Event SFAEW Season 37: Roadmap to SweetaMania released!

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They lock up.
tony punches PhenomenalV1.
Numerous fans are using tony as target practice.
PhenomenalV1 punches tony.
tony kicks PhenomenalV1.
tony catches PhenomenalV1 in a sleeperhold.
PhenomenalV1 gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 17 seconds.
tony hits PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 chops tony.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 punches tony.
PhenomenalV1 executes a single arm DDT against tony.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but tony counters it with an elbowsmash.
tony executes a double underhook suplex against PhenomenalV1.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
tony works the crowd.
tony performs a flying bodypress against PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
tony goes for a slap, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
tony re-reverses it.
tony chops PhenomenalV1.
tony further incites the crowd.
PhenomenalV1 chops tony.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 kicks tony.
tony kicks PhenomenalV1.
tony is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
tony hits a sleeper suplex on PhenomenalV1.
tony covers PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
tony uses a forearm to the back on PhenomenalV1.
tony is going for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
tony executes a slap against PhenomenalV1.
tony attempts a snap mare, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 uses a side slam on tony.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
tony hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
tony works the crowd.
tony is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
tony attempts a release German suplex, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a backward kick.
The chants for PhenomenalV1 are deafening.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a spinning headlock elbowdrop, but tony blocks it.
tony attempts a hiptoss, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a lariat.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
In turn, tony counters it with a duck-down move.
tony attempts a forearm smash, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a side slam, but tony counters it with an elbowsmash.
tony whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging DDT on tony.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
tony hits PhenomenalV1 with a shoulderblock.
tony whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits tony with an elbow.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a hiptoss, but tony blocks it.
tony attempts a snap mare, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a moonsault off the apron, but tony moves out of the way.
tony goes for the Mob Hit, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a slidedown.
PhenomenalV1 uses a single arm DDT on tony.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the ropes.
tony hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
tony is going for the cover.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
tony attempts a bodyslam, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but tony counters it with a side suplex.
tony performs a forearm smash against PhenomenalV1.
tony executes a European uppercut against PhenomenalV1.
tony executes a kneedrop against PhenomenalV1.
tony performs a forearm to the back against PhenomenalV1.
tony hits a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony uses a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony performs a chop against PhenomenalV1.
tony goes for a short lariat, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a hiptoss.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits tony with a shoulderblock.
PhenomenalV1 executes a swinging neckbreaker against tony.
PhenomenalV1 performs a spinning headlock elbowdrop against tony.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 uses a hiptoss on tony.
PhenomenalV1 performs a moonsault against tony.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 complains about a slow count.
PhenomenalV1 uses a DDT on tony.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs a bodyslam against tony.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a kick to the midsection, but tony blocks it.
tony runs into the ropes.
tony misses with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 misses with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 hits a hiptoss on tony.
PhenomenalV1 tries a side slam, but tony counters it with an elbowsmash.
tony uses a snap mare on PhenomenalV1.
tony executes a chop against PhenomenalV1.
tony uses a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony uses a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony runs into the ropes.
tony tries a short lariat, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 executes an elbowsmash against tony.
PhenomenalV1 performs the Splash Mountain against tony.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 executes a Russian legsweep against tony.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the ropes.
tony hits PhenomenalV1 with a kick.
tony uses a release German suplex on PhenomenalV1.
tony runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits tony with a backdrop.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a lariat, but tony counters it with a Fujiwara armbar.
PhenomenalV1 is struggling to reach the ropes.
tony lets go after 15 seconds.
tony runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 and tony get hit with a double clothesline.
PhenomenalV1 uses a reverse neckbreaker on tony.
PhenomenalV1 sets up tony on the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 launches tony across the ring with a superplex.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 hits a swinging neckbreaker on tony.
PhenomenalV1 uses a headbutt on tony.
PhenomenalV1 tries a single arm DDT, but tony throws him off.
tony hits a vertical suplex on PhenomenalV1.
tony is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
tony nails PhenomenalV1 with a power bomb.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
tony executes the Mob Hit on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
