Stuff the Irish!

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****** ell mate and they say Aussies are insular....You are playing super 8s against England in the Cricket World Cup which is the biggest sporting event the world will see this year and that is fact not hype. More ppl are interested than will watch the RWC in France later on.

I did a bit of research and it appears that half the Irish team are ex-pat south africans and aussies. It's not really a big deal I'm afraid. Although it is interesting that the best Irish player plays for England! Figure that one out.:confused:
I did a bit of research and it appears that half the Irish team are ex-pat south africans and aussies. It's not really a big deal I'm afraid. Although it is interesting that the best Irish player plays for England! Figure that one out.:confused:

So the team is marginally more irish than your soccer team which has traditionally been British lads who couldn't get picked for england - or at least was when it was winning - and so the cricket boys clearly deserve your support !!!!

Maybe now your soccer is shyte because you have fewer brits.
I didn't insult your country. I made a tongue in cheek remark about the current West Coast situation and I referred to "the likes of ye", ye being bigfooty posters that are obviously kids, and pretty angry kids at that. In response you said Ireland has the highest rate of alcoholism and suicide in the world. Neither of which is true by the way. Regardless of the statements accuracy, it was a pretty low thing to say, and was obviously said in the heat of the moment, going by your subsequent "only having a stir" post. The fact that such a comment passes for having a stir on bigfooty says a lot. The petulance of it would lead me to believe that you are pretty young. I hope to god for your sake that's true, because if you're a grown man it is quite disturbing that you would say "You could always go and get pissed and neck yourself" and consider it friendly banter. We can't all live in a utopian paradise like Australia where alcoholism and suicide are obviously non-existent. Bear that in mind in future.

Horsebox, is this some kind of amalgamation of the terms 'High Horse' and 'Soap Box, because you're up on both and it’s a tenuous stand to say the least.

What do you expect coming onto a forum about an Australian game and suggesting the majority of our players are not only junkies and criminals, but that the population of footy supporters somehow contribute to this? (I understand your 'ye' comment was referring to BF posters, but your 'the likes of' was insinuating a broader spectrum)

I have childhood friends who traveled the wrong path to adulthood, became 'junkies' and were ultimately lost to heroin, so quit the holier than thou attitude in that your comments can't be construed as being just as low.

You then have the gall to claim your remarks as being tongue in cheek, whilst responses, even though admitted as being only intended to stir are simply petulant. Mate, if you don't want to get dirty, don't sling mud.

I am not a child. If that disturbs you I suggest you climb off the 'horsebox' and take a long hard look in the mirror. Judge not yet ye be judged' God help you!​
It's not like plenty of Australian bigfooty posters have been having a go at West Coast for the alleged drug culture now is it? If I could be bothered I'm sure I could find plenty of stuff, far more inflammatory in nature than what I said, that has been posted over the last couple of weeks. The fact remains that I said nothing negative about Australia and the Australian people and yet you still resorted to having a go at the entire country of Ireland for its alcoholism and suicide stats. :confused: That seems to be the gut reaction around here. I'm surprised you didn't tell me to "go eat some potatoes", which seems to represent the height of comedy. Then again, we do have the highest rate of potato consumption in the world. Probably. As for my use of the word "junkie", it is the commonly used term for someone addicted to drugs in english-speaking countries. Don't pretend to be offended by it's use. As for your "junkie" friends, I had a friend who committed suicide as a result of severe depression and I didn't drag that into the mix to add weight to my argument. I suspect you wouldn't have been so hesitant to bring it up.
Tadgh Kennelly summed it up beautifully last night on Before the Game in accusing both administrations of taking it too seriously. It's an exhibition game.

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Stuff the Irish!

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