon Fairweather was the Accountant. This property and the business fit a similar business model Saffron applied in Sydney.

The Hotel Australia is also located very proximate to numerous known crimes (actual abduction of RK, alleged attempted abductions of BVE), and is close to where Peter Millhouse lived and close to known residences/workplaces of Family member and associates.

It is also close to Number One Beat.

The Hotel Australia might also be somewhere where an abducted person(s) could be kept under heavy sedation for some time with management seeing to it that the room was not visited, for example. Rooms could also be used as makeshift surgeries or film sets, potentially. Now whilst this could all be put down to a vivid imagination, (which is fair enough), when you consider what Saffron did and is alleged to have done here and in NSW and in WA, then a vivid imagination turns to curiosity.

In SA, Saffron had 5 sex shops, a bookstore, a film theatre, a few pubs like the Blair Athol, Castle Tavern, Elephant and Castle, the Belair Hotel, and also owned La Belle. I believe he also ran clubs like Patches and the Mars Bar. From memory, maybe the Gladstone Hotel too. And then there were other businesses. Much of this is recorded in Hansard.

Plus there was also Saffron’s thriving Pron importation and distribution operation, said to have also included snuff films. It was this very (Pron) activity that enabled the original members of the Family to meet in the bookstore to access pron, and Derrence Stevenson was one of these people.

So this is why I have some curiosity about the Hotel Australia.

Saffron, Poyser and Fairweather are all deceased now, along with Stevenson.

(“Pron” is for P.O.R.N. above….)
Also - bear in mind that Saffron owned the Elephant and Castle Hotel on West Tce, which is right across the road from the old city mortuary at West Tce Cemetery.

Then take a look about what I had to say about this, from post 2,944 onwards (a few consecutive posts), at page 118.

Pine Needles and Neil Muir’s remains.

Of course these are theories, but I’m using research findings to base them on and hopefully, others will be inspired to look into these theories themselves (and any other theories based on research findings).
I have long believed that Jack Broadstock was the likely owner of La Belles. I know for a fact that the phrase "I am a mate of JB's got you & anyone with you free entry always as well as free drinks from time to time.
Wow, that’s interesting. What timeframe are you referring to here?

This was reported by police in 1978:

Licensed premises in which Abe Saffron
personally holds a shareholding interest or alternatively, companies in which Saffron holds shares, (include)
La Belle Cabaret, 181 Hindley St Adelaide.

Now Broadstock is a name I’ve never heard mentioned in this respect but he was a huge gambler. I doubt many would know of him at all. There is a great book about him that was written by Mike Sexton - but some of the stories didn't make the book and they are incredible.

Broadstock could have been a shareholder, or a front man, neither would surprise me. But Saffron (in 1978) was certainly involved in a known capacity with La Belle Caberet.

Are you aware of any other business dealings of this nature that Broadstock was involved with, at this sort of time?
Wow, that’s interesting. What timeframe are you referring to here?
Either side of 1978 by a number of years. By that I mean at least up to 1982 & prior to 1977. I will check with my only living source in the morning. As far as I know every other source from that time is dead.

It may interest some to know that a lot of the strippers were post-op transgender.

There was another possibility for the identity of JB. He was a little crook who ran some of Broadstock's illegal gambling operations. We still have a chuckle over the story of a two-up game down the Port getting raided by the cops & how he fled into the mangroves. Stood there for ages while the tide came in balancing the blanket in which the money was wrapped on his head until his wife came to pick him up.

The generally accepted belief was that Broadstock owned it & the other JB managed it. Possibly Saffron had an interest in it either way I would be suprised if any of their names were on the license. In those days if you wanted to own the lease on a pub you had to prove to the authorities that you were a fit & proper person to hold the license. I don't see why a nightclub would be any different.
Yes - Saffron had a liquor license refused on character grounds and is alleged to have tried to blackmail the Premier Don Dunstan about his relationship with John Ceruto, in response. It’s detailed in Des Ryan’s book, from memory.

Saffron may have owned the building rather than the club, but if that was the case he would have had an interest in the Caberet I’m sure - eg a rental payment plus a percentage of the takings.

Saffron also enlisted the help of his family members as licensees fronting the documentation / license on his behalf, to try and circumvent these character things and other regulations.

Broadstock was shady. He would have been a good enforcer. He died in 1995 and would have been 60 in 1980.

Yes - La Belle was one of the haunts of the broad trans gender group in this thread, along with Patches, the Mars Bar and other places. Some of them even danced here as well as interstate and even in NZ.

I’ll be interested to hear more, please.
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What timeframe are you referring to here?
From around 1975 onwards. You need to make allowances that we are talking 50 years ago & my source is 86.
Broadstock was shady
That is an understatement to put it mildly. Broadstock ran SP bookmaking for a long time as well as other illegal gambling for a long time. My father, unknowingly in the beginning, did Broadstock a favour in the late 50's for which he would have been grateful.

Not only did my father & friends get free entry & drinks when they went to La Belle's but also food from time to time. The employees manning the door did check with someone from time to time about the old boy. I didn't all learn about this until much later. I paid to go there sometime in late 1982 or most likely early 1983. The fact that I could have saved money if I had known still annoys me a little to this day. If I had used the JB line it would have gone some way to clarifying who JB was. I doubt Broadstock would have felt he owed me anything but I personally knew the other JB.

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Unsolved The Family Murders

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