tony performs a slap against PhenomenalV1.
tony goes for a half Boston, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowsmash against tony.
PhenomenalV1 kicks tony.
The crowd is going crazy.
PhenomenalV1 hits tony.
tony kicks PhenomenalV1.
tony chops PhenomenalV1.
A fan at ringside badmouths tony.
PhenomenalV1 punches tony.
PhenomenalV1 punches tony.
PhenomenalV1 performs a swinging neckbreaker against tony.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs an elbowdrop against tony.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the ropes, but tony reverses it.
tony hits PhenomenalV1 with a backdrop.
tony attempts a sleeper suplex, but PhenomenalV1 blocks it.
PhenomenalV1 hits a headlock takedown on tony.
PhenomenalV1 takes tony down with a side slam.
PhenomenalV1 takes tony down with a single arm DDT.
PhenomenalV1 does the "DELETE" arm swipe.
The crowd is behind PhenomenalV1 all the way.
PhenomenalV1 performs the Splash Mountain against tony.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 hits Manangatang with a DDT.
Manangatang is out cold.
Manangatang is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
PhenomenalV1 goes for a moonsault, but tony gets his knees up.
tony executes a chop against PhenomenalV1.
tony hits a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony uses a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony performs a power bomb against PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
tony runs into the ropes.
tony uses a running front dropkick on PhenomenalV1.
tony covers PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, kickout.
tony whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes, but PhenomenalV1 reverses it.
tony misses with an elbow.
tony executes a running front dropkick against PhenomenalV1.
tony catches PhenomenalV1 in a half Boston.
PhenomenalV1 is struggling to reach the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 grabs the ropes after being locked up for 9 seconds.
tony performs an enzuilariato against PhenomenalV1.
tony is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
tony gets a half Boston on PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
tony hits a neck-scissors on PhenomenalV1.
tony sends PhenomenalV1 into the turnbuckle.
tony uses a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony hits a chop on PhenomenalV1.
tony performs a chop against PhenomenalV1.
tony hits a kick to the midsection on PhenomenalV1.
tony attempts a running front dropkick, but PhenomenalV1 steps out of the way.
PhenomenalV1 gets a figure-four leglock on tony.
tony gets ahold of the ropes after 10 seconds.
PhenomenalV1 hits a headbutt on tony.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony out of the ring.
PhenomenalV1 rolls out under the bottom rope.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the guardrail.
PhenomenalV1 performs a diving elbowdrop against tony.
Manangatang counts: 1.
PhenomenalV1 shoves tony into the guardrail.
Manangatang counts: 2.
PhenomenalV1 is handed the ring bell.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the ring bell.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 executes a kick to the midsection against tony.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the guardrail.
PhenomenalV1 performs a lariat against tony.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony into the guardrail.
Manangatang counts: 3.
PhenomenalV1 hits a vertical suplex on tony.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony back into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 brings the the ring bell into the ring.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on tony.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 complains about a slow count.
PhenomenalV1 uses a kick to the midsection on tony.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on tony.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 performs a kick to the midsection against tony.
PhenomenalV1 gives the sign for the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on tony.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
PhenomenalV1 complains about a slow count.
PhenomenalV1 uses a vertical suplex on tony.
PhenomenalV1 punches tony.
tony kicks PhenomenalV1.
tony punches PhenomenalV1.
tony punches PhenomenalV1.
tony further incites the crowd.
tony executes the Mob Hit on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, shoulder up.
tony nails PhenomenalV1 with an enzuilariato.
tony whips PhenomenalV1 into the ropes.
tony misses with a kick.
tony misses with a kick.
PhenomenalV1 performs a swinging neckbreaker against tony.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 executes a headbutt against tony.
PhenomenalV1 hits an enzuigiri on tony.
PhenomenalV1 whips tony into the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 runs shoulder-first into the corner, but tony moves out of the way.
tony goes for a vertical suplex, but PhenomenalV1 counters it with a small package.
Manangatang counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
PhenomenalV1 executes a kick to the midsection against tony.
PhenomenalV1 executes the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lowdown on tony.
PhenomenalV1 goes for the pin.
Manangatang counts: One, two, kickout.
PhenomenalV1 complains about a slow count.
PhenomenalV1 hits him with the ring bell.
PhenomenalV1 executes a facebite against tony.
PhenomenalV1 chops tony.
The crowd erupts.
PhenomenalV1 kicks tony.
PhenomenalV1 executes a reverse neckbreaker against tony.
PhenomenalV1 chokes him with the ring bell.
PhenomenalV1 throws tony into the turnbuckle.
PhenomenalV1 runs shoulder-first into the corner.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 hits a lariat on tony.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for PhenomenalV1.
PhenomenalV1 rams him into the ring bell.
PhenomenalV1 runs into the ropes.
PhenomenalV1 executes a lariat against tony.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
PhenomenalV1 attempts a swinging neckbreaker, but tony counters it with a side suplex.
In turn, PhenomenalV1 counters it with a spinning headscissors.
PhenomenalV1 tries a facebite, but tony counters it with a kneelift.
tony executes the Mob Hit on PhenomenalV1.
Manangatang counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.

