Opinion Scams.

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Oct 7, 2001
In the Pocket Rocket, lights ablaze!
AFL Club
You know, there’s a lot of them out there.
From the email, “click on this link because we owe you money”, bait, to this beauty;

I suppose there is one thing in common with both these scams. Greedy participants.
The Bitcoin scam only worked because those involved wanted to believe you can get money for nothing.
Imagine quitting your job because you think the money fairy is going to look after you!
You know, there’s a lot of them out there.
From the email, “click on this link because we owe you money”, bait, to this beauty;

I suppose there is one thing in common with both these scams. Greedy participants.
The Bitcoin scam only worked because those involved wanted to believe you can get money for nothing.
Imagine quitting your job because you think the money fairy is going to look after you!
I read that this morning and a word magically appeared before me, GULLIBLE
People will always be looking for a quick and easy buck so scams will always exist and be successful.

Know people personally who have lost fortunes getting sucked in and they even managed to suck in all their friends and family in the same scheme and they all lost everything...

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I occasionally get an email from a very nice Nigerian Prince who wants to give me lots of money

And sometimes I get photo's sent to me from a well endowed pretty Russian girl who wants to marry me because she believes I am a perfect lover
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I can't believe I am still getting calls from someone claiming to be from Telstra and NBN. Just got one a few minutes ago.

Told him, does this scam really work as I am not on Telstra and don't have NBN. He hung up.
Next time you get a call like that, ask them something like, "what are you wearing?". And then take it as far as you can before they hang up on you.
I can't believe I am still getting calls from someone claiming to be from Telstra and NBN. Just got one a few minutes ago.

Told him, does this scam really work as I am not on Telstra and don't have NBN. He hung up.

I get these calls at least once a fortnight,
Depending on my mood I either hang up or play along to there script.
What they really hate is when I say let's save some time,I will hit the windows + R key and we can have some fun.
Phone call ends fast after that :)
If you want a good laugh find the videos where the Indian scammers try to remote access the 'victim's' PC and as soon as they are connected they get the tables turned on them and the scammer's computer gets bricked or a trogan installed. It's hilarious once they realise they are the ones now getting played and their PC's wrecked haha..

Is this the thread discussing my Collingwood membership fees?
Those fees are like relationship fees.

You pay those willingly but you often don’t get what you think you will.

Then knowing this, you’re back doing it again anyway. Paying up.
Rinse repeat.
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Those fees are like relationship fees.

You pay those willingly but you often don’t get what you think you will.

Then knowing this, you’re back doing it again anyway. Paying up.
Rinse repeat.
So you feel it too huh :p
I get a Call from someone Claiming they are Solar People I tell them no Every Night but they still keep Ringing.

Don't you Simply Energy as they take your Accounts without Asking

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