- Banned
- #6,276
No Duff! No, No, No, No, No!
I saw the AFL Tasmania logo at the beginning of your video and it went downhill from there... What were you thinking?
We see those bufoons Creswell and Bartlett in those poorly choreographed, self-promoting skits that they at AFL Tasmania call "press conferences" too often already.
Your video unfortunately Duff is no different to the bi-weekly dribble that is regurgitated in the Mercury and WIN News on a slow news day.
Shame really - you could have really made a difference. And The worst part about this is you gave us hope. Hope that you would provide a further avenue beyond BigFooty, hearsay, gossip and the often innaccurate box-scores in the Mercury to find out about about local footy, which is what we are all screaming for. We can only be at one ground on a Saturday and would love to know what is going on at other clubs.
We have seen Armstrong and now Crewssell punch out the standard, "we've recruited well, we're fitter than last year.." lines every year. Actually listen to what he is saying; There is absolutely nothing intelligent or insightful coming out of his mouth that we haven't heard before.
I'm bored of the same dull people, saying the same dull stuff every year. I want to see more relevant people - the possibilities are endless. People more interesting than Daryn Cresswell are not exactly hard to find - say you can interview a beaming St. Virgils president talking about his Hobart recruits or conversely, you can interview the Hobart coach about how he is going to cope with losing the spine of his team to the Old Scholars. Or maybe do a feature on how Channel are coping with their player losses - I don't care, as long as it's not about the Devils. They have their WIN News and Mercury, we just want balance.
I can see you put a lot of work into your videos, it is rare these days you find a person that has such initiave (I assume you are volunteer and not on the AFL Tasmania payroll.....yet). That is why it is so disappointing that your work is like everything else that is out there. Just more Devils saturation rammed down our throats. Lucky most people on this forum have seen it all before and are immune to the crap.
I do hope you give your "SFL segment" a bit more airtime than other media outlets.. That way we might be able to distinguish your video from just another edition of WIN News.
Try Again Duff, Try Again. You know what we want.
Carl since writing the response below I have had to take the Pilot down due to Copyright issues with the ABC.
A new version using my own footage only will go up next week. Just another hurdle for me.
Fantastic response mate and I will forward this to the decisions makers at the SFL. I tried (very hard) to get a SFL segment up but no-one turned up.
I have written countless emails and had many conversations with people of influence and have only ever got "Great idea Duff - goodluck".
I guess its all new and I respect people have other agendas but I am just hoping now that the people who sign the cheques will see the potential and that footy needs an SFL segment as well as all leagues across the board.
I am pro Devils/AFL TAS at the minute because apart from the STJFL they are the only ones showing genuine interest. This is my profession, I make money as a video producer and whoever can support me gets 100% in return.
I agree footy is about looking after grass roots and believe me that when the SFL segment does happen it will get the same treatment from me, it will be Premier and Regional in content and you people will love it.
But good video takes $$$$$ and this bloke is nearly out of petrol tickets.
Soccer Tas has given my mate $20,000 to produce a Tassie Soccer show which airs in 2 weeks. At the minute I have 5% of that to work with.
How do you think I feel?
Thanks for the feedback, hopefully things will turn out as we all want them to.