The winner is tony. Time of match: 0:19:07
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

Jesus tony, how many ring bell shots do you want to no-sell?

In any case, tony's got his winning ways back together after his intentional DQ on Sunday! He's still got a good chance at making the final...

See you tomorrow for the weekend's match announcements!

Super Sixes Standings

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P: The Kind Man sends his regards.

I know who it is serial_thrilla.

Season 5 Sabotage GIF by ABC Network

Yes, that's right. TV's Richard Kind.
World Heavyweight Championship​
World Tag Team Championships​
Intercity Championship​
Hardcore Championship​
Trios Championships​

Dates and stats correct as of 16/5/24.


ClarkeMoney in the Bank​
Championship board updated.

Senor M Elton Johns Wig TheInjuryFactory Loonerty Mrs Turbo Dingster MWPP Test Tickle
The winner is Braklet. Time of match: 0:15:31
Sim Rating: ****

Brahj and Pantskyle hit serial_thrilla with a double chokeslam.

Pantskyle throws the microphone onto serial_thrilla.

and the student becomes the master...

This Sunday!

Things heat up even more! It's SFAEW Round 18!

Let's see what's in store:

r18 bono vs chippy.png

In a match that's been brewing on and off since the Elimination Chamber, U2tigers and Chipmunk fight it out in a Street Fight!

r18 oobs vs royals.png

Hardcore Champ Mrs Turbo teams with OOBS ally King Tenz as they take on two prospective challengers in Cadsky and Brenton Davy in a Texas Tornado Tag Match!

r18 thrilla vs loonerty.png

r18 turbo vs brak.png

In our Super Sixes matches of the weekend, serial_thrilla and Loonerty clash for the first time since their World Title bout over 2 years ago!

Also, it's captain vs leadership group member as Tigerturbulance and Braklet square off 1-on-1 for the first time!

r18 furie gang promo.png

The Bang Bang Furie Gang (and their associate Shaun Freakin' Duggan) have some choice words for World Champion Senor M and his manager Millky95!

What will Frothies Mcveigh, Pickitt, James Colorado and NaturalDisaster say? We'll find out Sunday night!

And in your main event of the week:

r18 main event.png

okeydoke7's been having a good old whinge about being stuck on Midweek Mayhem ever since he lost the IC title.

Well, since I consider myself to be a benevolent Chairman (a kindred spirit, eh The Filth Wizard?), I'm more than happy to give Okey a performance review.

The catch is that he'll be taking on a returning Bonz in the main event.

Have fun while it lasts, Okey!

