- Aug 25, 2011
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- Coney Island Warriors, SFFC, Hajduk
Inj.Senor M hits a spinebuster bomb on The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Senor M launches The Injury Factory across the ring with a release German suplex.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M works the crowd.
Senor M attempts a double underhook piledriver, but The Injury Factory counters it with a backdrop.
The Injury Factory goes for a flying forearm, but Senor M steps out of the way.
Senor M tries a knee strike, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory whips Senor M into the ropes.
The Injury Factory takes Senor M down with an Exploder suplex.
The crowd is giving The Injury Factory a standing ovation.
The Injury Factory throws Senor M out of the ring.
The Injury Factory goes for a baseball slide, but Senor M moves out of the way.
Senor M throws The Injury Factory into the ringsteps.
The crowd is giving Senor M a standing ovation.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Blacky counts: 1.
Senor M performs a reverse neckbreaker against The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: 2.
Senor M executes a forearm to the back against The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: 3.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Senor M whips The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Senor M nails The Injury Factory with a brain buster onto the knee.
Blacky counts: 4.
Senor M throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Senor M goes for a superkick, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
Blacky counts: 5.
Blacky counts: 6.
The Injury Factory uses a Northern Lights bomb on Senor M.
The Injury Factory reenters the ring.
Senor M follows him back in.
The Injury Factory nails Senor M with an over-the-top stunner.
The Injury Factory whips Senor M into the ropes.
The Injury Factory hits Senor M with an elbow.
The Injury Factory tries the Koji clutch, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M hits a short-arm high knee on The Injury Factory.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M uses a flying cross body press on The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Senor M goes for a vertical suplex, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory tries an inverted facelock backbreaker, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M tries a DDT, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
The Injury Factory attempts to place Senor M on the turnbuckle, but Senor M blocks it.
The Injury Factory performs an Exploder suplex against Senor M.
The Injury Factory runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory goes for a swinging DDT, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M uses a Frankensteiner on The Injury Factory.
Senor M attempts a release German suplex, but The Injury Factory counters it with a backward kick.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on Senor M.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
The Injury Factory runs into the ropes.
Senor M hits The Injury Factory with an elbow.
Senor M executes the One-Mister's Angel on The Injury Factory.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Senor M performs a chop against The Injury Factory.
Senor M nails The Injury Factory with a swinging DDT.
Senor M is going for the cover.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Senor M performs a bodyslam against The Injury Factory.
Senor M performs a reverse neckbreaker against The Injury Factory.
Senor M executes a bodyslam against The Injury Factory.
Senor M executes a bodyslam against The Injury Factory.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
Senor M attempts a jumping knee strike, but The Injury Factory ducks out of the way.
The Injury Factory uses a reverse neckbreaker on Senor M.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Injury Factory.
The Injury Factory nails Senor M with a somersault splash.
The Injury Factory hits a Northern Lights bomb on Senor M.
The Injury Factory attempts a reverse neckbreaker, but Senor M blocks it.
Senor M throws The Injury Factory out of the ring.
Senor M rolls out under the bottom rope.
Senor M attempts a pumphandle backbreaker, but The Injury Factory blocks it.
Blacky counts: 1.
The Injury Factory gets back into the ring.
Senor M rolls back in under the bottom rope.
The Injury Factory uses a release dragon suplex on Senor M.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory hits Senor M.
The Injury Factory kicks Senor M.
The Injury Factory punches Senor M.
Senor M kicks The Injury Factory.
Senor M performs a lariat against The Injury Factory.
Senor M works the crowd.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Senor M.
Senor M performs a somersault slam against The Injury Factory.
Senor M hits a moonsault from the second turnbuckle on The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: One, shoulder up.
Senor M hits a German suplex on The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Senor M executes a flying cross body press against The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
Senor M hits The Injury Factory with a kick.
Senor M throws The Injury Factory out of the ring.
Senor M goes through the ropes.
Senor M performs a Frankensteiner against The Injury Factory.
Senor M shoves The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Blacky counts: 1.
Senor M hits a snap suplex on The Injury Factory.
Blacky counts: 2.
Senor M tries a reverse Frankensteiner, but The Injury Factory counters it with an electric chair drop.
Blacky counts: 3.
Blacky counts: 4.
Blacky counts: 5.
The Injury Factory executes an inverted atomic drop against Senor M.
Blacky counts: 6.
The Injury Factory goes for a bodyslam, but Senor M counters it with an elbowsmash.
Blacky counts: 7.
Blacky counts: 8.
Senor M throws The Injury Factory into the guardrail.
Senor M climbs back into the ring.
The Injury Factory climbs back into the ring.
Senor M gives the sign for the One-Mister's Angel.
Senor M executes the One-Mister's Angel on The Injury Factory.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Senor M goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, kickout.
Senor M executes a kick to the head against The Injury Factory.
Senor M whips The Injury Factory into the ropes, but The Injury Factory reverses it.
Senor M hits The Injury Factory with a kick.
Senor M performs a bodyslam against The Injury Factory.
Senor M whips The Injury Factory into the ropes.
Senor M hits The Injury Factory with a kick.
Senor M executes a forearm to the back against The Injury Factory.
Senor M uses a reverse Frankensteiner on The Injury Factory.
Senor M runs into the ropes.
The Injury Factory performs a slap against Senor M.
The Injury Factory executes the Bosstino on Senor M.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Injury Factory goes for the pin.
Blacky counts: One, two, three.
The winner is TheInjuryFactory. Time of match: 0:21:47
Sim Rating: **** 1/2
The Injury Factory retrieves his SFAEW World Heavyweight Championship and starts walking up the ramp.
A voice comes in over the PA system.
Voice: Aw, come on Inj! You're just going to leave the good people Sweet wondering who your next challenger will be?
The lights go down.
Voice: I mean, what kind of champ lets down an audience by delaying the inevitable? YEAH!
The big screen lights up.
A video of okeydoke7 is playing on it.
OK7: And who better to challenge for the top prize than...
The Injury Factory stares at the big screen in bemusement.
OK7: Y'know, I'm a graceful challenger Inj. I'm giving you a two week grace period before I take your championship.
The crowd starts cheering for okeydoke7.
OK7: See you in Round Five, Inj! YEAH!
See you next week!
Mr One Thousand.
How do they keep coming up with this stuff!!