It’s infuriating. The ‘unbothered’ smirking/laughing demeanour, and the general air of smugness.
What the af has he actually done to justify this?
I think we vastly underestimate how much smoke has been blown up this guy’s arse in-house, in the media, within the industry and by our arselicking happyclapping set.
Swans around like he owns the joint.
He's not under pressure. He knows he'll get at least this years salary. He resigned to the fact that this is his last year. He knew that 2023 was always going to be dicey. He was under pressure at the start of the season, but he realises the season is gone and he will be gone. The weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He'll be relaxed and philosophical for the rest of the year..... unless we go on some crazy streak, then we'll see the tense twitchy Ken back.