See you on Sunday.​

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They lock up.
Chipmunk whips U2Tigers into the ropes.
U2Tigers executes a spinning headscissors against Chipmunk.
U2Tigers is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers uses a Frankensteiner on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a half nelson bulldog.
The crowd is behind U2Tigers all the way.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers performs a vertical suplex against Chipmunk.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a backbreaker.
U2Tigers locks Chipmunk in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
Blacky checks Chipmunk's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
Chipmunk fights his way out of the hold after 18 seconds.
Chipmunk performs a fireman's carry against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk performs an inverted atomic drop against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk hits an inverted atomic drop on U2Tigers.
Chipmunk attempts a sleeperhold, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the top rope.
Chipmunk goes outside.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the guardrail.
Chipmunk uses a hiptoss on U2Tigers.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
U2Tigers executes a kneelift against Chipmunk.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk over the guardrail.
U2Tigers performs a front-layout suplex against Chipmunk.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk back into the ring.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers out of the ring.
Chipmunk goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
U2Tigers clears the announcers' table.
U2Tigers sets up Chipmunk on the announcers' table.
U2Tigers tries to drive Chipmunk through the table with a back suplex, but he blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the guardrail.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk goes for a forearm smash, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers is handed a fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers takes a swing at Chipmunk with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way.
Chipmunk snatches the fire extinguisher from him.
Chipmunk hits him with the fire extinguisher.
Chipmunk takes U2Tigers down with a faceslam.
Chipmunk nails U2Tigers with a flying clothesline.
The crowd is behind Chipmunk all the way.
Chipmunk flings U2Tigers over a row of chairs.
The crowd is giving Chipmunk a standing ovation.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Chipmunk uses a hiptoss on U2Tigers.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
U2Tigers executes a forearm to the back against Chipmunk.
U2Tigers hits him with the fire extinguisher.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers hits him with a fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers performs an electric chair facebuster against Chipmunk.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers flings Chipmunk over a row of chairs.
They're brawling down the aisle.
U2Tigers hits him with a fire extinguisher.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
U2Tigers attempts a Northern Lights suplex, but Chipmunk blocks it.
Chipmunk nails U2Tigers with a Gorilla Press.
Chipmunk is handed a keyboard.
Chipmunk takes a swing at U2Tigers with the keyboard, but he gets out of the way.
U2Tigers snatches the keyboard from him.
U2Tigers hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
U2Tigers performs a jumping neck snap against Chipmunk.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
U2Tigers hits a German suplex on Chipmunk.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
U2Tigers tries an enzuigiri, but Chipmunk steps out of the way.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Chipmunk hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk knocks U2Tigers into the stairway.
Chipmunk performs a Gorilla Press against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk runs U2Tigers into the stairway.
Chipmunk is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers down to the first floor.
Chipmunk descends the stairs.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Chipmunk uses a punch on U2Tigers.
Chipmunk is handed a baseball bat.
Chipmunk hits him with the baseball bat.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the arena wall.
Chipmunk hits him with a baseball bat.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the stairway.
Chipmunk chokes him with a baseball bat.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Chipmunk uses an armdrag takedown on U2Tigers.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk is handed the ring bell.
Chipmunk hits him with the ring bell.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chipmunk hits him with the ring bell.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk tries a forearm smash, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers hits a bulldog on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers is handed brass knuckles.
