Ryan Nyhuis tackle on Robbie Gray

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Given the current rules, it is probably a 2-3 suspension. Nyhuis made the decision to try to throw Gray to the ground. In that situation he had a duty of care (a bullshit concept in football but that is how the rules have been interpreted) towards Gray. The outcome was high impact at least.

As for Gray's hand being free, as someone else has pointed out, his free hand was on the opposite side to that which he landed. It is possible that Gray grabbed Nyhuis with that hand to try to lessen the fall (it is at least as plausible as any other guess).

As for the media, I wish they would stop campaigning for MRO and Tribunal outcomes. If it is a favoured player, much of the effort is in trying to excuse their action, if it is anyone else (usually a player from a non-Victorian club) the campaign is for hanging. It happened to Jonas last year. It happened to Thomas earlier this year. It is happening here and it is just as shit. Each result may have been the same but the media clamour is not edifying at all.
I am always amused with these incidents at the amount of 'reckoning' that goes on and posts along the lines of 'I reckon he should get x weeks coz it was only reckless' or 'he should get 10 weeks coz it was a dog act' etc... seemingly without any knowledge of the table below.

Conduct can only be graded as Intentional or Careless. There is no reckless category.

If the table above is applied to the Nyhuis case, then it doesn't bode well for him. About the best he can hope for is - Careless, High, High which is 2 weeks. This raises an interesting question - where is the line between High Impact and Severe? Was it severe because Gray was out cold and stretchered off? Or is it high because he was up and walking around 15 minutes later? I don't know.
If the tackle is deemed intentional, I don't see how he can get away with anything less than a tribunal appearance and 3+ weeks (Intentional, High, High)
Since everyone else in the Big Footy universe has an opinion on this I might as well chuck my $0.02 in - Careless, High, High, 2 weeks.

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Just saw Hinkley's press conference. That guys is a nasty piece of work. Commenting on an incident in that manner lacks class. Nyhuis will be dealt with by the match review panel. Hinkley adding fuel to the fire like that contributes absolutely nothing and is prejudicial to the process. Very disappointing.

I've seen several coaches in the past weighing in with their point of view before the MRO has looked at it. To me that's inappropriate. They should wait for any outcome and then comment if they feel it necessary afterwards.
I've seen several coaches in the past weighing in with their point of view before the MRO has looked at it. To me that's inappropriate. They should wait for any outcome and then comment if they feel it necessary afterwards.

With commentators relentlessly analysing incidents like this during matches and a mini-industry of MRP analysis within the footy media, the bird has flown on that unfortunately. With such endless debate on these decisions within the media, it’s inevitable that coaches will increasingly give their (gasp!) biased views.

It’s amazing how things have changed over the years. On the ABC coverage of the 1980 match where Phil Carman headbutted the umpire, there was shock at the incident from the commentators for 15 seconds or so and it wasn’t mentioned again for the match. But sadly those days are long gone.
2 weeks he lifted him but he didn't spear him into the ground , bit unlucky with the outcome , looked like his jaw hit the turf and like boxing that usually leads to a blackout. Everyone gets all horrified when they see a player unconscious but it is actually better than the ones where the head hits the deck and the brain is bouncing around in the skull

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Oh but I thought everyone yesterday in the match day said it wouldn't go to to the tribunal...

Yeah. You were WRONG.

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Oh but I thought everyone yesterday in the match day said it wouldn't go to to the tribunal...

Yeah. You were WRONG.

You also foolishly claimed it was intentional and a dog act, so yeah, WRONG.

MRO is hopeless. Reacting to media who keep claiming his arms were pinned when they weren't
MRO is piss weak.

Sack him immediately.

Not really applicable here. It's a box ticking exercise.
From that we can conclude that he's decided the incident is either severe impact or High impact and intentional.

That means in all likelihood the medical report was bad and Nyhuis is ****ed tomorrow night.
I am always amused with these incidents at the amount of 'reckoning' that goes on and posts along the lines of 'I reckon he should get x weeks coz it was only reckless' or 'he should get 10 weeks coz it was a dog act' etc... seemingly without any knowledge of the table below.

View attachment 528334
Conduct can only be graded as Intentional or Careless. There is no reckless category.

If the table above is applied to the Nyhuis case, then it doesn't bode well for him. About the best he can hope for is - Careless, High, High which is 2 weeks. This raises an interesting question - where is the line between High Impact and Severe? Was it severe because Gray was out cold and stretchered off? Or is it high because he was up and walking around 15 minutes later? I don't know.
If the tackle is deemed intentional, I don't see how he can get away with anything less than a tribunal appearance and 3+ weeks (Intentional, High, High)
Since everyone else in the Big Footy universe has an opinion on this I might as well chuck my $0.02 in - Careless, High, High, 2 weeks.

Ignoring all the dumbasses in this thread who claim that Gray was staging or somehow its his fault, this felt like a Careless, high, type of ordeal. 1 - 2 matches seemed about right, anything above that way too knee jerky IMHO. It going to the tribunal I personally think is overkill.
I remember L. Thomas got the ol trial by media, including Ling calling it a 'dog act' (classy). Its shit. I bet you Nyhuis feels pretty shitty about it all and didn't intentionally concuss him. Shit tackle, whatever. Shouldn't have to be vilified as a result of it.
2 weeks he lifted him but he didn't spear him into the ground , bit unlucky with the outcome , looked like his jaw hit the turf and like boxing that usually leads to a blackout. Everyone gets all horrified when they see a player unconscious but it is actually better than the ones where the head hits the deck and the brain is bouncing around in the skull

On iPad using BigFooty.com mobile app

Getting knocked unconscious is the brain bouncing off the skull, which causes neurotransmitters to fire at the same time so the brain restarts = unconscious. If you are Ko'd, Thats because the brain took a tremendous amount of force. if you get a concussion but stay awake...The force didnt amount to the brain having to restart :)
I hope Gray learns to try to protect himself after this rather than going for the free
We can do without this pish. Surely you're better than victim blaming.
He was driven head first into the ground, was knocked out and took no further part in the game.
You also foolishly claimed it was intentional and a dog act, so yeah, WRONG.

MRO is hopeless. Reacting to media who keep claiming his arms were pinned when they weren't
Still salty? I said it'll be going to the Tribunal. It did. Deal with it
We can do without this pish. Surely you're better than victim blaming.
He was driven head first into the ground, was knocked out and took no further part in the game.
I’m still uncomfortable with tackles ending in suspensions to be honest. Especially in cases like this and the NN one where they just looked like unfortunate outcomes rather than intentional acts.
I’m still uncomfortable with tackles ending in suspensions to be honest. Especially in cases like this and the NN one where they just looked like unfortunate outcomes rather than intentional acts.
Than don't LIFT him

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Ryan Nyhuis tackle on Robbie Gray

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