U2Tigers takes a swing at Chipmunk with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
Chipmunk snatches the knuckles from him.
Chipmunk hits him with the knuckles.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Chipmunk goes for a faceslam, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers is handed Admin's Desk.
U2Tigers hits him with the Desk.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers goes for a flapjack, but Chipmunk counters it with a Thesz press.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Chipmunk performs a vertical suplex against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk executes a snap mare against U2Tigers.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Chipmunk knocks U2Tigers into the stairway.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Chipmunk executes a vertical suplex against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk is handed a keyboard.
Chipmunk hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk executes a hiptoss against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk takes a swing at U2Tigers with the keyboard, but he gets out of the way.
U2Tigers snatches the keyboard from him.
U2Tigers hits him with the keyboard.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk goes for a Gorilla Press, but U2Tigers counters it with an elbowsmash.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Chipmunk tries a fireman's carry, but U2Tigers blocks it.
U2Tigers runs Chipmunk into the stairway.
U2Tigers hits a dropkick on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers is handed a fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers takes a swing at Chipmunk with the fire extinguisher, but he gets out of the way.
Chipmunk snatches the fire extinguisher from him.
Chipmunk hits him with the fire extinguisher.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chipmunk.
They're brawling on the first floor.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a Northern Lights suplex.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
U2Tigers shoves down Blacky.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
They're brawling on the first floor.
They're brawling down the stairway.
U2Tigers uses a flapjack on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers runs Chipmunk into the arena wall.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
U2Tigers is handed a keyboard.
U2Tigers hits him with the keyboard.
U2Tigers hits him with a keyboard.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
U2Tigers performs a vertical suplex against Chipmunk.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
They're brawling on the second floor.
U2Tigers flings Chipmunk over a row of chairs.
U2Tigers is handed a fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers hits him with the fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers hits him with a fire extinguisher.
U2Tigers goes for a vertical suplex, but Chipmunk reverses it.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling down the stairway.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a Russian legsweep.
U2Tigers is handed the Beez Trophy.
U2Tigers hits him with the Trophy.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers knocks Chipmunk into the stairway.
U2Tigers goes for a dropkick, but Chipmunk steps out of the way.
Chipmunk is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
U2Tigers hits a German suplex on Chipmunk.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling up the aisle.
U2Tigers hits him with the Beez Trophy.
They're brawling up the aisle.
U2Tigers executes an enzuigiri against Chipmunk.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
They're brawling up the aisle.
U2Tigers chokes him with the Beez Trophy.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk over the guardrail.
U2Tigers tries a bodyslam, but Chipmunk blocks it.
Chipmunk performs an inverted atomic drop against U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, shoulder up.
Chipmunk uses a powerslam on U2Tigers.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Chipmunk flings U2Tigers over a row of chairs.
Chipmunk hits a backdrop on U2Tigers.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Chipmunk hits a vertical suplex on U2Tigers.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the guardrail.
Chipmunk executes a Gorilla Press against U2Tigers.
They're brawling down the aisle.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
Chipmunk hits a flying clothesline on U2Tigers.
The crowd is giving Chipmunk a standing ovation.
Chipmunk performs a snap mare against U2Tigers.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
Chipmunk uses a backdrop on U2Tigers.
Chipmunk executes a snap mare against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk is handed the Beez Trophy.
Chipmunk hits him with the Trophy.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
U2Tigers is handed brass knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with brass knuckles.
They're brawling up the aisle.
U2Tigers works the crowd.
U2Tigers hits him with brass knuckles.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk is handed the Admin's Desk.
Chipmunk hits him with the Desk.
Chipmunk whips him into the Admin's Desk.
Chipmunk hits him with the Desk.
Chipmunk hits him with the Desk.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chipmunk.
Chipmunk shoves U2Tigers into the guardrail.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Chipmunk performs a forearm smash against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk runs U2Tigers into the ringpost.
Chipmunk hits him with the Desk.
Chipmunk gets a sleeperhold on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers is valiantly trying to break the hold.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
Chipmunk lets go after 17 seconds.
Chipmunk rams him into the Admin's Desk.
Chipmunk hits him with the Desk.
Chipmunk throws him through the Admin's Desk.
Chipmunk executes a dropkick against U2Tigers.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the guardrail.
Chipmunk hits a clothesline on U2Tigers.
Chipmunk is handed brass knuckles.
Chipmunk takes a swing at U2Tigers with the knuckles, but he gets out of the way.
U2Tigers snatches the knuckles from him.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
The crowd is giving U2Tigers a standing ovation.
U2Tigers covers Chipmunk.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk executes a bodyslam against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk performs a headbutt against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk is going for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, kickout.
Chipmunk puts U2Tigers in a Boston crab.
U2Tigers is struggling to get out of the hold.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers summons one last burst of energy.
Blacky asks U2Tigers if he's had enough.
U2Tigers shakes his head.
U2Tigers is barely hanging in there.
Blacky tells U2Tigers to respond or he'll stop the fight.
U2Tigers nods.
Blacky asks U2Tigers if he's had enough.
U2Tigers shakes his head.
Blacky asks U2Tigers if he's had enough.
U2Tigers shakes his head.
U2Tigers summons one last burst of energy.
Blacky asks U2Tigers if he should stop the fight.
U2Tigers shakes his head.
Chipmunk lets go after 52 seconds.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the guardrail.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk performs an inverted atomic drop against U2Tigers.
Chipmunk puts U2Tigers in a sleeperhold.
U2Tigers is struggling to get out of the hold.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
Chipmunk lets go after 13 seconds.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk is handed a road sign.
Chipmunk hits him with the road sign.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers into the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk hits him with the road sign.
The crowd erupts.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Chipmunk throws U2Tigers over the guardrail.
Chipmunk gets a sleeperhold on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers is close to escaping the hold.
U2Tigers tries to escape the hold.
U2Tigers tries to fight the pain.
U2Tigers summons one last burst of energy.
Blacky checks U2Tigers's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
U2Tigers fights his way out of the hold after 35 seconds.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a sleeper slam.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk into the ringpost.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for U2Tigers.
U2Tigers is handed a Chain.
U2Tigers hits him with the Chain.
U2Tigers covers Chipmunk.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
U2Tigers uses a flapjack on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
U2Tigers throws Chipmunk over the guardrail.
U2Tigers uses a back suplex on Chipmunk.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
U2Tigers is handed brass knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with brass knuckles.
U2Tigers nails Chipmunk with a jumping DDT.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
U2Tigers shoves Chipmunk into the guardrail.
They're brawling up the aisle.
U2Tigers hits him with the knuckles.
U2Tigers hits him with brass knuckles.
U2Tigers hits a Frankensteiner on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers climbs back into the ring.
Chipmunk follows him back in.
U2Tigers runs into the ropes.
U2Tigers executes the The Edge on Chipmunk.
U2Tigers goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
U2Tigers performs a flapjack against Chipmunk.
U2Tigers whips Chipmunk into the ropes.
Chipmunk misses with a clothesline.
Chipmunk misses with an elbow.
Chipmunk hits U2Tigers with a shoulderblock.
Chipmunk executes the Chipmunk Choke on U2Tigers.
U2Tigers is valiantly trying to break the hold.
U2Tigers is writhing in pain.
U2Tigers submits after 12 seconds.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Chipmunk.

The winner is Chipmunk. Time of match: 0:31:56
Sim Rating: **** 1/4

Chipmunk walks back up the ramp, celebrating all the way.

U2Tigers picks himself up off the mat.

U2Tigers rolls out of the ring.

U2Tigers starts walking back up the ramp.

serial_thrilla starts walking down to the ring for his match.

serial_thrilla and U2Tigers stare at each other as they walk down opposites ends of the ramp.

U2Tigers heads backstage...
They lock up.

Gralin comes to ringside.
Loonerty executes a Discus lariat against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty sets up serial_thrilla on the turnbuckle.
Loonerty launches serial_thrilla across the ring with a superplex.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty sets up serial_thrilla on the turnbuckle.
Loonerty nails serial_thrilla with a superplex.
Loonerty executes a headbutt against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty hits a Northern Lights suplex on serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, shoulder up.
Loonerty performs a facerake against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty covers serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty hits a snap suplex on serial_thrilla.
Loonerty sends serial_thrilla into the turnbuckle, but serial_thrilla reverses it.
serial_thrilla charges into the corner.
serial_thrilla kicks Loonerty.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
serial_thrilla executes a powerslam against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
serial_thrilla executes a double leg slam against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla uses a double leg slam on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Loonerty hits serial_thrilla with a shoulderblock.
Loonerty throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope.
serial_thrilla pulls himself back in.
serial_thrilla executes a side slam against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Loonerty on the turnbuckle, but Loonerty blocks it.
serial_thrilla executes a flying dropkick against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Gralin hits serial_thrilla in the back with a chair.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla is valiantly trying to break the hold.
serial_thrilla breaks the hold after 19 seconds.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Loonerty attempts a flying clothesline, but serial_thrilla steps out of the way.
serial_thrilla tries a springboard cutter, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty tries a chokehold, but serial_thrilla counters it with a kick to the midsection.
serial_thrilla nails Loonerty with a springboard dropkick.
serial_thrilla nails Loonerty with a Flatliner.
serial_thrilla performs an inverted atomic drop against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
serial_thrilla hits a drop-down uppercut on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla whips Loonerty into the ropes, but Loonerty reverses it.
serial_thrilla nails Loonerty with a flying forearm.
The crowd is behind serial_thrilla all the way.
serial_thrilla uses a DDT on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla is going for the cover.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla uses a double leg slam on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
serial_thrilla whips Loonerty into the ropes.
serial_thrilla uses an inverted atomic drop on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla performs a moonsault bodyblock against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, kickout.
serial_thrilla attempts to place Loonerty on the turnbuckle, but Loonerty blocks it.
serial_thrilla executes a moonsault bodyblock against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla uses a DDT on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla performs an open-handed chop against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla hits a Flatliner on Loonerty.
The chants for serial_thrilla are deafening.
serial_thrilla executes a moonsault bodyblock against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla attempts a drop-down uppercut, but Loonerty ducks out of the way.
Loonerty uses a tiger suplex on serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty takes serial_thrilla down with a bodyslam.
Loonerty hits a hiptoss on serial_thrilla.
Loonerty catches serial_thrilla in an inverted scorpion deathlock.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Loonerty executes a tiger suplex against serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Loonerty attempts an inverted scorpion deathlock, but serial_thrilla
counters it with a small package.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla tries a superkick, but Loonerty counters it with a legsweep.
Loonerty is going for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on serial_thrilla.
Chief asks serial_thrilla if he's had enough.
serial_thrilla shakes his head.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla summons one last burst of energy.
Chief checks serial_thrilla's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up!
serial_thrilla fights his way out of the hold after 41 seconds.
serial_thrilla hits the Vertebreaker on Loonerty.
The crowd is behind serial_thrilla all the way.
serial_thrilla performs an armdrag takedown against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla executes an open-handed chop against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla hits a Flatliner on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla takes Loonerty down with a draping DDT.
serial_thrilla whips Loonerty into the ropes.
Loonerty and serial_thrilla get hit with a double clothesline.
Loonerty attempts a flying bulldog, but serial_thrilla steps out of the way.
serial_thrilla attempts a reverse figure-four leglock, but Loonerty blocks it.
Loonerty goes for a bodyslam, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla performs a moonsault bodyblock against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
Loonerty punches serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla punches Loonerty.
Loonerty hits serial_thrilla.
Loonerty places serial_thrilla on the turnbuckle.
Loonerty uses a superplex on serial_thrilla.
Loonerty nails serial_thrilla with a flying bulldog.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty catches serial_thrilla in an arm grapevine.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla gets ahold of the ropes after 11 seconds.
Loonerty performs a vertical suplex against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty executes a Northern Lights suplex against serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty performs an inverted atomic drop against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty kicks serial_thrilla.
Loonerty punches serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla kicks Loonerty.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
Loonerty punches serial_thrilla.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla kicks Loonerty.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for serial_thrilla.
Loonerty hits serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla punches Loonerty.
The crowd is giving serial_thrilla a standing ovation.
Loonerty chops serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla punches Loonerty.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, shoulder up.
serial_thrilla tries a double leg slam, but Loonerty counters it with a sunset flip.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Loonerty performs a dropkick against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty locks serial_thrilla in a sleeperhold.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Loonerty lets go after 25 seconds.
Loonerty uses a bulldog on serial_thrilla.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty executes the Sharp-Looner on serial_thrilla.
serial_thrilla is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla is inching his way towards the ropes.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla is writhing in pain.
Chief asks serial_thrilla if he should stop the fight.
serial_thrilla shakes his head.
serial_thrilla tries to escape the hold.
serial_thrilla summons one last burst of energy.
Chief asks serial_thrilla if he should stop the fight.
serial_thrilla shakes his head.
serial_thrilla is close to passing out from the pain.
Chief checks serial_thrilla's arm.
He lifts it... it stays up!
serial_thrilla fights his way out of the hold after 47 seconds.
serial_thrilla performs a draping DDT against Loonerty.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla goes for a side slam, but Loonerty counters it with an armdrag takedown.
Loonerty performs a Northern Lights suplex against serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Loonerty attempts an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle, but serial_thrilla rolls out of the way.
Gralin throws Loonerty brass knuckles.
Loonerty hits serial_thrilla with it and goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
Loonerty locks serial_thrilla in a sleeperhold.
serial_thrilla grabs the ropes after 9 seconds.
Loonerty throws serial_thrilla out of the ring.
serial_thrilla hangs on to the top rope for dear life.
Loonerty notices serial_thrilla hanging on and knees serial_thrilla in the back.
Loonerty rolls out under the bottom rope.
Chief counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Loonerty executes a Russian legsweep against serial_thrilla.
Chief counts: 2.
Loonerty uses a snap suplex on serial_thrilla.
Loonerty knocks serial_thrilla into the ringpost.
The crowd erupts.
Loonerty whips serial_thrilla into the guardrail.
Loonerty tries a German suplex, but serial_thrilla counters it with an elbowsmash.
serial_thrilla sets up a table.
serial_thrilla shoves Loonerty into the guardrail.
serial_thrilla climbs back into the ring.
Loonerty climbs back into the ring.
serial_thrilla executes an open-handed chop against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla uses a kneelift on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla performs a hiptoss against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on Loonerty.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, kickout.
serial_thrilla hits a double leg slam on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla gets a reverse figure-four leglock on Loonerty.
Loonerty is struggling to reach the ropes.
serial_thrilla lets go after 11 seconds.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
Loonerty tries a bodyslam, but serial_thrilla blocks it.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty.
serial_thrilla chops Loonerty.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits a flying forearm on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla executes a front-layout suplex against Loonerty.
serial_thrilla attempts a Muscle Buster, but Loonerty counters it with a sunset flip.
Chief counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Loonerty performs an inverted atomic drop against serial_thrilla.
Loonerty runs into the ropes.
serial_thrilla hits Loonerty with a backdrop.
serial_thrilla works the crowd.
The crowd erupts.
serial_thrilla uses a draping DDT on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla hits a springboard roundhouse kick on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla uses a dropkick on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla places Loonerty on the turnbuckle.
serial_thrilla performs a top-rope Frankensteiner against Loonerty.
Chief counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
serial_thrilla knocks down Chief.
Chief is out cold.
Gralin goes to hit serial_thrilla with a steel chair, but
Chief is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
serial_thrilla executes the Take My Money on Loonerty.
serial_thrilla goes for the pin.
Chief counts: One, two, three.

The winner is serial_thrilla. Time of match: 0:16:58
Sim Rating: *****

pantskyle and brahj come to ringside.

Pantskyle and Brahj nail Gralin with a double chokeslam.

Pantskyle is handed a mic.

P: Gralin...the Kind Man has told me that you've been excommunicated. We don't play around with failures anymore.

Pantskyle gestures at serial_thrilla, before he and Brahj walk back up the ramp.

A huge upset win for serial_thrilla! Not only has he kept himself in with a shot at making the V1-Climax final, he's also put a massive dent in Loons's plans to become a double champion! Perhaps a rematch for the IC title is in order once Super Sixes are done?

Super Sixes Standings


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